Unit 7 How much -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:51c52).zip

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    • U7 Cartoon and fun
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      • Cartoon time.swf
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      • U7 Cartoon and fun.ppt--点击预览
      • 久石让 - Summer.mp3
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      • 菊次郎的夏天.mp3
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会唱的可以跟着一起唱一唱哦!会唱的可以跟着一起唱一唱哦! I can sing Fun time & Cartoon time 自读本节课的学习目标。自读本节课的学习目标。 1. I can count from twenty to fifty. 我能从我能从20数到数到50。 2. I can talk about the prices. 我会谈论价格。我会谈论价格。 3. I can enjoy and act out the cartoon. 我能享受并表演出动画。我能享受并表演出动画。 Learning aims 想一想想一想Story time中,他们分别买了哪些中,他们分别买了哪些物品物品。 would like I can remember I can judge These nice are yuan. This cool is only yuan. Su Hai and Su Yang have twenty-eight yuan. The are five yuan. sevenfour sixteennineteen I can judge 5 4 19 I can say How much is it? Guess! 5 12 15 19 26 38 45 Its _ yuan.twelve 大声读出你所看到的价格。大声读出你所看到的价格。 52 fivefteen fifty I can say 12 19 5 4 当我们谈论当我们谈论单数物品单数物品价格时价格时: How much is it? Itsyuan.可以回答可以回答 : 当我们谈论当我们谈论复数物品复数物品价格时价格时: How much are they? 可以回答可以回答 : Theyreyuan. 可以问:可以问:可以问:可以问: I can summarize Mr Pigs store(商店商店) ¥36¥25¥41 两人一组,说说这些物品的价格,两人一组,说说这些物品的价格,一问一答一问一答 。 a bow bowknots I can talk ¥58 Try to get more cards! Rules: 1. 四人一组四人一组,1人提问人提问,其余其余3人轮流猜第一人卡片价格人轮流猜第一人卡片价格 ,注意听不要重复注意听不要重复。 2.答对的人接龙价格卡片,继续问下一个物品,答对的人接龙价格卡片,继续问下一个物品,3分分 钟钟。 要注意要注意单复单复 数数的区别哦的区别哦 ! No Chinese! I can play 你知道这些物品的价格了吗?你知道这些物品的价格了吗? 试着说一说。试着说一说。 WhatWhat wouldwould BobbyBobby likelike ? ? Mr Pigs store(商店商店) I can imagine WhatWhat wouldwould BobbyBobby likelike ? ? 认真观看动画哦!认真观看动画哦! I can answer WhatWhat wouldwould BobbyBobby likelike ? ? Bobby would like _. ABC D C bowknotsten I can answer WhyWhy doesdoes BobbyBobby buybuy soso manymany bowknots?bowknots? 为什么为什么Bobby买了买了这么多这么多蝴蝶结?蝴蝶结? Theyre for my sister Tina. Her tail is long. I can repeat 注意模仿注意模仿语音语音、语调语调和和动作动作哦!哦! I can imitate 注意模仿注意模仿语音语音、语调语调和和动作动作哦!哦! I can imitate 注意模仿注意模仿语音语音、语调语调和和动作动作哦!哦! surprised 惊讶的惊讶的 I can imitate 注意模仿注意模仿语音语音、语调语调和和动作动作哦!哦! Bobby 还可以怎么说呢?还可以怎么说呢? Tina put on the bowknots. Bobby is surprised(惊艳)(惊艳) by her beautiful tail. I can imitate 自读课文,自读课文,尝试记忆尝试记忆,注意语音、语调和动作,注意语音、语调和动作 。 I can imitate Group 1Group 2Group 3 比比哪组的比比哪组的语音语音、语调语调和和动作动作最像。最像。 I can dub RulesRules : : 四人一小组,表演对话。四人一小组,表演对话。 1.1. 表演原文。表演原文。 2.2.添加自己的话表演。添加自己的话表演。 1.1. 添加自己的话表演,添加自己的话表演,补充谈论价格的部分补充谈论价格的部分。 Try to get three stars! I can act 认真倾听!一起来为他们打分认真倾听!一起来为他们打分 。 What would Tina like? Why? 猜猜猜猜Tina会为会为Bobby购买什么礼物,购买什么礼物,试着说明原因试着说明原因。 I can imagine 仔细听听老师买的仔细听听老师买的礼物礼物。 Can I help you? What would you like? How many? yuan. Id like,please. nice/cool/beautiful How much ? .for you. . Can I help you? What would you like? What about? How many? yuan. Id like,please. nice/cool/beautiful How much ? .for you. Youre welcome. . 三人一组,演一演他们的对话,三人一组,演一演他们的对话,尽量使用更多的句型哦尽量使用更多的句型哦。 Mr Pigs store(商店商店) 认真听,记住他们买的认真听,记住他们买的礼物礼物和和价格价格。 I can imagine 1. I can count from twenty to fifty. 我能从我能从20数到数到50。 2. I can talk about the prices. 我会谈论价格。我会谈论价格。 3. I can enjoy and act out the cartoon. 