北京版五年级上册UNIT SEVENWHAT WILL YOU DO IN CHENGDU -Lesson 23-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:600c1).zip

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Unit 7 What will you do in Chengdu? Lesson 23 京版英语五年级上册京版英语五年级上册 1 元旦元旦 2 十六十六 3 十七十七 4 十八十八 5 十九十九 nest the Birds Nest What the date today? Its December 13th. How am I going to the Birds Nest ? Maybe you are going by. y7y7 How am I going to Chengdu ? Maybe you are going by. Why is Lingling so excited? Lingling and her parents are going to Chengdu. How are Lingling and her parents going to Chengdu? Why? How are they going to Chengdu? Why? They are going _ . Its . by planefast They need about 3 hours. Its fast. They need about 28 hours. Its slow. Theyre going to Chengdu by train. Theyre going to Chengdu by plane. What will Lingling and her parents do in Chengdu? They will. What will Lingling and her parents do in Chengdu? see the pandas see Du-jiang-yan They will . visit grandparents What will you do in Chengdu? Well visit my grandparents. Well see the pandas. Dont forget to see Du-jiang-yan. No, we wont. Why do you look so excited,Lingling? Because my parents and I are going to Chengdu. Lucky you!Are you going there by train? No, we are going by plane. Its fast. Linglings holiday plan Why? Where? How? What? Excited Chengdu By plane Visit grandparents See the pandas See Du-jiang-yan the Summer Palace How is Baobao going to the Summer Palace? How is Baobao going to the Summer Palace? Are you going to the Summer Palace by? How is Baobao going to the Summer Palace? Are you going to the Summer Palace by? Lets love our earth. Lets enjoy the beautiful life! Lets enjoy our beautiful life Beautiful life 1.Where are you going on New Years Day? I am going to . 2.How are you going there? I am going there by. 3.What will you do there? I will. the Birds Nest subwaybustaxi car train bike plane go swimminggo skiing Shanghai take picturessee a movie movie Wanda Cinemathe libraryHainan read a book My holiday plan New Year is coming. THE END 1 786 2345 Im very Im very _ ._ . Im going Im going toto_._. I will I will _._. Im going there by_. I will be very happy. Why? Where?How? What? excited Hainan plane swim in the sea Word Bank Why?Where?How?What? happysad . Hainan Shanghai the park the zoo the library play games、 swim、 read books、 go to Disney My holiday plan New Year is coming. THE END 1 786 2345 Im very Im very _ ._ . Im going Im going toto_._. I will I will _._. Im going there by_. I will be very happy. Why? Where?How? What? excited Hainan plane swim in the sea Homework: Please write a passage about your holiday plan . Thank you very much Maybe he is going by car. Maybe he is going by bike. Maybe he is going by bus. Maybe he is going by subway. My holiday plan Where? How? What? This is Du-jiang-yan. Its in Sichuan. Chengdu is also in Sichuan. Maybe some people are going to. Im _. Im going there by _. I will_. New Year is coming. Im going to_. I will be very happy. How will I go there ? Maybe you will go there by. New Year is coming, I am excited. Im going to Chengdu with my parents by plane. I will visit my grandparents, see the pandas and see Du-jiang-yan. I will have a lot of fun . Linglings holiday plan Linglings holiday plan Why Excited? Where ? Chengdu How? By plane What? Visit grandparents See the panda Du-jiang-yan Where? How? My holiday plan What? fFeeling (happy、excited、upset) (park、 Hainan、 Hong Kong) (play games、 