Unit 8 Dolls-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:605d3).zip

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听录音选择正确答案,并完成填空。听录音选择正确答案,并完成填空。 1. Look at the dog. He is _and thin. _ears are long. His nose is big. His _is short. 2. Look at the cat. She is fat. _ _ are big, but her ears _ _. Her tail is long. She can play with me. 请你选择请你选择 Mr Mouse 或者或者 Mr Elephant,写一写。,写一写。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U i n t8 D o l ls (Checkout(Checkout time)time) 四年级上册四年级上册 Show our dolls 玩具娃娃秀玩具娃娃秀 This is a girl. She _ short. _ hair _ yellow and long. _ eyes _ big. _ nose and mouth _ big ,too. Smurfette Fill in the blanks.(用his和her, is和are 填空) is are Her Her areHer is This is a thin boy. _ hair _ short. _ mouth _ big. _ eyes _ big too. _ nose _ very very long. Pinocchio is is isHis His His His Fill in the blanks.(用his和her, is和are 填空 ) are 语言大比拼语言大比拼 His is /are Her is /are Hes Shes His_ is He is 语言大比拼语言大比拼 His _ are His_ and _ are But his_ are He is 语言大比拼语言大比拼 His_ and _ are But his_ and _ are He is Her_ is Her_ and _ are But her_ is She is and Look at the dog. He is _ and thin. _ ears are long. His nose is big. His _ is short. small His tail Look at the cat. She is fat. _ _are big, but her ears _ _.Her tail is long. She can play with me. small eyes Her are The end. Let me clean it. Id like that apple. But Im too short. Mr Elephant. Hes tall. Im short. He can see far(远), but I cant. Goodbye! His ears are very big. But my ears are small. He is strong, but Im not. He can get the apple. But I cant. Im sorry. His nose is long. But my nose is short. Oh, no. Mr Elephant! Oh, the flower. He is kind. 他很善良 。 I like him. 我喜欢他 。 Mr Mouse and Mr Elephant Id like that apple. But Im _.too short Tip:当Mr Mouse有需要时,请帮助他 ! Im sorry. Mr Elephant! Hes_ . Im_ .short tall He can get the apple. But I cant. He can see far(远 ), but I cant. Hes_, but Im not. strong _ nose _.But _. Hisis long my nose is short His ears_. But _. Goodbye! are very big my ears are small Oh, no. Mr Elephant! Let me clean it. Oh, the flower! I can help it. He is kind. I like him. Do you like Mr Elephant or Mr Mouse?Why? This is Mr Elephant. _ _ _ I _ (like;dont like)him. This is Mr Mouse. _ _ _ I _ (like;dont like)him. 要求:请你选择Mr Mouse 或Mr Elephant,写一写。 Mr Mouse and Mr Elephant Dont judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人。不要以貌取人。 Homework 2. Try to share the story”Mr Mouse and Mr Elephant”. 将绘本故事分享给他人。将绘本故事分享给他人。 1. Share your writings. 分享你们的作文。分享你们的作文。 1.两人一组,一人说,一人画。 2.一起完成所画人物/动物特征描述。 3.一起说说他们的特征。 (可以一人一句,或者一起说。) Notice: English only。(只能用英文说哦!) Timing.(音乐结束,请停止作业!) _eyes _mouth _cap _face small red big big red white Look and guess Its cold. _ and_nose This is our . He is . His mouth is . His are small. His nose is and . snowman tall big eyes bigred Fill in the blanks snowmanmansnow I say, you do.(我说你做)(我说你做) Touch your. big small 快速说出与老师所说的内容快速说出与老师所说的内容相反的相反的词或句子。词或句子。 Im. My . My . My . . He is A. kind 善良的善良的 B. brave 勇敢的勇敢的 C. clever 聪明的聪明的 1 基于基于“教教-学学-评一致性评一致性”的教学设计的教学设计 执教教师执教教师开课时间开课时间2017.12.20 执教课题执教课题四上 Unit 8 Dolls ( Checkout time) 整体背景分析整体背景分析 本单元的话题是描述人物的外貌,因此本课时继续延续这一话题,设计了融合复习、 新授和拓展于一体的丰富多样的学习活动来达成学习目标,帮助学生构建单元知识体系, 在一定情境中开展听、说、读、写等语言实践活动,从而培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 该话题作为人物介绍的内容可以与 U1-U4 的内容有机结合起来,在 Project 1 话题的基 础上延伸拓展。