我能享受并表演出动画。我能享受并表演出动画。 Can you 1.1. PlayPlay thethe guessingguessing gamegame withwith youryour classmatesclassmates . . 和同学一起玩猜词的游戏。和同学一起玩猜词的游戏。 2.2. MakeMake a a newnew cartooncartoon withwith youryour partner.partner. 和伙伴一起创编新的卡通。和伙伴一起创编新的卡通。 3.3. PreviewPreview SoundSound timetime andand SongSong time.time. 预习语音和歌曲板块。预习语音和歌曲板块。 Homework 1 牛津英语新教材牛津英语新教材 4A Unit7 第二课时教案第二课时教案 一、教学内容一、教学内容 Unit7 How much? (Fun time & Cartoon time) 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、能够在教师的示范下自由谈论价格。 2、能够说出 20-50 的英文,通过自主发现体会数字中的规律。 3、能够充分理解享受动画内容并表演。 三、教学重点三、教学重点 1、能够在教师的示范下自由谈论价格。 2、能够说出 20-50 的英文,通过自主发现体会数字中的规律。 3、能够充分理解享受动画内容并表演。 四、教学难点四、教学难点 1.能够说出 20-50 的英文,通过自主发现体会数字中的规律。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 (课前热身a song about numbers ) Step1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls. Im very happy to be your new English teacher today. Id like to know something about you. Whats your name? Nice to meet you.(问 23 人) T-S1: Wow, you have a cool pencil box T-S2: Your shoes are so nice. Step2 Presentation 1.Revision (1) Review of story time Q1: What would they like? (2) Listen and judge If you think its right, say: yes,yes,well-done. If you think its wrong, say:sorry,sorry,youre wrong. (教师追问:How much is it?/How much are they?) 2 (3) Play a guessing game T:How much is the fan? Look, I give you some choices. Read the price loudly. (4) Summary T: Just now, we talked about 4 things. Look, we also have them in this store, but the prices are different. 1.我们可以怎么询问这些物品的价格 how much 2.我们可以怎么询问这把扇子的价格 How much is it? Its .yuan. 3.我们可以怎么询问这些袜子的价格 How much are they? Theyre.yuan. (5) Ask and answer T: So have you got the difference? Now please talk about these two things in group of 2. Fun time (1)Rules T: First, please take a look at the rules. (2)师生示范师生示范(示范示范 1-2 个物品个物品) T: Look, I have an envelope here. Who wants to come and guess? (3)小组活动小组活动 T: Do you know how to play now? All right, its your turn. Pay attention to the difference and try to get more cards! Go go go! (4)Check T: Who get 3 cards? Hands up! Well-done.Now please put your cards into your books! You are good at guessing. But can you remember their prices, let me check! 教师问两个,学生问 6 个,将相应的卡片贴到黑板上。 3.Cartoon time (1)guess and say T: What would Bobby like? (2)watch and answer T: Why does Bobby buy so many bowknots? 3 1. Bobby would like bowknots. A ten B eight 多操练:Her tail is long. (3)imitate T: You did a good job. Lets listen and repeat. Try to imitate the pronunciation. 重点模仿第四幅图的语音语调 (4)read T: Read by yourselves. 尝试记忆。 (5) act T:Act in 4.(反馈 3 组,教师帮助学生站位及道具使用) Step3 Consolidation 续编续编 Cartoon 1.imagine T: What will Tina buy for Tina?Why?(2-3 个同学说说) 课件上出示以下句子 2.师生示范师生示范 T: Ok, now Im Tina. Who wants to be Sam and Bobby? Look, you may use these sentences. Can I help you ? What would you like ? .,please. Id like please. How much is it ? How much are they? Its yuan. They are yuan. How many would you like ? 3. Show time T: You should listen carefully, try to get the present and price. Step4 Homework 1. Play the guessing game. 2. Make a new cartoon. 3. Preview Sound time、Song time、Checkout time and Ticking time after class. 