(2019版)人教版选择性必修第一册英语 Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Learning About Language课后作业含答案.doc

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1、Unit 2Section 一、语言基础训练 .单句语法填空 1I am afraid there _will be_ (be) a meeting this afternoon.I cant join you. 2You cant miss him.He _will be wearing_ (wear) a dark green suit and a yellow tie waiting for you. 3 5% of the rice produced on this farm _will be exported_(export) to other countries at the en

2、d of next month. 4Paula _will be taking_(take) a shower at 6:00 this afternoon. 5Next Friday I will go to another concert.They _will be playing_ (play) something by Mozart at that time. 6I cant attend his wedding tomorrow, for I _will be having_ (have) a meeting then. 7I wont be able to watch the co

3、ncert on TV because I _shall be doing_(do) homework at that time. 8Im afraid I wont be available.I _will be seeing_(see) a friend off at 4 oclock this afternoon. 9As you go through this book, you _will find_(find) that each of the millions of people who lived through World War II had a different exp

4、erience. 10What do you think you _will be doing_(do) this time next year? .完成句子 1十二点的时候我将在睡觉,所以请不要打电话给我。 I _will be sleeping_ at 12:00 so please dont call me. 2我太兴奋了!明天上午的这个时候我将飞往上海。 I feel so excited! This time tomorrow morning I _will be flying_ to Shanghai. 3明天整个下午我们将在就一些环境问题进行讨论。 We _will be hav

5、ing a debate/discussion_ on some environmental issues all afternoon tomorrow. 4找各种方式经常表扬你的孩子,你就会发现他们会对你敞开心扉。 Find ways to praise your children often,and _youll find_ they will open their hearts to you. 5我 20 岁的时候将正在大学里学习。 I _will be studying_ in university at the age of 20. 6今晚我不能参加聚会了。我要给一位朋友送行。 I

6、cant go to the party tonight.I _will be seeing off_ a friend. 7这架飞机以目前的速度飞行大约今晚 10 点能穿过山区。 The plane _will be going_ at the present speed until it crosses the mountain at about ten tonight. 8她明天上午不在时,她的丈夫将照料这些孩子们。 Her husband _will be taking care of_ the children tomorrow morning while she is away.

7、二、培优提升训练 .阅读理解 In the fight against the novel coronavirus,scientific progress has proven to be an important factor in helping win the war against this deadly disease. Thanks to the efforts of scientists and researchers in China, major medical and technological breakthroughs have been made, bringing

8、us closer to victory. Since Chinese scientists discovered the genetic structure of the novel coronavirus, researchers both in China and around the world have been working tirelessly.Not only have they been working toward developing a vaccine (疫苗) to prevent the spread of the virus, but they are also

9、 searching for potential medications to treat and save people who are already infected. One medical breakthrough involves using plasma (血浆).According to The New York Times, people who have recovered from the disease have certain proteins in their plasma.When the plasma is injected into a sick patien

10、t, the proteins in the recovered patients plasma can help the ill patient fight the disease. The China National Biotec Group , a company that researches and develops medicines, recently announced that this plasma treatment was able to reduce inflammation (炎症) in 10 critically ill patients. In additi

11、on to medicines, artificial intelligence and big data are also being used to help fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus. Thermal scanners,facial recognition technology and robots have all been used to keep people safe and find people who seem likely to be infected by the virus. “Facial r

12、ecognition and the real name registration system will help us track down those who have potentially been exposed to the virus and effectively control the spreading of the virus,” Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health Commission, told reporters.Zeng continued, “This high level of technol

13、ogy was not available during the SARS outbreak in 2003.So we believe the technological development is on our side in battling this disease.” These new advancements in technology and medicine have been important contributors in helping to stop the novel coronavirus. With continued efforts,we will tur

14、n out victorious. 文章大意: 本文是一篇科普性文章。 作者主要介绍了医疗技术和科学技术在新冠病毒防 控中心起到的巨大的促进作用。 1What can we know about the novel coronavirus according to the text?_D_ AScientists still know little about its genetic structure. BAvaccine is the only hope to stop the virus. CThere are still no effective ways for the virus.

