北京版五年级上册UNIT SEVENWHAT WILL YOU DO IN CHENGDU -Lesson 23-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:400da).zip

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by plane by car by bus by train by subway by taxi Are you going to? Yes,Im going to Sichuan. Are you going to Sichuan by ? Yes,Im going there by plane. excited Why do you look so excited? My parents and I are going to Chengdu. ? What else does Baobao want to know?( Baobao还想知道什么呢?) Are you going there by train? What will you do in Chengdu? No,we are going by plane.Its fast. Well visit my grandparents. Well see the pandas. 四川卧龙大熊猫自然保护区Panda nature reserve We will not forget to see. It has a long history of more than 2000 years. 它有两千多年的历史。 It has build by Libing and his son. 它由李冰和他的儿子建造。 It can prevent flood (防洪) and water the crops (灌溉庄稼) . Du-jiang-yan plays an important role . 都江堰发挥重要作用。 Du-jiang-yan is very famous(著名的) in Chengdu. Complete the story! Can you have a try? 完成故事,来试试! the Potala Palace Bejing Zoo Hainan the Summer Palace Bing ma yong Mount Tai Du-jiang-yan the Birds Nest .Travel broadens the mind.旅游开阔眼界. A:Winter holiday is coming.Where are you going? B:Im going to _. A: Are you going to.by.? B:Yes.No.Im going there by_. Its _. A:What will you do there? B:I will _ A:Have a good travel! B:Thank you. Winter holiday is coming. Im going to Hainan. Im going there by train.Its cheap( 便宜). I will go swimming in the sea(大海). I will see the coconut (椰子)tree. I will have a good trip. Travel broadens the mind. 旅行开阔眼界 To travel is to see the world. 去旅行就是去看世界。 1 教学基本信息 课题Unit 7 What will you do in Chengdu? Lesson 23 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 否 学科英语学段: 高段年级五年级 相关 领域 教材书名:北京版小学英语 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期: 2014 年 7 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 指导者 课件制作者 其他参与者 以下内容、形式均只供参考,参评者可自行设计。 教学过程既可以采用表格式描述,也可以采取叙事的方式。如教学设计已经过实施,则应尽量 采用写实的方式将教学过程的真实情景以及某些值得注意和思考的现象和事件描述清楚;如教学设 计尚未经过实施,则应着重将教学中的关键环节以及教学过程中可能出现的问题及处理办法描述清 楚。表格中所列项目及格式仅供参考,应根据实际教学情况进行调整。 指导思想与理论依据 本节课以“听、说”为主线、通过师生交流,生生交流,以“旅游”话题的对话为载体,输出语言。 教师借助课文情境,生活情境,图片、PPT、音频、视频等教学资源为学生提供丰富的,真实的运 用语言的情境。第一次“听、说”活动,交流教师的旅行计划,抓住学生的好奇心,教师为学生提 供语言支持,自然地感知,尝试运用话题句型。第二次围绕课文“对话”展开听说活动,在故事情 境中再次体验语言的运用;第三次是寒假的时间背景下,使用语言交流自己的旅行计划。整个学习 活动围绕真实的情境展开,让学生在情景中接触、体验、理解、运用新语言。进行听说训练,培养 学生抓关键词倾听,大胆尝试表达的良好学习习惯。 教学背景分析 2 1.教学内容分析 本节课是北京版小学英语五年级(上)册第 7 单元 Lesson 23,单元话题是“制定出行计划” , 功能句型为:“Are you going to Chengdu by train? /No, we are going by plane, What will you do in Sichuan? I will visit Du-jiang-yan, What time are we going to leave? /We are going to leave at 7:30”.此话 题是学生在第一次接触,同时,此话题贴近学生生活,很容易联系真实经历,进行话题讨论。 在三年级下册第一单元出现了询问“活动计划”的句型,如:“What are you going to do this afternoon? /We are going to plant trees.”第五单元 Childrens Day 节日活动话题里,出现了表达打算做 某事的句式:“I will dance. /I will play the piano.”四年级下册第四单元 holidays 话题中又复现了“What are you going to do on May Day?/We are going to visit the Great Wall in Shanhaiguan.” “制订出行计划”这一话题在六年级上学期第三单元还将出现,本单元的学习也为后续奠定了基 础。 2.学生情况:五年级学生处于高年级,学生的学习特点和学习行为产生了潜移默化的改变,他 们变得更倾向于做一名倾听者,对于表达自己的意见更为谨慎,希望教师给予更多学习策略上的指 导。在话题内容方面,学生对于旅行的话题非常感兴趣,他们有强烈的表达欲望,愿意与同学,老 师分享自己的旅行计划,只是在语言输出上会有困难,需要教师的指导和示范。教师在设计教学活 动时突出情境性、多样性,通过制定旅游出行计划等途径,引导学生有效利用所学交际用语进行实 际交流。 教学方式: 以“对话”这一载体,引出“旅行”的交际话题,教师通过创设真实情境,联系学生自身生活 经历,并引导学生通过课前自主查找网络资源的等途径,辅助其进行课堂活动的开展,激发其学习 积极性和主动性。 教学手段:观看视频课件、谈话交流、视听等 技术准备:多媒体 教学目标(内容框架) 教学目标: 1. 能够询问及表达旅行时所乘坐的交通工具:“Are you going by?/ No, we are going by” 。 2. 能够听说、认读 taxi/subway/plane 等交通工具类词汇和 the Birds Nest, the Summer Palace 等地点词汇。 3. 能够分角色朗读本课会话,理解会话内容。 4. 能够谈论并制定简单出行计划。 5. 通过 lingling 看望奶奶的事情,渗透孝敬老人的情感教育,通过制定聆听别人的旅行计划,感 受旅行带来的乐趣。 教学重点: 1. 在情景下,理解本课时对话,并有感情地朗读对话; 2. 在情境中,运用交际语“Are you going by?/ No, we are going by”。 教学难点: 3 1. 在情境中理解“No, we wont” 。 2. 在理解课文,对话交流的基础上写出自己的旅行计划。 问题框架(可选项) 教学流程示意(可选项) 教学过程(文字描述) 一质疑,铺垫导入 (一).