Unit 7 Protect the Earth-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:b0d0d).zip

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      • Meachael Kjackson - Heal The World.mp3
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StoryStory timetime (Period(Period 1) 1) UnitUnit 7 7 ProtectProtect thethe EarthEarth StoryStory timetime (Period(Period 1) 1) UnitUnit 7 7 ProtectProtect thethe EarthEarth There are many trees and rivers on it. Guess a riddle(猜谜猜谜) There is also some air and rubbish on it. What is it? early the Earth through 男生女生大对决: 男生代表郁郁葱葱的树木,女生代表蓝色的海洋。 每回答对一个问题,“地球”的 “植物” 、“水资源”将 会变多,“地球”也会变得富有生机,比比谁付出的努力最 多呦! Many years ago, our Earth was pretty. Is the Earth beautiful now? Try to say Whats wrong with the Earth? There are not too much water a. also b. a lot of not too many trees too many cars too much plastic AB There is UnitUnit 7 7 ProtectProtect thethe EarthEarth StoryStory timetime (Period(Period 1) 1) keep safe from 保护 Scan and find Save trees Dont use too much plastic 能源能源 Read quickly and find the four titles. (标题). not use too much Save energy e 1 2 3 4 Save waterSave water We use water to 用用做做 Think and say What do you think of water? 你觉得水怎么样?你觉得水怎么样? Is there a lot of water everywhere? 到处到处 We use water to clean things everyday. Water is useful ! 有用的有用的 wonderful In many places, there is not much water. waste v. 浪费浪费 waterful 浪费的浪费的 We should not waste water. In many places, there is not much water. What should we do? save water reuse water re- : do it again reuse : use it again 重重复使用复使用 Save water Water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things every day. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it. Listen and repeat Save waterSave trees Dont use too much plasticSave energy 1 2 3 4 Read and answer Q1: Where does the energy come from? Read the second part quickly and underline the answers. 快速阅读第二部分,并用横线画出答案。 来自来自 Q2: Why should we save energy? Save energy Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.There is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should save energy. We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy. Q1: Q2: What else should we do to save energy? Look and think go to school by Save energy Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. There is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should save energy. We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy. Listen and repeat Save waterSave trees Save energyDont use too much plastic 1 2 3 4 Question Ask questions Answer questions 1、自读课文P69内容,了解大 意。 2、根据课文内容试着提出问题提出问题(只限于一般只限于一般/特殊疑问句特殊疑问句), 并回答。Save trees: 男生问,女生答。男生问,女生答。 Dont use too much plastic: 女生问,男生答。女生问,男生答。 Tips: Save trees Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. Listen and repeat Dont use too much plastic We use plastic to make bags and bottles, but too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should use paper bags and glass bottles. Listen and repeat Lets retell Choose one part to remember and retell. 选择感兴趣的选择感兴趣的一段一段,背熟背熟它并三人小组内它并三人小组内一人一句根据板书一人一句根据板书接龙复述。接龙复述。 Group work Save water Save trees Dont use too much plasticSave energy 1 2 3 4 Lets make 让我们让我们一一起来制作起来制作一一份份关于保护关于保护 地球地球的的手册手册吧!吧! 六六人一组,人一组,每每组一组一 个话题个话题。你们需要你们需要给自己给自己的的话题命名话题命名 ,纸纸上上提供提供的的单单词词会帮到你们会帮到你们。如。如何何 保护地球?写下你们保护地球?写下你们的的想法吧!想法吧!如如果果 你们你们组组完成了完成了,就把纸贴到黑就把纸贴到黑板上板上来来 吧!吧! Miss Zhang needs a helper to keep our handbook. 需要需要一一个个帮手帮手来来保管保管我们我们的的保护地球手册!保护地球手册! If you want to read it, you can borrow it from him/her. 如如果你想阅览它果你想阅览它,可以找,可以找他他/ /她借阅呦!她借阅呦! We have learned many ways to protect our Earth. Theyre Protect wild animals. 保护野生动物保护野生动物。Keep the air clean. 现实生活中也是如此。在我们一点一现实生活中也是如此。在我们一点一 滴的努力下,地球会逐渐变得健康美丽起滴的努力下,地球会逐渐变得健康美丽起 来!来! Protect the Earth, protect ourselves. 