(2019版)北师大版必修第一册英语Unit 3 Celebrations Section C Writing Workshop同步练习 (含答案).doc

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1、第 1页(共 11页) Unit3Celebrations Section C Writing Work shop 一、单词拼写 1.This girl gave a vivid dof the accident. 2.Her attempts to cthem down only made matters worse. 3.There was nfor us to take cover from the storm. 4.Hes so(无知的) that he cannot write his own name. 5.The concert last night was(令人赞叹的). 6.

2、He reported on the whole(事件) to the vice premier. 二、短语填空 in ones seventies,stand for,be ignorant of,cant help doing,turn around,calm down,plenty of,wake up,work on,be similar to 1.Iat the same time every morning without having to use an alarm clock. 2.Only those whothe project can read these materia

3、ls. 第 2页(共 11页) 3.He looked quite healthy though he was. 4.Pleaseand read the top notice. 5.Are therefresh fruits and vegetables in your diet? 6.I bought some new shoes whicha pair I had before. 7.This library came tohis belief in learning and truth. 8.Many peoplethe facts about global warming. 9.It

4、hinking about my two daughters when I saw her. 10.You canthere.I think you should let me drive. 三、阅读理解 A EveryAmericanfamilyhasitsowntraditionson Thanksgiving Day,and mine is no different.Once the national holiday arrives,my mum rises early to make the meal.She puts a turkey in the oven,chops carrot

5、s and bakes pies.Im sorry to say that the men in the familymy dad,my younger brother and myselfrarely pitch in to help.Our job is to wash the 第 3页(共 11页) mountain of dirty dishes after the meal is over. Around 2 pm.every Thanksgiving Day,family members seat themselvesaroundthekitchentable.Platesoftu

6、rkey , vegetables,salad,rolls and pies cover it.At this point,we can hardly keep ourselves from drooling (流口水)all over our fancy clothes,but its not yet time to eat. First,we must bow our heads,close our eyes and say a prayer of thanks aloud to God for giving us everything we have.Under normal circu

7、mstances,I would have no problem making a list of things I am thankful for.I grew up in a loving family.My parents,who arent wealthy,took out loans to help me pay for university. However,the funny thing is,every time I sit down for Thanksgiving dinner and try to say a prayer of thanks,my mind usuall

8、y goes blank.I think it has something to do with my growling (咕咕叫)stomach and all of that food sitting right there under my nose. Eventually,though,we all finish our short prayers and dig in To be sure, the day includes other highlightsvisiting with family and watching football match on TV.But usual

9、ly around 6 pm.we are all ourselves stuffed like turkeys and thankful to have a nice warm bed to sleep in. 1The purpose of the text is to Atell what the family do for Thanksgiving Day Btell how the family spends Thanksgiving Day 第 4页(共 11页) Cintroduce foods served on Thanksgiving Day Dintroduce the

10、American Thanksgiving Day 2On Thanksgiving Day the authors family do the following except Awatch a movieBmake visits Chave a big mealDwatch football match 3Why does the authors mind usually go blank when saying a prayer of thanks? AHe is too thankful to say a word. BHis mind is on the food before hi

11、m. CHe feels too excited to speak. DHe is too shy to speak in public. 4The underlined phrase “dig in” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “” Achat with othersBmake a hole Cmix things upDstart eating B The origins of the Christmas traditions are the most fascinating of any holiday.All our

12、favorite activities can be traced (追溯) back to specific points in history, and knowing how these things came about just makes celebrating Christmas much more wonderful. The original Nicholas was born in 280 AD in the small country of Lycia, which is now part of modern Turkey.Nicholas became first a

13、priest (牧师) and then a bishop (主教) in the early 第 5页(共 11页) Christian church.The first paintings of him show Nicholas wearing the clothes of a Christian bishopred decorated with white.When we see Santas suit today, were still seeing the two kinds of colors. Nicholas became famous for giftgiving.In t

14、he early fourth century, a legend began to spread about Nicholas coming at night to the home of three poor girls who did not have money and therefore could not get married.While the girls slept, Nicholas left gold coins in their stockings, which were drying by the fire.Thats how the tradition of San

15、ta filling stockings got its start. In 1841, Santa first appeared at a department store in Philadelphia.This Santa tried to climb down a chimney to impress the children who were watching, but he got stuck halfway down.In 1890, department store Santas began appearing all over America, especially on t

16、he East Coast around Boston.Parents in other countries joined together and hired passenger trains to take their families to see these Santas. At the same time, Ralph EMorris of the New England Telephone Company suggested that strings of lights be hung on Christmas trees.After all, lights would be mu

