Unit 8 Chinese New Year-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:d16d4).doc

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Unit 8 Chinese New Year-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:d16d4).doc_第1页
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Unit 8 Chinese New Year-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:d16d4).doc_第2页
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Unit 8 Chinese New Year-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:d16d4).doc_第3页
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1、6AUnit 8 Chinese New Year 第第 1 课时课时 教学设计教学设计 Teaching contents教学内容教学内容 6AUnit 8 Chinese New Year 第 1 课时 Story time教学设计 课前将教室布置一下,充满新年氛围(如挂些小灯笼、贴上新年窗花、并在黑板 两边用小磁铁粘贴上红包袋) Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标教学目标 1. 能听懂、 会读、 会说Hong Kong, tangyuan, Chinese New Years Eve, Chinese New Years Day, red

2、packet, lion dance, fireworks, firecracker。 2. 能听懂、 会读、 会说日常用语 What are you/they going to do ?、 Im/Were going to 。 3. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论春节的习俗。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点:能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。 教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇

3、和日常用语谈论春节的习俗。 Teaching aids教学准备教学准备 教学准备: PPT 课件、 图字卡、 演讲和采访用的道具话筒、 教室新年氛围布置 (如 挂的小灯笼、新年窗花、红包袋若干、红包袋内容) Teaching procedures教学过程教学过程 Step1. Talk show(Revision) T:Last week we learned U7 Protect the Earth.Now,lets talk about how to protect the Earth. (邀请两位同学上讲台用小道具话筒展示口语表达,然后给予红包奖励,红包里 有纸条写上相应内容, 发的时候

4、老师自己注意, 因为后面每个红包会有教学用途) 【设计意图 :课前的谈话主要是复习上个单元的内容,其次是锻炼同学们的口 语表达能力。用上制作的小道具话筒(中国好声音话筒)能激发学生们上台展示 的积极性。上台演讲的同学老师奖励红包,为下一个步骤猜谜做了铺垫。 Step2.Presentation 1.Guessing Game: T:Its small and red. Its made of paper. People put money in it. Whats this? S:Its a red packet(/bag) Teach: a red packet,red packets(学生

5、学习新单词) 【设计意图:用猜谜语的的活动开始新授,激发学生动脑参与教学的兴趣。因为 谜语的难度不大,整个黑板的两边贴满红包再加上刚才上台 talk show 的同学奖 励到了红包,所以学生们都踊跃参加这个猜谜活动。 2.讲述本节课奖励制度:T:I like red packets. Do you like red packets? (Ss: Yes, I do.) T:There are so many red packets.If you listen carefully and answer my question you can get a red packet.(学生了解本节课奖励制

6、度) 3.Ask(问刚才上台 talk show 的第一位同学) T:xxx,whats in your red packet? S:(拆红包,红包里的纸上写)An apple. T:Oh,you are so lucky.After class ,Ill give you an apple. Ask(问刚才上台 talk show 的第二位同学) T:xxx,whats in your red packet? S2:(拆红包,红包里的纸上写)Make a sentence with “happy”. T:Can you make a sentence with “happy”. S2:Hap

7、py 4.Make a sentence with “ Happy ” .Ask some students to make.sentences with “happy” (学生一 般会说Happy birthday.Happy New Year!然后由Happy New Year 引出今天的课题) 【设计意图:让刚才上台 talk show 的同学分别拆红包,因为红包是我事先安排 好的,所以第一个同学的是奖励,有奖励学生一下子就会兴奋起来,课堂气氛容 易活跃。第二个同学的红包不再是奖励,而是接下来教学的铺垫:是用 happy 造 句,然后让全班同学造句,总会有同学说 Happy New Ye

8、ar,然后老师就借此引出 今天的课题 Happy New Year. 5.Show the title After some days the new year is coming.Today well talk about Chinese New Year. Teach:Unit8 Chinese New Year (板书,学生跟读) 6.T:Chinese New Year is coming.Im going to buy some new clothes.Im going to make tangyuan.Im going to have a big dinner.Im going t

9、o watch a lion dance.(课 件出于相应的四幅图片和重点句型 Im going to ) 7.Teach: a lion dance (齐读,小组读,指名读)。 8.Read after the teacher: Im going to buy some new clothes. Im going to make tangyuan. Im going to have a big dinner. Im going to watch a lion dance. Teach: Im going to(板书出示并朗读学习) 9. T:I m going to buy some new

10、 clothes. I m going to make tangyuan. I m going to have a big dinner. Im going to watch a lion dance. Ask:What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? Teach: at Chinese New Year(板书并跟读学习) Teach:What are you going to do at Chinese New Year ?(板书并跟读学习) Answer:Im going to (板书并跟读学习) 10.Ask and answer: T

11、and S1: T: What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? S1:Im going to S1S2 S1:What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? S2:Im going to S2 S3 S2:What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? S3:Im going to S3 S4 S3:What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? S4:Im going to S4 S5 S4:What are y

12、ou going to do at Chinese New Year? S5:Im going to(开小火车形式进行) Work in pairs A:What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? B:Im going to 【设计意图:在新授了本课的重点句型后,老师和学生进行第一组示范,然后全 班同学通过开火车的形式用此句型采访下一位同学。 这样既让每位同学得到了训 练的机会,同时问句、答句每个句子也训练到了。 11.Show time(选两组展示刚才小组活动,并给予奖励) 12.Listen and choose At Chinese New

