Unit 5 What do they do -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:4023f).zip

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5A5A UnitUnit 5 5 课前自主学习任务单课前自主学习任务单 一、学习指南一、学习指南 1.课题名称:5A Unit5 What do they do? Story time 2.达成目标: 能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:cook, teacher, doctor, worker, nurse, driver, farmer, policeman 能用 What does do?He/She is a/an询问职业 能初步了解动词第三人称单数形式的读音及正确用法;动词加 r 或 er 变名词的构词法。 能流利朗读 Story time,并理解课文内容。 3.学习方法建议: 4.课堂学习形式预告:课始检测-词汇、课文;进阶作业-复述、调查、班级聚会;协作探究-书信;展示-读信 二、学习任务二、学习任务 任务一:看图写单词。任务一:看图写单词。 任务二:有节奏的读一读任务二:有节奏的读一读 chant,并完成填空和表格。,并完成填空和表格。 A teacher teaches in the school. A cook cooks in the kitchen. A worker works in the factory. A driver drives on the road. A doctor and a nurse help in the hospital. 1.当主语是第三人称单数时动词用_,一般在动词后面加_ 或_。 2.我们通常在动词后面加上_,来表示职业。结尾是 e 的单词加_。 任务三:自读任务三:自读 P48-49Story time,回答下列问题。,回答下列问题。 1. What does Mikes father do? 2. Is Mikes mother a teacher? 3. What does Suhais father do? 4. Does Suhais mother work in a factory? 5. What does Mike like? 任务四:在一起作业上模仿跟读课文后自己再读课文任务四:在一起作业上模仿跟读课文后自己再读课文 3 遍。遍。 思考题:思考题: 1.询问职业我们可以用这样的表达: Whats your job(职业)?你的职业是什么?同义句:What do you do? Whats your fathers job? 同义句:What _ your father _? Whats your mothers job? 同义句:_? 动词名词 teachteacher work write drive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 职业词库职业词库 想象一下,15 年后的你是否找到了自己喜欢的工作。请为你的职业设计几张名片吧。 (不会的单词可以参考上面的词库哦!) 例子:例子: Job(职业)Function(职能) workermake toys/sweets farmerwork on the farm nurse/doctorhelp sick people teacherteach Chinese/Maths/English cookcook nice food singersing songs policemanprotect people(保护人们) cleanerclean the room/office writerwrite stories painter(画家)draw pictures driverdrive a car/bus manager(经理) boss(老板) office worker(办公室职员) work in the office 5A Unit 5 课堂学习任务单 班级_ 姓名_ 一、学习指南一、学习指南 1.课题名称:5A Unit5 What do they do? Story time 2.达成目标: 能四会掌握单词: cook, teacher, doctor, worker, nurse, driver, farmer, policeman 能掌握第三人称单数形式的读音及正确用法;动词加 r 或 er 变名词的构词法。 能理解课文内容并复述课文。 能熟练运用句型 What do you do? Im I What does do?He/She is a/an询问职业。 3.学习方法: 二、学习任务二、学习任务 1课始检测 Task 1:Brainstorm 1.小组内进行职业单词头脑风暴,看谁说的单词多。 2.在纸上写出职业单词,小组合作一起完成。 3.总结规律。 Task 2: What are their jobs? 1.打开平板,根据 Story time 的内容,将正确的职业信息拖到表格内。 2.根据表格内容进行简单的复述。如: Mikes father is a He(三单) 3.总结第三人称单数形式及读音 进阶作业 Task 1: Retell the story time 根据下面的对话提示,复述 story time。 Task 2: A survey on jobs 1. 在小组内部,从组长开始,按序号 1-6 依次询问同学父母的职业,并在调查表格内打“”。 提示: A: What does your father/mother do? B: He/She is a/an (职业). He/She (职能). 2. 小组根据屏幕上的显示结果,对组内家长的职业做一个统计报告。 例如:In our group, there are four workers. There are. There is only one Task 3: Time machine 乘坐时光机回到若干年后,你有了理想的工作,回学校参加班级聚会,并用自己设计名片和老同 学打招呼,互换名片吧。 协作探究 Task 4: A letter to your teacher 张老师没能参加聚会,请你写一封介绍你和同学们现状的信给她吧。 展示准备 Direction: 小组讨论后,每组选择一位代表分享写给王老师的信。 