四年级上册Unit 3 It's a pineapple.-Lesson 18-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-省级公开课-人教(精通)版(编号:00a07).zip

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Unit 3 Its a pineapple. Lesson 18 5 minutes for you. 神奇五分钟神奇五分钟 Lets sing Mimi visited me with a basket of fruits and vegetables yesterday. (Mimi昨天带着一大筐水果蔬菜去我家做客昨天带着一大筐水果蔬菜去我家做客) Today, lets share them all together after class. (老师想今天课后拿来同大家一起分享)(老师想今天课后拿来同大家一起分享) First, lets read them together. (首先我们一起首先我们一起认读认读一下它们吧一下它们吧) Do you still remember the gift from my best friend- Robot Mimi? (还记得老师好朋友送给我机器人还记得老师好朋友送给我机器人Mimi的事情吗?的事情吗?) Whats this? Its a banana. Whats this? Its an orange. Whats this in English? Its a pear. Whats this in English? Its a watermelon. Whats this in English? Its a green pepper. Are you sure? (你确定吗?你确定吗?) Show me your fruits or vegetables! -Whats this (in English)? -Its a/an 点击添加文本点击添加文本 During our chatting, Mimi told me an interesting story between Micky and her. Do you want to know? (那天聊天中Mimi跟我讲了件她和Micky的趣事,你想知道吗?) Listen and tick the food you can get. (听录音,勾出你所听到的食物。听录音,勾出你所听到的食物。 ) Food carrotwatermelo n cucumber bread Tick Lets go and see. P36 1 minute for you to read and check your answers by yourself, then share your opinions. (让我们让我们打开课本打开课本36页,自读一分钟证实并分享你的答案。页,自读一分钟证实并分享你的答案。) Reading tip 1: Please try to scan the story quickly, and then finish the table below. (迅速粗读迅速粗读故事,完成以下表格。故事,完成以下表格。) Lets read again. P36 2 minutes for you to read the story again, then tell me what are they talking about? (再读课本再读课本36页两分钟,告诉老师他们在说什么?页两分钟,告诉老师他们在说什么?) Reading tip 2: Please try to skim the story quickly, and then answer the question above. (快速略读故事,回答以上问题。快速略读故事,回答以上问题。) Reading tip 3: Please try to read the story intensively with your partner, and then imitate it freely. (跟你的伙伴精读故事,并跟你的伙伴精读故事,并模仿模仿表演。表演。) Please make a new dialogue with the food in your hands as you like. 请用你手中的食物,新编对话。请用你手中的食物,新编对话。 -Whats this? / Whats this in English? -Its a/an -Whats that? / Whats that in English? -Its a/an this VS that What have we learnt? (学有所获学有所获 ) Homework Make a survey. Please take notes about your friends according to the cards they have made. Then report it to me with one of them tomorrow. (请同学们在你的朋友中就所做卡片做一份调查,将相关信息请同学们在你的朋友中就所做卡片做一份调查,将相关信息 记录,并记录,并于于明天和其中一位好友合作汇报给我。明天和其中一位好友合作汇报给我。) Tips for your survey: “Whats this/ that in English? Its a/an ” (用这些句型进行调查用这些句型进行调查) Thanks Unit 3 Its a pineapple. TeachingTeaching content:content: Unit 3 Its a pineapple. (Lesson 18) TeachingTeaching aims:aims: 1, Students can listen, speak, read the dialogue freely, above all,they can imitate the dialogue easily. 