Welcome Unit Reading for writing 写作课 教案-(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).docx

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1、高中英语教案设计高中英语教案设计 Reading and writing Class Welcome Unit The First volume of 10thgrade, PEP ITEACHING CONTENTS 1.Two student profiles of Ann and Thando. 2. Topic: Write a student profile IITEACHING OBJECTIVES 1. Language competence By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: 1) Scan two pr

2、ofiles and get details. 2) Use appropriate expressions to express their personality and learning styles. 3) Know what aspects a profile includes. 4) Write their own profiles. 2. Learning ability By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: 1) Summarize the structure of a certain passage an

3、d write a passage that is the same type. 2) Use scanning to get detail information. 3) Discuss questions with partner. 4) Revise their own writings by exchanging their draft with other students. 3. Thinking quality By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: 1) Look for the common charact

4、eristics and form a simple concept by obtaining information. 4. Cultural awareness By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: 1)Achieve the goal of self cognition. 2)Show themselves. FOCAL AND DIFFICULT POINTS F:Know how to express personality and learning styles Write a logic and brief

5、profile. D:Write a logic and brief profile. Teaching method Cooperative Teaching Method, Task-based language teaching, Situational Teaching Method. III TEACHING PROCEDURES Stage 1 Getting students ready for reading Step 1 GreetingsGreetings Step 2 LeadingLeading intointo thethe topictopic ActivityAc

6、tivity 1:1: GreetingsGreetings Purpose: Focus students attention. Instruction: -Good morning, boys and girls. -Sit down, please. ActivityActivity 2:2: LeadLeadinging intointo thethe topictopic Purpose: Get students ready for learning the new class. Instruction: Today, we are going to learn about how

7、 to write a brief and logic profile. Lets read the teaching goals first. By the end of the class, we will be able to obtain information about Ann and Thando from their profiles, discover what a profile is made of and write our own profiles. Stage 2 Pre-reading and writing Step 1 ExplainExplain whatw

8、hat a a profileprofile is is Instruction: Whats a profile? Yes, Its a description of somebody that gives useful information. Look at the picture, Its a profile of a Korean star. We can see that It includes much personal information. Step 2 BrainstormingBrainstorming: Talk about the aspects in a prof

9、ile Instruction: What aspects of the personal information may include. Brainstorm. Yes, It may include the name, age, birthplace, hobbies, education career, future plans and dreams, personality and so on. Stage 3 While-reading and writing Step 1 ReadRead thethe studentstudent profileprofile afteraft

10、er thethe tapetape Instruction: Now, please listen to the tape and read the student profile. “Curious” means “have a strong desire to know about something”. “company” means “a business organization that makes money by producing or selling goods or service”. Step 2 DiscussDiscuss questionsquestions w

11、ithwith partnerpartner Instruction: Now, please discuss these five questions with your partner. QuestionsQuestions: 1. What is Ann like? How do you know? 2. What is Anns learning style? 3. What does “youll never see me without a book or a pen” mean? 4. How can I describe a persons strong interest or

12、 personality? 5. Which profile do you like better? Why? Key:Key: 1. She is active and curious. We can know from the second and third sentence. 2. She learns best by doing. 3. It means he nearly always has a pen or a book with him because he likes study. 4. Use sentence structure: Youll never see me

13、without. For example, Youll never see me without a cell phone. It describes a person who is very social and needs connected to others. Step 3 FillFill in in thethe tabletable Instruction: Now, please fill in the table. Key:Key: Step 4 FindFind thethe wayway ofof describingdescribing personalityperso

14、nality andand learninglearning styles.styles. Activity1: HowHow doesdoes AnnAnn andand ThandoThando describedescribe theirtheir personalitypersonality andand learninglearning style?style? Instruction: How does Ann and Thando describe their personalityandlearningstyle?Underlinethe sentences. Key:Key:

15、 1. Im an active person and I love sports. Im curious about everything. 2. I learn best by doing. 3. I look good, think fast, and play hard. 4. Youll never see me without a book or a pen. If Im not in class, Im either in the library or in the computer lab. Activity2: FindFind waysways ofof describin

16、gdescribing personalitypersonality andand learninglearning styles.styles. Instruction: Whats your personality and learning styles? What do we use to describe personality? Yes, we use adjectives that describe a person like optimistic, easy-going, warm, friendly, generous, reliable, shy and so on. Wha

17、t do we use to describe learning style? Yes, we can use these sentences like “ I usually read out aloud or talk with my friends to gain a better understanding.” “I tend to learn better when I touch or handle things.” and so on. Step 5 FindFind structurestructure ofof a a profile.profile. Instruction

18、: Lets find the structure of a profile according to these two profiles. Key:Key: Step 6 DraftDraft Activity1: FinishFinish thethe outlineoutline Instruction: At first, please fill your information in the outline. Activity2: WriteWrite sentencessentences toto expressexpress thethe informationinformat

19、ion in in thethe outline.outline. Instruction: Second, pleas write sentences to express your information in the outline. This is an example. Name:Name: MyMy namename is is Li Li Hua.Hua. Age:Age: I I amam a a 16-year-old16-year-old girl.girl. Grade:Grade: I I amam in in GradeGrade 10.10. School:Scho

20、ol: I I studystudy in in ChinaChina HighHigh School.School. Personality:Personality: I I amam friendly.friendly. FavouriteFavourite subject:subject: I I likelike EnglishEnglish best.best. LearningLearning style:style: I I readread extensiveextensive booksbooks asas toto gaingain a a betterbetter und

21、erstanding.understanding. Hobbies:Hobbies: I I amam fondfond ofof reading.reading. FutureFuture plansplans andand dreams:dreams: I I wishwish toto bebe a a translatortranslator in in thethe future.future. Activity3: UseUse appropriateappropriate connectionconnection andand addadd detailsdetails Inst

22、ruction: Third, please add appropriate connection words and details. This is a sample writing. SampleSample writingwriting MyMy namename is is Li Li Hua,Hua, andand I I amam a a GradeGrade 1010 studentstudent atat ChinaChina SeniorSenior HighHigh School.School. I I amam veryvery friendly.friendly. H

23、elpingHelping othersothers is is thethe bestbest thingthing thatthat cancan makemake meme happy.happy. I I likelike EnglishEnglish bestbest becausebecause I I knowknow moremore aboutabout thethe worldworld accordingaccording toto learnlearn EnglishEnglish andand I I likelike toto havehave a a conver

24、sationconversation withwith a a foreigner.foreigner. AsAs thethe mattermatter ofof fact,fact, I I alsoalso spendspend a a lotlot ofof timetime readingreading EnglishEnglish book.book. ThisThis is is alsoalso a a secretsecret toto learnlearn EnglishEnglish betterbetter forfor meme becausebecause I I

25、cancan gaingain a a betterbetter understanding.understanding. AsAs youyou cancan see,see, I I amam fondfond ofof readingreading soso much.much. I I dreamdream toto bebe a a translatortranslator toto bringbring moremore interestinginteresting booksbooks toto othersothers in in thethe future.future. S

26、tage 4 Post-reading and listening Step 1 ExchangeExchange draftdraft Instruction: Now exchange your draft with your partner and use the checklist to give feedback on your partners draft. Step 2 ReviseRevise thethe draftdraft Instruction: Give the draft back and revise your own draft. Stage 5 Homework Assignments 1. Finish revising your profile. 2. Add a photo or draw a picture of yourself in your profile. 3. Show your profile to other students.


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