Unit 8 At Christmas-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:d52b8).zip

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PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: My day I get up at six every day. First(首先), I have breakfast. Next(接着), I go to school. Then(然后), I give lessons My day I get up at six every day. First Next Then Finally(最后), I -What can you see in the pictures? -I can see a stocking a present a Christmas tree Father Christmas a turkey Words about Christmas 12月月 Christmas Day Christmas Eve Date before Christmas What do we do at Christmas? buy presentsbuy a Christmas tree eat dumplings put a stocking on bedput a red packet on bed eat a turkey Watch and tick buy presentsbuy a Christmas tree eat dumplings put a stocking on bedput a red packet on bed eat a turkey Watch and tick Before Christmas We buy presents for our family and friends. First(首先), what do we do? We also buy a Christmas tree. We sometimes go to see Father Christmas. We eat a turkey and Christmas pudding. A. B. C. D. Read and choose What presents will you prepare for your parents?你将会给父母什么礼物呢?你将会给父母什么礼物呢? LetLets t tal lk buy something? do something? Id like to buyfor I like Christmas pudding. And I can make it for my parents ! Christmas pudding Then I steam (蒸)them. I put them into a pot and stir together(搅拌). Tips: 快速阅读短文,记住做圣诞布丁的顺快速阅读短文,记住做圣诞布丁的顺 序!课后尝试为父母做布丁!序!课后尝试为父母做布丁! After 2 hours,I eat the pudding with my parents. I buy some milk and eggs. I also buy some butter(黄油). I eat the pudding with my parents. We always have a lot of fun. I put them into the steamer(蒸锅)蒸锅) and wait for 2 hours . I buy some milk and some eggs. I also buy some butter. First then finally I put the things into the pot and stir (搅拌)(搅拌) together. next First, Next, Then, Finally, Next, we put some pretty things on the Christmas tree. Next(接下来), what do we do? We also put our presents under the tree. It looks great! great! Read and underline “_” Look, this is our First, we puton Next, we putunder It looks We are waiting for Christmas Eve . Everything is ready. Then(然后), Christmas Eve comes. Then, he comes down the chimney(烟囱)(烟囱). First, Father Christmas comes at night. Finally, he puts a present in the stocking. Next, he finds good boys and girls. To be good boys or girls Finally(最后), it is Christmas Day! wake up early Listen and order: What do we do on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? wake up early wait for presents put a stocking on the beds have a big lunch open the presents Christmas Eve Christmas Day L Listeten and or rderer(排序排序) If you have a stocking, What do you wait for?你期待什么礼物呢?你期待什么礼物呢? LetLets t tal lk I wait for a/an . Great fun at Christmas We all have a good time. Reading time We always have a lot of fun at Christmas. First, we buy presents for our family and friends. We also buy a Christmas tree. We sometimes go to see Father Christmas. Next, we put some pretty things on the Christmas tree. We also put our presents under the tree. It looks great. Then, Christmas Eve comes. We put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents. Finally, it is Christmas Day! We wake up early and open our presents. We have a big lunch. We eat a turkey and Christmas pudding. We all have a good time! Christmas isnt only about presents, Christmas isnt only about cards, Christmas is about love, Christmas is about wishes. Christmas Day is the new year of the Western countries. Spring Festival(春节) is the new year of China. What do we do at Spring Festival ? clean the house paste Spring Festival couplets play fireworks put on new clothes and visit our relatives watch Spring Festival Gala get red packet have a big dinner buy a lot of things First Next Then Finally Great fun at Spring Festival We always have a lot of fun at Spring Festival. . We are very happy! Cherish family love, to be thankful ! 珍惜亲情,心怀感恩! 1. Read the story. 2. Make a poster about Christmas. Homework Hello, Im_. I like Christmas. First, I_. Next, I_. Then, I_. Finally, I_. I always have a good time! 动手做海报动手做海报 Thank you 五年级上册五年级上册 U8 At Christmas (story time)教学设计教学设计 一学习目标:一学习目标: 1. 语言知识:在过圣诞节的语境中学习核心词汇:Christmas tree, Father Christmas, present, stocking, turkey. 2. 语言技能:初步感知并运用表示顺序的副词:first, next, then, finally. 3. 情感态度:感受西方节日的气氛,领会圣诞精神,学会在节日中 表达对家人和朋友的关心与爱,学会珍惜亲情,心怀感恩。 二学情分析:二学情分析: 重点难点:重点难点: 1. 词汇:Christmas tree, Father Christmas, present, stocking, turkey. 2. 句型:First Next Then Finally 学生认识基础:学生认识基础: Students have previewed the story before class. 三教学准备:三教学准备: ppt, a Christmas tree, pretty things to decorate the tree, word cards 四学习过程四学习过程 Step one: Warm up 1. Revision Talk about My day I get up at six every day. First, I have breakfast. Next, I go to school. Then, I give lessons. Finally 2. Question: We enjoyed a song and some pictures right now. What did you see in the picture? Words about Christmas Date of Christmas Step two: Story time 1. Watch and tick Students watch the cartoon and tick the pictures. 2. Listen and choose (Before Christmas) Students listen to the first part of the story and choose the correct answers. What do we do first? A. We buy presents for our family and friends. B. We buy presents for our family and friends. C. We eat a turkey and Christmas pudding. D. We sometimes go to see Father Christmas. Extension one(拓展一): Students talk about the question: What presents will you prepare for your parents? Do you want to buy something or do something? How to make Christmas pudding: First, I buy some milk and some eggs. I also buy some butter. Next, I put the things into the pot and stir(搅拌)together. Then, I put them into the steamer(蒸锅)and wait for 2 hours. Finally, I eat the pudding with my parents. 3. Read and underline (Before Christmas) a. Students read the second part of the story and underline the activities of Mike and his family on Christmas Day. b. Students choose pretty things to decorate the Christmas tree. 4. Listen and order (On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day) a. What does Father Christmas do on Christmas Day. First, Father Christmas comes at night. Next, he finds good boys and girls. Then, he comes down the chimney(烟囱). Finally, he puts a present in the stocking. b. Students listen to the last two parts and order the five activities. Extension two(拓展二): Students talk about the question: What presents do you wait for? I wait for a/an Step three: Extension What do we do at Spring Festival? clean the house buy a lot of things paste Spring Festival couplets have a big dinner play fireworks watch Spring Festival Gala put on new clothes and visit the relatives get red packet Students look at the pictures and use the phrases to talk about Spring Festival activities. (First Next Then Finally) After the activities, Students learn to understand the Christmas spirit and cherish family love. Step four: Homework 1. Read the story. 2. Make a poster about Christmas. Hello, Im_. I like Christmas. First, I_. Next, I_. Then, I_. Finally, I_. I always have a good time!
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