2, Students can make a new dialogue by the cards on their own. 3,Students can have an overview on this unit, esp. For the “language focus” part. 4,Students can understand the benefit on fruits and vegetables. CurriculumCurriculum standard:standard: Students can finish the action as teacher goes, above all, they can own interest on learning English. Evaluation:Evaluation: Stars KeyKey & & difficultdifficult teachingteaching point:point: 1, Key words and sentences reviewing. 2, How to make a new dialogue with the cards by themselves. Preparation:Preparation: Teacher: cards, tape, & ppt. Students: cards. Procedure:Procedure: I:I: GreetingsGreetings & & 5 5 minutesminutes forfor you:you: Lets read the dialogue about lesson 17 one time, and then lets recite it together. II:II: Warm-up:Warm-up: Lets share a very beautiful song about fruits and vegetables. III:III: Procedure:Procedure: Do you still remember the gift from my best friend- -Robot Mimi? Mimi visited me with a basket of fruits and vegetables yesterday. Today, lets share them all together after class. First, lets read them together. A: Guessing game 1, Whats this? Whats this in English? Its a/an. (Ways: first, teacher asks the students, second, students ask each other one by one.) 2, Whats that? Its a .(Teacher- Handwriting on the blackboard) Whats that in English? Its a/an. (Ways: first, teacher asks the students, second, students ask each other one by one.) B: During our chatting, Mimi told me an interesting story between Micky and her. Do you want to know? a: Listen and tick the food you can get. Lets go and see. P36 1 minute for you to read and check your answers by yourself, then share your opinions. ReadingReading tiptip 1:1: PleasePlease trytry toto scanscan thethe storystory quickly,quickly, andand thenthen finishfinish thethe tabletable below.below. b:Lets read again. P36 2 minutes for you to read the story again, then tell me what are they talking about? ReadingReading tiptip 2:2: PleasePlease trytry toto skimskim thethe storystory quickly,quickly, andand thenthen answeranswer thethe questionquestion above.above. c:Imitation Show -Micky: -Mimi: ReadingReading tiptip 3:3: PleasePlease trytry toto readread thethe storystory intensivelyintensively withwith youryour partner,partner, andand thenthen imitateimitate itit freely.freely. C: Please make a new dialogue with the food in your hands as you like. Key sentences: -Whats this? / Whats this in English? -Its a/an -Whats that? / Whats that in English? -Its a/an D: What have we learnt? -Whats this? / Whats this in English? -Its a/an -Whats that? / Whats that in English? -Its a/an this VS that E: Fruits and vegetables are good for our health, and please love them all. Homework:Homework: Make a survey. Please take notes about your friends according to the cards they have made. Then report it to me with one of them tomorrow. Tips