同时该语言知识也为五上 U3 Our animal friends 的学习做铺垫。 教学内容分析教学内容分析 教材上 Checkout time 板块是针对本单元的重点学习内容的阅读填空, 我将该内容改为选择图片并且听写。另外,从小组合作描述人物外貌练 习词汇句型到正确使用 his/her 和 is/are,再到综合性地语言描述人物 外貌,最后阅读绘本尝试写出描述人物的小作文。评价任务递进上升, 紧扣主题。 学生情况分析学生情况分析通过前几课时的学习,学生对如何描述人物外貌比较熟悉,但对于 his/her 和 is/are 的运用还是经常出错,而且在语言的连贯性上存在一定的 问题。因此本课时可以巩固前几课时的学习内容,同时通过创编教材内 容,设计有层次的评价任务,丰富 checkout time 的内容,帮助学生达成 准确连贯表达的目标。 教学目标分析教学目标分析 内容标准 (课程目标) 课标总目标二级目标要求:能用简单的英语就日常生活话题作简短叙述; 能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,进行简短的描述。分级目标学习策略 二级目标要求:积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 学习目标1、通过小组合作描述所画玩具娃娃或机器人,学生能基本运用词汇 his,her,eyes,ears,hair,nose,mouth,head;句型 His/Her.is/are. 2、通过看图补全短文,学生能区分并正确使用 his/her 和 is/are。 3、通过提炼句型结构,学生能根据观察图片后综合运用语言谈论、介绍、 描述人物外貌。 4、通过阅读绘本,学生能完成人物描写的作文,并能体会“不以貌取人” 的情感态度。 教学重难点分析教学重难点分析 教学重点1、通过看图补全短文,学生能区分并正确使用 his/her 和 is/are。 2、通过提炼句型结构,学生能根据观察图片后综合运用语言谈论、介绍、 描述人物外貌。 3、通过阅读绘本,学生能完成人物描写的作文,并能体会“不以貌取人” 的情感态度。 教学难点通过提炼句型结构,学生能根据观察图片后综合运用语言谈论、介绍、 描述人物外貌。 教学过程设计教学过程设计 学习目标评价任务教学活动(环节) 2 目标 1: 能小组合作描述画的玩 具娃娃或机器人。 任务一:检测目标 1 通过小组展示课前画好 的 dolls 或 robots,能 一人一句的方式介绍。 1. Lets talk T:Lets go on learning about dolls. I know you drew your dolls or robots. Please show and describe them. S1: This is/Look at our. Hes/Shes . S2:His hair is long/short. S3:His eyes/ ears are big/small. S4: His nose/mouth is big/small. T: I like your dolls. I have some dolls too. Do you want to have a look? 展示大头儿子和小头爸爸玩偶 T: Do you like them?Lets say something about them. 在描述过程中新授:head 目标 2: 能区分并正确使用 his/her 和 is/are。 任务二:检测目标 2 通过练习,能用 his 和 her, is 和 are 填空。 1. Lets think T: Look at my another doll. Help me finish the blanks and guess who is she? 要求:用 his 和 her, is 和 are 填空 a.Smurfette This is a girl.She _ short. _ hair _ yellow and long. _ eyes _ big. _ nose and mouth _ big ,too. b.Pinocchio This is a thin boy. _ hair _ short. _ mouth _ big. _ eyes _ big too. _ nose _ very very long. 3 T: What can we use to talk about our dolls?师生一起归纳句型。 评价任务若无法完成: 学生进行小组谈论 目标 3: 能综合运用语言谈论、 介绍、描述人物外貌。 任务三:检测目标 3 通过聚光灯聚焦某一人 物,学生认真观察人物 特征,能根据句型提示 正确描述该人物外貌。 Checkout time 通过听选出正确的图片, 根据听力内容和图片补 全文字内容。 1. Lets say T: Now use these sentences to talk about my lovely dolls. 2. Lets listen a.T:This lovely girl likes dogs and cats. Look! Which is her dog? Lets listen and choose. T:Next, lets fill in the blanks. b.T: Listen to her. Choose her cat and fill in the blanks. 评价任务若无法完成: 教师示范或学生小组谈论。 目标 4: 通过阅读绘本,完成人 物描写的作文,并能体 会“不以貌取人”的情 感态度。 任务四:检测目标 4 通过阅读绘本,尝试补 全文本内容,并结合绘 本内容,选择 Mr Mouse 或 Mr Elephant 写一写. 1. Lets read T:Thank you for helping her find her dog and cat. So she brings us a funny story. T:What do you know from the cover?/What can you see in the picture? How is Mr Mouse/Mr Elephant? Lets read carefully.When Mr Mouse needs help, can you help him? 补全文本内容。 2. Lets write 4 T: Do you like Mr Mouse/Mr Elephant? Why? Lets write about them. 请学生展示分享所写的小短文。 评价任务若无法完成: 在写作过程中学生可以向教师咨询或 求助。 Discuss:What do you learn from the story? Homework 1.Share your writings. 分享你们的作文。 2.Try to share the story”Mr Mouse and Mr Elephant”. 将绘本故事分享给他人。 板书板书 Unit8 Dolls 生成资源 教学反思与重建教学反思与重建
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