- flsah.swf
- picture1.mp3
- picture2.mp3
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- picture4.mp3
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- sing together.flv
- Story time.pptx--点击预览
- 教案6001e.docx--点击预览
- 音频.mp3
Unit 6 In a nature park Story time Where are they going ? Question: Where are they going? Question: They are going to a nature park. Whats in the nature park? Question: Whats in the nature park? Question: Bridge,mountains and trees. What do they see? Question: What do they see? Question: A house. Whats in the house? Question: Whats in the house? Question: A lot of corn/Much corn. Who is the first that Zip want to take pictures? Question: Who is the first that Zip want to take pictures? Question: Koala. What happened? Question: What happened? Question: Their card is broken. Role-play: Homework : 1.Share the story to your friends. 2.Preview Recycle 2. Goodbye ! 课题课题Unit 6 In a nature park Part C Story time 版本版本PEP 小学五年级上册授课教师授课教师 教材分析教材分析 本故事是 PEP 小学英语五年级上册 Unit6 In a nature park 的 story time。故事的主人公是我们非常熟悉的老朋友 Zoom 和 Zip。因为天气不错,Zoom 就和 Zip 建议去 nature park 游玩。Zip 欣然同去,两个好朋友就一起去了 nature park,一路上他们遇到了很多好玩又漂亮的东西, 拍了很多漂亮的照片,玩的非常开心,但是故事的最后 又发生了什么呢?故事的情节发展有利于激发学生的想 象力,提高学生发展探究的能力。故事中有一些生词, 但不影响阅读,多数句型都是本单元已学内容,总的来 说难度不是很大。 教学内容教学内容 本课的教学内容为 Unit6 In a nature park 的 story time.学 生经过前两年的接触学习已经具备初步的英语阅读和表 达能力。这个故事本身不是很难,但对于农村地区学校 的学生来说,还是有些难度。我将借助图片帮助学生理 解。我将采取图片环游的方式,引导学生预测故事的发 展,并且在每一个小对话前都会设置一个小问题,让学 生带着任务去阅读,加深对故事文本的理解。最后,我 会邀请几组学生到讲台来分角色扮演 Zoom 和 Zip,来再现 故事情节。 教学目标教学目标 1 会灵活运用 there is/are 句型。 2 能够理解故事主旨大意。 3 能够亲近大自然,发现大自然的美。 4 能够联系生活实际,出门前一定要检查好自己所带用 具。 教学重点教学重点掌握默读,寻读,速读等方法,并通过这些方法查找关 键信息,回答问题。 教学难点教学难点灵活运用 there be 句型,结合本文实际,使学生学会做 一个又准备的人。 课前准备课前准备自制教学卡片,教学课件 教学过程教学过程 教师教学活动教师教学活动学生学习活动学生学习活动设计意图设计意图 1 Warm-up Greetings T:Hello,boys and girls!nice to meet you! Are you ready for our class? OK, lets sing together. 2 Presentation 1) (Show the PPT)Today ,our old friends Zoom and Zip are very happy Hello,Miss Xiang Nice to meet you ,too. Yes. Sing together. 简单的打招呼,和 学生一起跟着音乐 律动,拉近师生的 距离,活跃课堂气 氛,提高学生学习 兴趣。 ,and they want to a place.Do you know where are they going? (Show the question on PPT)Lets have a look.(show the picture 1 and give one minute) Boys and girls ,where are they going? Any volunteers?Be Brave please,OK,Cui Teng please. Good job.Big hands for him.(带领学生 读一遍 picture 1) 2) Boys and girls ,Zoom and Zip are going to a nature park. But ,what can they see in the nature park? OK,lets have a look(show the picture 2.) (The teacher go around the classroom and give some help to the students.) Boys and girls ,whats in the nature park?Who want to have a try? Show me your hand .OK,that beautiful girl. Good job,big hands for her.(带领学生 读一遍 picture 2.) 3) Boys and girls ,Zoom and Zip are in the nature park now .What do they see in the nature park?OK,lets have a look(show the picture 3.) . Boys and girls ,listen carefully and find the answer. One minute later: Who want to try? OK,you please. Maybe you are right,but I think there is a better answer. Any volunteer? OK,you please. You are so smart!Big hands for No. Look at picture 1 carefully. Nature park. Read after the teacher. Mountains,bridge and trees. Read together. 在这一部分呈现环 节,采取了图片环 游的方式,让学生 可以简单明了的理 解故事含义,又练 习了学生的听力, 让学生学会善于观 察,勤于动脑,让 学生带着问题去思 考,不会盲目无知。 把故事分开来讲, 分小来讲有利于孩 子的理解,让学生 在轻轻松松的环境 中获得知识的学习。 her.(带领学生读一遍 picture 3.) 4) Boys and girls ,whats in the house ?OK,lets have a look(show the picture 4.) . Boys and girls ,listen carefully and find the answer. One minute later: Who want to try? OK,you please. Good job,big hands for him.(带领学生读一 遍 picture 4.) 5) Boys and girls ,who is the first that Zip want to take picture ?OK,lets have a look(show the picture 5.) . Boys and girls ,listen carefully and find the answer. One minute later: Who want to try? OK,you please. Good job,big hands for her.(带领学生读一遍 picture 5.) 6) Boys and girls ,what happened at last? OK, lets have a look(show the picture 6.) Boys and girls ,listen carefully and find it.(播放图片及音频) Any volunteer? OK,this handsome boy. Is he right?Yes,good job ! Big hands for you! Conclusion: 播放故事完整对话,和学生 一起回顾整个故事梗概,并总结。 A house. Read together. A lot of corn/Much corn. Read together. 3 Practice: Game: Role-play Lets play a game,role-play. Two for a group.One is Zoom,and the other is Zip. Clear?OK, 5s for you. 4 Ending: Boys and girls ,today weve learned a new story. You all did a good job.Im proud of you.Now,here is your homework: One is tell the story to your friends ,the other is preview the recycle 2. Now say goodbye to Zoom and Zip. Koala Read together. Their card is broken. Read together. 每组上来表演的的同学分别戴 上相应的动物头饰,邀请大多 数学生参加表演并及时鼓励。 梳理故事,便于学 生理解和熟悉故事 文本。 锻炼学生说和演的 能力,让他们能够 活学活用。 总结给予一定的表 扬,给学生继续努 力学习的动力。