17、ch safer than candles.Our modernday image of Santa as a fat man is based on ads of the CocaCola company in the 1930s.Artist Hans Sundblom used a retired salesman named Les Prentice as his model. 5What can we learn from Paragraph 1? 第 6页(共 11页) AChristmas is the most important holiday. BThe tradition

18、s of Christmas are based on facts. CThere was not any record of Christmas in the past. DMore and more people begin to celebrate Christmas. 6What do we know about Nicholas? AHe set up the first Christian church. BHe was called Santa Claus when he was born. CHis clothes are similar to Santas suit in c

19、olor. DHis image is the same as the modernday Santa. 7Three poor girls are mentioned to Aprove that Nicholas used to be a rich man Btell of the origin of Santa filling stockings Cshow Christmas was set up mainly for the poor Ddescribe a famous story in the early fourth century 8What can we infer fro

20、m the last two paragraphs? ASanta didnt become popular until the year of 1890. BCandles have never been used on Christmas trees. CThe CocaCola company designed the image of Santa. DSanta began giving gifts by climbing down chimneys in 1841. 四、应用文写作 假设你是李华,请你给一位美国高中的笔友 Mike 写一封电子邮 件,把你校最近一次运动会的情况告诉他,

21、内容包括: 1举行时间; 2印象最深的比赛项目。 第 7页(共 11页) 注意:1.词数 80 左右,开头已为你写好; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Hi Mike, I hope everything goes well with you! Yours, Li Hua 第 8页(共 11页) 一、单词拼写 1.description 2.calm 3.nowhere 4.ignorant 5.awesome 6.event 二、短语填空 1.wake up 2.work on 3.in his seventies 4.calm down 5.plenty of 6.are similar

22、 to 7.stand for 8.are ignorant of 9.couldnt help 10.turn around 三、阅读理解 1.B主旨大意题。作者开门见山地点明美国每家每户都有自己 的感恩节传统, 然后详细描述他们一家人这一天的活动, 因此 B 项 “讲 述这一家人如何过感恩节”能概括全文大意。 2.A细节理解题。文章前四段描述作者一家人准备感恩节大餐, 第 9页(共 11页) 最后一段首句“Eventually,though,we all finish our short prayers and dig in.”说明一家人终于开吃了,首先排除 C 项;再 由信息句“To b

23、e sure,the day includes other highlights visiting with family and watching football match on TV.”可 知,这一天作者一家人还会走访亲友以及观看足球赛等,故排除 B、 D 两项;文章没有提及 A 项活动,所以选 A。 3.B细节理解题。根据第四段信息“I think it has something to do with my growling(咕咕叫)stomach and all of that food sitting right there under my nose.”可知,作者吃大餐之前祈

24、祷 以示感恩时,心思全被眼前的美食所吸引,所以 B 项正确。 4.D词义猜测题。根据前文对一家人准备大餐以及作者心思全 被眼前的美食所吸引的描述,再看本句中的 Eventually“终于”一 词,不难看出 dig in 在此表示(一家人)“开吃”了。 5.B推理判断题。由第一段可知,我们喜欢的任何圣诞节传统 都可以追溯到历史上特定的由来,并且知道这些活动是如何产生的。 由此可推知,这些传统都是建立在事实之上的。 6.C推理判断题。由第二段“The first paintings of him show Nicholas wearing the clothes of a Christian bi

25、shop red decorated with white.When we see Santas suit today, were still seeing the two kinds of colors.”可知,尼古拉斯第一批 画像中穿着基督教主教的衣服红色镶有白色的衣服。 在如今圣诞 老人的装扮中,我们看到的仍然是这两种颜色。 7.B细节理解题。 由第三段 “Thats how the tradition of Santa filling stockings got its start.”可知,提到三个穷苦女孩是为 了讲述圣诞老人把礼物放进袜子这一传统的由来。 第 10页(共 11页) 8

26、.A推理判断题。由倒数第二段可知,1890 年,圣诞老人百货 商场盛行于美国,尤其是在波士顿的东海岸。世界各地的家长一起带 着家人,坐着租来的旅客列车观赏这些圣诞老人。由此可知,圣诞老 人于 1890 年开始流行。 四、应用文写作 Hi Mike, I hope everything goes well with you! I cant wait to tell you about the annual sports meeting held in our school last week.It included quite a number of sport events.Almost al

27、l events were interesting for me,of which the womens 3,000 metre race was the most impressive.An athlete slipped and fell down in the race but she swiftly rose to her feet and kept running.Her spirit of striving and never giving up inspired everyone present.Crowds of students and teachers surrounding the sports field cheered for her loudly. How about the sports participation in your school? Im looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Li Hua 第 11页(共 11页) s


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