Project 2 My snack bar-Part A B C ,D & E-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:e0666).doc

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Project 2 My snack bar-Part A B C ,D & E-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:e0666).doc_第1页
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Project 2 My snack bar-Part A B C ,D & E-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:e0666).doc_第2页
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Project 2 My snack bar-Part A B C ,D & E-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:e0666).doc_第3页
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Project 2 My snack bar-Part A B C ,D & E-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:e0666).doc_第4页
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1、Home is best 绘本教案 教材分析教材分析:本节课是一节四年级英语绘本阅读教学展示课,教材使用的是:本节课是一节四年级英语绘本阅读教学展示课,教材使用的是“跟上兔子跟上兔子”小小 学英语分级绘本四年级的学英语分级绘本四年级的“HomeHome isis bestbest” 。本课的重点是学生能够理解绘本故事,朗读故。本课的重点是学生能够理解绘本故事,朗读故 事并能够了解家的美好,感受家的温暖。事并能够了解家的美好,感受家的温暖。 学情分析:学情分析:四年级的学生学习英语的时间已经有一年多,已经有了一些学习英语的基础,四年级的学生学习英语的时间已经有一年多,已经有了一些学习英语的基础,

2、 这个绘本的难度不是很大,但仍然存在一些生字词。这是一节绘本阅读教学课,不同于日这个绘本的难度不是很大,但仍然存在一些生字词。这是一节绘本阅读教学课,不同于日 常课本上的语篇阅读教学,它是一篇有意义的童话小故事,学生的学习兴趣还是比较浓厚常课本上的语篇阅读教学,它是一篇有意义的童话小故事,学生的学习兴趣还是比较浓厚 的。的。 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1.能够理解故事,并能流利的朗读故事。 2.能够学会阅读,掌握阅读技巧。 3. 能够了解家的美好,感受家的温暖。 二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: 1.能够流利的朗读故事。 2.能够学会阅读,掌握阅读技巧。 三、教学准备:三、教学准备: 多媒

3、体 PPT、板书图片、单词卡片、表演手偶、表演道具等 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: Warming up 热身活动 Listen to a song “Animals” 【设计意图】 :在正式授课前,以一首欢快的带视频的儿歌“Animals” 作为热身活动,歌 曲视频画面精致有趣,使学生感受到课堂气氛的轻松愉悦,大大的提升了对绘本阅读的兴 趣。 Step1:Play a game 游戏导入 1. T: Boys and girls, Are you ready? S: Yes. T: Class begins. T: Just now, we listened to a song. Whats

4、 the song about? S: The song is about animals. T:I like animals. Do you like animals? S: . T: If you like animals too. Please stand up and say”Me too!” Lets play a game. Me too! If you are the same with me, please stand up and say “Me too!”(出 示游戏规则) I like animals. I live(居住) in Qidong. My house(房子)

5、 is not too big.But my home is very clean. I dont like windy(有风的) days. I like reading stories. T: Most of you like reading stories. Now, Lets read a story,OK? 【设计意图】 :通过欢快的游戏,创设轻松愉悦的课堂环境,提高学生的学习兴趣。游戏中 呈现的内容与教学内容是相关的, 起到一个铺垫预设的作用, 让学生了解熟悉其中的一些生 词。 Step2:Read the cover 观察封面,引出故事 出示封面,要认真仔细的观察封面图片哦! Q

6、:What can you see from the cover? S: I can see . A house and a parrot.(板书贴图片,并带读这两个词。 ) We call him Mr Parrot. The story is about “home”. T: Today we will learn the story”home is best”(贴课题). 【设计意图】 :学生通过对封面图片的仔细观察,其实是绘本故事情节的一个预测。学生通 过对图片进行感知,从而预测绘本的内容,不仅有效的激发了学生对绘本阅读的动力,更有 利于培养学生的听说交际能力。 Step3 :Read

7、 the story 阅读故事,分为三部分:离开旧家、寻找新家、回到旧家。 Part 1 1.I will tell you the beginning of the story, please listen carfully,you need to tell me how is the house? Whose house is it? T: Now listen to me. 教师带着手偶讲述故事 P4-5。 2. Answer the questions: Q1:How is the house?A. Big B. Little C. New D. Old So it is a litt

8、le old house.(板 书) Q2: Whose house is it? Mr Parrots house. Is Mr Parrot happy? S: No, he is not happy. (贴上心情的单词板书)Why? S: He does not like his little old house. 3. Can you try to act Mr Parrot? 注意 Mr Parrot 的心情哦! Im not happy. I dont like my little old house. T: So what does he do? Can you fill in

