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1、一般现在时一般现在时 主要用于下面几情况: 1) 描述当前时间内经常出现、反复发生的动作或存在的状态。 在这种情景中,句子常带有表示频率的时间状语:always , everyday , often , once a week (month , year , etc。) , sometimes , seldom , usually 等等,以表示句中 的动作或状态是习惯性的、经常性的。例如: They raise ducks as a sideline 。他们以养鸭为副业。 She doesnt often write to her family, only once a month. 她不常给

2、家里写信, 仅一月一封而已。 I cycle to work every day 。我每天骑自行车上班。 It seldom rains here 。这儿很少下雨。 2)仅为了描述状态、性质、特征、能力等等。 这里的目的是为了描述现阶段的动作或状态,其重点不是强调动作发生 的时间、或进行的状态。例如: He can speak five foreign languages 。他能说五种外语。 That is a beautiful city 。那是座美丽的城市。 Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world. 长江是世界上

3、最长 的河流之一。 She majors in music 。她主修音乐。 All my family love football 。我全家人都喜欢足球。 My sister is always ready to help others . 我妹妹总是乐于助人。 3) 陈述客观事实、客观真理。 顾名思义, 客观的情况是没有时间概念的; 也不会在意动作进行的状态。 例如: The sun rises in the east 。日出东方。 The earth goes around the sun 。地球绕着太阳转。 Ten minus two is eight。十减二等于八。 Light tra

4、vels faster than sound 。光的速度比声音的速度快。 The United States lies by the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. 美国位于太平洋 西岸。 4) 根据英文语法规定,当主句的谓语动词是一般将来时,那么时间或条件 状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作。例如: Ill tell him the news when he comes back. 他回来时,我将告诉他这个消息。 If you take the job , they will talk with you in greater detai

5、ls。 如果你接受这份工作,他们将和你谈谈细节。 用于一般现在时的副词,除了上面提到的一些表示频率的以外,常见的还 有:now, today , nowadays 等等。 一般过去时一般过去时 主要是用来描述在过去某个时候发生的动作或存在的状态。它也可以用来 表示在过去某段时间里经常发生的习惯性动作。这一点在表达意义上与一般现 在 时相同,只是所在的时间区域不同而已。由于它的主要作用如此,所以在使 用一般过去时的句子里常常有一个意义较具体的过去时间状语。这也是它与现 在完成时的 最大区别之一。 一般过去时由谓语动词的过去式表示, 也就是说动词词末要加-ed(除不规则 动词外)。常和一般过去时连

6、用的过去时间状语有:last night (week , month , year , century , etc。) , yesterday , the day before yesterday , yesterday morning ( afternoon , evening ) , in 1999 , two hours ago ( one week ago , tree years ago , )等等。 使用一般过去时,在某种意义上说就是要强调动作或状态发生或存在于 过去的某个时候。过去的时间概念有两层意思:一是指现在某个时间以前 的时间;二是指说话、写文章的那个时间点以前的时间,在这

7、个意义上, 现在的那个时间点是很小很小的,甚至于小到无法量化的程度。例如: He got his driving license last month. 他上个月拿到了驾照。 -Wheres Jim? 吉姆在哪里? -He just went out。他刚刚出去。 一般将来时一般将来时 概念:一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表 示将来经常发生的动作。 一、常见的将来时间状语: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this afternoon, this year, before long, in the future, some day(将

8、来的某一天), next year, next Sunday, soon, in ten days(十天后) 等 二、一般将来时结构: 主语+ will (shall) + 动词原形 。动词一般将来时,表示将要发生事 (所有人称都可以用 will,shall 只用于 I, We 后面) 如:肯定式:They will finish the work next week. 否定式: They wont finish the work next week. 疑问式: Will they finish the work next week? Yes, they will. / No, they wo

9、nt. (注意:不能用 Yes, theyll.) 特殊疑问句:How many books will you give us? Ill give you thirty books. 2. 主语+ be (am, is, are) going to + 动词原形 。 be going to, 表打算,准备计划将来干;表可能,有必然,通过现象来判断。 如:Im going to see a film this evening. 今晚上我打算去看电影。 Its going to rain. 天要下雨了。 We arent going to have any lessons next week. 我

10、们下周不上课。 3. will/ shall 和 be going to 结构的区别 (1) 对于事先经过考虑的打算、计划,应使用 be going to 结构。 Why are you taking down all the pictures? I am going to repaint the wall. (2) 对于事先未经过考虑的打算、计划,而是临时起意,则用 will 结构。 常见于会话时,乙听了甲的话做出的反应。 Where is the telephone book? Ill go and get it for you . (3) 表示即将发生某事时,两者区别不大,多可互换。 W

