Module 3 Out and about-9 Around the city-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-沪教版五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:00058).docx

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Module 3 Out and about-9 Around the city-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-沪教版五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:00058).docx_第1页
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Module 3 Out and about-9 Around the city-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-沪教版五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:00058).docx_第2页
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1、5AU9 Around the city 教学设计教学设计 Teaching aims and demands(教学目标): 1、Knowledge and Ability Objects: (1)能读熟并理解本课的课文。 (2) 能用句型 How do I get to ?问路, 并能用 Walk along Turn left等句子帮人指路。 (3)会使用 Excuse me 和 Is that right?。 2、Method Objects in teaching: (1)通过创设情境等多种方式,让生练习本课的重点句型,进 一步提高自己的口语表达能力和学习英语的兴趣。 (2)通过小组合

2、作的方式,读熟并理解本课的课文。 (3)通过各小组之间得分的对比,增强小组合作意识,锻炼学 生的协作能力。 3、Sensibility and Value Objects: (1)体会小组合作的重要性。 (2)做一个热心人,助人为乐。 Teaching key points: (1)能读熟并理解本课的课文。 (2) 能用句型 How do I get to ?问路, 并能用 Walk along Turn left等句子帮人指路。 (3)会使用 Excuse me 和 Is that right?。 Teaching difficulty: 能用句型How do I get to ?问路, 并

3、能用Walk alongTurn left等句子帮人指路。 Teaching aids:课件 5A 点读课本 点读机 翻页笔 纸质文本 贴画 红粉笔 卡片 头饰 Teaching procedures: Step 1:Warm-up 热身 (1 minute) Left go,right go. 通过做“Left go,right go.”对各组的表现进行加分,以提高学 生的积极性。 Step 2: Revision 复习(2 minutes) Review some key words . T:Show some pictures. (left,right,turn left,turn ri

4、ght. Then show “walk straight”, “walk along” and “betweenand”.) Ss:Look and say. T:Encourage them properly. 播放 ppt,让生复习本课的相关单词,并适时鼓励他们。 Step 3:Lead-in 导入(1 minute) T:”Most of them are about signs on the road.There are many other signs in the city too,right?They can help us find the way and let us he

5、lp others .So today our topic is Around the city. Lets see what happened and how do they ask for directions and give directions with the phrases. 通过已复习的路标引出城市中的其它路标, 指明它们能帮助我们 认路,也能让我们帮助别人找到路。然后师板书课题于黑板上,并说 明今天的重点是如何问路和指路。 Step 4:Presentation 新知呈现(13minutes) 明确目标:能读熟并理解本课的课文;能用句型 How do I get to ?问路

6、,并能用 Walk alongTurn left等句子帮人指路;会 使用 Excuse me 和 Is that right?。 Task1 任务一 任务呈现:Can read the text fluently and understand it well. Can know the use of Excuse me and Is that right?. 1. 能读熟并理解本课的课文。 2.会使用“Excuse me”和“Is that right?” 。 Listen and say. 1) “Look!Who are they?”Ss:Answer. “What happened to

7、 Kitty? “ T:Play the video. Ss:Listen and try to find the answer. 2) T:”Look at your paper.Lets listen and follow it.”(Play it twice.)Ss:Look,listen,imitate . 3) Ss:Read the text in roles. 4)Work in groups for two minutes and try to find the answers on the slide. T:Go around and reward the students

8、who perform well with the stickers. 5)Check the answers. T:Choose some students to answer and draw flags for their groups. 6)T:”What are the key patterns?” Ss:Answer. 7)Write the key patterns on the blackboard and explain. 听录音:1.观看视频并试着找出 Kitty 要去的地方(如若学生已 经答出,则判断正误) 。2.打开课本,听并跟读。3.模仿读。4.分角色 朗读。5.小组

9、合作朗读课文并回答问题。期间师巡视并为做得好的同 学发帖画。随后,师挑生回答问题,并给其所在的小组加分。最后让 生说出重点句型,师板书重点句子于黑板上并稍作拓展。顺势讲解 “Excuse me”和“Is that right?” 。 Step 5:Consolidation 巩固练习(19 minutes) Task2:任务二: 任 务 呈 现 : Using the key patterns to ask for and give directions right. 能用句型 How do I get to?问路,并能用 Walk alongTurn left等句子帮人指路。 1) Guid

10、e the students to do more practice. 出示 ppt 练习句型。师问生答。 2) Create a scene.让生拿出地点卡片和头饰,并展示。生熟悉 后再出示路线图和提示句型,让生两人一组练习并展示。问的同学在 同伴回答路线时走动, 看路线是否正确。(PS: 奖励参与的同学贴画。 ) 练习约 4、5 组,然后师问生答,师说路线生猜地点。时间允许的话 再挑同学问路线、说路线,其他同学说路线、猜地点。 3)Moral education.情感教育 出示图片,让生认识到有很多人需要帮助,应向雷锋学习,尽自 己所能帮助所有需要帮助的人。 Step6:Conclusio

11、n 小结(3 minutes) T:”Lets review what weve learnt today.”Ss:Think and say. T:“Write the sentences down on your notebooks.” 生复习并抄写本课重点句型。师巡视,并做指导。 (PS:强调街道名字要大写首字母,并让生举例说明需要大写首 字母的情况。) T:”Look!Theyre your learning goals.Have you achieved them? Which group is the winner? “ Ss:Say and encourage them. 先引导

12、生复习并抄写本课重点句型,然后对学习目标和小组竞 赛结果进行小结。 Step7:Assignment 作业安排(1 minute) 1.Practise reading the text in groups. 小组合作朗读课文。 2.Draw a map around your home or school and practise in pairs with the key patterns weve learnt today. 绘制一幅你家或学校附近的地图, 两人一组运用本课所学的句型 互相问答。 Step8:Blackboard design(板书设计) U9 Around the city123 Excuse me. How do I get to? Walk along Winter Street. Turn left at Spring Street.


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