9、the blanks? S:He leaves(离开)his old house to look for(寻找)a new one. 教授“leave” “look for” Part 2 1. T: Good. Mr Parrot is looking for a new house. Does Mr parrot find a new house at last?Lets watch and find the answer. Q1:How many places does Mr Parrot find? Skimming and scanning: Skim P6-18 quickly,

10、try to find out the answers.(快速浏览 P6-18,找出答 案) (20 seconds) S: Seven. T: Is he/she right? Yes, Mr Parrot finds seven new places. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. (板书呈现打乱顺序的七副图片) Q2:Can you sort them?You can scan the book again. (学生们排序的时候可以让一名孩子上黑 板给地点排序完成板书) 2. Q: What does Mr Parrot always

11、say when he finds a new place? Work in groups.(小组合作, 共同找出问题的答案) Skim P6-18 quickly. 快速浏览 P6-18。 You can circle the new words. Underline the answers and read together. Check the answers. Ss: . Show the sentences: This/That place(地方) looks nice, good 教授 place I want to live there. I want to move in(搬到

12、)here. 教师带读这几个句子 3. T: When Mr Parrot finds a new place, how does he feel first?(每当 Mr Parrot 刚找到一个新地 方时,他的心情是怎样的? ) Ss: He is happy /excited T: Yes. He is very happy. When we read the sentences, we need to read happily. Now, who can try to read the sentences? 在朗读时要注意 Mr Parrot 开心激动的心情哦! 请几个学生读一读,教师

13、点评 Lets try to read together. 注意 Mr Parrot 开心激动的心情哦! 4. T: We know Mr Parrotfinds seven new places. Look, this is the first place he found. He was very happy first, but does he live here? Ss: No, he doesnt. T: Why? S: Somebody else lives there. (What does it mean?) A. 一些其他身体 B. 某个其他人 T: So he has to

14、(不得不) leave. Q: How is Mr Parrot now? S: He is sad. T: So, we can say “Poor Parrot!” Lets say together. 5. T: We know why Mr Parrot leaves the first place. What about other six places? Why does Mr Pa rrot leave? 仔细自读 P6-18,画出关键词句并填空。 It is too . He. 出示这两个句型 Ss: It is too wet(潮湿) and cold. He cannot

15、live here. T: What about this place? Is it wet too? Ss: No, but it is too windy(有风的).He does not like it here. 同理引出 dangerous, noisy, dirty, far 并教学读音 6.Play a gameguessing game Guess the words with some action.(帮助巩固形容词,为后面的表演做准备) Part 3 1. T: Till now, does Mr Parrot find a new house? Ss: No.T: How

16、 is Mr Parrot now? 老师用鹦鹉手偶讲故事 P19 T: Mr Parrot is so tired and hungry that he cannot fly well. Crash! He bumps into something.(教师 带上手偶边说边演,让学生能够理解) Q: What does“something”point to? Ss: Mr Parrots old house. Q: How does the old house look now? 仔细观察 P20 的图。 Ss: Warm, nice, comfortable, bright . T: Let

17、s compare these two pictures. P4&P20 It is the same house. At first, Mr Parrot thinks it is little and old, he does not like it. But now, he th inks the house looks _ 指着板书,学生一起说 warm and nice. Q: Why?Ss: . T:“East or west, home is best.” 齐读。 2. Listen and repeat. 教师带读或者跟录音读。 【设计意图】 :学生的阅读能力不是一蹴而就的,而

18、是教师在日常英语教学中系统的有计划 的帮助,学生逐步培养起来的。本节课中,教师设计多种形式的阅读,帮助学生从不同角度 体验绘本。从小组合作阅读到教师指导阅读,再到学生独自细读,形式多样,层层递进,在 学生感受文本的同时,阅读能力也有了逐步的提升。 Step4 Act the story 表演故事 表演开头和结尾,中间的几个场景可以进行选择。 【设计意图】 :学生通过对故事的表演,更加直接的感受故事主人公的情感掌握并锻炼了口 语。 这里设计的表演给予学生更大的选择空间, 让学生能够根据自己的实际能力选择适合自 己的表演方式,不同层次的学生均能完成任务。 Step5 The end 情感升华 出示

19、一些图片,教师进行配乐讲述。 Everyone has a home. Mum, dad and you make up a home. You love each other very much. When you are happy, they are happy too. When you are sad, they always give you a warm hug. When you meet some difficulties, they encourage you. They tell you dont give up, you can do it. It is your home, a place you dont want to leave. All of us live in a big home too. China is our big home. Love our home, love China, No matter where you are. East or west, home is best. 【设计意图】 :通过展示一幅幅温馨的图片,配上轻柔的音乐和教师的朗读,学生更能感受 到家的温暖和可贵,同时从对小家的爱升华到对我们共有的大家-中国的爱,让学生的情感 得以升华。 板书设计: Home is best!


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