(2019新教材)人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit4 Listening speaking and talkingppt课件(含音频).zip

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Unit 4 History and Traditions listeningspeakingandtalking Listening and Speaking 一个不了解自己过去的历史、起源和文化的民族就像一棵没有根的 树。 Marcus Garvey Who is this person?Who is this person? Confucius Confucius a great educator 温故而知新。 Warming-up There are some famous sayings from Confucius. What else do you know? “Isnt it a pleasure to learn and constantly practice what is learnt? Isnt it delightful to have friends coming from afar? Isnt he a gentleman who is not annoyed for not being understood?” 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也 开卷有益 己所不欲勿施于人 Watch a video to know more about Confucius. 曲阜,山东省辖县级市,由 济宁市代管,孔子的故乡,是 黄帝生地、神农故都、商殷故 国、周汉鲁都,是东方文化重 要发祥地,被誉为“东方圣城” ,亦被称为“东方耶路撒冷”。 曲阜古为鲁国国都,旅游 资源丰富,文化底蕴厚重,世 界文化遗产孔庙、孔府、孔林“ 三孔”历久弥新,尼山圣境、孔 子博物馆、孔子研究院“新三孔 ”蒸蒸日盛。境内拥有3A级以 上景区14个,“三孔”景区2007 年被评为国家AAAAA级旅游景 区;各类文物点819处、各级 文物保护单位195处,非物质 文化遗产205项。 Pre-listening Look at some photos of Qufu. What are the names of these What are the names of these places?places? Temple of Confucius(孔庙)Kong Family Mansion(孔府) Cemetery of Confucius(孔林) TempleofConfucius 孔庙,即孔子庙,又 称作文庙,是纪念中国 伟大思想家、教育家孔 子的祠庙建筑,在历代 王朝更迭中又被称作文 庙、夫子庙、至圣庙、 先师庙、先圣庙、文宣 王庙,尤以文庙之名更 为普遍。其中南京夫子 庙、曲阜孔庙、北京孔 庙和吉林文庙并称为中 国四大文庙。 孔府,又称衍圣公府 ,位于中国山东省济 宁市曲阜市,曲阜城 内、孔庙东侧。是孔 子的世袭衍圣公的后 代居住的府第。洪武 十年(1377年)始建 ,弘治十六年(1503 年)重修,占地240 亩。 KongFamilyMansion 孔林,又称至圣林,是孔子及其后裔的家族墓地,与孔 府、孔庙统称“三孔”。 CemeteryofConfucius Prediction Predict what the listening text is about by The listening text is probably about_ the introduction of a great educator-Confucius Fact/ Opinion about Confucius William 1. Confucius is one of his _ philosophers; 2. He is a _ man; 3. He lived _ years ago. Xiao Kong 1. Confucius has over _ descendants; 2. He was a great _ and had many _ about _ 3. He was one of the greatest _ in history. favorite wise over2500 3million educator education ideas minds listening Task1listenandfillintheblanks. Wiliam: Excuse me, do you speak English? Im looking for the Confucius Temple, but Im not good at maps-theyre my Achilles heel! Xiao Kong: Oh, hello, yes. Come with me-Im going to the temple right now. By the way, what does “Achilles heel” mean? William: Oh, it means that something is my weakness-Im really bad with maps! So do you know much about Confucius? Hes one of my favourite philosophers. He was such a wise man. Xiao Kong: Oh, yes. I was born here. In fact, I believe I am a descendant of Confucius himself. William: No way, youre pulling my leg, right? So how do you know youre related to Confucius? Didnt he live over 2,500 years ago? Xiao Kong: Yes, but his family tree is well recorded. He has over three million descendants. Sorry again, what does “pulling my leg” mean? William: Oh, sorry, it means to joke with someone. Anyway, so youre actually going to the temple to pay respects to your relative? Tapescript : Xiao Kong: Well, yes. But Im also meeting my study group there. We are doing a research project on Confucius ideas on education. You know, Confucius was a great educator, and he had many great ideas about education. For example, he talked about the relationship between learning and reflecting. He believed that learning without reflecting leads to confusion Oh, look, the temple is just over there. William: Oh, great! Whats that big building over there? Xiao Kong: Oh, thats the famous Dacheng Hall. You know, its so well-respected in Qufu that no other building in the city can be taller than it. William: Wow, now thats respect. Thats a little bit like my hometown-Stratford-upon-Avon. Xiao Kong: Wait, you mean where Shakespeare was from? What a coincidence-Confucius and Shakespeare, two of the greatest minds in history! I