Unit 8 Dolls-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:301ec).zip

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U i n t8 D o l ls (story(story time)time) 译林版四年级上册 Rules for the game(游戏规则)(游戏规则): LetsLets play!play! 大声说出英文,见到大声说出英文,见到 说说Bomb! LetsLets play!play! long short her hair I can sing. our classroom LetsLets enjoy!enjoy! What can you hear from the song? 你从歌曲里听到了什么?你从歌曲里听到了什么? LetsLets learn!learn! big Her eyes are _. aneye eyes her eyes big Tip:“Tip:“她的她的 ” ”要用要用 “ “her”her”哦!哦! LetsLets learn!learn! His eyes are _. his eyes Tip:“Tip:“他的他的 ” ”要用要用 “ “his”his”哦!哦! small (small) LetsLets learn!learn! His _ are _. Her _. earan ears earsbig ears are small nose LetsLets learn!learn! mouth Her nose is _. Her mouth is _, too. small small Look at his eyes . His eyes are . small Look at his nose . His nose is . small Look at his mouth . His mouth is . small _ _ _ Look at his ears. His ears are big. Look at his eyes . . His eyes are small Look at his nose . His nose is . small Look at his mouth . His mouth is . small Look at his ears. His ears are big. LetsLets say!say! TaskTask 1 1 Wow,wow! Hes very cute! 我说你接哦!我说你接哦! LetsLets say!say! TaskTask 2 2 Take out your doll and describe it to your deskmate. 拿出你准备的布娃娃,向同桌描述一下。拿出你准备的布娃娃,向同桌描述一下。 尝试说一说哦!尝试说一说哦! LetsLets watch!watch! Whose dolls are they? 他们是谁的娃娃?他们是谁的娃娃? Watch and answer Whose dolls are they?他们是谁的娃娃?他们是谁的娃娃? LetsLets answer!answer! This is our doll. Lets know more about their features! 我们来了解他们更多的特征吧! Look at our doll. Listen and choose ? 仔细听录音,选出她们的娃娃仔细听录音,选出她们的娃娃 。 Her hair is long. short What does their doll look like? 他们的娃娃长什么样? ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Read and underline! 默读第默读第 5151页,划出男娃娃特征的页,划出男娃娃特征的关键关键 词。词。 His hair is short. His eyes and nose are small. But his mouth is big. His ears are big too. Look at our doll. Shes beautiful. Lets read! 注意模仿语音语调哦注意模仿语音语调哦 ! . 重读重读 Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. Her nose and mouth are small. . . . His hair is short. His eyes and nose are small. This is our doll. . . . . But his mouth is big. His ears are big too. Look! Hes a king now! Cool! . . 四人小组选择一种方式读一读!四人小组选择一种方式读一读! 比一比 哪组最棒! 跟一位同学读。跟一位同学读。 A 小组齐读。小组齐读。 B 分角色读。分角色读。 C Lets read! Choose and say! Which doll do you like? Useful sentences I like this doll. Her/ Hisis/ are Shes/ Hes (lovely/ beautiful/ cool/ cute/handsome) She can Jing Xiang Xiao Wanzi Conan Barbie Tutu 选择一个娃娃选择一个娃娃 在小组里说一说吧!在小组里说一说吧! Homework: 1.Listen and repeat story time five times. 听读课文听读课文 5 5遍。遍。 2.Try to describe your friend. 试着描述你的朋友。试着描述你的朋友。 Thank you! Goodbye! 4A Unit 8 Dolls Period 1 Story time 一、教学目标 1.通过洋娃娃介绍,学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词 hair,eyes, nose,mouth; 2.通过猜测游戏,学生能够理解会说形容词 big, small, long, short 等单词。 3.通过看图使学生能够准确运用句型 Hisis. Her are. 二、教学重点、难点 1. 通过洋娃娃介绍,学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词 hair,eyes, nose,mouth; 2. 通过 chant 等游戏活动,学生能够理解会说形容词 big, small, long, short; 3. 学生能够准确运用句型 Hisis. Her are. 三、课前准备: PPT 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1. Lets play! Game: Me, too! Rules for the game: 如果你跟老师一样,请起立并大声说“Me, too!” T: I like apples. hot dogs. pandas. dogs. I can play basketball. table tennis. football. 2. Lets enjoy a song- My Eyes Nose Mouth Ears T: What have you heard from the song? Step 2 Presentation 1. Lets learn! an eye, eyes T: This is an eye. They are eyes. His eyes are small. Her eyes are big nose His nose is_. His_ is _. mouth His mouth is_. His_ is _. an ear, ears His ears are_. Her_ are _. 2. Lets chant! Describe Tutu. Chant.我说你接 T: Look at Tutu, he is a doll. And they are dolls. Do you like dolls? 3. Lets watch Q: Whose dolls are they? How do you know? (The doll is Su Hai and Yang Lings/ The doll is Liu Tao and Wang Bings). Teach: our T: Now lets know more about their features. 4. Listen and choose. (Girl doll) 仔细听录音,选出她们的娃娃。 Her hair is long. (short) 5. Lets describe! Tip:“她的”要用“her”哦!头发是不可数名词,要用 is 哦! T: Can you describe her? (Ss-S1,S2) How about the boy doll? Q: What does it look like? 6. Read and underline. (Boy doll) 默读第 51 页,划出男娃娃特征的关键词。 7. Lets describe! Tip:“他的”要用“his”哦! T: Can you describe him? Teach: king Step 3 Practice 1. Lets read! 2. Read as you like. 3. Choose and say! Q: Which doll do you like? (文中两个娃娃) T: Work in groups and choose one doll. Then try to describe it. Ss: T: Look, I have more dolls here. Which one do you like? Choose one and try to describe it. Here are some useful sentences Step 4 Homework 1. Listen and repeat story time five times. 2. Try to describe your friend. 板书设计 Unit 8 Dolls This is Her His is are Hes Shes doll 2 doll 1
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