Module 4 The world around us-10 Numbers-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-沪教版三年级上册英语(编号:c05f2).zip

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Unit 10 Numbers 3nd 1、 教材分析及学情分析 本课时为牛津英语 3A Module 4 Unit10 Numbers 的第三课时, 学生通过前两个课时的学习,已经能够用 How many.? There is/ are .进行简单的问答,并能熟练掌握 1-10 的英文表达,本课时将在此 基础上,创设不同的情境,使学生更加熟练运用本单元的重点词汇 和句型。 2、教学内容: 1. 教学任务简述(Task): 通过本课的学习,能够熟练运用 How many.?提问及用 There is/ are .应答。 2. 目标陈述(Objectives): 知识目标:句型 How many.?There is/ are .。 能力目标:学生能够熟练运用 How many.?提问及用 There is/ are . 应答。 情感目标:学生能在具体的情境中运用自己所学的语言知识完成任 务,在小组合作中体验集体的智慧和力量。 3. 重点难点说明(Focal points and difficulties): 重点:句型:How many.?There is/ are . 难点:正确并熟练运用本课的重点句型。 三、教辅用品说明(Aids): 单词卡片、教学课件 四、教学过程: I. Pre-task preparation 1. Warming-up:Say the chant on P53 2. Free talk: How many windows are there in our classroom? How many pens are there in your pencil case?. 课件展示多个图片,让学生数一数图片中物体的数量,如:数 盒子,数星星等。 (设计意图:由教材中学生已经学习过的歌谣开始,吸引学生 的注意力,激发学生的兴趣,并由此展开问题,导入本课的重点内 容。 ) 3. Say a new chant: 教学课件中展示图片,引导学生数一数书上的苹果,并学说: How many apples in the tree? There are _ apples in the tree. _ for you and _ for me. II. While-task procedure 1. 导入故事: 导入故事,创设情境:Today is Winnies birthday. Many animal are going to Winnies party. Look! Who are they? 课件展示动物们的脚印,并借由脚印的数目,让学生来猜猜看 有哪些动物,并且数数看他们的数量。 (设计意图:创设维尼生日的情境,维尼的朋友都是学生喜爱 而且熟悉的动物,动物脚印的出现,激发了学生学习的兴趣,使学 生更乐于运用所学的语言知识提问和回答,同时结合了学生的认知 水平,让学生结合数学知识和自然知识,最终得出结论。 ) 2. 小组合作,完成表格 T:So many friends are coming. What is Winnie doing? 课件展示维尼正在准备食物的图片。 提出任务:帮助维尼准备聚会的食物。 教师引导学生说一说他们想准备的食物,并在举例过程中,将 食物按照可数名词和不可数名词将其在黑板上分类。 最后,由学生分小组讨论并帮助维尼完成“Food List”。 (设计意图:通过创设情境,复习食物名称和讨论聚会中应该 准备的食物的数量,让学生能够在具体的情境中,结合自己的生活 常识,在小组的讨论中,为聚会准备相应数量的食物,并在讨论的 过程中,运用所学的语言知识解决所遇到的问题和完成相应的人物, 培养了学生综合运用语言的能力。 ) III. Post-task activity 活动:讨论生日礼物 课件展示维尼的生日礼物,并引导学生谈一谈他们得到过的生 日礼物,以及他们最喜欢的生日礼物。 课件展示维尼最喜欢的礼物,学生通过听维尼的讲述以及阅读 课件中的文字描述,回答简单的问题: What is Winnies favourite present? How many .? (设计意图:通过维尼的介绍,以听和读的方式,培养和提高学 生的听、读能力,并在此基础上,回答简单的问题,以加深对语篇 的理解。 ) IV. 作业: 1. Say a chant about numbers. 2. Say sth. about your bag. V. 板书设计: Module 4 The world around us Unit 10 Numbers 3nd How many .? There is . / There are . Food List apple pear banana peach watermelon Present like pen bag ruler pencil Module 4 The world around us Numbers 1 1 0 0 OxfordOxford EnglishEnglish Period 3 Look and answer: How many stars can you see? I can see _. What do they look like? They look like a _. the Big Dipper(北斗星) the Dog Starthe Big Bear They look like a _. 大熊星天狼星 How many apples in the tree? There are ten apples in the tree. Five for you and five for me. How many apples in the tree? There are eight apples in the tree. Four for you and four for me. How many apples in the tree? There are _ apples in the tree. _ for you and_ for me. no Nono How many apples in the tree? There are _ apples in the tree. _ for you and_ for me. Winnie Winnies birthday Winnie is very happy. Many animals are going to Winnies party. Look ,who are they? footpraints 20 bananas 8 carrots 12 apples 2 watermelons 10 hot dogs 20 ice creams 10 hamburgers 6 peaches This is a present from my mum. Its a new bag. Its big and blue. I like it very much. Look! There are 10 books in it.This is a box of crayons. Its a present, too. Its from my aunt. This is my pencil box. Its blue,too. There are 2 pencils, 3 pens, a ruler and a rubber. What about your bag? 1 SaySay a a chantchant aboutabout numbers.numbers. e.g.Numbers,Tene.g.Numbers,Ten littlelittle IndiansIndians . 2 SaySay sth.sth. aboutabout youryour schoolbag.schoolbag. e.g.e.g.ThisThis is is mymy schoolbag.schoolbag. TherereTherere . in in it. it.
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