11、hat is going to happen? -What will happen? be going to 一般指较近的将来,will 则表示较远的将来。 (4) 正式的通知等多用 will. 4. 其他一般将来时表达结构: (1) 少数几个动词如 go, come, start, arrive 等, 当表示根据规定时间要发生 的动作时,要用一般现在时来表示。 My train leaves at 6:30. 我乘的火车将在 6:30 开。 另外,时间、条件状语从句中,“主将从现” Ill let you know as soon as I hear from him. Hell go fi

12、shing if it is fine tomorrow. (2) 现在进行时表将来。go, come, leave, arrive, start, stay, return 等表示动 作的动词,可以用现在进行时表将来。 Im going to the park with my parents on vacation. (3) be about to + 动词原形, 表示即将发生的动作。 The concert is about to begin. 音乐会即将开始。 (4) be +动词不定式,表示安排或计划好的动作。 There is to be a sports meeting next

13、week. 语法练习: I. 用适当形式填空 1. It _ be Wednesday tomorrow. 2. Betty _ write to her grandma next week. 3. _ you please give him this letter? 4. I _ never do that again. 5. She has bought some cloth; she _ make herself a dress. 6. -Oh, what a heavy box! I cant lift it. -What! I _ carry it for you. 7.In Chi

14、na, wherever you _(go), you_(see) friendly people. 8. Lao Zhao has saved some money and he _ (buy) a TV set. 9. The express from Beijing to Shanghai _ at 8:45. II. 单选 1 We _go home until we finish the work. A dont B wont C will 2 Tom _ six years old next month. A will be B will is C is going to 3 Lo

15、ok at the clouds? It _ rain. A is going B will be C is going to 4 We _ go home until we finish the work. A dont B wont C will 5 We must take the sick man to hospital. He _. A is dying B is going to die C will die 6 Could you tell me _ the meeting. A when shall we have B when we would have C when to

16、have 7 Ill talk to him when he_. A come B will come C comes D came 8 I dont know if it_ tomorrow. A rains B will rain C is rain D is raining 9 There _ a school three years ago. A were B use to have C used to be D will be 英语语法时态的几种转换英语语法时态的几种转换 英语中的几种时态在一定情况下可以互相转换,以下是几种常见的转换 形式: 一、一般过去时与现在完成时的转换 在现在

17、完成时中,延续性动词能与表示一段时间的状语连用,瞬间动词 却不能。但是,可用别的表达方式: 瞬间动词用于“一段时间+ago”的一般过去时的句型中; 瞬间动词可改成与之相对应的延续性动词及短语,与一段时间连用; 瞬间动词用于“It is+一段时间+since+一般过去时”的句型中,表示“自 从以来有时间”的意思,主句一般用 it is 来代替 It has been; 瞬间动词用于“Sometime has passed since+一般过去时”的句型中。 请看:A。He joined the League two years ago。 B。He has been in the League f

18、or two years。 C。It is two years since he joined the League。 D。Two years has passed since he joined the League。 二、一般现在时与现在进行时的转换 在一般现在时中,at 加上名词表示“处于某种状态”,如 at work(在工 作),at school(上学、上课)等。此短语可与进行时态转换。请看: Peter is at work,but Mike is at play。 Peter is working,but Mike is playing。 三、现在进行时与一般将来时的转换 在现在

19、进行时态中 go,come,leave,start,arrive 等动词常与表示将来 的时间状语连用表示将要发生的动作。如:I am coming,Mum!意为“我就 来,妈妈!”请看: The train is leaving soon。 The train will leave soon。 四、 “be going to+动词原形”与“will(shall)+动词原形”结构的转换“be going to+动词原形”、表示打算、计划要做的事;将来时“will(shall)+动词 原形”结构在书面语中,当主语为第一人称时,常用助动词 shall。在口语中, 所有人称都可以用 will。请看:

20、We are going to visit the Great Wall next Sunday。 We shall visit the Great Wall next Sunday。 表示将来表示将来的的五种非时态方式五种非时态方式 1、“be+不定式”:表示命令、安排、倾向或必须、义务等。 如:She is to play Juliet。她扮演朱丽叶。 You are to make the necessary changes。你要做出必要的改变。 2、“be about to+不定式”:表示即将发生的动作,有“即将”的意思,但不能 和具体的时间状语连用。如: The package is

