Unit 5 Our new home-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:90d09).zip

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  • 全部
    • bandari.mp3
    • bedroom.mp3
    • kitchen.mp3
    • our new home.ppt--点击预览
    • song time.swf
    • story time.swf
    • where.swf
    • 伴奏.mp3
    • 伴奏.mp4
    • 教案90d09.doc--点击预览
    • 菊次郎的夏天.mp3


Lets enjoy Story time Lets enjoy ! What can you see? 你能从歌曲中看到什么?你能从歌曲中看到什么? Lets say! 说一说你看到了什么?说一说你看到了什么? Where is the? Its in the bedroom roombed my bedroom Its my bedroom. Its my nice bedroom. /dr/ Lets learn! Guess! Whose(谁的谁的) bedroom is it? Its a new bedroom.Why does Su Yang have a new bedroom? 苏阳为什么会有苏阳为什么会有新新的卧室呢?的卧室呢? Su Yang and Su Hai are moving to their new home!(搬新家搬新家) Story time/u u/ What happened? (发生了什么事?) Look and choose A. They cant find(找不到找不到) their things. B. They lost(弄丢了弄丢了) their things. Watch and answer 看动画选择看动画选择 看动画选择看动画选择watch and choose A. They are looking for(寻找寻找) their things(东西东西 ). B. They lost(弄丢了弄丢了) their things. What are they looking for(寻找)? 自读故事,圈出所自读故事,圈出所 找物品的单词。找物品的单词。 Read and find: What are they looking for? What is Su Yang looking for? What is Su Hai looking for? 她们是怎么问的?她们是怎么问的? 快速浏览故事,找出他们是如何问的快速浏览故事,找出他们是如何问的 ?请你用铅笔划出来请你用铅笔划出来 Scan and find Su Yang: Wheres my bag? Su Yang : Wheres my white cap? Su Hai: Where are my skirts? 找出三个问句找出三个问句 Where is my bag? Listen and answer: 听录音回答听录音回答 Where is my bag? Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Lets read! Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿人物注意语音语调,也要模仿人物 的语气表情哦!的语气表情哦! Where are my skirts? Read and answer 快速读第二幅图,找出答案快速读第二幅图,找出答案 Where are my skirts? livingroom /i/ sit in in thethe livingliving roomroom Lets learn! sofa /u u/ / Lets learn! 这些也是音译词。如:这些也是音译词。如: cola可乐可乐 salad沙拉沙拉 mini迷你迷你 Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Lets read! Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿人物注意语音语调,也要模仿人物 的语气表情哦!的语气表情哦! 同学们,你发现问句中的区别了吗?同学们,你发现问句中的区别了吗? 同学们,当我们询问单数物品在哪里时,就用同学们,当我们询问单数物品在哪里时,就用 “Wheres 或或 Where is?” 回答则用回答则用“Its” 而当我们询问复数物品在哪里时,就用而当我们询问复数物品在哪里时,就用“Where are? ”回答则用回答则用“Theyre” 你还能找到答句中的不同吗?你还能找到答句中的不同吗? _, _ , wheres my _? _, _, its _the _. _, _, where are my_? _, _, theyre _the _. Bag bag bag Bedroom bedroom in bedroom Skirts skirts skirts Living room living room in living room Lets chant Wheres my white cap? Lets guess Is it in ? Wheres my white cap? /on/under/behind ? 猜猜帽子在哪里呢?猜猜帽子在哪里呢? Watch and answer Q:Wheres my white cap? Wheres my white cap? kitchen ki tch en kitchen in the kitchen Lets learn! Who finds the cap? 是谁发现的帽子?是谁发现的帽子? What does she say? 她说了什么?她说了什么? Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen. 你能用一个词来形容这只小狗么?你能用一个词来形容这只小狗么? I I thinkthink itsits a a _ dog.dog. surprised 惊讶、惊奇惊讶、惊奇 Lets read! Come and have a look. naughty 淘气的,淘气的, 调皮的调皮的 如果你是苏阳,如果你是苏阳, 你想对小狗说些什么?你想对小狗说些什么? Lets say Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Lets read! Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿人物注意语音语调,也要模仿人物 的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦!的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦! Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Lets read! Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿人物注意语音语调,也要模仿人物 的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦!的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦! Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt Lets read! Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿人物注意语音语调,也要模仿人物 的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦!的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦! Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen. Lets read! Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿人物注意语音语调,也要模仿人物 的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦!的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦! Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Read after me! Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿人物注意语音语调,也要模仿人物 的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦!的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦! Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿人物注意语音语调,也要模仿人物 的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦!的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦! Read after me! Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿人物注意语音语调,也要模仿人物 的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦!的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦! Read after me! Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen. Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿人物注意语音语调,也要模仿人物 的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦!的语气表情,加上动作会更棒哦! Read after me! Lets dub!配音 Tip:注意语音语调,也要模仿注意语音语调,也要模仿 人物的动作和表情哦!人物的动作和表情哦! Tip:三人一小组分角色表演!:三人一小组分角色表演! Lets act! 1 2 比一比,你们组的表演能得几颗星比一比,你们组的表演能得几颗星? 语音准确语音准确! Nice! 语音准确并且有适当的语气语音准确并且有适当的语气! Cool! 语音准确并且有适当的语气和表情动作语音准确并且有适当的语气和表情动作! Great! Lets imagine! Lets imagine! What will happen? 还会发生什么呢?还会发生什么呢? Wheres the cap? Where is it? Is the dog still in the kitchen? 小狗还在厨房里吗?小狗还在厨房里吗? Lets talk 小狗会把帽子带去哪呢?小狗会把帽子带去哪呢? 小狗还会叼走什么物品?这次又会跑去哪小狗还会叼走什么物品?这次又会跑去哪 儿?儿? 同桌讨论会发生什么?同桌讨论会发生什么? Its in the bedroom. Is it in the bedroom? Wheres the dog? Come and look, your cap is in the bedroom. Yes, it is. / No ,it isnt. Where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room. Come and look. Your skirts are in the living room. Oh,no! / Thank you! Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? 场景一 场景二 Homework Read Story time4 times, imitate the pronunciation and the intonation. (把story time读四遍,模仿语音语调。) Lets enjoy ! 1 Unit 5 Our new home 教案教案 【教学教学内容内容】 译林版小学英语 4A Unit5 Our new home 第一课时 Story time。 【教学教学目标目标】 知识目标: 1、在情景中掌握四会单词:bedroom,living room, kitchen,三会单词 home,sofa 。 2、初步感知句型 Wheres the ? Is it ? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Its Where are the ? Theyre ,并尝 试运用这些句型来谈论单复数物品的方位。 3、能够理解 Story time 内容,能够模仿朗读。 能力目标: 1、通过看图、听录音和阅读等方式学习文本,把握 文章的主要内容。 2、通过合作探究,提高学生英语语言的思维能力和 交际能力。 【教学重点教学重点】 1.理解和掌句型 Wheres the ? Is it ? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Its Where are the ? Theyre 2.理解阅读课文。 【教学难点教学难点】 对复数物品的方位表述。 【教学准备教学准备】课件、房间图片、句型课件、房间图片、句型 【教学过程教学过程】 Step 1 Warm up 1.Free talk T: Hello,BG. SS:Hello. T: Im your new teacher here. You can call me Miss Ge. Nice to meet you,BG. SS: Nice to see you,Miss Ge. T: Lets enjoy some songs 播放 I 2 love my bedroom引导学生边拍手边跟着唱。 T: you sing very well. Lets enjoy again! I love my bedroom Nice song! 2.铺垫词汇 T: Do you like this song? What can you see in this song? PPT 出示歌曲房间图片,加上 sofa,desk,chair,window,door,bag T: Wheres the sofa/chair/desk? S:Its in the bedroom. T:bedroom ?Look at this word. 组合词 bed+room who can read?快速叫三个学生 you. You.you Are they right? Lets listen.听一遍录音。Who can read now? Good boy! You listened very carefully. Do you know why? Lets listen again! Look!dr pronounced /dr/ now can you read? Lets try! 引导学 生齐读 跟读 my bedroom its my bedroom its my nice bedroom 5.揭题 Look at this bedroom. Can you guess whose bedroom is it? You are clever. This is SYs bedroom. 3 Look! This bedroom is nice and clean. Look at the sofa/desk/ . they are all new. Why? Its a new bedroom. Do you know why does SY have a new bedroom? S: 她们搬新家了。 T:clever girl! Look at the picture,出示搬家图片。SY and SH are moving to their new home. They are very happy. 教 home /u/home new home our new home So today we will learn Unit5 our new home.揭题,,板书 Step3 Presentation 1. BG,Look at Su Yang and Su Hai. Are they happy now? SS:no T:Why? 停顿一下。What happened? Please look at the pictures carefully. And choose the answer. A.They cant find their things. B. They lost their things. So what happened? Choose?学生齐说 2. What are they looking for? Skirts?cap?sofa?dog?bag? 4 Read the story carefully, and circle the things. T: so What are they looking for? Who knows? 