(2019版)北师大版高中英语必修第一册Unit 3Celebrations Section A Topic Talk 练习(含答案).doc

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1、第 1页(共 12页) Unit3Celebrations Section A Topic Talk 一、翻译句子 1 1.许多房子在大火中被烧毁了。 2 2.类似的方法正在很多方面被投入使用。 3 3.那个工程已经完工了。 4 4.在你离开前,确保所有的灯都关了。 二、完形填空 My parents always made extra Christmas specials for my sisters and me.Of course the1event was when my sisters and I would run down the2to see our Christmas tre

2、e surrounded by mountains of3.We got the bikes,microscopes,cameras,and many others.They were great,though I didnt4appreciate all that my parents did.In fact it was quite common for me to be trapped in5 gifts and not be able to remember everything I6. As my husband and I were getting7to welcome our f

3、irst child into the world,we thought how to give Christmas 第 2页(共 12页) gifts.Finally we8the decision to set the three-gift9 for our holiday celebrations.I had ever10about the idea in a few magazine articles.And I really11how it made the children decide about the things they truly12.But mostly,I love

4、d the idea of13our holiday.I would see my kids get the same number of gifts.I expected a Christmas day when we could actually enjoy each others14,as well as the gifts and the spirit that they were given. 15those ideas Joe and I came up before our16were born,such as we never let them eat17food,or lim

5、it TV to only one hour a day,the three-gift rule is one thing that18 the test of time.Weve done it each year since Tom was born 18 years ago.Joe and I are a lot less19since we are focusing on getting each child the20three things that they desire.And we find the kids do appreciate and enjoy the gifts

6、. I hope my kids will be building their own families and their own traditions. 1 1.A.tinyB.big C.littleD.small 2 2.A.floorsB.grounds C.stairsD.places 第 3页(共 12页) 3 3.A.presents B.foods C.clothesD.books 4 4.A.suddenly B.immediately C.reallyD.frankly 5 5.A.closingB.sharing C.sparingD.opening 6 6.A.rec

7、eived B.approved C.boughtD.imagined 7 7.A.sorryB.ready C.angryD.nervous 8 8.A.offeredB.picked C.tookD.made 9 9.A.conditionB.situation C.traditionD.position 1010.A.readB.sold C.arguedD.hated 1111.A.likedB.knew C.doubtedD.urged 1212.A.gaveB.refused C.wantedD.threw 1313.A.questioningB.simplifying C.qua

8、lifying D.satisfying 第 4页(共 12页) 1414.A.agreementB.amusement C.thoughtD.company 1515.A.WithinB.Unlike C.WithoutD.Along 1616.A.relativesB.friends C.childrenD.colleagues 1717.A.junkB.healthy C.enoughD.tasty 1818.A.enjoysB.enters C.reachesD.stands 1919.A.stressedB.excited C.surprisedD.confused 2020.A.m

9、ostB.top C.fitD.low 三、阅读理解 Against the backdrop of sweeping economic globalisation,interactions and exchanges among ethnic(民族的) groups,races,and nationalities have become increasingly frequent countries have taken the way of “shared learning” with regards to cultural exchange. Spring Festival is the

10、 most celebrated festival in China,and now is expanding its presence across the world.As 第 5页(共 12页) Chinese youths celebrate Christmas,Westerners also acknowledge Spring Festival.It indicates the trends of shared learning and harmonious coexistence between civilisations. Spring Festival marks the f

11、irst day on the Chinese lunar calendar.On that day and over the following two weeks,people greet each other saying “good luck in whatever you do” or “happiness for all your family”.Streets and houses are decorated by Chinese knots(结) and other articles of red colour.In many foreign countries,traditi

12、onal Chinese activities are performed as fixed programme,namely the dragon dance and the Peking Opera,adding diversity to local cultures. Why is a time-honored festival so vibrant and even celebrated in other countries?The answer lies in the rich,positive connotation(内涵) of Spring Festival. Spring F

13、estival reflects spirit of amity(友善关系).More than 2,000 years ago,Confucius said all people in the world are sisters and brothers.The spirit of amity has shaped Chinese peoples concept of and expectation for intrafamily and inter-state relations as well as state governance. Spring Festival is a time

14、for expressing gratefulness.During Spring Festival people are reminded of the 第 6页(共 12页) sense of gratefulness by honoring their ancestors and parents in traditional ways. Spring Festival is also a salute to another Chinese virtue,diligence(勤奋).Chinese people believe that only with their own hands

15、can people create a happy and beautiful life. Spring Festival also calls for sharing,a value long respected by Chinese.Mencius told his pupils what a man of virtue is like,“In desperate straits they would develop their own goodness.Successfully,they would share their goodness with the whole world.”