保护地球,就是保护我们自己。保护地球,就是保护我们自己。 Homework Try to read and retell the passage. Thank you, my friends! Step 1. Pre-reading, 课前播放动画(We are going green) 1.Guess the riddle 引出 Earth 教授: There is some air and many rivers on it. There are also many trees on it. There is some rubbish on it. T:What is it? Ss: Its Earth. (把地球贴黑板 领读) 2.提出 PK 竞争制: T: Look at the picture of our Earth. Is it beautiful? How about this one? There isnt much water and many trees. So this one is more pretty right? OK, do you want to make is beautiful? Lets have a PK. Boys you represent blue seas. Girls you represent green trees. If a girl answer a question correctly, Miss Zhang will put a sticker on this Earth. Understand? 3. Try to say 欣赏图片说说地球存在的问题: T: In fact, many years ago, our Earth was beautiful. But now is it beautiful?展示图 片 T: Is the Earth beautiful now? Whats wrong with the Earth? S1: There is not too much water.(学习 too much:a. also b. a lot of) S2: There are not too many trees. S3: There are too many cars. S4: There is too much plastic.(教读 plastic,通过图片学习意思 T: There are two pictures. Which one is about plastic? Yes, one is about plastic, is about glass.) 4.揭题: T: Our Earth faces so many problems, right? How to protect and make our Earth pretty? (lets learn U7 读标题) Step 2 .While-reading, 1.Scan and find 为每幅图找标题: T: First, open your books and turn to P68. Read the story quickly and try to find the four titles.【The title of P1Save water. Save energy(学习生词 energy,coal,oil). Save trees. Dont use too much plastic.】 Save water 2.Think and say 谈论第一个话题 Save water: T: First, save water. Lets have a talkWhat do we use water to do ? So, what do you think of water?(评价评价: I agree with you). Is there a lot of water everywhere? 3.教授 waste,reuse: T: Look at his behavior. Is it good? Its wasteful.(教授 waste) We should not waste water. What should we do?(Theres not much water in many places.) Save reuse(教授 re) 4.Read after tape(Save water) Save energy 5. Read and answer T: Part two, save energy. Who can help Miss Zhang to read Q1 and Q2? Thank you. OK class , this time please read the second part quickly and underline the answers. T: Where does the energy come from? (Sixty-three percent of the energy comes from coal. And seventeen point one percent of the energy comes from oil. So most of the.) T: Why should we save energy? S: . T: So we should We should not 6.Look and think: What else should we do to save energy? S: We should turn off the . when we are not using it. 7.Read the second part T: OK this time, you should read by yourselves and find out the words that we read falling tone Can you tell us what words did you find? The words we read falling tone. 8.Question PK T: Its time to learn Part3and4. Lets have a question PK. First, you should read Part3 and 4 carefully. Then, ask and answer questions. Pay attention here: In part3, boys ask, girls answer 在每个部分提问回答之后带着学生回顾知识点:T: So we know wood comes from We useto Should we cut down too many trees? Why? . T: So we know we use.to But it is good or bad? Yes, its bad for our Earth. So we should not use We should use paper.and glass. 9.分别读课文三、四部分 Step 3. After- reading, 1.Lets retell T: Choose one part to retell(选择感兴趣的一段,小组内一人一句接龙复述) T: Lets retell the story together. (完成 P70 练习) 2. Lets make: (六人一小组选择话题,并为自己的话题命名。写出为什么要保护以及保护 的措施。可为自己的卡纸做装饰,每组一张卡纸,最后各小组的卡纸合成一本手册。 ) 3. Emotion education: T: Today, we learned many ways to protect the Earth. Theyre Class, look at this Earth. Is it better now? It cannot be beautiful without your efforts. So all of you did a good job. The same is true in real life. With the efforts of everyone bit by bit, the Earth will gradually become healthy and beautiful. Remember this sentence: Protect the Earth, protect ourselves. 4.Homework.
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