13、 Year. Youll do so many things? How about my friend Anna? Lets listen and choose. 课件出示 Q1:Anna lives in_.A. Hong KongB. America 【设计意图:在听了同学们新年期间要做这么多事情, 就给同学们一个问题, 我的朋友安娜会做什么呢?从课文中的人物 Anna 过渡到语篇的学习。先让同学 们先听,锻炼一下听力,整体感知语篇,了解 Anna 邮件中提到的四天,然后精 读课文,获取细节信息。】 13.Choose.A Teach: Hong Kong Read:Anna lives

14、in Hong Kong 14.Watch and choose 课件:出示 What does the email talk about? Students watch the cartoon. Choose (课件出示) This email isAnnas_. A.plan/ (ant) for Chinese New Year. B.Diary about Chinese New Year. Students chooseA Teach:1.plan /(ant) 2.plan for Chinese New Year(read) *一组开火车读,最后一位同学读给开头第一位同学听. *

15、全班同学这样的形式 read. 【设计意图:通过听录音整体感知课文进行简单的选择,然后通过观看动画后回 答有关整片短文的一个选择,并用开火车形式巩固 plan for Chinese New Year 这 个短语,做到人人开口说。】 15.read and order 1Ask students read by themselves and then order. (课件出示练习,学生在书本 80 页上做) 【设计意图:在前面听课文录音,观看课文动画的基础上,现在试着自己朗读课 文,做到对课文内容有个整体了解,然后观看书本图片,把课文内容相关图片按 顺序排列,做在书本 80 页。】 2Show

16、 the answer a1 b3 c5 d6 e2 f4 (指名同学回答,并全班校对答案,了解做得全对的同学和做错同学的错误率) 16.Read and underline 1Read and underline the time words.for example:tomorrow (课件出示:用线画出表示时间的词) Teach:tomorrow(板书) T:Tomorrow means before Chinese New Year.(课件出示)(read) 2Read and underline a.read b.Show time On Chinese New Years Eve T

17、each :read(板书、课件出示、小组读、齐读) On Chinese New Years Day Teach :read(板书、课件出示、小组读、齐读) On the second day of Chinese New Year Teach: read(板书、课件出示、小组读、齐读) 【设计意图:学生通过自渎课文,在老师的示范下划出课文中表示时间的关键词, 有助于理清课文的主线,并了解新年的时间顺序。】 17FinishAnnasplans Read together carefully and find what will they do before Chinese New Year

18、.(课件 出示) Before Chinese New Year buy_and_ make_and _ a.Read together b.Show Time: buy new clothes and food make cakes and tangyuan (板书,跟读学习) Teach:tangyuan(read) *On Chinese New Years Eve _with family buy _(课件出示) a.Read together(第三段) b.Show time:have dinner with family buy flowers(板书,跟读学习) *On Chine

19、se New Years Day get _from parents watch _(课件出示) a.Read (boys read 第 4 段) Show time: get _red packets_from parents watch a lion dance(板书 跟读学习) *On the second day of Chinese New Year watch_(课件出示) a.read(ask a student to read 第 5 段) b.Show time watch fireworks Teach:fireworks (跟读学习) /ai/watch a firewo

20、rks 【设计意图:将课文以时间词为着眼点教学新年的每天分别做了什么事情,并每 个时间找出关键词,然后板书这样将课文内容降低了难度,一看板书就能了解课 文的重难点。】 Step3.Consolidation 1.Letsimitate Read after the tape. (课件出于课文内容,限渎的句子颜色变化) 2.Reading time. Choose one way to read the text.(课件出示) Read in groups Read together Show time(请两组上台演示) 【设计意图:采用多种形式进行朗读训练,进一步加深对课文的理解,同时也为 后

21、面的课文复述做好铺垫和准备。 复述课文可以帮助学生更加灵活地运用所学的 语言。】 3.Lets retell (课件出示时间词,看着板书) Retell (板书将课文的重难点却出示于) Retell (请一位同学上台复述) 【设计意图:复述课文可以帮助学生更加灵活地运用所学的语言,先是大家一起 复述,再请接受快的同学复述。】 4.Do some exercise. *Write about plans for this Chinese New Year. 课件出示练习纸内容并给出 key words. Dear_. Hello,Im_. Before Chinese New Year, Im

22、going to _. On Chinese New Years Eve,_ On_. _. Love, _. *Show time 寻找喜欢的朋友互相交流刚才自己写的计划。 【设计意图:学生通过听说读的学习后,最后要让学生写一写进行巩固和拓展, 让学生及时反馈,增强灵活运用语言知识的能力。】 5.Emotion Of a nation,of the world. Step4.Homework. 1.Listen and read the test. 2.Talk about our Chinese New Years Day with your partner. End:Sing a son

23、g :Happy New Year.(营造氛围,自愿上台的可以上台唱,不愿意的。 可以在座位上唱) 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 8Chinese New Year A:What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? B:Im going to TimeActivities Tomorrow buy some new clothes and food make some cakes and tangyuan On Chinese New Years Eve have dinner with buy some flowers On Chinese New Years Day give red packets watch a lion dance On the second day of Chinese New Year watch fireworks


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