板书设计板书设计 Unit 7 How much? 4 How much is .? Its yuan. How much are .? They areyuan. 会唱的可以跟着一起唱一唱哦!会唱的可以跟着一起唱一唱哦! I can sing Fun time & Cartoon time 自读本节课的学习目标。自读本节课的学习目标。 1. I can count from twenty to fifty. 我能从我能从20数到数到50。 。 2. I can talk about the prices. 我会我会谈谈 价格。价格。 3. I can enjoy and act out the cartoon. 我能享受并表演出我能享受并表演出谈 画。画。 Learning aims 想一想想一想Story time中,他们分别买了哪些中,他们分别买了哪些物品物品。 would like I can remember I can judge These nice are yuan. This cool is only yuan. Su Hai and Su Yang have twenty-eight yuan. The are five yuan. sevenfour sixteennineteen I can judge 5 4 19 I can say How much is it? Guess! 5 12 15 19 26 38 45 Its _ yuan.twelve 大声读出你所看到的价格。大声读出你所看到的价格。 52 fivefteen fifty I can say 12 19 5 4 当我们谈论当我们谈论单数物品单数物品价格时价格时: How much is it? Itsyuan.可以回答可以回答 : 当我们谈论当我们谈论复数物品复数物品价格时价格时: How much are they? 可以回答可以回答 : Theyreyuan. 可以问:可以问:可以问:可以问: I can summarize Mr Pigs store(商店商店) ¥36¥25¥41 两人一组,说说这些物品的价格,两人一组,说说这些物品的价格,一问一答一问一答。 a bow bowknots I can talk ¥58 Try to get more cards! Rules: 1. 四人一组四人一组,1人提问人提问,其余其余3人轮流猜第一人卡片价格人轮流猜第一人卡片价格, 注意听不要重复注意听不要重复。 2.答对的人接龙价格卡片,继续问下一个物品,答对的人接龙价格卡片,继续问下一个物品,3分分 钟钟。 要注意要注意单复单复 数数的区别哦的区别哦 ! No Chinese! I can play 你知道这些物品的价格了吗?你知道这些物品的价格了吗? 试着说一说。试着说一说。 WhatWhat wouldwould BobbyBobby likelike ? ? Mr Pigs store(商店商店) I can imagine WhatWhat wouldwould BobbyBobby likelike ? ? 认真观看动画哦!认真观看动画哦! I can answer WhatWhat wouldwould BobbyBobby likelike ? ? Bobby would like _. ABC D C bowknotsten I can answer WhyWhy doesdoes BobbyBobby buybuy soso manymany bowknots?bowknots? 为什么为什么Bobby买了买了这么多这么多蝴蝶结?蝴蝶结? Theyre for my sister Tina. Her tail is long. I can repeat 注意模仿注意模仿语音语音、语调语调和和动作动作哦!哦! I can imitate 注意模仿注意模仿语音语音、语调语调和和动作动作哦!哦! I can imitate 注意模仿注意模仿语音语音、语调语调和和动作动作哦!哦! surprised 惊讶的惊讶的 I can imitate 注意模仿注意模仿语音语音、语调语调和和动作动作哦!哦! Bobby 还可以怎么说呢?还可以怎么说呢? Tina put on the bowknots. Bobby is surprised(惊艳)(惊艳) by her beautiful tail. I can imitate 自读课文,自读课文,尝试记忆尝试记忆,注意语音、语调和动作。,注意语音、语调和动作。 I can imitate Group 1Group 2Group 3 比比哪组的比比哪组的语音语音、语调语调和和动作动作最像。最像。 I can dub RulesRules : : 四人一小组,表演对话。四人一小组,表演对话。 1.1. 表演原文。表演原文。 2.2.添加自己的话表演。添加自己的话表演。 1.1. 添加自己的话表演,添加自己的话表演,补充谈论价格的部分补充谈论价格的部分。 Try to get three stars! I can act 认真倾听!一起来为他们打分。认真倾听!一起来为他们打分。 What would Tina like? Why? 猜猜猜猜Tina会为会为Bobby购买什么礼物,购买什么礼物,试着说明原因试着说明原因。 I can imagine 仔细听听老师买的仔细听听老师买的礼物礼物。 Can I help you? What would you like? How many? yuan. Id like,please. nice/cool/beautiful How much ? .for you. . Can I help you? What would you like? What about? How many? yuan. Id like,please. nice/cool/beautiful How much ? .for you. Youre welcome. . 三人一组,演一演他们的对话,三人一组,演一演他们的对话,尽量使用更多的句型哦尽量使用更多的句型哦。 Mr Pigs store(商店商店) 认真听,记住他们买的认真听,记住他们买的礼物礼物和和价格价格。 I can imagine 1. I can count from twenty to fifty. 我能从我能从20数到数到50。 。 2. I can talk about the prices. 我会我会谈谈 价格。价格。 3. I can enjoy and act out the cartoon. 我能享受并表演出我能享受并表演出谈 画。画。 Can you 1.1. PlayPlay thethe guessingguessing gamegame withwith youryour classmatesclassmates . . 和同学一起玩猜词的游戏。和同学一起玩猜词的游戏。 2.2. MakeMake a a newnew cartooncartoon withwith youryour partner.partner. 和伙伴一起创编新的卡通。和伙伴一起创编新的卡通。 3.3. PreviewPreview SoundSound timetime andand SongSong time.time. 预习语音和歌曲板块。预习语音和歌曲板块。 Homework
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