Unit 5 Language around the world(学案)无答案(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).docx

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1、1 Unit5 Languages around the World 1. basevt. 以以为据点为据点; 以以为基础为基础 n. 底部底部; 根据根据 (2019北京高考)A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it is based on trust and existing relationships. 许多生意是通过电话进行的, 并且大部分是建立在信任和可持续的关系的基础上的。 (1) basisn. 基础; 基本原则 (2) (2)be based on/upon以为基础; 依据 针对练习:语法填空针

2、对练习:语法填空 (1)We always base our idea _ facts. (2)The suggestion was made on the _(base)of second-hand information. 2. meansn. 方式方式; 方法方法; 途径途径 Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China s present is connected with its past. 汉语书面语也成为了连接中国过去和现在的重要工具 (1)by all means 当然可以; 一定, 务必 (

3、2)by means of用; 依靠; 借助于 . 3.appreciate vt. 欣赏欣赏; 重视重视; 感激感激; 领会领会 vi. 增值增值 An increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate Chinese culture and history. 越来越多的世界各国的学生开始欣赏中国的文化和历史。 (2019全国卷)I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. 如果你能考虑我的申请,

4、 我将不胜感激。 (1)I would appreciate it if . . .假如, 我将不胜感激 (2)appreciation n.欣赏; 感激 针对练习:语法针对练习:语法填空填空 (1)We appreciate your _(help)us. (2)I would appreciate _ if you would send me the postcard as soon as possible. 4. refer to 谈到谈到; 提及提及; 涉及涉及 Write the kind of information they refer to. 写出他们谈到的信息。 The re

5、gulations refer only to children. 这些规定只适用于儿童。 2 针对练习:针对练习:根据语境猜测词义 (1)No one referred to the matter again.() (2)When I said some people were stupid I wasnt referring to you. () 5.date back (to. . . ) 追溯到追溯到 This castle dating back to Roman times lay in ruins.这个可追溯到罗马时代的城堡成了废墟。 The Great Wall dates f

6、rom the third century B. C.万里长城建成于公元前三世纪。 (1)date back to追溯到; 始于 (2)up to date时髦的 针对练习:针对练习:单句语法填空 (1)The history of the town dates back _ the Middle Ages. (2)Our friendship _(date)back to 1960. 6.Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak, they can all still communic

7、ate in writing. 即使在今天即使在今天, 不论住在哪里不论住在哪里, 也不论说何种方言也不论说何种方言, 中国人都能通过书写进行交流。中国人都能通过书写进行交流。 【句式解构】 no matter where/when/who/what/how 是一个引导让步状语从句的连词结构, 意为: 无论在哪里/何时/是谁/什么/怎 样。可置于句首、句中、句尾。 *No matter what you do, you must be very careful. 不管做什么事, 你都必须非常细心。 (1)whatever, whoever, whichever, whomever , howe

8、ver 也 可 引 导 让 步 状 语 从 句 , 相 当 于 no matter what/who/ which/whom。 (2)whatever, whoever, whichever, whomever也可引导名词性从句。 针对练习:针对练习: (1)Ill post that letter _ Wilson says. 不管威尔逊说什么, 我都要寄出那封信。 (2) _ you like , you can take it away. 你喜欢哪个就拿走哪个。 7. variety n. (植物、语言等的植物、语言等的)变体变体; 异体异体; 多样化多样化 The Chinese pe

9、ople were divided geographically, leading to many varieties of dialects and characters. 中国人被按照地理位置划分区域, 因此产生了各种方言和文字。词汇复现 3 (1)variousadj. 不同的; 各种各样的 (3)vary from. . . to. . .从到不等; 针对练习:针对练习: (1)There are _ goods in the supermarket, and the prices _ from cents to dollars. The _attracts many customer

10、s. (variety) (2)The research team is made up of the pupils, whose ages vary from 10 _ 15 8.major adj. 主要的主要的; 大的大的; 重要的重要的n. 主修课程主修课程; 主修学生主修学生vi. 主修主修; 专门研究专门研究 English is my major at university. 我大学学的专业是英语。 The majority of people prefer peace to war. 多数人要和平, 不要战争。 (1)major in主修; 以为专业 (2)majorityn.

