Unit1 A new start Starting out & Understanding ideas课后练习(2021新外研版高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期英语)).doc

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1、第 1页(共 12页) Unit1 A new start Section B Starting out & Understanding ideas 一、单词拼写 1They were very _ (好奇的) about the people who lived upstairs. 2If you want to make a good _ (印象), youd better try to avoid some bad habits. 3The thunder _ (使惊慌) the horse into running away. 4One of the _ (挑战) he has acc

2、epted is to swim across the river. 5We should remain _ (镇静的) even in face of danger. 6As soon as we arrived on the island, we were eager to _ (探险) 7People are concerned about the quality of the air they _ (呼吸) 8Our family, especially my son are looking forward with _ (热切) to your visit. 9Some people

3、 work better under _ (压力) 10The army _ (组织) teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. 二、完形填空 Good teachers can always find a way to encourage their 第 2页(共 12页) students to work hard and learn well.That year,in the local school, there was a_1_maths teacher, as well as some new pup

4、ils.One of the new kids was the most stupid child anyone had ever _2_.It made no difference how_3_or how slowly his classmates tried explaining numbers to him;he would always say something very_4_. Before this boy_5_, maths lessons had been the most boring of all.Now there was great_6_.Encouraged by

5、 the new teacher, the children would _7_the pieces of nonsense said by the new kid,and they would have to correct his_8_. They all wanted to be the_9_one to find what he said wrong, and then think up the best way to_10_it,which didnt seem to make the new kid _11_. _12_, little Lewis was sure that it

6、 would make him feel sad inside.He was sure he would see him_13_.So,one day, he decided to_14_the new kid when he was on his way home. After_15_school,the new kid walked a few minutes to a local park, and there he_16_for a while until someone came along to meet him.To his _17_,it was the new teacher

7、! The teacher gave the new kid a hug, and then they went off_18_.Walking behind them, Lewis could_19_ they were talking about maths.And that stupid new kid knew everything about it, much more than_20_else in the class! 1A.funnyBnew CstrangeDgood 第 3页(共 12页) 2A.neededBliked CchosenDseen 3A.surprising

8、lyBbadly CquicklyDbeautifully 4A.stupidBboring CsadDdishonest 5A.caredBarrived ChelpedDchatted 6A.luckBpity CfunDpain 7A.pick outBwrite down Cthrow awayDlisten to 8A.mistakesBjokes CconversationsDstories 9A.happyBnoisy CfirstDkind 10A.rememberBexplain CexperienceDintroduce 11A.relaxedBsurprised Cint

9、erestedDunhappy 12A.HoweverBTherefore CAlsoDStill 13A.walkBdance CcryDsmile 14A.followBask 第 4页(共 12页) CtellDadvise 15A.showingBtouching ChittingDleaving 16A.guessedBwaited CdisappearedDshouted 17A.surpriseBjoy CangerDsadness 18A.anywhereBalone CbackwardDtogether 19A.lieBimagine ChearDwatch 20A.anyo

10、neBnobody CsomebodyDanything 三、阅读理解 Life in an American high school is an interesting and exciting learning experience.The high school in America is not just a place for studying some subjects.It is also an important social centre, where students can develop other interests and talents. The high sch

11、ool course is divided into four years.School usually starts at about 8:00 am, and ends at about 3:00 pm.Theres no class on Saturday.Students have lunch at the school cafeteria(食堂) ,where they can choose from a variety of good things to eat and drink.After lunch they can play sports, talk to friends

12、or simply relax.The lunch break lasts about an 第 5页(共 12页) hour. When the school day ends, some students go home,but many still stay at school for afterschool activities.There are many activitiestotakepartinandclubstojoin.Withthe headmasters agreement, students can start any kind of club that is edu

13、cational and fun! American high school students like to be “popular” This means being a good student, being active in the community and being wellliked by others.Popularstudents are elected to take part in Student Union.Every year in June there are prizes for the best athletes. Most American high sc

14、hool students have a parttime job during the school year and a fulltime job during the summer vacation.Parents encourage their children to work because its part of growing up and becoming responsible and independent. Most high schools have a job list to help students find work.Teenagers are fond of

15、their jobs! 1According to the passage,American high school students_. Aonly learn some subjects at school Bstudy subjects and attend social activities Cmust study and have meals at school Dshould go home at 3:00 pm every day 2Parents encourage their children to work because they want them to_. 第 6页(

16、共 12页) Abecome responsible and independent Bbe active in the community Cearn some pocket money by themselves Ddevelop other interests and talents 3 According to Paragraph 4 , “ a popular student ” means_. Aa student who is elected chairman in Student Union Ba student who is both the best student and

17、 the best athlete Ca student who is active in the community and wellloved by others Da student who is unwilling to help others but good at studying 4The best title for this passage is_. AAmerican High School Principles BAmerican Popular Students CHigh School Life in America DSchool Subjects in Ameri

18、ca 四、阅读填句 七选五 Social media is so common in our society that almost everyone is connected to some forms of it, whether it is Twitter, FacebookorevenPinterest.Weareinafast paced, technologicallyevolving society and we are addicted to social media.In fact, we crave (渴望) social media. 第 7页(共 12页) _1_We

