Unit 4 History and traditions Reading and Thinkingppt课件-(2019新教材)人教版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 4 1、figure out the organization and language feature of the passage. 2、appreciate and describe a place from sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. 3、write an essay of a place. Warming-up: What do you know about the beautiful Ireland and its traditions National flag Dublin Castle The Cliffs of

2、Mopher (莫赫悬崖) St. Patricks Cathedral (圣帕特里克教堂) 问题导学:问题导学: 1、Read the passage quickly and summarize the main idea of the passage. 2、Think the structure of this passage and how the author describe. 3、Read the passage carefully for details and answer the questions on the page of 44. 1. Read the passage

3、 to find out the main idea of it and its structure. 点拨点拨精讲:精讲: Whats the main idea of the passage? AThe beautiful scenery of the Ireland BThe history of the Ireland CThe beautiful scenery and traditions of the Ireland DThe customs of the Ireland Identify and underline: Analyse the descriptive paragr

4、aph. Introductory sentence Ending sentence 1.What makes the Irish countryside exciting and inspiring? 2.What are the best ways to experience some Irish traditions and cultures? 3. What is the meaning of breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song

5、? 4. What are the best ways to experience Chinese traditions and customs? Read the text carefully and answer the questions. 1.What makes the Irish countryside exciting and inspiring? Its beauty and how it offers something for all the senses. Read the text carefully and answer the questions. sightsme

6、lltastehearingtouch roar, cries, music of the coast, morning song sight smell taste hearing touch green counties,hills, feast for the eyes sweet scent delicious feel the sun on your skin The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald IsIe” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes, with its r

7、olling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle. “绿宝石岛”风光宁静秀美,郡县草木葱茏,青山连绵起伏,牛羊点缀其中, 堪称一场名副其实的视觉盛宴。 vision 环游北京是一场视觉盛宴。 A trip around Beijing is a feast for the eyes. 我们的校园是如此美丽,在里面漫步真是令人赏心悦目。 Our school is so beautiful that it is a feast for the eyes to stroll/wander in it. a feast for the eyes ., w

8、ith its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle. with+宾语宾语+宾语补足语(过去分词)宾语补足语(过去分词) 写完了作业,他就出去跟朋友玩了。 With his homework finished, he went out to play with his friends. 解决了难题,老板满意地笑了。 _, the boss smiled with satisfaction. With the difficult problem solved And down by the sea, the roar of the oc

9、ean waves and cries of the seabirds make up the music of the coast. hearing 海边波浪咆哮,海鸟鸣叫,奏响了海岸交响乐。 No Image On a quiet morning in the mountains, feel the sun on your skin, and breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song. feel, smell, hearing 在山里宁静

10、的早晨,感受阳光洒落在你身上,呼吸着鲜花的芬芳, 而鸟儿则用清晨的歌声迎接新的一天的到来。 To have a chance of experiencing this, stop by a village pub and relax with a glass of wine or a local beer. Better yet, enjoy a delicious traditional Irish Beef Stew. taste 要想体验这一切,可以去一家乡村酒吧,喝一杯葡萄酒或本地的啤酒,放松 身心。更为美妙的是,可以品尝美味的爱尔兰传统炖牛肉。 If youre lucky, you

11、 might be able to enjoy some traditional music and dancing, too. traditional dancing 2.What are the best ways to experience some Irish traditions and cultures? By stopping by a village pub and relaxing with a drink and traditional meal while listening to music and watching dancing. (By exploring all

12、 different parts of the country and experiencing what the country gives to all the senses.) 3. What is the meaning of breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song? 4. What are the best ways to experience Chinese traditions and customs? It means th

13、at you not only smell but also breathe in the smell of fresh flowers early in the morning as the birds sing their first song of the new day. By travelling to different places By using all your senses to experience everything By interacting with local people 视觉上视觉上 enormous /gigantic/immense/vast 巨大的

14、巨大的 tiny 极小的极小的 small /little小的小的 sparkling/twinkling/glittering 闪闪发光的闪闪发光的 dim昏暗的昏暗的 dark黑暗的黑暗的 lofty高耸入云高耸入云 steep 险峻的险峻的 deep深的深的 narrow狭窄的狭窄的 winding 蜿蜒的蜿蜒的 feathery鹅毛般的鹅毛般的 foggy雾蒙蒙的雾蒙蒙的 misty 有雾的有雾的 sunny 有太阳的有太阳的 如:如:the lofty mountains高耸的山脉高耸的山脉 the dim light昏暗的灯光昏暗的灯光 the sparkling stars 闪闪

15、发光的星星闪闪发光的星星 the dark night 漆黑的夜晚漆黑的夜晚 the feathery snowflakes 鹅毛般的雪花鹅毛般的雪花 one misty morning 一个有雾的早晨一个有雾的早晨 感官感官sight/touch/sound/smell 触觉上触觉上 hard 硬的硬的 soft/gentle 轻柔的轻柔的 burning/scorching火辣辣的火辣辣的 icy/freezing冰冷的冰冷的 biting刺骨的;刺骨的;bone-chilling刺骨的;刺骨的; warm温暖的;温暖的;wet/damp潮潮 湿的湿的 silky 丝滑的丝滑的 sharp

16、尖锐的尖锐的 rough 粗糙的粗糙的 bumpy 崎岖不平的崎岖不平的 shaggy毛茸茸的;毛茸茸的; wooden木质的木质的 如:如:the biting wind 刺骨的狂风刺骨的狂风 a little wooden box 小的木质盒小的木质盒 the gentle breeze 轻柔的微风轻柔的微风 a bumpy road 一条崎岖不平的小路一条崎岖不平的小路 听觉上听觉上 low小声的小声的 high大声的大声的 noisy 吵闹的吵闹的 deafening 震耳欲聋的震耳欲聋的 howling 怒号的;猛烈的怒号的;猛烈的 melodious 悦耳的悦耳的 gurgling