11、 大多数; 大半 9.of great importance 很重要很重要 The writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture. 这种书写方式在中华民族和文化方面的融合上起了至关重要的作用。 It is of importance that he is ready in mind to accept the future . 他在心理上已准备好接受未来这一点很重要。 (1)be of +抽象名词 就等于这个名词的形容词 通常在 of 的前面会有形容词 great/little/

12、much/a lot of 来表示程度。 (2)be of value=be valuable很有价值, 值钱 针对练习:针对练习:语法填空语法填空 (1)I have a matter _ importance to deal with. (2)He has made an _(importance)contribution to the companys success. 10.As China plays a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of international students are beginni

13、ng to appreciate Chinas culture and history through this amazing language. 随着中国在全球事务中扮演着更为重要的角色随着中国在全球事务中扮演着更为重要的角色, 越来越多的世界各国的学生开始通过汉语这一奇妙的语言了解和欣越来越多的世界各国的学生开始通过汉语这一奇妙的语言了解和欣 赏中国的文化和历史。赏中国的文化和历史。 【句式解构】 此句中as引导时间状语从句, 意为“随着”, 强调两个动作同时发生; 或某事一发生, 另一事立即发生。 此外, as引导时间状语从句时, 还可译为: “当的时候”, “一边一边” The bo

14、ok explains how animals and plants develop as the environment changes. 这本书解释了随着环境的变化, 动植物是如何进化的 1. 引导原因状语从句, 译为: “因为, 由于”, 与because的用法相近。 2. 引导方式状语从句或比较状语从句, 译为: “正如, (如)像”。 4 3. 引导让步状语从句, 常用倒装语序, 即把从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在as之前。译为: “虽然, 尽管”。 4. as作关系代词。 (1)引导限制性定语从句, 用在“such. . . as”, “the same. . . as”, “a

15、s. . . as”等结构中, 常译作“像一样的人(或物)”, “凡 是的人(或物)”。 (2)引导非限制性定语从句, 用来指代它前面的整个句子(即先行句), 意思是“这一点”。这个分句可以位于句首、句中 或句末。 *I must stop writing now, as I have rather a lot of work to do. 我必须停笔了, 因为我还有许多工作要做。(原因状语从句) *When at Rome, do as Romans do. 入乡随俗。(方式状语从句) *Strange as it may seem, it is true. 尽管这事看上去可能很奇怪, 但却

16、是真的。(让步状语从句) *Try as he might, Tom could not get out of the difficulties. 不管怎样努力, 汤姆还是摆脱不了困境。(让步状语从句) *He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was. 他曾希望做一个像雷锋那样的人。(定语从句) *My hometown is no longer the same as it was. 我的家乡再也不像过去一样了。(定语从句) *As is well known, oceans cover more than 70% of the earth. 我们知道

17、, 海洋占地球面积的百分之七十以上。(非限制性定语从句) 针对练习针对练习:完成句子完成句子 (1) _ _ _ _, he lost interest in everything except gardening. 他年纪越来越大, 除了喜欢园艺以外, 对一切都失去了兴趣。 (2) _ _ _ _, the bottle hit me on the head. 就在我转过身来的时候, 瓶子打中了我的头。 知识归纳知识归纳 Unit 5 There are some differences in vocabulary between BrE and AmE. For example, the

18、American English words subway, gas,pants and apartment are underground, petrol, trousers and flat in British English. Each nation has its own tongue but in my point of view, language changes relate to the variety of political systems and civilizations of different countries, and despite these, there

19、 are other factors, too. The gaps between languages will become smaller over time. Some languages can date back to the earliest dynasty. With ups and downs of a nation, its language is constantly changing. No matter how language develops, it is a symbol of a nation. Tom is a native and English is hi

20、s native language. He can speak standard English as well as local dialect. In addition, he has studied Chinese characters and is good at calligraphy. He has learned to carve Chinese characters on animal bones and shells. He especially appreciates classic Chinese literature and regards it as 5 词汇闯关 语

21、法填空 his major research subject, so he tries every means to refer to Chinese classics based on ancient Chinese culture and civilisation. Tom cares about global affairs and has a positive attitude towards life. In his semester paper, he gives a specific description of mans demand and struggle for equa

22、l rights. 课堂检测课堂检测 一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 1. For many nations, blue is a(象征) of protection and religious beliefs. 2. Mike, Mary and I had a discussion about the reading of the(传统的) literature yesterday. 3. Having strong motivation(动机) is one of the biggest(因素) in reaching goals. 4. Remember, keep a positive(态

23、度) and good things will happen. 5. She made no(指称) to her illness but only to her future plans. 6. As the public transport(系统) cant satisfy peoples needs, many people turn to private cars. 7. The Tang(朝代) made Changan its capital. 8. I can fluently speak different(方言) of Chinese. 9. Snow White is on

