(2019版)外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 3 Understanding ideas 教案+教学反思+教学设计.zip

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Unit 3 Family matters Understanding ideas :Like father, like son 教学反思教学反思 总的来说,学生在本节课中的表现还不错,教学计划进行的比较顺利,但 也存在一些不足。 1、课堂内容设计环节太多,只考虑到了教学环节的完整性,却没有顾及时 间的把握,以至于上课语速偏快,学生思维跟不上。应当在之前设计的基础上 做一些删减,把必要的环节留下来就可以。 2、部分同学课前准备不充分,导致上课不如预想中的顺利。这也和我课前 没有落实到位有关系,以后应当引以为戒。 3、板书书写的比较乱,课前投影仪出现了问题,所以板书就比预设的增加 了许多,黑板有点不太够用。平时上阅读课依赖 ppt 比较多,忽视了板书设计。 4、总体来看,学生的表现没有平常上课那么好。下课之后跟学生交流后发 现大部分同学对于公开课有一种畏惧感,以至于不敢回答问题。所以在以后的 教学中要多多鼓励他们,给学生足够的信心。 当然还有很多不足之处,我会在今后的教学过程中,慢慢摸索,弥补不足, 更好的提高英语课堂的效率,提高自己的英语教学水平。 Unit 3 Family Matters Understanding ideas Pre-reading Tick the things you would ask your parents about for advice. school studies friendship troubles joining an after-school club getting a new hairstyle shopping for new clothes and shoes choosing your future area of study While-reading Task 1 Read the passage quickly and fill in the form. Setting Where: _ When:_ with _ at front center. Characters _in his 70s,a keen chess player Fatherin his 40s,a _, a football fan. Son16 years old, a senior high _, a music lover plots 1. The son doesnt plan to go to university. He wants to focus on his _ and have a career in _. Because it suits his talents. 2. But the father wants his son to become a _, because the job helps people and is _ by others. 3. The grandfather advises his grandson to go to _ and play music at the same time. This way, he can have two _ for his future. Task 2 Choose another suitable title for the play. The secret to a happy family A generation gap A dream job Grandfathers advice My career, my choice Task 3 Finish the chart below. A generation gap Fathers reasons: 1. Lawyers _ _ and are _ by others. 2. Playing in a band is not a job. It is daydreaming! Sons reasons: 1. He is not _ in law. 2. The music industry is _ fast now. Making music is a job. Another generation gap Grandfathers idea: 1. He wanted his son to be a _ _. 2. In the end, he advised his son to _ _. Fathers idea:1. When he was young, he wanted to be _ _ _ _. 2. Finally, he found the career that suits his _, which is a _. Post-reading Fill in the blanks and have a summary. The father and grandfather are playing chess 1._ the boy comes in. The boy approaches the table 2. _ (nervous) and asks his father to have 3._ chat with him about his future career. He decides not 4._(go) to university and he wants to focus 5._ his band. The father feels 6. _ (surprise) because he always expects the boy to be a 7._(law). Hearing their conversation, the grandfather 8. _ (suggest) the boy should think carefully before 9. _ (jump) in with both feet. Perhaps the boy will go to university and play music 10._the same time. Unit 3 Family matters Understanding ideas Like father, like son 说课稿说课稿 各位老师好: 今天我说课的内容是必修四第四单元的阅读部分,下面我将从教学目标, 教学重难点,教学过程几方面进行简要说明。 课本内容分析:课本内容分析: 本课时的内容是家庭事务和家庭问题。Understanding ideas 部分以一个剧本的 形式呈现。儿子和父亲商量,他打算放弃大学,专攻乐队,却遭到强烈反对。 祖父规劝他们都要冷静,并以父亲年轻时的例子相劝,最终儿子可以一边上大 学,一边搞乐队,两不耽误,还为自己未来多了一条选择。文章摘录的是台词, 因此侧重口语化、交际化。 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 认知并灵活运用本课时的重点词汇:character,approach,focus, assume, respect, ignore, professional, talent, option, generation, gap, focus on, jump in with both feet, raise ones voice, take ones advice, calm down. 2. 通过阅读,掌握戏剧的要素,对戏剧有更深入的了解。 3. 明白代沟是很普遍的,正确对待与长辈的分歧。 过程与方法:过程与方法: 1.利用多媒体手段营造积极和谐教学氛围,使学生进入情景之中。 2.运用各个层次问题的设置,促进各层次学生参与学习活动。 3.学案导学,发展学生自主学习能力。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 重点:重点:学习、掌握本课时出现的重点词汇和短语,并适当拓展延伸,理清知识 脉络。 难点难点:通过解答阅读所设置的题目,学会利用关键词的原文定位法,从而精准 解决问题。 教学过程分析教学过程分析 (一)通过家有儿女这部国产喜剧片进行导入,让学生进入本节课的主题 家庭。 (二)通过填写表格,做选择题,翻译汉语等练习对原文内容有更深入的理解。 (三)邀请同学将课文内容以表演的形式呈现出来。 (四)以短片的形式对本节课内容做总结,让学生明白家庭的意义。 我的课还有很多不足之处,希望各位老师能够批评指正。
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