21、 about to come unwrapped。那个包快散开了。 3、“be going+不定式”:表示按计划或安排打算去做某事,或表示有迹象表 明要发生某事。如: We are going to call her this evening。 我们打算今晚给她打电话。 My sisters going to have a baby this summer。 我姐姐今年夏天要生孩子。 4、用现在进行时表示将来:主要表示按规定或时间预计要发生的事。 如:The students are leaving on Sunday。学生们星期日出发。 Were having a party next we

22、ek。 我们下星期将开一个晚会。 5、用一般现在时表示将来:表示按规定或时间预计要发生的事。如:We have a holiday tomorrow。我们明天放假。 The train leaves at 10:04 this evening。 火车今晚 10:04 分开。 must 表示推测表示推测 1) must 用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为一定。 2) must 表对现在的状态或现在正发生的事情的推测时, must 后面通常接系 动词 be 的原形或行为动词的进行式。 You have worked hard all day .You must be tired. 你辛苦干一整天

23、,一定累了。(对现在情况的推测判断) He must be working in his office. 他一定在办公室工作呢。 比较:He must be staying there.他现在肯定呆在那里。 He must stay there。他必须呆在那。 3) must 表示对已发生的事情的推测时,must 要接完成式。 I didnt hear the phone. I must have been asleep. 我刚才没有听到电话,我想必是睡着了。 4) must 表示对过去某时正发生的事情的推测,must 后面要接不定式的完成进 行式。 -Why didnt you answer

24、 my phone call? -Well, I must have been sleeping, so I didnt hear it。 5) 否定推测用 cant。 If Tom didnt leave here until five oclock, he cant be home yet.如果汤姆五 点才离开这儿,他此时一定还未到家。 比较比较 have to 和和 must 1) 两词都是必须的意思,have to 表示客观的需要, must 表示说话人主观上 的看法,既主观上的必要。 My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doct

25、or in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事) He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件 事) 2) have to 有人称、数、时态的变化,而 must 只有一种形式。但 must 可用 于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。 He had to look after his sister yesterday。 3)在否定结构中:dont have to 表示不必 mustnt 表示禁止, You dont have to tell him about

26、 it.你不一定要把此事告诉他。 You mustnt tell him about it. 你一定不要把这件事告诉他。 比较比较 may 和和 might 1) 表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may 放在句首,表示祝愿。 May God bless you! He might be at home。 注意: might 表示推测时,不表示时态。只是可能性比 may 小。 2) 成语: may/might as well,后面接不带 to 的不定式,意为不妨。 If that is the case, we may as well try。 典型例题 Peter _come with u

27、s tonight, but he isnt very sure yet。 A. mustB. mayC. canD. will 答案 B. 表可能性只能用 may.此句意可从后半句推出。 比较比较 can 和和 be able to 1)cancould 表示能力;可能 (过去时用 could), 只用于现在式和过去式(could)。be able to 可以用于各种时态。 They will be able to tell you the news soon. 他很快就能告诉你消息了。 2)只用 be able to a. 位于助动词后。b. 情态动词后。 c. 表示过去某时刻动作时。 d

28、. 用于句首表示条件。 e. 表示成功地做了某事时,只能用 was/were able to, 不能用 could。 He was able to flee Europe before the war broke out。 = He managed to flee Europe before the war broke out。 注意:could 不表示时态 1)提出委婉的请求,(注意在回答中不可用 could)。 - Could I have the television on? - Yes, you can. / No, you cant。 2)在否定,疑问句中表示推测或怀疑。 He co

29、uldnt be a bad man. 他不大可能是坏人。 比较比较 so 和和 such 其规律由 so 与 such 的不同词性决定。such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词 组,so 是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。so 还可与表示数量的形容词 many, few,much, little 连用,形成固定搭配。 so + adj.such + a(n) + n。 so + adj. + a(n) + n.such + n. (pl。) so + adj. + n. (pl。)such +n. (pl。) so + adj. + n. 不可数such +n. 不可数 so foolishsuch

30、 a fool so nice a flowersuch a nice flower so many/ few flowerssuch nice flowers so much/little money.such rapid progress so many peoplesuch a lot of people so many 已成固定搭配, a lot of 虽相当于 many, 但 a lot of 为名词性 的,只能用 such 搭配。 sothat 与 suchthat 之间的转换既为 so 与 such 之间的转换。 动词不定式动词不定式 动词不定式是初中英语的语法重点之一,也是每年

