Unit 2 What a day!-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:402a8).zip

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What a day! Unit 2 Unit 2 What a day! This is Yang Ling. She likes writing diaries diary 日记日记 a write diaries写日记写日记 Unit 2 What a day! How to write a diary? Date 日期 e Weather 天气天气 e Special(特别的)(特别的)things Unit 2 What a day! Yang Lings diary: Date: Sunday, 20th September S Se eptpte embmberer 九月九月 e e thethe twentiethtwentieth ofof SeptemberSeptember 9 9月月2020 日日 Unit 2 What a day! Weather: Yang Lings diary: 1. It wasin the morning. It was sunny in the morning. sunny 晴朗 的 上午天气晴 朗 be sunny in the morning Unit 2 What a day! Weather: Yang Lings diary: Then the weather became windy and cloudy. windy 有风的 2. Then, the weather became 变得有风 become windy Unit 2 What a day! Weather: Yang Lings diary: It rained. rain 下雨 e 过去式:rained rainy 多雨的 3. In the afternoon, there were black clouds in the sky. It It _ (rain) this morning. It was _( rain). rained rainy Unit 2 What a day! RetellRetell thethe weather(weather(复述天气)复述天气): : It was_ in the morning. Then, the weather became_. In the afternoon, there were_. It_. Unit 2 What a day! Special things: Yang Lings diary: ABC DEF Read Yang Lings diary and try to order(排序). Right order: _C-A-B-E-F-D Unit 2 What a day! Special things: AB C DE F Read the diary again and try to describe(描述) those pictures. Unit 2 What a day! Special things: Su Hai, Liu Tao and _ went to the _ by _. I par k bik e went go的过去式 e Unit 2 What a day! Was there a parrot show in the park? What did they see? parrot 鹦鹉 Yes, there was. They saw some interesting parrots. 一场鹦鹉演出 a parrot show saw see的过去式 : Unit 2 What a day! The weather became windy and cloudy. What did they do? They flew kites high in the sky. flew fly的过去式 u: Unit 2 What a day! What did they bring for lunch? They brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks. brought bring的过去式 : Unit 2 What a day! Could they eat their lunch? Why? No, they couldnt. Because they saw some ants on the bread and honey. There were some bees too. c cououldld cancan 的过去式的过去式 u Unit 2 What a day! How were they in the afternoon? They were hungry and wet. wet 湿的 e Unit 2 What a day! AB C DE F Su Haiwent toby They saw Then, they flew They broughtfor lunch. But they sawon their lunch, They could not In the afternoon, it rained, they were Whatat dodo yo ou t thinkink o of he er daday? happy interesting bad wonderful( 精彩的)精彩的) terrible( 可怕的)可怕的) Unit 2 What a day! AB C DE F What a day! 注解:这一句是感叹语,需要与前注解:这一句是感叹语,需要与前 后文相连来理解意思。可以是糟糕的后文相连来理解意思。可以是糟糕的 一天,忙碌的一天,累人的一天,倒一天,忙碌的一天,累人的一天,倒 霉的一天等等。但是肯定这一天是要霉的一天等等。但是肯定这一天是要 让人让人难忘难忘的!的! 这是怎样的一天啊! Read after one. (跟一个人读跟一个人读 ) Read together. (一起读一起读) Read one by one. (一个接着一个接着 一个读一个读) 四人一组,任选一种方式,看看哪四人一组,任选一种方式,看看哪 一组读得最好。一组读得最好。 SUMMARY is/am - was are - were can - could tell - told 动词过去式不规则变化总动词过去式不规则变化总 结:结: get - got say - said become - became bring - brought fly - flew go - went see - saw do - did take - took have - had find - found a lose丢失 - lost u: draw - drew u: 1.熟读课文。熟读课文。 2. 试着根据杨玲的画复述课文。试着根据杨玲的画复述课文。 Unit 2 What a day! U2 What a day!六上六上 一教学目标:一教学目标: 1三会掌握单词 show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, rain. 2四会掌握单词 sunny, become, windy, cloudy, sky, bring, drink, rainy. 3. 能用 What was the weather like?及其答句 It was 来谈论天气变化。 4. 通过看图、听录音和阅读等方式学习文本,把握文章的主要内容。 二教学重点:二教学重点: 1. 四会掌握单词 sunny, become, windy, cloudy, sky, bring, drink, rainy. 2. 能用 What was the weather like?及其答句 It was 来谈论天气变化。 三教学难点:三教学难点: 1. 一般过去时陈述句。 2. 不规则动词的过去式构成及其读音。 四教学准备:四教学准备: 教师准备:教师准备:课件、板书设计 学生准备:学生准备:了解最近几天的天气状况 5 5教学过程:教学过程: Step 1. Warming up 1. T: What day is it today? S: Its Wednesday. 2. T: Whats the date today? S: Its 3. T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its windy and rainy. 4. T: What was the weather like yesterday? S: It was sunny in the morning, it was cloudy in the afternoon. 设计意图设计意图:上课伊始,直接与学生谈论近两天来的天气状况,迅速进入本课话题。 Step 2. Presentation and practice 1. T: Yang Ling likes writing diaries. Do you know how to write a diary? S: We should write down the date, the weather and the special things. 设计意图设计意图:以提问的方式让学生感知写日记的不可或缺的三要素。 2. T: Look at Yang Lings diary. Whats the date? S: Its the 20th of September. 3. Read and underline the key sentences about the weather. 学生快速浏览全文划出有关天气情况的关键句。 设计意图设计意图:带着问题快速浏览全文,提升学生捕捉有效信息的能力。 4. Retell the weather. 设计意图设计意图:通过汇报天气情况这一活动,培养学生合理整合信息的能力。 5. T: In the park, Yang Ling did many interesting things, what did they do? Read and fill in the form. 6. T: There was a parrot show in the park. Lets imagine: What could the parrots do? S: They could speak English/fly high/ride a bike 7. T: Then, the weather became windy and cloudy, the children began to fly kites. What kites were there in the sky? S: There were animal kites/flower kites/cartoon kites the sky looked like a beautiful garden. 8. T: It was time for lunch. What happened? S: They brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks. But there were some ants and bees on the bread and honey. They couldnt eat their lunch. 9. T: In the afternoon, there were black clouds in the sky. It rained. We were all wet, why? S: Perhaps they didnt have any raincoats or umbrellas. 10. T: How do you think of the day? S: What a busy/happy/nice/bad/an interesting day! 设计意图设计意图:多个开放式提问,如:What could the parrots do? What kites were there in the sky? We were all wet, why?How do you think of the day? 调动学生已有知识经验,展开丰富合理的想象, 充实课文内容。 Step3. Consolidation 1. Read the text. 2. T: If you were Yang Ling, please tell us your weekends life. 设计意图:设计意图:联系实际生活开展活动,在活动中提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 Step4. Homework 1. Try to retell the text. 2. Write a diary in English. 设计意图:设计意图:进一步巩固课堂上所学内容,将英语学习由课内延伸到课外! 板书设计板书设计 Unit2. What a day! When? Weather? What?
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