24、e of the most famous Disneyland cartoon(人物). 10. He is good at Chinese(书法), especially at the running style. 二、用所给词的正确形式填空二、用所给词的正确形式填空 11. Human life(regard) as part of nature and the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature. 12.the difficulty, she finally became the first India

25、n female athlete to compete in the Olympics. 13. The doctor-patient relationship(base) on trust, and therefore honesty is essential. 14. There are many websites online where different(variety) of games can be played. 15. There are a large number of students who are not economics(major), who would li

26、ke to learn something about the economy. 16. Id appreciateif you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 17. They said that due to the(globe) warming the forest is producing additional tons of wood each year. 18. The exhibition was dividedfour parts to display different kinds of p

27、ainting. 19. Self-driving is an areaChina and the rest of the world are on the same starting line. 6 完成句子 20. The reasonshe did it is that she wouldnt let her parents feel disappointed. 三、翻译三、翻译 21. 虽然怀特教授写了一些短篇小说,但他的戏剧更有名。(be known for) 22.那个时候正是她还长得比较漂亮的时候。(That was a time when.) 23.无论你做什么,你都应该全身心

28、地投入。(no matter.) 24.越来越多的人通过互联网进入了信息时代。(An increasing number of.) 25.中国的书面语言是如何把今天的中国人和过去的人们联系在一起的? 一个简单句跟在名词或代词后(先行词)进行修饰限定,就叫做定语从句。在主句中充当定语成分。被修饰 的词叫先行词。定语从句不同于单词作定语的情况,它通常只能放在被修饰的词(即先行词)之后。定语从句由关系 词(关系代词、关系副词)引导,关系代词、关系副词位于定语从句句首。 一、关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。 关系代词先行词从句成分

29、例句备注 who 人主语 Do you know the man who is talking with your mother? whom, which 和 that 在从句中做宾语 时,常可以省略, 但介词提前时后面 关系代词不能省 whom人宾语 Mr. Smith is the person whom I admire. whose人,物定语 I like those books whose topics are about history. that人,物 主语,宾 语 A plane is a machine that can fly. Well go to hear the fa

30、mous singer that we have often talked about. 7 略,也不可以用 that which物 主语,宾 语 The picture which was about the accident was terrible. Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine which you asked for. as人,物 主语,宾 语 He is such a person as is respected by all of us. as 做宾语一般不省 略 1.关系代词 that 与 which 的用法区别 (1)只用 that

31、 引导的定语从句。 that 在定语从句中可以指人也可以指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,可以代替 who, whom, which 等。下列情况只 用 that 而不用 which 引导定语从句。 当先行词是不定代词 all, much, little, something, everything, anything, nothing, none, the one 时。 Do you have anything that you want to say for yourself? You should hand in all that you have. 当先行词前面被 the only, t

32、he very(恰恰,正好), any, few, little, no, all 等词修饰时。 The only thing that we can do is give you some money. 当先行词是形容词最高级或先行词的前面有形容词最高级修饰时,以及先行词是序数词或它前面有序数词修饰时。 This is the best that has been used against pollution. What is the first American film that you have seen? 当先行词既有人又有物时。 Do you know the persons an

33、d things that they are talking about? 当主句的主语是疑问词who 或 which 时。 Which is the bike that you lost? Who is the boy that won the gold medal? (2)用 which 而不用 that 引导的定语从句 which 可引导非限制性定语从句,that 则不能。 He had failed in the math exam, which made his father very angry. 在介词提前的定语从句中,只用 which 而不用 that 引导。 This is

34、the place in which Lu Xun used to live. 2.关系代词 who,whom 和 whose 的用法 关系代词 who,whom先行词指人。who 是主格,在从句中作主语,不可省略; whom 在定语从句中作宾语 时,可以省略; whose 是属格,先行词既可指人,也可指物。在定语从句中用作定语,不可省略。 The man who was here yesterday is a painter.(who 在从句中作主语) I know the man whom you mean.(whom 在从句中用作宾语,可省略) A child whose parents

35、 are dead is called an orphan.(whose 在从句中用作定语,不可省略) Id like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 8 1.限制性定语从句 是句中不可缺少的组成部分,使先行词区别于同类其他事物; 主句和 从句之间没有逗号; 关系代词和关系副词引导,作宾语时一些关系代词可以省略。 2.非限制性定语从句 是对主句先行词的补充说明,没有这个从句不影响主句意思的表达,一般用逗号把主句和 从句分开;由 as,who,whom,whose,which,of which,when,where 等词引导,不用 that

36、 或 why,不能省略。 1. He lent me a thousand dollars, which was exactly the amount I needed. 非限制性 2. If you have a friend who knows your heart, distance cant keep you apart. 限制性 Id like a room, of which the window looks out over the sea. Id like a room, the window of which looks out over thesea. 我想要一个窗户面朝大

