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Proverbs -谚语 人教版PEP三起小学英语五年级(上 ) An apple a day! Enjoy a song Do you know the proverb(谚 语)in the video? An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天一苹果,医生远离我。 Proverbs are so funny! Lets see more proverbs! Is it a good book? Is it a bad book? We dont know!We dont know! You cant judge a book by its cover. 不能通过封面评判一本书的内容。 不能以貌取人。不能以貌取人。不能以貌取人。 judge 评价;鉴定 cover 封面 Judy is a small rabbit, but she is a good policewoman(女警 ). You cant judge a book by its cover. He wears glasses, but he is superman! You cant judge a book by its cover. She is beautiful, but she is a bad people. You cant judge a book by its cover. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧熟能生巧熟能生巧。 练习制造完美。 practice 练习 perfect 完美 He practices every day, so he can shoot(射击)very well. Practice makes perfect. He practices every day, so he can swim very well. Practice makes perfect. Seeing is believing. 看见是相信。 眼见为实眼见为实眼见为实。 believing 相信;认为 I believe I will won! SeeingSeeing hearinghearing I heard that he was a bad boy, but he is a good boy. He is a bad boy. Seeing is believing. Match the meanings Practice makes perfect. You cant judge a book by its cover. Seeing is believing. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 眼见为 实。 不能以貌取人。 一天一苹果,医生远离 我。 熟能生巧。 Fill in the blanks Practice makesperfect. Seeingisbelieving You cant judge a book by its cover . . An apple a day keeps the doctoraway. Make sentences An apple a day keeps the doctor away. an a apple the away doctor keeps day . Make sentences You cant judge a book by its cover. you cant judge cover a book by its . Make sentences Practice makes perfect. practice makes perfect . Make sentences Seeing is believing. seeing believing is . Challenge! 1. Read the proverbs. 2. Say the proverbs. 3. Match the proverbs with the pictures. You cant judge a book by its cover. Practice makes perfect. Seeing is believing. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Challenge 1 不能以貌取人。 熟能生巧。 眼见为实。 每天一苹果,医生远离 我。 每天一苹果,医生远离 我。 眼见为实。 不能以貌取人。 熟能生巧 Challenge 2 You cant judge a book by its cover. Practice makes perfect. Seeing is believing. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Challenge 3 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Seeing is believing. You cant judge a book by its cover. Practice makes perfect. Homework Read and recite the proverbs. Telling the proverbs to your parents. Thanks Proverbs Teaching Objectives: 1.With the help of the teacher, students can understand the meaning of the proverbs. 2.Students can read the proverbs correctly. 3.Students can use the proverbs in the real situation. Teaching Key Points: 1.Students can read the proverbs correctly. 2.Students can use the proverbs in the real situation. Teaching Difficulties: The new words in the proverbs. Teaching Aids: Multimedia Teaching progress: Step 1 Warm-up Lets enjoy a song: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. T: Do you know the proverbs in the video? Ss: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Step 2 Presentation 1. You cant judge a book by its cover. Show a book on the screen. T: Do you know whether its a good book or bad book? Ss: I dont know. T: Yes. We dont know. So “We cant judge a book by its cover.” Teach the words “judge” and “phrase”. Ask the students to translate the proverb. Show some pictures and situations to let the students deeper understand the proverb. 2. Practice makes perfect. Show the proverb on the screen, and teach the new words in it. T:Do you know the meaning of the proverb? Show some pictures and situations to let the students deeper understand the proverb. 3. Seeing is believing Teach the new word “believing”, and let the students translate the proverb. Show some pictures and situations to let the students deeper understand the proverb. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Match the meanings 2. Fill in the blanks. 3. Make sentences. 4. Challenges T shows three challenges with different level. And T asks some students to do the challenges. Step 4 Summary and Homework Summary: What proverbs have we learned today? Homework: 1.Read and recite the proverbs. 2.Tell the proverbs to your parents Blackboard Design: You cant judge a book by its cover. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Practice makes perfect. Seeing is believing.
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