15、 DPlasma from recovered patients is effective in treating ill patients. 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“When the plasma is injected into a sick patient, the proteins in the recovered patients plasma can help the ill patient fight the disease.”可知,新冠肺 炎康复者的血浆可以用来治疗新冠肺炎病人。故选 D。 2What can we learn from Zengs words?_B_

16、 ATechnology is not advanced enough to deal with the virus outbreak. BTechnology plays a great role in the battle against the novel coronavirus. CWe should have learned a lesson from the 2003 SARS outbreak. DThe 2003 SARS outbreak has sped up technological development. 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中曾益新所说的话可知,面部识

17、别(技术)和实名认 证系统可以帮助我们追踪那些潜在的感染者, 有效抑制病毒的传播。 他的话强调了科技在抗 击疫情中的巨大作用,故选 B。 3What does the article mainly talk about?_D_ AHow the fights against the novel coronavirus and SARS differ. BHow researchers worldwide have worked together to help China. CHow much progress has been made in medical and technologica

18、l fields. DHow medical and technological development have helped fight the virus. 解析:主旨大意题。本文结构清晰,采用了“总分总”的写作结构。第一段的主题 句为“In the fight against the novel coronavirus, scientific progress has proven to be an important factor in helping win the war against this deadly disease.”,点明了文章主旨;中间段落分别讲 述了医学和科技在

19、抗击疫情中的应用;最后一段的主题句为“These new advancements in technology and medicine have been important contributors in helping to stop the novel coronavirus.”,与第一段呼应,强化主题。故选 D。 4 What is the authors attitude towards the artificial intelligence in controlling virus infection?_A_ AOptimistic.BObjective. CCautious.D

20、Doubtful. 解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段,尤其是“With continued efforts, we will turn out victorious.”,可知,作者对于人工智能在防控病毒方面持积极的态度。故选 A。 .完形填空 It was officially Christmas vacation.The whole family spent Christmas morning _1.D_ gifts.I had bought my baby sister Melissa a toy cat at the local dollar store.When she _2.D_ it

21、.I was delighted that she liked it. Melissa also had a gift for me.With a smile she tried to resist, she _3.B_ the package to me.“For you,”she said. I pulled back the paper to _4.B_ the gift to the rest of the familyone red Barbie carMelissas favorite toy.Words _5.A_ me.I looked back and forth betwe

22、en the gift shed given me and the _6.D_ toy cat Id given her.Melissa loved that car more than all her other toys, I was wondering _7.B_ she was parting with what she treasures. Realizing Melissa was _8.C_ her favorite toy, I pushed through the confusion I was feeling to say, “Lissa, really, you dont

23、 have to.This is nice of you, but you should _9.C_ it.” She whispered, “I loved that car._10.D_ I want you to have it.” In that _11.B_ I knew Melissa wasnt giving me a _12.C_.She was giving me her heart_13.B_ it came in the form of a little red plastic car.Christmas wasnt about parties or presents o

24、r getting things.Christmas was about _14.A_ and I would never be too _15.D_ for that. 文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在圣诞节收到了一份来自妹妹的特殊礼物,让她感 受到了真爱以及圣诞节的意义。 1A.makingBsending CpurchasingDexchanging 解析:考查动词。根据下文可知,作者一家这一天的早上在互相“交换”礼物。 2A.noticedBfound CdesignedDopened 解析:考查动词。妹妹应该是在“打开”礼物后表现出自己对礼物的喜欢。 3A.lentBhanded

25、CcarriedDdelivered 解析:考查动词。根据下文的“ For you,she said”,可知妹妹是将礼物“递给”作 者。 4A.offerBshow CdisplayDexpose 解析:考查动词。作者撕开礼物外面的包装纸,应该是“让大家看”自己收到的礼物。 5A.failedBstruck ClostDmoved 解析:考查动词。 words fail sb.是一种习惯表达,表示某人说不出话。 6A.lovelyBspecial CsmallDcheap 解析:考查形容词。根据第一段可知,作者是在一美元店(at the local dollar store)里给妹 妹买的礼物

26、,因此选择 D 项。这里的“廉价”跟下文妹妹礼物的“贵重”形成对比。 7A.howBwhy CwhatDwhen 解析:考查连词。因为作者知道红色小汽车是妹妹最喜欢的玩具,因此她很好奇为什么 妹妹会把它送给自己。 8A.looking forBmaking up Cgiving awayDturning down 解析:考查短语动词。妹妹将自己最心爱的玩具送给了作者。 give away 表示“赠送” 之意。 9A.remainBchange CkeepDforget 解析:考查动词。作者此时既困惑又感动,她也提出让妹妹“保留”红色小汽车玩具。 10A.sinceBwhile CandDbut