31、中考英语试题的考点之 一。它是动词的一种非谓语形式,没有人称和数的变化,不能单独作句子的谓 语。其构成形式为to+动词原形,to 为动词不定式的符号,本身无意义。动词 不定式具有两大特点:1.具有动词的特点,因此,后面可以跟表语、宾语或 状语,构成动词不定式短语。 2.具有名词、形容词或副词的特点,可以在句子中用作主语、宾语、宾 语补足语、状语、定语、表语及同位语等。下面以近几年全国部分省市的中考 英语试题为例,对不定式的难点以及它在中考英语中的考查点,作一简要的总 结和分析,供同学们学习时参考。 一、动词不定式作主语 1. Its our duty _ the room every day.

32、 A. to clean B. cleaned C. clean D. cleans(甘肃省) 2. Its hard for us _ English well. A. learn B. learns C. to learn D. learning(江西省) 3.建造这座立交桥将花费工人们一年多的时间。 It will _ the workers over a year _ _ the flyover.(北京市海淀区) 4. Its very nice _ you to get me two tickets _ the World Cup. A. for, of B. of, for C.

33、to, for D. of, to(安徽省) Keys: 1. A 2. C 3. take, to, build 4. B 简析动词不定式作主语时,可以直接放在谓语动词前面的主语位置, 也可以用先行词 it 作形式主语,而将真正的主语(不定式)置于后面。常见的句式 有:(1)It is +形容词(of sb)to do sth.(2)It is +名词(for sb)to do sth.(3)It takes sb some time to do sth.(4)It is +形容词(for sb)to do sth.句式(1)中常用 nice, kind, clever, good, rig

34、ht, wrong, foolish, careless 等形容词,与介词 of 搭配,这些形 容词常表述不定式逻辑主语的属性或性质;句式(4)中常用 hard, difficult, easy, important 等形容词,与介词 for 搭配,表示不定式表示的动作、行为的性质。 二、动词不定式作宾语 1. He wants _ some vegetables. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. buys (山西省) 2. Dont forget _ your homework with you when you come to school. A. to bri

35、ng B. bringing C. to take D. taking (福建省) 3. He found it very difficult _. A. sleeping B. sleepsC. slept D. to fall asleep (湖南省) Keys: 1. C 2. A 3. D 简析在 want, like, agree, hope, wish, learn, begin, start, seem, decide, hate, choose, forget, remember 等动词后面,可以接不 定式作宾语。如果其后接形容词补足语时,则可以用 it 作形式宾语,而把作真

36、正宾语的不定式放到后面。 三、动词不定式作宾语补足语 1. Robert often asks us _ his Chinese, so his Chinese is much better than before. A. help him B. to help him with C. to help with D. helps him with (江苏省) 2. Mr Li often teaches his Japanese friends _ Chinese food. A. cook B. cooks C. to cook D. cooked (甘肃省) Key: 1. B 2. C

37、简析不定式可以用作宾语补足语。 后面可以接不定式作宾语补足语的 动词有:ask, teach, expect, tell, allow 等。 四、动词不定式作状语 1. She went _ her teacher. A. to see B. looks C. saw D. seeing (江西省) 2. Meimei likes English very much. She does her best _ English well. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learns (四川省) Key: 1. A 2. C 简析go, come, try,

38、 do / try ones best 等动词或短语动词作谓语 时,其后常常可以接不定式作目的状语。 3. Im sorry _ that. A. hears B. hearing C. hear D. to hear (河北省) 4. Im sorry _ you. A. trouble B. to trouble C. troubling D. troubled (吉林省) 5. My mother was very glad _ her old friend. A. to meet B. meet C. met D. meets (甘肃省) Keys: 3. D 4. B 5. A 简析

39、be +形容词+ to do sth结构中的不定式作状语,常表示原因或方 式。 6. The panda is so fat that it cant go through the hole.(改为意思相同的句 子) The hole _ _ _ _ such a fat panda to go through. (广东省) 7. The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldnt skate on it. (改为意 思相同的句子) The ice on the lake wasnt _ enough _ people _ _ _. (广东省

40、) Keys: 6. is, too, small, for 7. thick, for, to, skate, on 简析在上述too +形容词/副词(for sb)to do(太而不能)和 enough (for sb) to do(足以、足够做)结构中,不定式作结果状语。 五、动词不定式作定语 1. Would you like something _? A. drink B. drinking C. to drink D. drinks (湖北省) 2. I have a lot of homework _. A. do B. doing C. did D. to do (河南省) 3