for your survey: “Whats this/ that in English? Its a/an ” BlackboardBlackboard writing:writing: Unit 3 Its a pineapple. Lesson 18 Whats that in English? Its a/an . Checking:Checking: Imitation & new dialogue making by the students. Homework:Homework: Make a survey. Please take notes about your friends according to the cards they have made. Then report it to me with one of them tomorrow. Tips for your survey: “Whats this/ that in English? Its a/an ” Extention:Extention: New dialogue making Introspection:Introspection: 学生对本课内容把握较好,在模仿秀环节展示效果不错。 最后的拓展部分,孩子们积极性很高。在接下来的整合教 学中还可以进一步拓展孩子们的能力,增强语言感知与运 用能力。 环城路小学 周娜 英语人教精通版教材教学设计 案例名称Unit 3 Its a pineapple. Lesson 18 科目 英语 教学对象 四年级 课时 1 课时 提供者 一、教材内容分析 本节课内容属小学阶段英语学科,人教精通版的四年级上 册教材第三单元Its a pineapple. Revision部分的 Fun story。 本册书属于低段英语教学所用教材,整册书均以学生日常学习 生活为话题,这样的话题更加贴近学生的生活实际,因此更加 便于老师创设情境,一步步引导学生熟悉知识,进而掌握所学 内容。 二、教学目标 (1)学生可以根据故事图片有效理解故事内容,在磁带辅助 下能自如地展开模仿秀环节。 (2)学生在感知阅读策略的同时,根据所设定的情境,用自 己制作的水果蔬菜卡片新编对话。 (3)学生充分掌握本单元核心知识点同时,依照教师整堂课 的情感渗透,能够清楚地意识到水果蔬菜有益身体,切 不可挑食的意义。 三、教学评价 (1)沿用本单元初已经设定好的情境Robot Mimi 到访我 家,教师想课后分享 Mimi 带来的食物给孩子们拉开本 堂课的帷幕。首先一起猜猜它们。师生、生生之间反复 使用句型Whats this/that(in English)? Its a/an.在老师肢体语言帮助中,孩子们有效区分 this 和 that 的问题,根据录音有效完成故事阅读、角色表 演。(检测目标 1 的达成) (2)3 步阅读策略由易到难分层解析故事文本后,孩子们会 用 Whats this/that(in English)? Its a/an.Do you like .? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.上台新编 对话(检测目标 2 的达成) (3)从 Mimi 做客我家照片、辨识各种食物礼物等环节的活 动中学生情感得以升华。(检测目标 3 的达成) 四、教学策略选择与设计 本着课堂上以教师为主导,学生为主体的原则,本节课的 教学,教师首先引入旧知,通过单元已设情境,一步步引导学 生通过思考,在阅读策略的辅助下,由易到难分层解析故事文 本。接下来展开模仿秀,让学生们在情景中深入故事阅读,最 后得以能力升华实现自编对话的目标。其中,在多种形式的阅 读过程中,给学生们充分的自由和时间来完成故事阅读内容。 五、教学环境及资源准备 在教学过程中,为了达到最好的视觉和听觉效果,我将视 频动画、音乐等插入到我的 PPT 中,因此授课场地在多媒体教 室,以便于播放视频,音频以及展示图片。此外,我还准备了 一些漂亮的“水果蔬菜卡片”,成心形粘贴在黑板上,让学生 情不自禁地融入预设情境之中并得以情感教育。 六、教学过程 教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图 (一)、热 身环节:通 过一段视频 动画复习旧 知 先传承我校 “神奇五分 钟”读、背 Lesson17; 然后播放动 画。 齐声读、背 Lesson 17; 观看动画, 一边看一边 跟着节奏拍 手,一边跟 着歌曲唱着。 通过“神奇五分钟” 有效复习旧知识;通 过动画调动学生的多 种感官,使学生的英 语思维活跃起来,并 且为下一步新知的导 入做铺垫。 (二)、创 设情境 课件展示 Robot Mimi 到访的情境, 就水果蔬菜 展开讨论。 观看图片, 感受距离说 话人远近距 离不同的食 物问答。 通过情景的创设,引 出文本故事. (三)分层 次多种形式 下的阅读 课件展示图 表,听录音 指导找出所 听到的食物; 二读、三读, 大声朗读、 分角色朗读 指导。 通过自己初 读,小组合 作略读以及 深度精读逐 步完成角色 扮演。 通过设置问题并且 老师做示范后,激 发学生想要完成阅 读的兴趣。 (四)根据 情境与例句 新编对话 让学生发挥 想象以本课 核心句型为 基础拓展语 句、新编对 话。 使用食物卡 片、头饰等 小组谈论编 对话。 学生们能够掌握课 上学到的内容的同 时,还可以有效运 用到生活实际中。 (五)、情 感渗透 播放舒缓的 音乐、展示 爱心水果蔬 菜。 边听优美音 乐,边读文 字,明白水 果蔬菜有益 身体,切不 可挑食的意 义。 通过舒缓音乐的播 放,让学生们充分 放松,情感得以升 华。 7、作业布置 根据同学们制作的水果蔬菜卡片做一份调查,于明天 汇报。参考句型:“Whats this/ that in English? Its a/an ” 八、板书设计 (略) 九、课后反思和总结 本节课的教学目标已基本达成,教学过程中,主要采用 口头提问、师生互动,生生互动,模仿秀,新编对话,课件 展示、教师阅读策略渗透等方式对学生进行帮助和指导,激 发学生的想象力和思考能力,争取让学生在每个环节的学习 中都能达到要求。其中,最后的拓展部分,孩子们积极性很 高。在接下来的整合教学中还可以进一步拓展孩子们的能力, 增强语言感知与运用能力。
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