三、困惑与建议三、困惑与建议 5A Unit5 What do they do? 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容 Story time 二、教学目标 1. Learn the vocabulary: teacher, teach, writer, write, work, at home, doctor, help, sick, people, factory, worker 2. Learn the patterns: What does he /she do? Hes/Shes a 3. Train Ss know their parents job, and try to concerned parents, and understand parents 三、教学重点 1. Learn the vocabulary: teacher, teach, writer, write, work, at home, doctor, help, sick, people, factory, worker 2. Learn the patterns: What does he /she do? Hes/Shes a 四、教学难点 1. Learn the vocabulary: teacher, teach, writer, write, work, at home, doctor, help, sick, people, factory, worker 2. Learn the patterns: What does he /she do? Hes/Shes a 五、教学准备 Ppt、CAI、exercise、word cards 六、教学过程 自学检测:自学检测: 1. Hello, boys and girls. Are you ready for class? At the beginning, I want to check your self- learning. What jobs do you know? Lets brainstorm. Please say the words in groups, the more the better, 1minute. Ok, lets write the words on the paper. Show me your pen, write the words one by one. Group leader, are you ready? Go. Have a check. Group leader read and correct the words in your group. Look at the words, teach-teacher, Can you find the rules? 总结规律:部分动词变名词 In your preclass task sheet, there are more words about jobs, lets read together. 2. Look, our friends Su Hai and Mike are talking about jobs, too. They are their parents. What are their parents jobs? Please think and choose on your pad. Have a check. 对比 PPT 和两个学生的答案 They are right. Are you right? Now, lets work in pairs say the sentences like this: Mikes father is a teacher. He teaches English. Mikes mother . Look at the red parts , can you find the rules. 总结规律:动词第三人称单数形式 变化 Ok, Lets chant with the rhythm. 进阶练习:进阶练习: 1. Lets know more about story time. Retell story time in pairs. Check four pairs. 2. You know Mikes and Su Hais parents jobs. What are your parents jobs? T: Hello, xx. What does your father do? S1. He is He T: What does your mother do? . Ok, I see. Thank you. Now lets do a survey in groups. No.1 asks No.2-No.3- No4Dont forget to tick the jobs on your paper. Ok, stop. Group leaders, can you do a report to us. In our group, there are four workers. There are two. Ok, go. Look, who are they? Let our friends introduce them.(PPT 中出现 6 位家长在工作时 的照片,由孩子来向班级同学介绍自己父亲或母亲的职业和职能) 如: This is my father. Hes a manager. He works in the office. 协作探究:协作探究: 1. What do you want to be when you grow up? To be a doctor or to be a teacher. You have Imagined it before class. Now, lets take the time machine and go to 15 years later. Its 2032, Im still a teacher, but you are not students, you get the jobs you like, you have a better life!And this is our class party. Welcome back to Shengpu Primary School. Nice to see you, my dear children. Take our your name cards and talk with your friends. 