swim、read books) I am _ . I am going to _ . I am going there by _ . I will _ . New My holiday plan New Year is coming. Im very _ . happy sad Im going to_. Hainan Shanghai park zoo library Im going there by_. I will _. play games、 swim、 read books、 go to Disney e I will be very happy. My holiday plan New Year is coming. Im very _ . happy sad Im going to_. Hainan Shanghai the park the zoo the library Im going there by_. I will _ . play games、 swim、 read books、 go to Disney I will be very happy. THE END 1 786 2345 . excitedHainan plane swim in the sea What the date today? Its December 13th. Lesson23 What will you do in Chengdu 教学设计教学设计 小学英语京版五年级上册 一、一、 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准强调课程从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验, 和认知水平出发,以学生“能做某事”的描述方式设定各级目标 要求。倡导学生体验,参与,勤于思考,培养学生的观察、思考、 交流与合作的能力,发展学生的综合语用能力,使语言学习的过 程成为学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维,和大胆实践,提高 文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。基于上述理念我在教学中, 充分运用各种教具及多媒体课件作为辅助教学手段,以对话为载 体,挖掘对话本身所赋予的各种图片信息,人物态度,语言行为 等资源,构建立体式对话教学,让学生在听、说、读、写、观察 的过程中,思考, 比较, 推理,归纳,给学生提供想像并提供 更多的自主思维空间, 引导学生主动参与,主动交流,主动思考, 学会学习,学会做事。 二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析 1.1.学习内容分析学习内容分析 本节课分为四个部分。第一部分是课文对话。是以 Lingling 一 家去成都看望爷爷奶奶并游览当地的景点为主线。Lingling 向 Baobao 表达自己要乘坐飞机去成都看望家人和游览其他景点的计划。 学生在理解语境的基础上,感知语言、话题、词汇和主要功能句型 Are you going toby?/No, we are going by.I willby. 此功能句型学生在四年级下册第十一单元和第十二单元已经学习过 询问活动计划的句型,如:What are you going to do today?/ We are going to visit Uncle Jack. Are we going to ride horses again tomorrow? It will be fine in the afternoon.学生在四年 级下册第十单元也学过表达要乘坐的交通工具如:By bus/By car. 这些内容都为本课的学习奠定了基础,在本课的学习过程中,教师 还要给学生提供真实的交际机会,引导学生将所学的表达计划做某 事的不同表达方式精心归纳总结。本部分注重语言的输入听、读、 模仿。 本课语言的输出,是让学生将自己的旅游计划以书面形式进行交 流。本部分要求学生不仅会“说” ,还要会“写” 。鉴于“写”要基 于“说” ,本部分教学不仅要让学生完成“写”前的口头表述,而且 还要进行书写练习。 本节课的重点是学生围绕旅行表达乘坐的交通工具、在某时间计本节课的重点是学生围绕旅行表达乘坐的交通工具、在某时间计 划做某事。划做某事。 本节课的难点是学生能够为自己或家人制定简单合理的旅行计划本节课的难点是学生能够为自己或家人制定简单合理的旅行计划 并以书面形式表达出来并以书面形式表达出来 2.2.学生情况分析学生情况分析 我校五年级学生对于英语有浓厚的兴趣,经过四年的英语学习, 学生已有一定的英语基础,具备小组讨论交流的能力。就本课而言, 学生已经学过本节课的功能句型 Where are you going?/ How are you going there? / What will you do? 和多数交通工具类词汇 bike、 bus、car、 plane、 train、 taxi,因此学生并不陌生,但需要在教师 的引导下在新的情景中巩固和运用。 通过前期的调研,学生都有旅游的经验,很多学生的家庭已经 将旅游作为假期生活的必要内容之一,所以学生们视野较广,具有 一定的课外知识,并愿与他人交流展示。因此学生对制定旅游计划 感兴趣。 3 3、教学目标教学目标 1.能够听说、认读交通工具类词汇 plane,subway 等,并能够合 理实用交通工具出行。 2.能够情境中理解和体会对话意思,并正确朗读课文对话。 3.能正确书写计划做某事的句型 Are you going there by? 4.能够根据自己的意愿结合实际设计一个“旅游计划” ,并依照 该计划用所学语言书写并陈述自己的计划。 5.5.通过阅读 Lingling 一家去成都看望爷爷奶奶并游览当地景点 的小故事,增强学生热爱祖国的意识。 6.通过学习本课,学生能够在积极的情感体验中,感受旅行带 来的快乐,并倡导绿色出行。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 (一).复习导入 T: Do you remember me? Yes, Im Miss Li. Are you happy today? Whats the date today? A holiday is coming. Well have three days off. Its on January 1st. Which holiday? 教师通过课件呈现自己背包旅游的照片。 T: boys and girls, who is she? S: Its you. 课件分别呈现图片(日历,鸟巢,交通工具) T: Yes, look at the calendar. New Year is coming, we are going to have a holiday. Where am I going? Can you guess? I will give you some points. The 29th Olympic Games was held in 2008 in here. In winter we can ski here. It likes a nest. Yes, its the Birds Nest. How am I going there? I live in Tongzhou. Can you guess? S:Maybe you are going there by.(解释选择 subway 是因 为 traffic jam) T: Am I going there by bus/? Good idea. Riding bike is good for the environment. They are all right. But (There are many cars on the road. I think I am going there by subway, Its fast.) T: If I want to go to Sichuan. Beijing is very far from Sichuan. How am I going there? By ship、by train、by plane? S: Maybe you are going there by. T: Good idea. But . 