Unit 7 How much -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:41c75).zip

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    • Unit7 How muchk公开课
      • a fan.mp3
      • an umbrella.mp3
      • fifty.mp3
      • forty.mp3
      • howmuch.mp3
      • Oare Cat.mp3
      • only.mp3
      • ppt240.tmp
      • ppt31F.tmp
      • ppt35.tmp
      • ppt55FB.tmp
      • ppt82.tmp
      • shoes.mp3
      • socks.mp3
      • Song time.swf
      • Stor002.mp3
      • Stor003.mp3
      • Stor004.mp3
      • Stor005.mp3
      • Stor006.mp3
      • Stor007.mp3
      • Stor008.mp3
      • Stor009.mp3
      • Stor010.mp3
      • Stor011.mp3
      • Stor012.mp3
      • Story.mp3
      • thirty.mp3
      • twenty.jpg--点击预览
      • twenty.mp3
      • U7Story.swf
      • welldone.mp3
      • 大拇指1.jpg--点击预览
    • 四年级上册第七单元课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案41c75.doc--点击预览


Unit7 How much ?(story time) The clothes shop What clothes? blue T-shirt blue skirt red socks yellow shoes 15 40 8 23 2 10 19 79 They are very cheap(便宜)(便宜) How much ?多少钱?多少钱? Guess 猜猜它们多少钱猜猜它们多少钱? Charity SaleCharity Sale义卖义卖 Love 爱心箱爱心箱 Task1:看图片,哪些人在卖东西?哪些人在买东西? Who are the sellers(卖方)?卖方)? Who are the buyers(买方)?(买方)? Task2: 看动画连线看动画连线 What would they like? shoes socks an umbrella A C B ¥ 1919 ¥ 4 4 ¥ 5 5 ? ? 1 2 3 ¥2828 询问价格时:询问价格时: 当买的东西是当买的东西是复数复数或者是或者是多件多件时,用时,用How much are they? 当买的东西是当买的东西是单数单数或者是或者是不可数不可数时,用时,用How much is it? Task3:自己大声朗读课文,找出物品的价格。自己大声朗读课文,找出物品的价格。它们的区别是什么? Socks ,socks . How much are they ? Four yuan,four yuan , They re four yuan . Umbrella ,umbrella .How much is it ? Nineteen yuan ,nineteen yuan , Its nineteen yuan . Well done ,Well done Twenty-three yuan. Task4: 跟读课文,注意模仿他们的语音语调奥跟读课文,注意模仿他们的语音语调奥. 只有,仅仅只有,仅仅 Learning Tip:选择你选择你喜欢的方式读一读课文喜欢的方式读一读课文。 Read together. (齐读齐读) Read in roles. (分角色读分角色读) TipTip:表演时注意语音语调。适表演时注意语音语调。适当加些动作哦当加些动作哦。 Reading time 100 1000 500 20010000 400 再来一次 0 Go! ¥ 5 ¥ 10 ¥ 28 ¥ 19 ¥ 4 ¥ 25 ¥ 20 ¥ 15 转盘大比拼转盘大比拼 Game: 转圈圈转圈圈 玩法:玩法: 当圈圈停止时,当圈圈停止时, 请你用请你用How much is it? Its How much are they? Theyre句型句型 介绍箭头介绍箭头 所指的物品所指的物品! GO! ¥ 7¥ 10 ¥ 15 ¥ 20 ¥ 25 ¥ 28 ¥ 19 How much are they? Theyre ¥ 4 继续 GO! ¥ 20 ¥ 5 ¥ 10¥ 28 ¥ 4 ¥ 25 ¥ 15 ¥ 23 How much is it? Its 继续 GO! ¥ 20 ¥ 5 ¥ 10 ¥ 28 ¥ 4 ¥ 25 ¥ 15 ¥ 29 How much is it? Its How much are they? Theyre A:Can I help you? B:Id like How much is it? A:Itsyuan. B:How much are they? A:Theyreyuan Here you are. B:Thank you. 小小义卖会小小义卖会 聘请义卖志愿者就老师准聘请义卖志愿者就老师准 备的物品进行义卖,并负备的物品进行义卖,并负 责收钱。献爱心的同学上责收钱。献爱心的同学上 台购买东西。台购买东西。 Love 爱心箱爱心箱 Charity sale love Homework 必做必做:完成完成伴你学伴你学6565页。页。 选做:选做:做一件有意义的事,帮助身边有困做一件有意义的事,帮助身边有困 难的人难的人 仿照课文编写对话,学会用英语购仿照课文编写对话,学会用英语购 物物 1 4A Unit 7 How much 教学设计 教学流程 Step1:Warm up T:First,Lets sing a song : then tell me What clothes can you see ? Ss 回答 But“How much ?”领读几遍“How much。引出课题。 Now Do you know“How much?”Lets guess. T: How much are these shoes?/ How much is this skirt ?/ How much are these socks? S1:Theyre 2yuan /19yuan Its 15 yuan 过渡语:这些衣服为什么这么便宜呢,因为他们在搞义卖, Step2:Presention lets watch some pictures and tell me who are the sellers? Who are the buyers ? ) 学生看图片,找出人物 老师: But what would they like? Lets watch the cartoon and match. 学生看完动画,连线,连线的同时学习新单词, 2 shoes ,socks ,umbrella,教读, 三、Now we know they buy shoes ,socks ,an umbrella ,But How much ?同时板书“How much ?” Lets read the story louldly, and find out the price of the things.学生大声朗读课文,找出价格。 老师:Now who can tell me “ “How much are they ?” 学生: They are 老师同时板书:They are 老师:“How much is it ?” 学生: Its 老师同时板书:Its 同时教学 20 的单词,卡片贴在黑板上。 Whats the different ?他们的区别是什么?让学生总结。 Read Tips: 当买的东西是复数或者是多件时,用 How much are they?当买的东西是单数或者是不可数时,用 How much is it? 四、 Well done .Lets chant. 五、Well done! Lets read the story. 六、Now we know this story ,you can read together, you can practice(work) in group of six , then show in class. 七、T: Just now, you really did a good job. Boys and girls ,Lets play a game .Go-Go go , stop stop 八、Summary :Today we learn some sentences about buying some things: Can I help you? Id like How much are they? 3 How much is it ?. 学生做义卖活动。把收到的钱交给老师。 播放义卖的视频。 十、Homework:
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