27、 解析:考查连词。此处前后两个分句之间存在转折关系,因此这里用 but 一词。 11A.occasionBmoment CperiodDsituation 解析:考查名词。在这一“刻”,作者意识到妹妹送给自己的不仅仅是一个玩具。 12A.catBsurprise CtoyDpleasure 解析:考查名词。根据上文可知,妹妹送给作者的是红色小汽车“玩具”。 13A.now thatBeven if CbecauseDunless 解析:考查连词。这里作者认为,妹妹送给自己的是一片真心“即使”那礼物只是 一个塑料玩具。 14A.loveBhope CdreamDfaith 解析:考查名词。作者通

28、过妹妹送给自己她最心爱的玩具这件事,显然是想表明妹妹对 自己的“爱”这一主题。这也是圣诞节的意义所在。 15A.casualBpermanent CsmartDold 解析: 考查形容词。 作者认为, 无论自己年龄多大, 都可以享受圣诞节带来的这份真爱。 .语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the worlds _1.longest_(long) cross-sea bridge, enters the history of human engineering and conne

29、ction as a point of pride upon _2.its_(it) opening to traffic at 9 am on Oct.24, 2018. One day after the opening was announced at a ceremony _3.held_(hold) in Zhuhai, the bridges ports in three different administrative regions started serving travelers around-the-clock, opening 24 hours a day, seven

30、 days a week._4.To ensure_(ensure) faster boundary crossings for passengers, the Macao and Zhuhai ports jointly use a one-off immigration clearance model, _5.which_ allows travelers to queue up only once to finish both exit and entry procedures of the two cities in about 30 _6.seconds_(second) Apart

31、 _7.from_ private cars, taxis and goods vehicles, two types of public transportation shuttle bus(班车)and cross-boundary coachcan also run on the HZMB._8.The_ frequency of shuttle buses is about 510 minutes during peak hours.Booking tickets for the shuttle bus online in advance _9.is_(be) available si

32、nce 9 am on Tuesday.With the bridge now in service, the travelingtimebetweenZhuhaiandHongKongInternationalAirportwill_10.be shortened_(shorten) from four hours to 45 minutes, and the time between Zhuhai and Hong Kongs Container Terminals will be cut from 3.5 hours to 75 minutes. 文章大意:这是一篇报道类说明文。2018

33、 年 10 月 24 日正式通车的港珠澳大桥,作为 世界上最长的跨海桥梁被列入人类工程之最。 港珠澳大桥通车后一周 7 天一天 24 小时通行, 率先实施全国首创的一次性通关模式, 且五种车可上港珠澳大桥, 大大缩短了三地间的来往 时间。 解析: 1 考查形容词最高级。 由空格前的限定词 the worlds 以及空格后的名词 cross-sea bridge 可知,空格处填形容词最高级,意为“世界上最长的跨海大桥”。故填 longest。 2考查形容词性物主代词。空格处提示词为 it(代词),空格后单词为名词 opening,两 者之间是修饰关系,所以空格处应该填形容词性物主代词。故填 it

34、s。 3 考查过去分词。 句中的 a ceremony(典礼)与 hold 间是被动关系, 意为“典礼被举行”。 故填 hold 的过去分词形式 held。 4考查不定式。句意:为确保旅客快速通关,澳门和珠海口岸联合使用了一次性通关 模式。这里需要使用不定式作目的状语。故填 to ensure。 5考查定语从句。先行词为名词短语 a one-off immigration clearance model,先行词在 从句中作主语,而且是非限制性定语从句。故填 which。 6考查名词的数。second 在这里意思为“秒”,为可数名词。所以表达 30 秒的意思时 second 需要用复数形式。故填

35、 seconds。 7考查介词词组。apart from 作为一个词组,意为“除之外”。故填 from。 8考查冠词。句意:班车的高峰时段的频度是 510 分钟一班。这里的 frequency 特指 班车的固定频度。故填 the。 9考查主谓一致和一般现在时。文章最后一段描述的是港珠澳大桥现在的通行情况, 时态用一般现在时。且主语 Booking tickets for the shuttle bus online in advance(提前在网上订 班车票)为第三人称单数形式。故填 is。 10考查被动语态。句意:大桥通行后,珠海到香港国际机场的时间将会从 4 小时缩短 到 45 分钟。主语 the traveling time 与 shorten 之间是被动关系。故填 be shortened。


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