really want to visit the UK-Im really interested in British history and culture. William: Oh, thats great! So later we can go for a cup of tea and have a chat about it. And it would be great if you could take me somewhere to get my watch fixed. Xiao Kong: OK, no problem! So come and meet my study group-we can tell you all about the temple. And how long are you staying in Qufu? I can show you the Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion as well William: Really? Thats so kind! I need all the help I can get-Im like a fish out of water! Task2Exercise3onP38 textbook. D Secondlistening Task 3 listen again and fill in the blanks. EnglishidiomMeaning Chinese meaning Achilles heel pull ones leg Somethingthatis sbs_ 弱点,要害 to_withsb. 戏弄 feel_in anunfamiliarplace. 如芒在背fish out of water weakness joke uncomfortable After-listening Learning without reflecting leads to confusion. 学而不思则罔 Review the old and learn the new. 温故而知新 Make no social distinctions in teaching. 有教无类 To learn and at due time to repeat what one has learnt, isnt that after all a pleasure? 学而时习之,不 亦说乎? Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. 己所不欲勿施于人 Confucius ideas Confucius ideas on education on education Speaking Draw a mind map to sort out the information about Confucius in this class and list some examples about his ideas on education. Share views on historic sites Work in pairs. Think about a historic site that you have visited, work in groups and give an introduction to its history and importance. Possible version I visited the Mogao Caves with my family recently. They are famous for their amazing paintings and statues. They were constructed over many dynasties and are an important record of tradition and belief in China during that time. 平遥古城位于山西省 中部,始建于周宣王 时期,明洪武三年( 1370年)扩建,距今 已有2700多年的历 史。还较为完好地保 留着明清时期县城的 基本风貌,是中国汉 民族地区现存最为完 整的古城。山西平遥 被称为“保存最为完好 的四大古城”之一 Part Two Talk about a visit to a historic tourist destination Pingyao ancient city Ancient Government Office the city wall Wang family Courtyard Before you listen, look at some photos of Pingyao. What can you say about these places? Talk about a visit to a historic destination Talk about a visit to a historic destination Ming-Qing Street Qiao Family Courtyard Rishengchang Bnak Shuanglin Temple Ming-Qing Street the city wall Rishengchang Bank Ancient Government Office Zhenguosi Temple Shuanglin Temple Listening and talking Task 1 Exercise1 on P43 textbook. Words used to describe how a person feels happy/ excited/ disappointed surprised/ amazed. Task 2 Exercise 2 on P43 textbook. disappointed amazed disappointed amazed surprised surprised Imagineoneofyouhasjustvisited Pingyao.Role-palytheconversation below.Thencontinuetheconversation usingtheexpressionsinthebox. Expressing excitement, surprise, and disappointment I had no idea I didnt know. I was eager/surprised to see/learn/hear that It was so much fun! Its so amazing that. It was a little disappointed. It wasnt as good/interesting/fun as Id expected. Lookattheexpressionsbelow. Task 3 Role play A: Wow, I have just come back from Pingyao. It was amazing! B: Oh, I loved Pingyao! So did you see the Ming-Qing Street? A: Of course, but I didnt expect to see so many tourists. B: Yeah, I know what you mean, but there are some great snacks there. How about the .? Leo: Guess what? Ive just come back from Xian. It was amazing! Li: Oh, I love Xian, but I havent been there before. There are so many interesting sites. So did you see the Terra-Cotta Warriors? Leo: Of course, but I didnt expect to see so many tourists. Li: Yeah, I know what you mean. How about the.? Work in groups. Take turns telling each other about a historic place that you have been to. homeworkhomework
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