17、 潺潺的(流水)潺潺的(流水) 如:如:the deafening applause 震耳欲聋的掌声震耳欲聋的掌声 the gurgling stream 潺潺流淌的小溪潺潺流淌的小溪 the melodious voice 悦耳的嗓音悦耳的嗓音 the howling wind怒吼的大风怒吼的大风 嗅觉上嗅觉上 smelly/foul/stinky臭的臭的;难闻的难闻的 fragrant 清香的清香的 fresh 新鲜的新鲜的 sweet甜的甜的 strong强烈的强烈的 choking 让人窒息的让人窒息的 如:如:the fragrant flowers 芳香的花朵芳香的花朵 the f

18、resh air 清新的空气清新的空气 We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. I looked out of the car window, winding蜿蜒的 rivers, fragrant香气扑鼻的flowers, warm breeze, gurgling 潺潺的streams, lofty高耸的 mountains, sunny beaches and deep valleys holding me entirely in their fasination. We dr

19、ove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. I looked out of the car window, _ _ holding me entirely in their fasination. 运用视觉,嗅觉,触觉和听觉等感官描写来凸显风景的美。运用视觉,嗅觉,触觉和听觉等感官描写来凸显风景的美。 (河流、花、微风、溪流、山脉、沙滩、山谷)(河流、花、微风、溪流、山脉、沙滩、山谷) 课堂小结 introduction body ending make readers eager to read

20、 details and examples let readers know the passage ends or help readers remember your writing 1. Use sensory details 2. Do not use general words 3. Give examples Describe a place 1. A striking image 2. Something surprising 3. A quote or question 当堂检测当堂检测 1. Choose one of your favourite places and te

21、ll why you think it is interesting, exciting, or surprising. 2.Use the questions below to describe the place you have chosen. 1)What can you see? 2) What can you hear? 3) How does the place feel? 4) What can you smell? 5) what can you taste there? 6) What does the place make you think or feel? Some

22、sentences you may use when writing a travel journal 1. There is just so much ancient history to explore. 有很多古老的历史可以探索。有很多古老的历史可以探索。 2. My first stop was . 我的第一站是我的第一站是. 3. What a placeI never realised/imagined the . would be so big/huge/splendid! 我从未意识到我从未意识到/想象到想象到.会如此巨大会如此巨大/壮丽壮丽 4.is just like a

23、paintinglittle streets of houses on hills, all painted white and blue. 就像一幅画一样,窄小的街道布满房子,沿山而建,都被粉刷成蓝白色。就像一幅画一样,窄小的街道布满房子,沿山而建,都被粉刷成蓝白色。 5.find a little restaurant to try some traditional food. 找一个小餐馆,吃一些传统食物。找一个小餐馆,吃一些传统食物。 6. After my meal, I always order a lovely coffee and just soak up the atmosp

24、here. 饭后我总是点上一杯咖啡,沐浴在空气中。饭后我总是点上一杯咖啡,沐浴在空气中。 7. Tomorrow, Im going to see .明天我要去看明天我要去看. 8. I cant wait to take a selfie.我迫不及待想要自拍我迫不及待想要自拍 Some sentences you may use when writing a travel journal 1. .a cheap hostel just a stones throw away from 距离距离.仅一箭之遥的廉价旅馆仅一箭之遥的廉价旅馆 2. We took a tour to . yeste

25、rday. 我们昨天游览了我们昨天游览了. 3.it felt just like a movie! 感觉就像是电影感觉就像是电影 4. .we explored an old market area. It was very atmospheric and filled with lots of interesting things. 我们探索了一个老市场区。它很有氛围,充满了很多有趣的东西。我们探索了一个老市场区。它很有氛围,充满了很多有趣的东西。 5. Were going out to eat some . traditional dish. 我们要出去吃一些我们要出去吃一些.的传统菜

26、肴的传统菜肴 6. Visiting . has been an unforgettable experience, even with the terrible heat! 参观参观.真是一次令人难忘的真是一次令人难忘的 经历经历,尽管酷热难当。,尽管酷热难当。 In my village, every day starts with a “fire”! The houses turn red as the sun rises above the mountains. Seeing the flames, the roosters sound the alarm. They wake eve

27、ryone in the village with their loud cries, chasing the children to school and rushing the adults to work. In the evening, a gold haze settles over everything. This is my favourite time of the day, when all work for the day has been completed. When the smell of hot oil and fragrant spices float thro

28、ugh the air, I know that it will soon be time for dinner. My neighbours begin to call to their children to come home. The birds begin their nightly quarrel over their favourite places to rest. At night, the stars come out to tell us that all is well and my village grows quiet. For now well sleep, an

29、d tomorrow the sun will set us on fire again for a new day! 范文:范文: 嗅觉描写: It smells. a faint/strong smell of a sweet/fresh/musty smell vt. smell, sniff, waft,breathe The room smelt damp. Dinner smells good/delicious. Delicious smells wafted up from the kitchen. Sniffing the fresh morning air, I feel

30、energetic. breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers pleasant smells: sweet-smelling; fragrant; unpleasant smells: smelly cheese;stinking fish;musty old books Types of smells: the rich aroma of fresh coffee a herb with a delicate fragrance a roses sweet perfume the scent of wild flowers a stink of sweat Thanks! Unit 4


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