(2019版)外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit2 Neither Pine nor Apple in Pineapple课文预读 ppt课件.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Exploring English Neither Pine nor Apple in Pineapple 课文预读 Reading Neither Pine nor Apple in Pineapple Have you ever asked yourself why people often have trouble learning English? I hadnt, until one day my five-year-old son asked me whether there was ham in a hamburger. There isnt. This made

2、me realize that theres no egg in eggplant either. Neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple. This got me thinking how English can be a crazy language to learn. pine n松树 pineapple n菠萝 have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难 eggplant n茄子 Reading 译文译文 菠萝菠萝松树松树+苹果苹果 你有没有问过自己,为什么人们常常在学习英语方面有困难? 我从未想过这个问题,直

3、到有一天,我五岁的儿子问我 hamburger(汉堡包)里是否有ham(火腿)。答案是没有。这让我意 识到eggplant(茄子)里也没有egg(鸡蛋)。pineapple(菠萝)里既没 有pine(松树),也没有apple(苹果)。这让我陷入思考:对于学习 者而言,英语到底可以有多疯狂呢? Reading For example, in our free time we can sculpt a sculpture and paint a painting, but we take a photo. And when we are traveling we say that we are i

4、n the car or the taxi, but on the train or bus! While were doing all this traveling, we can get seasick at sea, airsick in the air and carsick in a car, but we dont get homesick when we get back home. And speaking of home, why arent homework and housework the same thing? sculpt v. 雕刻,雕塑sculpture n.

5、雕刻品,雕像 seasick adj. 晕船的 airsick adj. 晕机的 carsick adj. 晕车的 homesick adj.想家的 speaking of.讲起,说到 Reading 译文译文 例如,我们可以在闲暇时雕刻一座雕像(sculpt a sculpture)、画一 幅画(paint a painting),但我们只能拍一张照片(take a photo)。旅行时, 我们坐汽车或出租车时是说坐在里面(in),但是坐火车或公共汽车时 却要说坐在上面(on)!同样,我们会在海上晕船(seasick at sea)、在 飞机晕机(airsick in the air)、在车

6、里晕车(carsick in a car),但回到家 里我们却不会“晕家”(homesick,实际意为“想家的,思乡的”)。说到 家,为什么homework(家庭作业)和housework(家务)(这两个英语单词 看起来很像意思却)不是一回事呢? Reading If “hard” is the opposite of “soft”, why are “hardly” and “softly” not an opposing pair? If harmless actions are the opposite of harmful actions, why are shameless and

7、shameful behaviors the same? When we look out of the window and see rain or snow, we can say “its raining” or “its snowing”. But when we see sunshine, we cant say “its sunshining”. opposite n对立的人(或物),对立面 opposing adj.相反的;对立的 shameless adj.无耻的,没廉耻的shameful adj.可耻的,丢脸的behavior n. 举止,行为 Reading 译文译文 如果

8、说hard(硬)是soft(软)的反义词,为什么hardly(几乎不)和 softly(柔和地,轻柔地)却不是一对反义词呢?如果说harmless actions(无害的行为)与harmful actions(有害的行为)意思相反, 为什么无耻的行为(shameless behaviors)和可耻的行为(shameful behaviors)反而是一回事?当我们望向窗外,看到雨(rain)或雪 (snow)时,我们可以说正在下雨(its raining)或正在下雪(its snowing)。但当我们看到阳光(sunshine)时,我们不能说“正在下 阳光”(its sunshining)。 R

9、eading 译文译文 Even the smallest of words can be confusing. When you see the capitalized “WHO” in a medical report, do you read it as the “who” in “Whos that?” What about “IT” and “US”? 即使是最短小的单词都让人费解。当你在医学报告 中看到大写的WHO时,你会把它读为Whos that?中的 who吗?那么“IT”和“US”又该怎么读呢? confusing adj.令人困惑的(修饰事物) capitalize vt.

10、 把首字母大写 Reading 译文译文 You also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language in which a house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which an alarm is only heard once it goes off! 你也会对英语这门语言独有的疯狂感到惊奇。在英语里,房子烧成 灰烬时,可以说burn up(字面意思是“烧上去”),也可以说burn down(

11、字 面意思是“烧下去”);填表时,你可以说fill in a form(字面意思是“填入 表里”),也可以说fill out a form(字面意思是“填到表外”);而且只有闹 钟走了(go off字面意思是“离开”)以后你才能听到铃声! unique adj.独一无二的,独特的madness n. 疯狂;愚蠢行为 burn up烧毁,烧尽 burn down(建筑物)(被)烧毁 fill in填写(表格等) fill out 填写(表格等)alarm n警报器;闹钟go off (警报器等)突然发出巨响 Reading 译文译文 English was invented by people,

12、 not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race. That is why when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And that is why when I wind up my watch, it starts, but when I wind up this passage, it ends. 英语是人创造的,不是计算机发明的,它反映了人类的创造 力。这就是为什么stars are out(星星出现了)时,我们能看到星星, 而当lights are out(灯光熄灭)时,我们却看不到灯光。这也是当 我wind up my watch(给手表上紧发条)以后表针开始走,而我 wind up this passage(将本文收尾)后这篇文章结束的原因。 reflect v. 显示;反映,映出;深思creativity n创造(性)的,有创造力的 human race人类 visible adj. 看得见的,可见的 invisible adj.看不见的 wind up给(机械)上发条,使(活动、会议等)结束 Thank You!


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