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5A Module3 Unit7 At the beach Oxford EnglishOxford EnglishOxford EnglishOxford English Period 1 Enjoy holidays Daily ReportDaily ReportDaily Report I have a friend. Shes a beautiful girl. She likes travelling with her family. She likes seafood. She has two little brothers, Peter and Paul. Who is she? Whats the date ? What day is it? Its (the) 3rd (of) November. Its Saturday. Are the Browns in Sanya? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. What is Sally doing? What is Peter doing? She is enjoying the sunshine. He is reading a book. Is Mrs Brown collecting shells? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. Is Paul collecting rubbish? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. What is Mr Brown doing? He is swimming in the sea. Today is Saturday, 3rd November. The Browns are on holiday in Sanya. They are at the beach. It is a beautiful day. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. Sally is enjoying the sunshine. Peter is sitting beside Sally. He is reading a book. Mrs Brown and Paul are collecting shells. Mr Brown is swimming in the sea. They are all having a good time. Yes, they are. No, she isnt. Yes, she is. No, he isnt. No, he isnt. 2. G1: _ Peter and Paul _ at the beach? G2: Yes, _. / No, _. 1. S: Are Sally and Mrs Brown _? T: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 3. G1: _ Mr and Mrs Brown _ ? G2: Yes, _. / No, _. Look at these photos. My family are on holiday in Sanya. It is sunny and hot. My parents are enjoying the sunshine at the beach. My daughter and I are collecting shells. Look, she is building a sand castle(沙堡). In this photo, we are visiting the aquarium(水族馆). There are many sea animals. In this photo, I am drinking the coconut. We have lots of sea food in Sanya. We are all having a good time. weather: sunny, hot, cloudy Things we do at the beach: enjoying the sunshine collecting shells building a sand castle drinking the coconut visiting the aquarium taking photos . feelings: have a good time have fun 1.Recite the passage on page 46.1.Recite the passage on page 46. 2.Write down the new words.2.Write down the new words. 3.Listen to the tape for three times.3.Listen to the tape for three times. 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 5 6 2 3 5 5A M3U7 At the beach Period 1 Enjoy holidays 教学设计 教学时间:教学时间: 教学目标:教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握词汇及词组:enjoy, collect, on holiday, enjoy the sunshine, have a good time.并能熟练 运用“He/ She is doing.”句型。 过程与方法:充分利用音像资源提高学生学习英语的兴趣。通过师 生互动激发学生学习热情。 情感态度与价值观:利用歌曲激发学生的兴趣,培养学生热爱生活 热爱大自然的美好感情。 教学重点:教学重点:1.掌握关于海滩的一些词汇:ocean, beach, sand,。 2.能熟练运用 He/ She is doing.句型。 教学难点:现在进行时的句型结构的运用。 教学方法: 任务教学法 教学过程:教学过程: Pre-task preparations 1.复习单词,Spell it 游戏 2.句型问答练习 What will you do ? While-task procedures 1. 出示图片资料,导入课题 T: What is this? S: The ocean. T: Do you like the ocean? S: Yes,I do. T: The ocean is blue. The ocean is salty.(指导学生认 识该词) 2. 出示图片, 教师根据画面提出问题: Who is she?(She is Jenny.) 继而引出 sand 一词的学习。 T: This summer, Jenny will go the ocean. She will play on the beach. The beach is pretty good. What do beaches have? 对 sand 一词的读和写,以及造句的指导。 What will you make with the sand? 问答练习。 3. 学习 Part 1 学生听课文录音 4. 根据课文设计几个问题,学生带着问题读课文 a. What do beaches have? b. What is Sally doing? c. What is Peter doing? 5. 讨论并交流以上问题,教师及时订正 6. 根据课件,全班齐读课文主要内容 Post-task activities 出示 CAI 图片,学生分组讨论,对图片内容进行描述,运用 句型:He/ She is doing. Homework: 1.Read and retell the text of P46. 朗读并复述课文。 2.Write about your holiday. 写一篇关于自己假日活动的作文。 【板书设计板书设计】 5A M3U7 At the beach When? enjoy holidays 教学反思:教学反思: At the beach 一课主要描述了用现在进行时态叙述一家在海边活动 的情况。现在进行时在前面的几个单元里都已经涉及到,所以我认 为在这课时我把时态作为复习阅读课来教学。并且在教学过程中主 要训练学生的口语表达和交际能力。所以在课前的教学设计中,主 要考虑如何利用媒体层层深入,循序渐进的教学,使学生通过看图、 说句、组词、造句、展示、复述等系列活动,自主学习和拓展学习 相结合,轻松愉快的学习本课,在教学过程中,我安排了多个教学 When? Who? Where ? How.weather ? What is/are.doing? How are.feeling? 活动,每个活动均有比较明确的目标与要求,并能够安排在一定的 语境和情景中进行,突出了培养学生用英语思考和用英语进行交流 的能力,体现了交际语言教学的思想。 1、积极创设情景,激发学生兴趣。本课以沙滩为主情境,一下子吸 引了学生的兴趣,分别通过去沙滩时的天气情况,去沙滩玩的穿着, 在沙滩上的活动以及在沙滩上玩好的感受四大块内容,进行教学。 学生对于熟悉的情境,联系生活都能由衷的发表自己的意见。让学 生在轻松、愉快的环境中积极地学习,并将知识最大限度的运用于 生活中。 2、设计灵活多样的教学活动。以欣赏各地有名的沙滩作为导入,一 下子吸引了学生的眼球,心中有种期待。带着美丽的心情去开始知 识的学习,效率肯定会很高。在教授 Splash water 词组时,创造一 个在水上的情景,学生们打水仗起来不亦乐乎,当然也是说的惟妙 惟肖,身临其境的感觉。在沙滩上找东西时,学生充满了期待,石 头下面有贝壳,贝壳里面有小螃蟹,小小的活动,都充满着惊喜。 对于 Look for 这个词组,不局限在找沙滩上的东西,很自然的 让学生找找单词,马上学以致用。在沙滩上玩沙子,学生最喜爱的 活动之一,让孩子们自己编编对话,通过这个任务型教学途径,让 学生通过感受、体验、学习并运用了本课的新语言。 3、以“人”为本,发挥学生的主观能动性。整篇设计几乎都是以孩 子们的自身经历为语言交流平面。设计各种各样的活动,让学生来 说一说,读一读。 4、注重语段、语篇的训练。始终遵循“词不离句,句不离段,段不 离篇”的规律。每学完一个单词后,就让学生在具体的句子中去使 用。如教学完单词 stone,就让学生去描述 stone,在描述中达到活 用语言的目的。教学完动词短语后,让学生在具体的对话中使用所 学内容,如:S1: Lets play with the sand. S2: OK.S1: Look, I can make a long fish. S2: Wow, great! I can make a big house.这样学生就在生动的对话情境中操练了所学内容,而且丰富 了课本知识,扩充了语言量。 5、注重语篇的整体性,学完整片文章后,引导学生将文正进行分段, 学生通过前面的铺垫,非常轻松的可以将文章分成四个部分,并能 根据每一个小主题,进行表达。最后让学生利用习得的方法,从四 方面着手,试着写一篇旅游日记。在本课的实际教学中,我感觉到 学生都比较敢于说,基本上达到了课的教学目的,当然其中也存在 着一些不足之处。例如在课中应让学生问答方式、让学生自己去观 察、自己去回答,学生的能力得到充分的发挥,在今后的教学中应 多给学生操练的时间,教学效果会更好,学生掌握的也更扎实。