如果答全了,You are great! 如果没有,anything else? 板书呈现 T: oh, they are looking for skirts, white cap and bag. But what is SY looking for? Shes looking for板书放头像 What about SH? Shes looking for. 板书放头像 3. yes! do you know How do they ask? PPT 出示三个问句。 Good job! 4. Now we are SY. Wheres my bag?板书句型 Lets Listen and answer Ok.were SY, Wheres my bag? SS:its in the bedroom 贴板书 good! Now lets read after the tape. 5. NOW were SH. Where are my skirts? 板书句型 Please Read picture2 and answer T: so where are my skirts? S1:theyre in the如答错纠正 Theyre in the Look at this new word I pronounced /i/ li ing ving Who can read? 叫三个 right/ good/ great 指着板书讲 Theyre in the living room, on the。 。 。 (教 sofa)Who can read this word? Its so easy,sofa 是音译词 5 Tip: LOOK!他们也是音译词: salad 沙拉 cola 可乐 mini 迷你 6.yes. 对着板书引导学生说 we know SYS bag is in the bedroom. Shs skirts are in the living room, on the sofa. So can you read? 错了纠正 7.Now were SY, Wheres my white cap? IS it in the bedroom?Is it on the chair? Can you Guess like me? 在黑板上写 Is it? Who can? Have a try! (点击出示 Is it in onunderbehind ?) S: Is it? T: Maybe/ Perhaps. T: so Wheres the cap? Lets watch the cartoon and find the answer. 指着 SY 头像 Oh wheres my white cap? ITS in the.学生说 lets listen who can read again you,you Good!great!Nice! follow me k I ki tch en kitchen In the kitchen Emm,the cap is in the kitchen. But Who finds the cap? 贴苏海头像 What does she say? 出示文本 oh !“come and look” 边说边做手势, hey,girl/boy,come and look! 叫学生上来 So It means come and have a look come and look,su yang. 6 Look at Su Hai. Is she happy? She is so surprised. So lets read in surprise. 边读边做动作 b. Look, the cap is in the dogs mouth. What do you think of the dog? 叫三个 I think its a Do you like the dog? Why? Ss: I (dont) love it. Its cute/funny/ T: I love it. I think its a naughty dog. If you are Su Yang, what will you say to the dog? Be brave, you can say in Chinese. 叫两个 6. summary BGYou know the story very well. Lets talk about it. Please look at the blackboard. Now we are SY. 引导学生一起说。 。 。 8.Lets read You did a good job! Lets read the story after the tape. Please imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 引导学生做动作。Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. 老师指导后读一遍。Group one,you please. 第二幅。Girls youre SH,boys youre mum. Lets go. 第三四幅,group three,you please. 7 7. Happy reading Well done! Now Its time for happy reading. Please read in roles in your small group. If you can read correctly, you can get one star. If you can read with good pronunciation, you can get two stars. If you add some actions, you can get three stars! Can you? Lets go! 一颗星:能正确朗读! 两颗星:能正确朗读并且有适当语气! 三颗星:能正确朗读并有适当语气和表情动作! 7.Dub OH, now you can read the story very well!.Now lets dub. Who wants to be SY? Who wants to be SH?who wants to be mum.?Lets go. 第一遍,加字幕。第二遍,Lets exchage。如果掌握得好, 有时间,第三遍,去掉字幕 8. Act 选择一到几幅图表演,出示评价规则,评价打星 一颗星:语音准确! 两颗星:语音准确并且有适当语气! 8 三颗星:语音准确并有适当语气和表情动作! Step3 Consolidation 1. Lets imagine Look! The dog runs away! Is the dog still in the kitchen? Where is it? Where is the bag? What will happen then? Now we are SY and SH. Lets talk with your partners. 2. Lets talk Scene1:Where will the dog go? Wheres the cap? Scene2: Will the dog take other things? Where are they? BG,Think about, what sentences will we use? Good great wonderful cool Here are the sentences. You can choose some and talk to your partner. Lets go. Wheres my white cap, Su hai? Its in the bedroom. Is it in the bedroom? Wheres the dog? Come and look, your cap is in the bedroom. Yes, it is. No ,it isnt. Where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room. Come and look. Your skirts are in the living room. oh,no! 9 Thank you! 示范操练反馈 Step4 Homework 1.Read storytime 4times. imitate the pronunciation and the intonation. 2.Name the things in your home.
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