2. You meet lots of old classmates at the party. What a pity! Our Chinese teacher Miss Wang , Maths teacher Miss Zhang are not here. Do you miss her? Lets write a letter to them. 小组展示:小组展示: 1. OK, share your letters in group. Choose one to share in class. 2. 小组推选一人上台分享。 七、板书设计: 八、教学反思: 一、教材分析: 义务教育阶段英语课程的主要目的是为学生发展综合语言运用能力打基础, 为他们继续学习英语和未来发展创造有利条件。 苏教译林版牛津小学英语五年级上册“Unit 5 What do they do?”的第一课 时教学内容是“Story time” ,包括学习 a nurse, a policeman, a teacher, a worker, a cook, a doctor, a driver, a farmer 等 8 个职业类单词和询问职业的句型 What does he/she do? 及回答 Hes/Shes a He/She。选择这些职业类单词、对话作 为学习内容,有利于发展学生用英语与他人交流的能力,同时,促进思维能力 发展。 二、课前学习任务单的设计 首先谈一谈课前学习任务单的达成目标。达成目标是教学目标的转化形式, 是学生课前自主学习应该达到的认知程度、认知水平或认知标准,在翻转课堂 中起着目标管理的灵魂的功能。根据课标,我将这一课时的达成目标设定为: 1.能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:cook, teacher, doctor, worker, nurse, driver, farmer, policeman 2.能用 What does do? He/She is a/an询问职业 3.能初步了解动词第三人称单数形式的读音及正确用法;动词加 r 或 er 变名 词的构词法。 4. 能流利朗读 Story time,并理解课文内容。 这四达成目标设定都是基础为主,为上课做好充分的准备。 其次是任务单中的各项任务。自主学习任务单是教师设计的指导学生自主学 习的方案,供学生课前自主学习使用。 “任务单”的任务设计要求有很强的可操 作性,能够引导学生达成目标。我设计学习任务时,努力从易到难呈现出阶梯 性,让学生一步一个脚印,稳扎稳打学好英语。 任务一:看图写职业类单词,在一起作业上学生朗读单词,教师可以清晰了解 学生朗读的质量和对词义的掌握。 任务二:由一首 Chant A teacher teaches in the school. A cook cooks in the kitchen. A worker works in the factory. A driver drives on the road. A doctor and a nurse help in the hospital. 让学生尝试总结第三人称单数形式及动词变名词的构词法。 童谣诵读,让任务富含趣味性,又可以让学生进行思考和总结,让他们跳一跳, 够得着。 任务三:自读 P48-49Story time,回答问题。 1. What does Mikes father do?2. Is Mikes mother a teacher? 3. What does Suhais father do?4. Does Suhais mother work in a factory? 5. What does Mike like? 通过以上 5 个问题的设计让孩子通过朗读课文,在课文中寻找答案,达到初步 了解和感受课文的目的。 任务四:思考题 1.让学生初步掌握询问职业的两种表达: Whats your job(职业)?你的职业是什么?同义句:What do you do? Whats your fathers job? 同义句:What _ your father _? Whats your mothers job? 同义句:_? 已达到了解本课重点句型的目的。 2. 想象一下,15 年后的你是否找到了自己喜欢的工作。请为你的职业设计几张 名片吧。 其实这是为课堂最后一个环节做准备。 第三块内容谈谈我的课堂教学 课堂教学任务设计遵循由浅入深的规律,安排四个教学环节。 由于学生已经在课前基本掌握学习内容,课堂教学一开始就检测自主学习的成 效是顺理成章的事。也因为有了一起作业的支持,单词和课文朗读情况教师就 可以放在课前检查。所以第一环节是 Task1:Brainstorm 及小组合作的默写。并 朗读在课前学习任务单中提高给孩子们的职业词库,拓展孩子的词汇量。 Task2:Review story time,通过完成信息表进行课文内容的简要复述,并强调 动词第三人称单数的用法。 第二环节 Task1:提供框架学生进行课文内容的整体复述,由于有了框架的支 撑,孩子能比较流利的复述课文内容。Task2:Do a survey 在了解了苏海和麦克 父母职业后,乘势询问学生家长的职业,操练句型 What does he/she do? He s/Shes a He/She。小组在组长的组织下有序开展调查,最后由小组长进 行职业情况汇报。通过孩子父母从事不同职业的照片教育学生职业无贵贱。All the jobs are important. Task3:乘坐时关机来到 15 年以后,在班级聚会时进行句 型的实际运用,这是学生就可以用上之前准备的名片进行互换和交流了。 Task4:设计班级聚会时,语文和数学老师都没在现场,因此请他们给其中一位 老师写一封信,介绍自己和拿到名片的学生的现状,从说过渡到写。 最后就是展示环节,请孩子分享写给这两位老师的信,表达他们的思念之情。 让学生在不断变化的情境中,反复训练新知的运用,在听、说、读、写方面达 到熟练的程度。同时,在情感体验与学习兴趣方面得到升华。
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