教学意图:借助图片呈现真实的生活情景,激活学生已有的交教学意图:借助图片呈现真实的生活情景,激活学生已有的交 通工具类词汇,借助图片学习新词通工具类词汇,借助图片学习新词 subway、plane;复习将来时;复习将来时 be going to。 (二)学习课文 学习对话学习对话 1 1 (1)认识图中人物,观察对话情景,看图预测人物对话。 幻灯片出示第一幅主题图引导学生观察,指着图中人物逐一 引导学生说出 Lingling 和 Baobao,认识图中人物。请学生看第一 幅图片,观察图片人物在做什么。 T:Im going to the Birds Nest. Im excited. How about our friends Lingling and Baobao? Look, she is very happy and excited. Why? 教学意图:图片现情境,培养学生观察图片的能力,抓住本课教学意图:图片现情境,培养学生观察图片的能力,抓住本课 所讲重点。教师质疑,开发学生思维。所讲重点。教师质疑,开发学生思维。 (2)初听理解对话)初听理解对话 分别播放课文视频分别播放课文视频 T: Why is Lingling so excited? S: Because she is going to Chengdu. T: With whom? S: With her parents. T: How are they going there? Why? S: They are going there by plane. Its fast. T:出示地图和数字,让学生理解飞机快,火车慢. T: If they are going there by plane, they need 3 hours, it is fast. If they are going there by train, they need 28 hours, it is slow. 教学意图:主题现情境,视听寻答案。重视听力的重要性,尽教学意图:主题现情境,视听寻答案。重视听力的重要性,尽 可能多的让学生在听中感受语言。通过观看动画,学生更易于理解可能多的让学生在听中感受语言。通过观看动画,学生更易于理解 对话内容。通过观看视频,让学生对四川有更深入的理解,同时为对话内容。通过观看视频,让学生对四川有更深入的理解,同时为 理解下面的对话进行铺垫。每次听都有具体的要求,不盲听,让学理解下面的对话进行铺垫。每次听都有具体的要求,不盲听,让学 生一遍一遍提升听的能力和模仿跟读的能力。生一遍一遍提升听的能力和模仿跟读的能力。 学习对话学习对话 2 2 T: Lingling and her parents are going to Chengdu. What will they do in Chengdu. Lets watch. (1)初听理解对话。初听理解对话。 播放录音播放录音 1 遍遍 T: Open you book and underline the answer. S: Underline the answer. T: Talk with your partner. S: They will visit her grandparents、see the pandas and Du-jiang-yan. T: Dont forget means. Do you know Du-jiang-yan? Its very famous. Introduce Du-jiang-yan. (三)复习巩固 T: Do you remember where is Lingling going? With whom? How are they going? What will they do? S: Answer the question. (1)听录音模仿跟读 (2)分角色读 学生通过模仿跟读、分角色读帮助学生梳理知识点,理解整篇学生通过模仿跟读、分角色读帮助学生梳理知识点,理解整篇 对话。对话。 (四)巩固与拓展延伸(四)巩固与拓展延伸 (1 1)呈现幻灯片创设情境)呈现幻灯片创设情境 T: : New Year is coming, this is Linglings holiday plan. Lets talk about Linglings holiday plan. 学生小组交流复述 Lingling 的假期计划 (2 2)人机对话)人机对话 T: New Year is coming, Baobao is going to visit a place. The place is in Beijing. Its beautiful. Where is it? (呈 现颐和园图片) S: Its the Summer Palace. T: Yes, its a good place. Especially in summer, its cool. Now Baobao is in Tongzhou. How is Baobao going here? Look, Baobao is coming. Say “Hello” to Baobao? How is Baobao going there? Can you ask him? S: Are you going there by? 教学意图:通过人机对话,练习本课重点句型。教学意图:通过人机对话,练习本课重点句型。 (3 3)拓展延伸)拓展延伸 T: Therere many beautiful places in our life. Lets enjoy our life. 教学意图:配乐介绍日常生活中的活动,拓宽学生生活视野。教学意图:配乐介绍日常生活中的活动,拓宽学生生活视野。 T:What about you? Where are you going? How are you going there? What will you do there? S:I am going to . Im going there by. I will . 教学意图:让学生练习使用教学意图:让学生练习使用 bebe goinggoing 表达要去的地点和使用表达要去的地点和使用 的交通工具和所要做的事情。的交通工具和所要做的事情。 (4 4)仿写)仿写 T: Now, take out this paper and make your holiday plan by yourself. Please fill in the blanks. 学生仿照例子做计划。 学生小组活动展开分享交流(展示自己的旅游计划) 。 找学生展示 教学意图:引导学生结合生活实际先进行单句表达再进行综合教学意图:引导学生结合生活实际先进行单句表达再进行综合 表达,培养学生能就具体话题情景,用一段话有逻辑地表达个人想表达,培养学生能就具体话题情景,用一段话有逻辑地表达个人想 法的口语表达能力,同时也培养了学生的写作能力。法的口语表达能力,同时也培养了学生的写作能力。 (5)Homework Please write a passage about your holiday plan . (6)唱歌曲结束)唱歌曲结束 T: Boys and girls, you all have a holiday plan. Are you going to anywhere? Listen, the train coming, lets go!出示 幻灯片并放歌曲放歌曲 Train is coming 结束教学。结束教学。
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