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1、 Min Nong By Li Shen Farmers weeding at noon, Sweat down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray, Due to their toiling day. Who is the man in the photo? What do you know about him? Yuan Longpingfather of hybrid rice The winner for the first State Preeminent Science and Technology Award 中华人民共和国国家最高科

2、中华人民共和国国家最高科 学技术奖学技术奖 A Pioneer for All People Use word formation to guess the meaning 造福全人类的先驱者造福全人类的先驱者 Para 1 C 1.Yuan Longping, known as the “father of hybridrice”, is one of Chinas most famous scientists. 袁隆平,被誉为袁隆平,被誉为“杂交水稻之父杂交水稻之父”, 是中国最著名的科学家之一。是中国最著名的科学家之一。 2. Yet, he considers himself a fa

3、rmer because he continually works the land in his research. 然而,他认为自己是个农民,因为然而,他认为自己是个农民,因为 他不断地他不断地在田间耕作在田间耕作,进行科学研,进行科学研 究。究。 3. Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted his life. 确实,他瘦削但结实的身躯看起来和确实,他瘦削但结实的身躯看起来和 他为之奉献了一生的千百万中国农民他为之奉献

4、了一生的千百万中国农民 一样。一样。 第一段的短语:第一段的短语: 1. 作为作为.出名出名 be famous as 2. 杂交水稻之父杂交水稻之父 father of hybrid rice 3. 最最.的的.之一之一 one of +最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数 4. 耕种土地耕种土地 work the land 5. 数以百万级数以百万级 millions of 6. 献身于献身于.; 致力于致力于. devote .to. Para 2 D 1. Yuan Longping was born in 1930 in Beijing. 袁隆平袁隆平1930年出生于北京。年出生于北京。

5、2. His parents wanted him to pursue a career in science or medicine. 从事从事;追求追求 他的父母希望他从事科学或医学方面他的父母希望他从事科学或医学方面 的工作。的工作。 3. However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat. 然而,最让他担心的是,农民经常歉然而,最让他担心的是,农民经常歉 收,有时甚至严重缺乏食

6、物。收,有时甚至严重缺乏食物。 4. To tackle this crisis, he chose to study agriculture and received an education at Southwest Agricultural College in Chongqing. choose-chose-chosen choice 为了应对这一危机,他选择了学习农为了应对这一危机,他选择了学习农 业,并在重庆的西南农学院接受教育。业,并在重庆的西南农学院接受教育。 第二段的短语:第二段的短语: 1. 让让.最关心最关心 concern sb most 2. 歉收歉收 have po

7、or harvest 3. 严重缺乏严重缺乏 have a serious shortage of 4. 解决这个危机解决这个危机 tackle this crisis 5. 选择做某事选择做某事 choose to do sth Para 3 A 1. After graduating in 1953, he worked as a researcher. 1953年毕业后,他从事研究工作。年毕业后,他从事研究工作。 2. Yuan Longping realised that larger fields were not the solution. 袁隆平意识到,解决问题的办法并不袁隆平意

8、识到,解决问题的办法并不 是扩大农田面积。是扩大农田面积。 3. Instead, farmers needed to boost yields in the fields they had. 而是农民们需要提高他们已有土地上而是农民们需要提高他们已有土地上 农作物的产量农作物的产量。 4. How this could be done was a challenging question at the time. 如何做到这一点在当时是一个具有挑如何做到这一点在当时是一个具有挑 战性的问题。战性的问题。 5. Yuan was convinced that the answer could

9、be found in the creation of hybrid rice. 袁隆平坚信,可以在杂交水稻的培育袁隆平坚信,可以在杂交水稻的培育 中找到答案。中找到答案。 6. A hybrid is a cross between two or more varieties of a species. 杂交植物是一个物种的两个或多个变杂交植物是一个物种的两个或多个变 种之间的杂交。种之间的杂交。 7. One characteristic of hybrids is that they usually attain a higher yield than conventional crop

10、s. 杂交作物的一个特点是它们的产量通杂交作物的一个特点是它们的产量通 常比常规作物高。常比常规作物高。 8. However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate. 然而,是否有可能培育出如水稻等自然而,是否有可能培育出如水稻等自 花授粉植物的杂交种,这是一个充满花授粉植物的杂交种,这是一个充满 争议的问题。争议的问题。 9. The common assumption then was that it

11、could not be done. 人们普遍认为这是不可能做到的。人们普遍认为这是不可能做到的。 10. Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974. 通过不懈的努力,袁隆平克服了巨大通过不懈的努力,袁隆平克服了巨大 的技术难题,于的技术难题,于1974年研制出了第一年研制出了第一 批可用于农业生产的杂交水稻。批可用于农业生产的杂交水稻。 11. This