16、Nowadays the culture,calling for friendship,gratefulness,diligence and sharing,is contributing to the world civilisation for a happy,harmonious,and beautiful future for humankind. 1 1.What do the first two paragraphs mainly talk about? A.Intercultural learning. B.Economic globalisation. C.Festival c

17、elebrations. D.The widespread Spring Festival. 2 2.Which element can be most symbolic of good luck and happiness in China? A.Dragon dance. 第 7页(共 12页) B.The Peking Opera. C.Red knots. D.Honoring the ancestors. 3 3.What does the underlined word “vibrant” in paragraph 4 mean? A.Busy and noisy. B.Old a

18、nd fading. C.Bright and strong. D.Exciting and attractive. 4 4.What is the best title for the text? A.Spring Festival Carrying Positive Values B.Spring Festival Celebrated in China and Beyond C.Festivals Celebrated Around the World D.Great Persons Shaping Chinese Virtues 四、语法填空 As a student, you may

19、 have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as1._(win) the Nobel Prize; they can also be small, such as becoming one of the best 2._(student) in your class. Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Have you ever tried to make your dream come true? Andrew Matthews,3._Australian writer

20、, tellsusthatmakingyourdreamscometrueislifes 4._(big) challenge. You may think youre not very good 5._someschoolsubjects,andthatits 第 8页(共 12页) 6._(possible) for you to be successful. In fact, everyone can realise his dream. The first thing you must do is to remember7._your dream is. Keep telling 8.

21、_(you) what you want every day. There will be difficulties on the road to your dream, but the largest difficulty9._(come) from yourself. You need to decide to do what is the most important. For example, studying instead of watching TV will help you to get better exam results. When you get closer to

22、your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance10._ (learn) something more useful and find new hobbies. 第 9页(共 12页) 一、翻译句子 1 1.Many houses were destroyed in the fire. 2 2.Similar ways are being put into use in many ways. 3 3.The project has been completed. 4 4.Make sure all t

23、he lights are turned off before you leave. 二、完形填空 1 1.B对于孩子而言,能够收到很多礼物是过圣诞节的一件“大”事。 2 2.C作者和自己的姐妹一起走下“楼梯”去看自己收到了什么礼物。 3 3.A根据常识可知,过圣诞节人们会在圣诞树的周围放好许多“礼 物”。 4 4.C根据本段最后一句可知,作者虽然得到了很多礼物,但对于父母 所做的一切并不是“真正地”欣赏。 5 5.D收到礼物之后,当然要把礼物都 “打开” ,所以此处应为opening。 6 6.A在把所有的礼物都打开之后,作者记不住“收到”了些什么。 7 7.B因为是夫妻二人的第一个孩子,所

24、以两人要做好充分的准备,因 此此处应使用 ready。 8 8.D如何为自己的孩子准备圣诞礼物是夫妻二人要做出的决定。 makeadecision 为固定搭配。 9 9.C因为在最后一段中提到后来每年夫妻二人都这样做,所以这成 为他们的一项“传统”。 1010.A既然是杂志里的文章,应该是作者“读”过的。 第 10页(共 12页) 1111.A根据下一句中的“Ilovedtheidea.”可知,作者很“喜欢” 这样的做法。 1212.C作者决定要送给孩子三个礼物,而这三个礼物是孩子们最“想 要”的。 1313.B只送给孩子最需要的三个礼物,这样夫妻二人的准备实际上就 被“简单化”了。 1414

25、.D圣诞节时全家人在一起互相“陪伴”,这才是节日真正的意义 所在。 1515.B后文提到了这些想法都没有坚持到底,所以说送三个礼物和这 些想法是不一样的。因此要用 unlike 一词。 1616.C根据后面的 wereborn 可知,此处应指作者的孩子们。 1717.A因为是父母不让孩子们吃的,所以应该是“垃圾”食品。 1818.D因为常年坚持,所以说送三个礼物这一做法“经受”住了时间 的考验。 1919.A因为目标集中而不盲目,所以作者在为孩子们准备礼物时压力 就小很多。 2020.B根据本句中的 theydesire 可知作者与丈夫准备的是最好的三 个礼物。此处的 三、阅读理解 1 1.A

26、2 2.C3 3.D4 4.B 四、语法填空 1winningwin 在 such as 后作宾语应用动名词形式;也可根 据后面的提示可知该处用动名词形式。故填 winning。 第 11页(共 12页) 2studentsstudent 是可数名词,前有 one of 修饰,所以此 处应用复数形式。故填 students。 3anwriter 是可数名词,此处泛指一位澳大利亚作家,所以 应用不定冠词;Australian 是发音以元音音素开头的单词,故填 an。 4biggest句意为:澳大利亚作家安德鲁马修斯告诉我们, 实现梦想是人生中最大的挑战。 根据句意, 这里应用形容词的最高级。 故

27、填 biggest。 5atbe good at 为固定搭配,意为“擅长” 。故填 at。 6impossible句意为:你可能认为你不擅长一些学科,认为 自己不可能成功。and 连接语义相近的并列成分,根据句意可知此处 应用 impossible。故填 impossible。 7what设空处引导宾语从句,作 remember 的宾语,引导词在 宾语从句中作表语,应用 what。故填 what。 8yourself句意为:坚持每天告诉自己你想要什么。这句话 是祈使句,省略了主语 you,当主语和宾语指代同一对象时,宾语应 用反身代词。故填 yourself。 9comes设空处是谓语动词,come 与主语 the largest difficulty 之间是主动关系,叙述的是现在的事情,所以应用一般 现在时。故填 comes。 10to learnthe change to do sth.意为“做某事的机会” 。 故填 to learn。 第 12页(共 12页)


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