19、share what were doing, how amazingly we did on a test and so on.Simply speaking, we love people knowing what were doing.It has become a place that can define us. Our social networks can tell a story about us, and if youre like me, you want to make sure that the story your Twitter or Facebook tells a

20、bout you is a good story._2_How does one ensure a positive online reputation? Here are some tips. 1Keep it clean:_3_Party photos with alcohol are an absolute nono.Would you want to have your boss see these photos? Make sure to post contents that you feel positively reflects you, your creativity and

21、your skills. 2Dont trust privacy settings: You have a private Twitter account so you can post anything you want ? _4_Privacy settings make it harder to see your full account, but its not impossible.You shouldnt rely on privacy settings as a way to protect inappropriate (不适当的) content. 3Ensure youre

22、polished: Keep it classy (优等的) ! _5_Think about what you want people to think of you and go with it. Like it or not, your social networks reflect youmake sure you look like the shining star that you truly are. AThis is not the case. BIt is always like this. CBe sure about what youre posting. DDiscov

23、er what you want people to think of you. 第 8页(共 12页) ESocial media is just a tool to interact with others. FWe post almost every aspect of our life on social media. G Ones online reputation ( 名 声 ) couldnt be more important. 第 9页(共 12页) 一、单词拼写 1 curious2.impression3.panicked4.challenges 5.calm 6 exp

24、lore7.breathe8.eagerness9.pressure10.organised 二、完形填空 1.B根据 as well as some new pupils 的语境可知这位老师也 是“新”来的。 2.D这里为了形容那位学生是如何笨,故说他是所有人“见过” 的最笨的孩子。 3.C根据 or how slowly 的语境可知应选 C 项,表示不管你解 释得快还是解释得慢,对于那个学生来说结果都是一样的。 4.A那个学生很笨,故不管你跟他如何解释,他的回答总是显 得很“愚蠢” 。 5.B根据“Before.”以及“Now.”的语境可知,这里是在 对那个笨学生到来之前和到来之后的情况进

25、行对比。 6.C根据“.maths lessons had been the most boring of all.”可知,以前数学课很枯燥,而现在,这个笨学生的到来使得数 学课变得“有趣”了。 7.D根据“Encouraged by the new teacher.”可知学生们 都认真“听”那个笨学生的回答。 8.A其他的学生听那个笨学生的回答, 是为了帮他纠正 “错误” 。 9.C学生们很积极,故每个人都想“最先”发现那个学生的错 误并将之改正过来。 10.B学生们找到那个笨学生所犯的错误后,为了表现自己,应 该是给那个学生“解释”他为什么错了。 第 10页(共 12页) 11.D根据后一

26、段的语境可知, 这些纠错的行为似乎并没有让这 个笨学生“不高兴” 。 12.A根据“.little Lewis was sure that it would make him feel sad inside.”可知这里需要一个表示转折的连词。 13.CLewis 肯定那个笨学生内心深处是伤心难过的,故他敢肯 定能看到那个笨学生“哭泣”的场景。 14.A为了证实自己的想法,Lewis 决定放学后“跟踪”那个笨 学生。 15.D这里是指放学后那个笨学生“离开”了学校。 16.B根据“.until someone came along to meet him.”可 知那个笨学生在那里“等了”一会儿。

27、 17.ALewis 没想到新来的数学老师会在那里见那个笨学生,故 他应该感到很“惊讶” 。 18.D根据“Walking behind them.”的语境可知老师跟那个 学生是“一起”离开的。 19.CLewis 走在他们的身后,应该是“听”到他们在谈论数学 问题,故选 C 项。 20.A根据“And that stupid new kid knew everything about it.”可知,那个笨学生其实比班里任何别的学生数学都要学得好。 三、阅读理解 1.B细节理解题。由文章第一段中第二句和第三句可知,学 生不仅可以学习一些课程,而且还可以参加一些社会活动。 2.A细节理解题。由第

28、五段中最后一句可知答案为 A 项。 3.C细节理解题。第四段中第二句表明积极参加社区活动和被 其他人喜欢是一个受欢迎的人。 第 11页(共 12页) 4.C标题归纳题。根据首段及综合全文,可知答案为 C 项。 四、阅读填句 1F本空位于段首,起到总领段落的作用。根据下一句“We share what were doing,how amazingly we did on a test and so on.”可判断出答案为 F 项,表示我们几乎将自己生活的各个方面都 展示到社交媒体上。 2 G由上一句中的 “the story your Twitter or Facebook tells abou

29、t you is a good story”可知应选 G 项“一个人的网络名声非 常 重 要 ” 。 下 一 句 “ Howdoes one ensure a positive online reputation?”也是线索。 3C根据空前的建议“Keep it clean”以及空后的“Party photos with alcohol are an absolute nono.”可判断本空答案为 C 项。 4A根据本空前的“You have a private Twitter account so you can post anything you want?”可知,只有 A 项可以在意思上 起到承上启下的作用。 5D由本段首句的建议“Ensure youre polished:Keep it classy(优等的)! ”以及本段的最后一句“Think about what you want people to think of you.”可知,本段讲述的是发布在社交媒体 上的东西可以表现出你希望他人如何看待你,D 项符合语境。 第 12页(共 12页)


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