12、 hybrid enabled farmers to expand their output greatly. 这种杂交植物使农民能够大幅度增加这种杂交植物使农民能够大幅度增加 他们的水稻产量。他们的水稻产量。 第三段的短语:第三段的短语: 1. 增加产量增加产量 boost yield 2. .的一个特征的一个特征 one characteistic of 3. 例如例如 such as 4. 通过不懈的努力通过不懈的努力 through intense effort 5. 使某人能做某事使某人能做某事 enable sb to do sth Para 4E 1. Today, it is

13、estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuans hybrid strains, and his strains have allowed Chinas farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year. 据估算,现在中国国内消费的稻米有据估算,现在中国国内消费的稻米有 大约大约60%来自袁隆平的杂交水稻品种来自袁隆平的杂交水稻品种 形成的作物,这些品

14、种形成的作物,这些品种(形成的作物形成的作物) 让中国农民每年能够生产出大约两亿让中国农民每年能够生产出大约两亿 吨稻米。吨稻米。 It is estimated that.用法见同步训用法见同步训 练练101页页 2. Yuans innovation has helped feed not just China, but many other countries that depend on rice as well, such as India and Vietnam. 袁隆平的创新不仅帮助养活了中国,袁隆平的创新不仅帮助养活了中国, 也养活了许多其他依赖大米的国家,也养活了许多其他依赖

15、大米的国家, 如印度和越南。如印度和越南。 3. Because of his invaluable contributions, Yuan Longping has received numerous awards both in China and abroad. 因为他做出了不可估量的贡献。袁隆因为他做出了不可估量的贡献。袁隆 平在国内外获得了无数奖项。平在国内外获得了无数奖项。 第四段的短语:第四段的短语: 1. 据估计据估计 It is estimated that. 2. 由由.组成组成 be comprised of 3. 允许某人做某事允许某人做某事 allow sb to d

16、o sth 4. 依靠,依赖依靠,依赖 depend on 5. 在国内外在国内外 both in China and abroad at home and abroad Para 5F 1. Given that Yuans hybrids have made him quite wealthy, one might think he would retire to a life of leisure. 考虑到杂交水稻使袁隆平变得相当富考虑到杂交水稻使袁隆平变得相当富 有,人们可能认为他会退休享受闲适有,人们可能认为他会退休享受闲适 的生活。的生活。 Given that 用法见同步训练用法

17、见同步训练101页页 2. However, this is far from the case. 然而,事实远非如此。然而,事实远非如此。 3. Deep down, Yuan is still very much a farmer at heart. 实际上,袁隆平在内心深处仍然是一实际上,袁隆平在内心深处仍然是一 位农民。位农民。 4. As a man of the soil, he cares little for celebrity or money. 作为一个土生土长的人,他不太在乎作为一个土生土长的人,他不太在乎 名利。名利。 5. Instead, he makes larg

18、e donations to support agricultural research. 相反,他大量捐款支持农业科学研究。相反,他大量捐款支持农业科学研究。 第五段的短语:第五段的短语: 1. 闲适的生活闲适的生活 a life of leisure 2. 在内心深处在内心深处 deep down 3. 不在乎不在乎 care little for 4. 捐了大量款捐了大量款 makes large donations Para 6B 1. What impresses people most about Yuan Longping is his ongoing ability to fu

19、lfill his dreams. adj.进行中的进行中的;不断发展的不断发展的; 袁隆平给人印象最深的是他不断实现袁隆平给人印象最深的是他不断实现 梦想的能力。梦想的能力。 2. Long ago, he envisioned rice plants as tall as sorghum, with each ear of rice as big as a broom, and each grain of rice as huge as a peanut. 很久以前,他设想水稻高至高粱,稻很久以前,他设想水稻高至高粱,稻 穗大如扫帚,而每粒稻谷大如花生。穗大如扫帚,而每粒稻谷大如花生。 3

20、. He succeeded in producing a kind of rice that could feed more people at home and abroad. 他成功地种植出一种可以养活国内外他成功地种植出一种可以养活国内外 更多人口的水稻。更多人口的水稻。 4. His latest vision for “seawater rice” has also become a reality, and potentially opened up nearly one million square kilometres of salty land in China for r

21、ice production. 他对他对“海水稻海水稻”的最新设想也已成为现的最新设想也已成为现 实,并可能在中国开辟近实,并可能在中国开辟近100万平方万平方 公里的盐碱地,用于水稻生产。公里的盐碱地,用于水稻生产。 5. Despite his advanced years, Yuan Longping is still young at heart and full of vision, and everyone is waiting to see what he will dream up next. 尽管年事已高,袁隆平的内心仍然年尽管年事已高,袁隆平的内心仍然年 轻,富有远见,每个人都在等着看他轻,富有远见,每个人都在等着看他 下一步的梦想。下一步的梦想。 第六段的短语:第六段的短语: 1. 实现他的梦想实现他的梦想 fullfil his dreams 2. 在某方面成功在某方面成功 succeed in doing 3. 富有远见富有远见 full of vision 4. 构思构思,创造创造 dream up


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