37、海的房间。 3关系代词 as 引导的定语从句 (1)such+名词+as 表示“像.一样”;the same+名词+as 表示“和同样的” We have found such materials as are used in their factory. These houses are sold at such a low price as people expected. He is not the same man as he was. (2)as 表示“正如,正像”,此时,as 从句中常用know, expect, happen, point out, plan, suggest 等

38、词。 He came back home late, as we expected. As is pointed out, this is a grammar problem. 二、关系副词引导的定语从句 1.当先行词在定语从句中作状语时,要用关系副词。 表时间用 when,表地点用where,表原因用 why 引导 He will always remember the day when his father returned from America. The factory where his father works is the largest one in this city. I

39、 dont know the reason why he was absent today. 2.关系代词和关系副词的区别 关系代词在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语,而关系副词在定语从句中作状语。因此在选择关系词时,最重要的是 分析一下定语从句中的成分。 【比较】 Do you still remember the days that/which we spent in Qingdao? Do you still remember the days when we spent the summer holidays in Qingdao? 注意:当先行词为way 时,用 in which 或 t

40、hat 引导定语从句;当先行词为某些抽象名词如 point,case, occasion, situation, stage 等时,用 where 引导定语从句。 三、限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从 9 when表时间的介词(in,at,during)which where表地点的介词(in,at,on,under)which why表原因的介词forwhich 单项选择 句的区别 四、“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句 1.“介词关系代词”引导定语从句时,关系代词只能用 which(指物)或 whom(指人),当介词放在关系代词前面 时, 关系代词不能省略;反之,当介词位于定语从句的末尾时,可用

41、 that/which(指物),that/who/whom(指 人)作介词的宾语,作介词宾语的关系代词可以省略This is the book for which you asked. (which 不能省略) This is the book which you asked for. (which 可省略) Is this the house in which Shakespeare was born? (which 不能省略) The gentleman about whom you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.(whom 不能省略) 2.

42、介词关系代词where/when/why/how3.“介词which/whom”中介词的确定分两种情 况: (1)与定语从句中的动词构成搭配。 The man I talked about at the meeting is from America. The man about whom I talked at the meeting is from America.(talk about 谈论) (2)与定语从句所修饰的先行词搭配。 He came to a farm, on which he finally settled.(on the farm 在农场) 注意:当从句的谓语为固定搭配

43、时,不能分开。 The old woman whom he is taking care of is my grandmother. () 1. The placeinterested me most was the Childrens Palace. A. WhichB. whereC. whatD. in which () 2. Do you know the man? A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke toD. that I spoke () 3. This is the hotellast month. A. which they sta

44、yedB. at that they stayedC. where they stayed at D. where they stayed () 4. Do you know the yearthe Chinese Communist Party wasfounded? A. whichB. thatC. whenD. on which () 5. That is the dayIll never forget. A. whichB. on whichC. in whichD. when () 6. The factorywell visit next week is not far from

45、 here. A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in which () 7. Great changes have taken place since then in the factorywe are working. A. whereB. thatC. whichD. there () 8. This is one of thebest films. A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shown C. that has been shown this yearD. that you talked 10 ()

46、 9. Can you lend me the bookthe other day? A. about which you talkedB. which you talked C. about that you talkedD. that you talked () 10. The penhe is writing is mine. A. with whichB. in whichC. on whichD. by which () 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front ofsat a small boy. A. whomB. whoC. whichD

47、. that () 12. The engineermy father works is about 50 years old. A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. with whom () 13. Is there anyone in your classfamily is in the country? A. whoB. whosC. whichD. whose () 14. Im interested inyou have said. A. all thatB. all whatC. thatD. which () 15. I want to use

48、the same dictionarywas used yesterday. A. whichB. whoC. whatD. as Once I spoke at a high school. After the speech, I was asked to see a special student. An illness had kept the boy at home, but he had expressed an interest in meeting me, and it would mean a great deal to him. I agreed. He was Matthe

49、w. When he was born, the doctor told his parents that he would not live to see five, then they were told he would not make it to ten. Now he was thirteen. He wanted to meet me because I was a gold-medal weight lifter, and I knew about overcoming obstacles(障碍) and going for my dreams. I spent over an

50、 hour talking to Matthew. Never once did he complain(抱怨). He spoke about winning and succeeding and going for his dreams. He knew what he was talking about. He just talked about his hopes for the future, and how one day he wanted to lift weight with me. When we finished talking, I went to my briefca


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