41、. He is not an easy man _. A. get on B. to get on C. get on with D. to get on with (山东省) Key: 1. C 2. D 3. D 简析不定式作定语时,常放在被修饰的词语之后,与被修饰的词语为 逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系;如果不定式的动词是不及物动词,其后要加上必 要的介词或副词,构成的短语动词相当于及物动词。 六、不带 to 的动词不定式 1. We saw him _ the building and go upstairs. A. to enter B. enter C. entering D. ent

42、ered (河南省) 2. So much work usually makes them _ very tired. A. to feel B. feels C. feeling D. feel (吉林省) 3. Your father is sleeping. Youd better _. A. not wake up him B. not to wake up him C. not wake him up D. not to wake him up (陕西省) 4. I was made _ my homework in the afternoon. A. do B. doing C.

43、to do D. did (贵州省) Key: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 简析1.在 see, watch, hear, feel 等感官动词和 make, have, let 等使役动词后面作宾语补足语的不定式不带 to.但是在被动语态中,作主语补足 语的不定式要带 to(let 没有被动语态)。 2.在had better后面接不带 to 的不定式。 七、动词不定式的否定形式 1. Mr Black asked the man _ the queue. A. not to jump B. to not jumpC. didnt jump D. not jump (广西壮族自治

44、 区) 2. The old man told the child _ noisy. A. not be B. not to be C. to not be D. be not (湖北省) 3. There is going to _ an important meeting tomorrow. Please try _ late. A. have, not to be B. have, not be C. be, not to be D. be, not be (内蒙古自治区) Key: 1. A 2. B 3. C 简析动词不定式的否定形式通常是在不定式符号 to 的前面加上 not, 如

45、果是不带 to 的不定式就直接在动词原形前面加上 not. 八、某些动词后面接不定式和接动词-ing 形式的区别 1. Please stop _ a rest if you feel tired. A. to have B. having C. have D. has (广西壮族自治区) 2. Why didnt you buy some bread on your way home? Sorry, I forgot _ some money with me. A. take B. taking C. to take D. took (湖北省) 3. Lets have a rest, sh

46、all we? Not now, I cant stop _ the letters. A. write B. to write C. writing D. and write (湖北省) 4. Jim was badly hurt, so he had to stop _ (walk). (用所给单词的正 确形式填空)(四川省) Key: 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. walking 简析一些常见的动词后面接不定式和接动词的-ing 形式的区别如下: stop to do sth意为停止正在做的事情去做另外一件事,stop doing sth意为 停止正在做的事:remember to

47、 do sth意为记住去做某事(事还未做), remember doing sth意为记得做过某事(事已做): go on to do sth意为接着做 某事(做完一事,接着做另一事),go on doing sth意为继续做某事(一事未做 完接着往下做): forget to do sth意为忘了做某事(事还未做), forget doing sth 意为忘了曾做过某事(事已做)。 5. When I was walking in the street I saw a plane _ over my head. A. flies B. flying C. flew D. to fly (福建

48、省) 6. A woman saw it _ when she was walking past. A. happen B. happens C. happening D. to happen (黑龙江省) Key: 5. B 6. A 简析在 see, hear, watch, feel 等感官动词后面可接不带 to 的不 定式,也可接动词的-ing 形式作宾语补足语,用不定式表示动作的全过程(动作 已结束),用动词的-ing 形式表示动作正在进行(动作尚未结束)。 九、动词不定式的省略及其符号 to 的保留 1. Would you like to go to the cinema wit

49、h us? Yes, _. What time are we going to meet? A. I would B. I would like C. I like to D. Id like to (浙江省) 2. Would you like to go for a picnic with us? _. What time are we going to meet? A. No, I cant B. Yes, Im gladC. Yes, Id love to D. Id like (大连市) Keys: 1. D 2. C 简析在口语中, 动词不定式中的动词或短语动词在上下文中重复出现

50、时, 第二个动词不定式可以省略, 但是 to 不可省略。 这种用法常见于be glad to, would like (love) to,have to等结构中。 十、动词不定式的被动式和其他形式 The new hospital _ is near the factory. A. build B. builds C. to build D. to be built (青海省) Key: D 简析当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者(宾语)时, 用动词不定式的被动式,即:to be +过去分词;如果不定式所表示的动作发生在 谓语动词表示的动作之前,不定式用完成式,即:to have


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