Unit 6 At the snack bar-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:0005c).zip

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4A Unit 6 At the snack bar Anything else? 还有(还要)其他的吗? hamburger sandwich noodles milka glass of coffeea cup of 一(玻璃)杯 一(茶)杯 hamburger sandwich noodles a glass of milk a cup of coffee What would you like? Id like. Lets chant What, what, what would you like? , , Id like a . , , would you like ? No, no, Id like . snack bar Welcome to. What would you like? What about you? Anything else? Here you are. Thank you. . 作为waitress(服务员) 在快餐店应该说: 作为customer(顾客) 在快餐店可能会说: Can I help you? What would you like? Something to drink? Anything else? yuan, please. Id like , please. , please. How much ? How much are they? Thank you Healthy food 健康食品 Junk food 垃圾食品 Homework: 1.Read and imitate the story. 听录音,朗读并模仿对话。 2.Invite your friends to enjoy the food. Try to use the sentences we learnt today. 邀请你的小伙伴一起分享食物,试着用今天所 学的句型交流哦。 3.Try to learn something about Chinese snack bars. 试着了解中式快餐店的食物名称。 教学设计方案教学设计方案 课题课题Unit 6 At a snack bar课时课时 The First Period Story time 1、教学目标教学目标 1. 能听懂、会读、会说 at, coffee, snack bar, hamburger, noodles, sandwich, anything else. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 What would you like? Id like What about you? Anything else? 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐,并学会合理安排饮食。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 What would you like? Id like What about you? Anything else? 2. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 二、制定依据二、制定依据 教材分析 本单元的主要的词汇是食品类名词,主要教学内容是围绕“点餐”展开,学会征求别人意见,给 学生展示了在实践生活中,餐饮情景下的语言交流。其中词汇的读音都可以在之前学过的词汇中,找 到与之有相同发音规则的词汇,因此可以让学生在预习阶段,自己先总结归类新词的读音。在句型上, What would you like? 有 Would you like .?句型的基础,学生应该能够很快理解并运用;What about you?., please. Here you are 等句型都在三年级教学中有过实际交流。因此,可以把句型教 学重点落在 Anything else 的理解上,并且进行适当拓展,丰富学生在“点餐”情境下的语言交流。 学生分析 学生在三年级第七单元中已经学过关于 would like,以及相关征求别人意见的句型,已有一定的基 础,掌握的食品类名词也有一定的量,学生开展会话交流有了一定的基础知识储备。本班学生的学习 习惯较好,大部分能认真倾听,始终关注并积极参与各项活动。但很多学生口头表达的内容还不够丰 富,特别是多应答性的反应而缺乏交际性的良好互动行为;部分的学生还没有与我很好地磨合而不敢 大胆尝试,与同伴合作的意识还不强。所以我试着利用有明确指向性的进行同桌互助式和小组自助式 的活动,提供给他们宽松的练习环境并帮助他们进行新授内容的巩固。通过较好的反馈使其获得自信心, 并乐于表达自己的思想。 教教 学学 过过 程程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Pre-reading 1. Greeting T: Nice to meet you. 2. lead-in T: I have a picture here. Look! (出示 KFC 图片) T: Yes, KFC is a snack bar. (通过出示相同发音的单词, 教读 snack 和 bar ) T: Therere many food and drinks in it. Lets go to the snack bar, OK? T: So lets have a PK. Which group can run fast, and to be the first one to the snack bar. 3.Play a game 出示 ppt,展 示食物和饮料图片单词 T: Now boys and girls, what can we buy at the snack bar? This time ,lets play a game: “Yummy, Yummy!” 4.Teach the new words. 1. Greeting 2. Learn : a snack bar 3.Play a game:When they see the pictures or the words, say the words loudly. But if they see the food presents, say “Yummy, Yummy” loudly. a cake/a hot dog/Yummy!/an ice- cream/a pie/Yummy!/noodles/juice/ milk/Yummy/a sweet/a hamburger/Yummy/an egg/coffee/Yummy/a sandwich 4.Learn the new words. a cup of coffee 出示快餐店,并揭题 通过游戏让学生熟悉 食物和饮料的名称, 并渗透新授单词其中, 让学生预热生单词。 a glass of milk Hamburger sandwich noodles While-reading 1. Listen and tick (出示 Mike,Helen,Dad 在 snack bar 的图片) Look!Mike, Helen and Dad are at a snack bar. They are ordering food. What would they like? Please listen carefully, and then tick the right answer. (播放课文录音) T: What would they like? 2. Watch match and answer. T: Now, Lets watch the cartoon and match what would they like, then answer What would Mike like? Hed like What would Helen like? Shed like What would Dad like? Hed like 3. Listen and repeat. T: Now boys and girls, Lets read the story together, OK? 1. Listen and tick S: They would like a hamburger、a glass of milk、some noodles、a cup of coffee and a sandwich. 2.Watch match and answer. What would Mike like? Hed like What would Helen like? Shed like What would Dad like? Hed like 3. Listen and repeat. 在完整的情境中揭示 故事人物、地点和事 件。通过开放性问题 来激活学生旧知,并 及时生成在黑板上。 通过自读,在上下文 语篇中,理解字意句 意,培养学生自主获 取关键信息的能力。 First, listen carefully and repeat! (出第一幅图) Picture1. 请 学生跟读 job. Now, its time for acting! Please act in groups! 4.Read in roles T: OK. Now we have read the story together. Now open your books, read the story in roles, four students a group. 继续每一幅图逐图跟读, 注意食物单词的发音 4. Read in roles 5. Act the story 请小组上台表演,带上角 色帽子 通过不同形式的朗读, 让学生熟练掌握课文, 为下一步表演奠定基 础。 Post - readi ng Consolidation 1. Show envelopes. (出示六个地点以及提供的 句型) T: Now, we can buy things in English! Lets go shopping! Look! I have six envelopes here, and there are six sheets with words and sentences on them, each group chooses one to finish your play! 3. Advice An apple a day, keep the doctor away! 4. Check which group is No. 1.Choose an envelope Make dialogues: In the stationary/fruit/toy/clothes/s upermarket/shop/At the snack bar 2. Show the play 3. Advice An apple a day, keep the doctor away! 4. Check which group is No. one. 在学生表演课文的基 础上,创设其他商店 的情景,让学生利用 所学语言进行输出, 最终实现灵活运用的 功能。 one. homework 熟读故事,并与同学们一 起表演。 设计一份合理饮食表,尝 试与你的好朋友一起去快 餐店点餐。 板书设计 Unit 6 At a snack bar What would you like? Id like What about you? Anything else? 教学反思
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