引话题,复现交通词汇: 1. T: This class,we will talk about“travel”.If we want to travel,we need some transportations.What transportations do you know? 2. Free talk: (1)Winter holiday is coming next month,Are you happy?Im very happy and excited.Do you know why?Because Im going to travel this winter holiday.Where am I going? 估计学生语言输出有困难,教师 PPT 呈现:Are you going to.?学生尝试猜测, 根据学生的猜测,教师做出相应的回答,并适时呈现答语:Im going to Sichuan. (2)How am I going to Sichuan?学生开始根据自己的理解猜测。教师 PPT 呈现语言支持 Are you going to Sichuan by .? 根据学生的猜测结果询问:Why am I going to Sichuan by plane? 教师适时呈现地图,介绍:Where is Sichuan?Where do I live? From Beijing to Sichuan,Its too far away.If Im going by plane,How many hours do I need?If Im going by train,How many hours?学生猜测。 So Im going to Sichuan by plane.Its fast. (二)Lead in Now,Lets watch a story.Its in Lesson23.Can you read the title?Unti7 What will you do in Chengdu? 二、Listen and say 6 (一)整体感知课文故事 1.了解成都的位置 T:Do you know Chengdu?Where is Chengdu?Lets look at the map. This is Sichuan province.In Sichuan,there are many cities.What cities can you see? But,Chengdu is the capital city of Sichuan. 2.Who is going to Chengdu?PPT 出示图片。 (1)听,验证猜测 (2)Who is she going with? 在学生理解后,出示对话框:My parents and I are going to Chengdu. (3)How is Linglings feeling?(4)Baobao doesnt know why lingling looks so excited.So what he ask lingling?教师出示 Why do you look so excited? 引出课文故事话题。 3.Now,Baobao knows Lingling and her parents are going to Chengdu,but he wants to know more about her travel.What else does Baobao want to know? 使用酷听说教师端的课堂应用中的课文故事,让学生观看动画视频,倾听故事。 汇报 Baobao 想要知道的两个问题。 教师适时 PPT 呈现。 4.How does Lingling tell her?快速默读,搜寻有用信息。 (二)深入理解,渗透情感教育 1.How is Lingling going there?Why is lingling going there by plane? 学生尝试表达。 2.Why will Lingling visit her grandparents? T 引导:Do you often see your grandparents?Does Lingling often see her grandparents? S:No. T:Why?Because Lingling lives in Beijing.Where do her grandparents live? S:in Chengdu. T:So Lingling will visit her grandparents in Chengdu.You should often visit your grandparents,They miss you. 3.Where will Lingling see the pandas? PPT 呈现,T:There is a panda nature reserve.There are many pandas in the place.Do you 6 like pandas?Why?So,Lingling will see the pandas in Chengdu. 4.What else will Lingling do? (1)PPT 呈现第二幅图:Lingling will see the Du-jiang-yan. T:Baobao tells Lingling dont forget to see Du-jiang-yan.Will Lingling see Du- jiangyan?Lingling says (2)理解:No,we wont.让学生自由说说意思 .We will not forget to see Du-jiang-yan. (3)Why does Baobao ask Lingling to see Du-jiang-yan? PPT 呈现介绍都江堰的历史及作用。 T:So if you are going to Chengdu.Dont forget to see Du-jiang-yan.Du-jiang-yan is very famous in Chengdu. (三)朗读课文 1.Lets watch and read the story again. 使用酷听说领读课文,学生模仿。 2.read the story by yourself,help each other. 3.Lets complete the story.Can you have a try?PPT 呈现课文故事,缺少关键语句,学生尝 试语言输出。 三、Listen,Look and learn 1.T:Chengdu is really a good place.But you know In China,There are a lot of beautiful places,What are they?PPT 呈现: the Mogo Caves the Potala PalaceMountai Du-jiang-yan Bing ma yongthe Summer Palacethe Birds NestHainanDu-jiang-yan What places can you see?学生说一说,Where are they?呈现地图 2.T:Im going to Sichuan.Lingling is going to Chengdu.This winter holiday,Where are you going?学生看地图说一说。Im going to 根据学生的回答,教师适时追问:How are you going there?Are you going there by car?What will you do?师生口头操练 3.PPT 呈现:生生操练 4.展示两组 四Lets do. 1.So many beautiful places.Baobao wants to go travelling.So he will make a plan for winter holiday.Can you help him?How to make a travel plan.What should we introduce? 2.生答,师板书:Where How Why What 3.Now,Lets share Baobaos travel plan.PPT 呈现。 6 4.Can you make your travel plan for winter holiday?独立完成 5.Show your plan.2-3 人。 6.小结:Just now we made our travel plan.I hope you often go to travel with your parents or friends.Beause travel broadens the mind.To travel is to see the world. 五Homework 1.Read the story in Lesson23 fluently. 2. 2.Make a poster of travelling . 板书设计: Unit 7 What will you do in Chengdu? Lesson 23 Where How Why What Travel plan
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