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1、1 / 4 Unit 3Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Period 1 词汇学习课词汇学习课 【学习目标】 1.能够正确拼、读、写 suggest, beside 等词汇。 2.通过自主学习与小组合作,掌握词汇的拼读记忆规则和相关的词型转化。 3.能够与他人相互学习,相互帮助,提升自己的英语水平。 【难点】 :词型变化的正确运用。 【难点】 :词型变化的正确运用。 Steps 1. Read after the tape player together, correct your pronunciation. 2. Prep

2、are for your word reading in groups, then have a competition, the others give them marks. 3. Learn the forms of the words. 4. Summary:1. 掌握了本单元单词的拼读记忆规则。 2. 掌握了本单元 normal,convenient 等词的词形变化。 5. Homework:1. 疯狂朗读记忆单词和相关词汇变化,准备第二天单词检测。 2. 完成 Section A 预习案。 我的反思: Period 2SectionA 听说课听说课(1b-2c) 【学习目标】 1.

3、 熟读 Section A 重点短语句子 。 2. 通过听说训练掌握礼貌询问路线及相关句型: 3. 通过礼貌询问,培养有礼貌,乐于助人的好品质。 【重点】 :礼貌问路的各种方法。 Steps 1. Go through the study-guide 2. Practice (1) Look at the picture to talk about the place and what can we do in these places. (2) 1a Where can you do the things below? Match each thing with a place in the

4、 picture. Many different answers are possible. (3) Review how to ask the way: Excuse me, is there a/an? Could you please tell me.the way to the ? Would you like to show/ tell me .?how to get to the? Would you mind telling me . ?+ where the is? Can I ask .?where I can find a ?/if there is a ? (4) Rev

5、iew how to show the direction: go along the main street; go past MC Donolds/ pass MC Donolds; turn right/ left at the first corner. (5) Listening practice: 1b Listen and complete the conversation. (6) Pair work: 1c Make conversations using the information in 1a. Then talk about your own town/ city.

6、3. Summary: (1) 复习巩固了指路的方法。 (2) 巩固了宾语从句的用法,并学会了委婉, 礼貌的提出请求的句型。 2 / 4 (3) 培养学生乐于助人,礼貌交际的品质和习惯。 4. Homework:(1) 完成新支点的第一节。(2) 背诵并记忆今天所学内容 。 我的反思: Period 3Section A阅读课阅读课(2a-3c) 【学习目标】 1. 巩固用宾语从句问路,指路。 2. 通过 2d, 3c 的学习,感受与朋友游玩相处时的互相鼓励和体贴。 3. 明白朋友之间要互相帮助,互相鼓励。 Steps 1. Review the ways to give the direct

7、ion. 2. Listening practice: (1) 2a Listen. You will hear some of the directions below. Number the directions in the order that you hear them. (2) 2b Listen again. Draw a line in the picture above to show how the boy walks to the supermarket. 3. 2d(1) Listen and answer the questions. Whats the name o

8、f the biggest park in He Weis city? Where doesAlice want to go first? What words have the same meanings of restroom? (2) 2d Role-play the conversation. 4. Learn the passage of 3a (1) Read the conversation and answer the questions below. Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel

9、after the ride? What is special about Uncle Bobs restaurant? Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner?Why? (2) 3b Underline the questions or statements in the conversation that ask for information.Rewrite them in a different way. 5. Grammar Focus 6. Summary: (1) 巩固了宾语从句更为广泛的用法。 (2)朋友之间的相互鼓

10、励和关怀会让大家更愉悦。 Homework: (1) 完成新支点的第二节。(2) 熟读 Grammar Focus,完成 4a 和 4b 。 (3) 完成【Section A 语言学习案】 我的反思: Period 4SectionA 语言学习课语言学习课 【学习目标】 1. 通过合作探究巩固宾语从句的用法,掌握礼貌问路的方式,以及介词 over,past,across,through 的 用法。 2. 培养与他人合作探究分析问题解决问题的能力。 【重点】 :宾语从句的用法 【难点】 : 宾语从句的运用 3 / 4 Steps 1. Read aloud Grammar Focus”! 2.

11、Discuss in group. 3. Show the answers. 4. Do Exx 4a,4b 4. Summary: 1)通过小组探究合作和大量的练习,掌握了宾语从句的用法。 2)掌握良好的学习方法。 5. Homework:1. 复习语言知识课的内容,组长抽背。2.完成新支点第三节。 3. 复习 Section A 的重点短语和句子,以及语言探究案,准备第二天检测。 我的反思: Period 5 Section B【听说课【听说课】 (1a-1 e) 【学习目标】 1. 复习检测 Section A。 2. 通过听力训练, 学会谈论关于英语学习中的困难并谈论相关的解决方法。

12、Steps 1. Warm-upPlease use as more as adjs to describe the following wonderful places. 2. Match the adjectives with their opposites. 3. 1a What qualities are important for each place? Write the words from the box next to each place below. Write the most important words first. 4. Pair work: 1bTalk ab

13、out places in your city using the words in 1a. 5. Listening practice 1) First go through the materials. 2) 1c Listen to the conversations and complete the sentences. 3) 1d Listen again. Check your answers in 1c. 4) 1e Role-play the conversations between the clerk and the tourists. 6. Summary: (1) 通过

14、检测,巩固了 A 部分的重点知识。 。 (2)通过听力训练, 能够运用宾语从句询问地点,指明方向。 7. Homework : 完成 Section B【阅读预习案】及新支点第四节作业。 我的反思: Period 6Section B【阅读课【阅读课】 (2a-2e) 【学习目标】 1. 了解西方礼仪,注重礼节。 2. 学会寻求帮助时,注意用语礼貌。 3. 礼貌请求,乐于助人。 【重点】 :在不同的环境注意不同的语言。 【难点】 :注重中国西方文化的差异积累。 4 / 4 Steps 1. Before-reading: 2a Where do you need to make polite

15、requests? Think of some possible situations. Discuss them with your partner. 2. While-reading (1) 2b Skimming reading: Underline the topic sentence for each paragraph. (2)According to the passage, give the right orders of the main idea in each paragraph. (3) Scanning readingRead the passage carefull

16、y, then answer the questions. Is it enough to speak correctly? What are the features of polite language? Is it necessary to ask indirect questions to all the people around you? In the second picture, why does the man say sorry, I cant help you? Can you change the question to a more polite one? What

17、is the writers purpose? (4) 2c Find all the direct questions and polite requests from the passage. (5) Underline the key expressions in the passage. 3.After-reading Speak out the expressions or sentences with the paper closed. 脱稿说出下列短语或句子。 4. Summary: (1)彼此分享阅读的方法并能正确运用 warn, remind 等词的运用。 (2)了解了一些礼

18、貌用语, 做一个礼貌请求,乐于助人的人。 5. Homework: (1) 完成 Self check 1-3 题(做在书上)(2) 完成“新支点”第五节 我的反思: Period 7Section B【写作课】 (3a-shelf check) 【学习目标】 1. 通过描述“集体闯红灯,过马路”的中国式过马路,提醒学生时刻遵守交通规则。 2. 遵守规则从我做起,不因众人犯规,就无视规则。 Steps 1. Review and then go through the homework-Self check1,2,3. 2. Write the composition 3. Homework: (1) 完成导学案上的作文,写在本子上。 (2) 复习一单元内容,准备单元检测 。 我的反思:


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