三年级上册Unit 3 Look at my nose.-Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-人教(精通)版(编号:d0002).zip

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    • 音频
      • chant.MP3
      • eye.mp3
      • glad to meet you.MP3
      • Hello.MP3
      • hi.MP3
      • how areyou.mp3
      • how.mp3
      • Im fine..mp3
      • Lets chant unit 1.mp3
      • Li yan.MP3
      • look at ears.mp3
      • lookat head.mp3
      • morning.MP3
      • mouth.mp3
      • My Peter.MP3
      • nice to meet you too..MP3
      • nice to meet you.MP3
      • nose.mp3
      • P30.SWF
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      • SND01.MP3
      • SND02.MP3
      • SND03.MP3
      • U3L15ALL.MP3
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      • 打招呼.mp3
      • 鼓点儿.mp3
    • head.mp3
    • Lesson15.mp4
    • Lesson15.pptx--点击预览
    • Lesson15.swf
    • 教案d0002.docx--点击预览
    • 音频素材.mp3


Lesson 15 Lesson 15 Lesson 15 Lesson 15 Good news! Angry bird will have a big party , because the Childrens Day is coming .In the party he will introduce many friends to you. If you can pass the following tasks, you can make more friends! 愤怒的小鸟将要举行一个派对,因为儿童节就要来了。 在这个派对上他们会向你介绍一些朋友。如果你能通 完成以下的任务,你就可以交到更多的朋友啦! Do you want to make more friends? 你想认识更多的朋友吗? Lets talk. What are missing? (没了什么?) Eyes, eyes. Touch your eyes. eye Whats missing? mouth Mouth, mouth. Touch your mouth. What are missing? ears We have two ears. Look at my ears. Look at my head. Hello./Hi. Nice to meet you. How are you? Head, head, a big head. I have a big head. Ear, ear, big ears. I have two big ears. Lets describe. OhOh, he has he has a a _ . _ . nosenose face face mouthmouth ? ? OhOh, he has he has a a _ . _ . nosenose face face mouthmouth ? ? This is He has Hello, Li Yan. How are you? Good! And you? Im fine. Thanks. Lets guess. Lets have a talk. Lets have a talk. My father is tall. My mother is short. Is he strong? Yes, hes strong. Is she old? No, shes young. She isnt old. Shes young. Oh, he has _. Oh, he has _. nose nose headhead ear ear ? ? eyes eyes Hes a man.Hes a man.HeHe is very is very tall.tall. He likes playing basketball.He likes playing basketball. Congratulations! You have finished all the tasks, and you have known many friends. We should be polite to others. Lets enjoy our party! 你已经完成了任务,也认识了许多朋 友。我们要礼貌待人。享受我们的聚会 吧! Homework Act the dialogue. Greet with others in English. Describe your idols and say the reason. THANK YOU ! Lesson 15 教学设计 一、教学内容分析 本课为人教精通版小学英语三年级上册 Unit 3 Look at my nose. Lesson 15。本单元的主要学习话题为身体部位(Body)和有关于询 问他人身体状况的功能句型:How are you? 及其答语。本课的讲述 的是 Peter 和 Li Yan 在颐和园相遇,相互问好的情境。重点句型 How are you?在 14 课已经接触过,本课学生需要理解问句 And you?并作 出回答。 二、学情分析 本册教材面对的是小学三年级的学生,他们活泼好动,爱唱爱 跳,表达欲望很强,愿意积极参与课堂的教学活动,但由于年龄特 点,长时间的注意力集中较难。所以课上要设计多种多样的教学活 动,保持学生的学习兴趣。并且教师要多鼓励学生,肯定学生的表 现成果,帮助学生树立自信心。 三、教学目标 1、能够听、说、认读单词 ear, head。能简单描述他人的外貌。学会 用 How are you? 向他人问好。能够回答他人的问候。如:Good, and you? / Im fine, thanks. 2、能够在生活中礼貌与他人打招呼,用英语向他人问好,并且会正 确回答他人的问候。 3、培养学生在生活中主动与他人示好和不过分注重外貌的好品格。 四、教学重难点 教学重点: 1、能够听说认读 ear; head。 2、能够运用功能语句 How are you?向他人问好并作出准确 回答。 教学难点:简单描述他人的外貌。 五、教学过程 Warming up 1. Lets sing. 教学意图:利用歌曲欢快的节奏开始课堂教学,直接切入主题,与 学生互相问好。 2. Situation and the tasks. T:Angry bird will have a big party , because the Childrens Day is coming .In the party he will introduce many friends to you. If you can pass the following tasks, you can make more friends! 教学意图:设置任务背景,激发学生兴趣,加强课堂活动参与度。 Presentation 1. Task 1: Lets talk. (1)Introduce new friends to the students. Look at the pictures and say whats missing or what are missing. Learn the new words ear and head. For the Wennie Bear, its ears are missing. Tutu has two big ears. The big head son has a big head. The small head dad has a small head. 设计意图:激发学生的语言网络,通过交流巩固所学知识,自然切 入新知的学习。利用大耳朵图图和大头儿子学习新单词。 (2)Greet with the new friends. And communicate with a short dialogue. -Hello. -Hi. -Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. - How are you? -Fine./Good. And you? -Im fine, thanks. Look at my 设计意图:利用短对话巩固新单词的运用,加入重点句型 How are you?的问答。 (3)Lets chant. Head, head, a big head. I have a big head. Ear, ear, big ears. I have two big ears. 设计意图:朗朗上口的歌谣既能让学生放松,又能加强新单词的发 音训练,通过学生的改编,帮助学生建立这一话题的整体脉络。 2. Task 2: Lets describe. Describe the stars. Look at the photos and say something about him or her. Then describe the group members in groups. 设计意图:加强描述他人外貌的练习。小组讨论介绍同学并描述同 学的外貌。 Practice 1. Task 3: Lets guess. Ill choose four students a group. And give a star to one of them. Then let one student to guess who has the star. The other students should help the guessing student. 设计意图:运用游戏强化难点,让学生学会描述他人。增强趣味性。 2. Describe Peter then listen to the tape and act the dialogue. 设计意图:完成课本内容的学习和练习。 3. Watch the video and say something about Yao Ming. Hes a man. Hes very tall. He likes playing basketball. He has big head, big nose, big mouth and small eyes. He is not very hansome. But hes the honor of China. 设计意图:德育教育。介绍自己的偶像。人的外貌可能不起眼,不 好看,但是他认真,努力他就是明星。我们的家人没有光鲜的外表 但对我们真诚、关心,他们也应该是我们的偶像。 Production 1. Lets chant. 设计意图:利用歌谣中扩充的内容描述自己的偶像,为后面的输出 做铺垫。 2. Say something about your idol. 设计意图:描述自己偶像的外貌,并说出喜欢他的原因。 Homework: Blackboard design: Lesson 15 ear head How are you? Good. And you? Fine, thanks. 课后反思: 本课的授课对象为三年级的学生,基于年龄特点,本课设置了很 多的唱歌曲、歌谣;学生交流和猜谜游戏,旨在每当学生倦怠时能 调动学生的兴趣。本课的不足也有很多,如情境的切换不够自然, 没有做到教授课本内容又不脱离课本情境。本课中并没有用到课本 情境。第二,本课教师的主导作用不是很明显,应再多放手,在新 授时教师提醒学生注意礼貌和问好即可,小对话的编演可以是学生 小组讨论后完成。第三,本课的输出环节难度还是不小的,教师应 先做示范,这样更明确。
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