Unit 1 What's he like -B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:a1840).doc

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Unit 1 What's he like -B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:a1840).doc_第1页
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Unit 1 What's he like -B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:a1840).doc_第2页
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Unit 1 What's he like -B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:a1840).doc_第3页
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Unit 1 What's he like -B-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(配套课件编号:a1840).doc_第5页
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1、PEP 小学英语五年级上册 Unit 1 Whats he like?Part BSection 4 TeachingTeaching aimsaims: : 1. Ss can understand the part of Let s try and tick the right answers 2. Ss can understand the dialogue with the help of the picture and the teacher. 3. Ss can use the right intonation and pronunciation to read the dialo

2、gue. 4. Ss can master the words of“Whats he like?”“He is” in different context. TeachingTeaching i importantmportant points:points: 1. Ss can understand and complete the part of Lets try. 2. Ss can got the dialogue and use the new sentences in different context. TeachingTeaching difficultdifficult p

3、ointspoints: : 1. Ss should pay attention to the dialogue intonation. 2. The pronunciation of“Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher”. TeachingTeaching aidsaids: : the headwear of Ms WangPPT TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures: : Step 1 .Warm-up Activity 1.Free talking T asks Ss some questions th

4、ey know. T: Who s your Chinese /maths/music/science teacher? S: He/She is T: Is he/she? S: Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isnt. (设计意图设计意图:通过回顾通过回顾 A 部分重点句型部分重点句型“Whos yourteacher?” “Is he/she?”理解并能正确回答,与生轻松交流学生印象中的老理解并能正确回答,与生轻松交流学生印象中的老 师,营造课堂氛围。师,营造课堂氛围。) Activity 2.Revision T: Do you want to know who

5、is my teacher ? Look! This is my teacher. (T uses PPT to show her teachers picture. )Whats he like? S: Is he? (Yes, he is./No, he isnt.) If the students answer is right, T will use PPT to show the key words. (设计意图:利用设计意图:利用 PPT,向学生展示自己的老师,激发学生的好,向学生展示自己的老师,激发学生的好 奇心,从而使他们积极疑问奇心,从而使他们积极疑问“Is he?” ,活用

6、本单元的重点形容词,活用本单元的重点形容词, 回顾旧知。回顾旧知。) Step 2.Presentation 1. Listening 1) Lead-in T: I have a friend. She is a new teacher. You can call her Ms Wang. Whats Ms Wang like? (新授句型“Whats Ms Wang like?, 并板书。)Is she quiet/funny/friendly? Listen to the tape then answer the question. 2) Check the answers T: Whi

7、ch answer is right?(Ss:friendly) T: Yes? Listen again. (设计意图设计意图:教师介绍自己的教师介绍自己的“朋友朋友”Ms Wang,仍然以仍然以“老师老师” 这个身份自然衔接热身环节这个身份自然衔接热身环节, 引入听力引入听力, 实现环节自然相扣实现环节自然相扣。 听力中听力中, 让学生独立听及教师引导听让学生独立听及教师引导听,找出核心词找出核心词,培养学生兴趣培养学生兴趣,并提升听并提升听 力水平。力水平。) 2.Lets talk 1) Learn the dialogue T: Now, we have known Ms Wang

8、is friendly. But do you want to know more about her? Lets listen to Chen Jie and Johns talking. ( T plays the tape.) Answer the questions: T: Whats she like? Sa: She is kind.( T leads Ss to check the answer from the tape.) T: Is she strict? Sb: Yes. (sometimes.) T: Who is Chen Jies mother? Sc: Ms Wa

9、ng. (She is my mother.) “will be” 结合肢体动作,对新授单词“sometimes” “will”教学,并板书。 (设计意图:为了使学生更好地理解对话,将对话分解成三个问设计意图:为了使学生更好地理解对话,将对话分解成三个问 题,引导学生正确捕捉关键内容,为培养学生阅读能力奠定良好基题,引导学生正确捕捉关键内容,为培养学生阅读能力奠定良好基 础。础。) 2) Reading T leads Ss to read this dialogue follow the tape. T reminds Ss about the intonation and pronunci

10、ation. Students self-reading. T asks Ss to act this dialogue. (设计意图:让学生先听录音,再模仿录音自主练习,注重引导设计意图:让学生先听录音,再模仿录音自主练习,注重引导 学生对语调的控制学生对语调的控制,使学生体会到英语朗读发音的乐趣使学生体会到英语朗读发音的乐趣。活动中活动中,学学 生利用喜爱的头饰生利用喜爱的头饰,进行角色扮演进行角色扮演,感受语言情境感受语言情境,培养学生对英语培养学生对英语 的喜爱。的喜爱。) Step 3.Practice Game 1: T: (T shows the headwear of Ms W

11、ang) This is Ms Wang. Whats Ms Wang like? Ss: She is kind and strict. T: Now, I am Ms Wang. (T wears this headwear to act like Ms Wang.)I want to know about you! What are your teachers/family like? T asks individual students to answer these questions. (设计意图设计意图:运用情境教学法运用情境教学法,以虚拟人物以虚拟人物 Ms Wang,询问学生

12、询问学生 身边人物,使学生身临与身边人物,使学生身临与 Ms Wang 相互认识的课堂情境,积极参与相互认识的课堂情境,积极参与 活动,实现单元重点句型的有效强化。活动,实现单元重点句型的有效强化。) Game 2: T: Look! (T shows the first page of the class picture album by PPT.) Would you like to share it with Ms Wang? (Yes) T plays the video. (设计意图:运用多媒体播放学生动态相册视频,让学生以问设计意图:运用多媒体播放学生动态相册视频,让学生以问- 答

13、形式介绍自己的同学答形式介绍自己的同学, 活用本课时重点句型活用本课时重点句型, 激发学生积极参与激发学生积极参与 “评评 价游戏价游戏” ,以达到灵活运用句型的目的。,以达到灵活运用句型的目的。) Step 4.Summay Different people have different characters,we should know how to respect others. Homework: Talk about “What are your teachers/friends/classmates/family like?” with others. Blackboard des

14、ign: Unit 1Whats he like? Part BLets talk What is Ms Wang like? will be sometimes 教学反思教学反思 本课主要是一节对话课,在实现课时教学目标的同时,我根据小 学高年级学生的阶段性特点,结合学生实际营造语言情境,激发了学 生学英语的兴趣与热情。整个课堂,学生思维积极,气氛活跃,妙趣 横生。 趣味热身趣味热身,营造氛围营造氛围。结合多媒体,通过与学生自由交流各自老 师,激发学生的好奇心,活跃课堂氛围,同时为出示新老师 Ms Wang 做好人物铺垫。 创设情境,学有所用。创设情境,学有所用。利用 Ms Wang 这个角色贯穿整个教学过 程,让学生在与虚拟角色互相认识的情境中,激发参与欲望,反复强 化句型,学有所用。 实拍素材实拍素材,萌发情感萌发情感。实拍相片,利用多媒体将活泼天真的学生 形象制作出新颖有趣的动态视频,激发学生的亲身感受,活用句型, 自由交流彼此的印象,萌发相互尊重的情感态度。 本节课不足之处在于,对学生内化新知的时间安排较紧凑。在以 后的教学中,我应该拉长学生对新知的自主练习时间,实现课堂时间 安排的科学化。


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