(2019版)人教版选择性必修第一册英语Unit 1 People of Achievement词汇讲义(无答案).doc

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1、1 / 13 Unit 1 People of Achievement 有成就的人有成就的人 Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value. Albert Einstein 不要努力成为一个成功的人,而要努力成为一个有价值的人。不要努力成为一个成功的人,而要努力成为一个有价值的人。 -爱因斯坦爱因斯坦 1. physiology /fzildi/ n. 生理学生理学; 生理机能生理机能physiology 2. artemisinin/tmsann/ n. (药药)青蒿素青蒿素artemi

2、sinin 3. crucial /krul/adj. 至关重要的至关重要的; 关键性的关键性的 【扩展】【扩展】 be crucial to.对极其重要的 play a crucial role 起关键作用 crucial 【翻译】我们把这个问题弄明白是极其重 要的。 _ 4. malaria /mleri/n. 疟疾疟疾malaria This years Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner), whose research led to the discovery

3、of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. 【 解 析 】 whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin用来修饰先行词 Tu Youyou, 叫非限 制性定语从句(non-restrictive relative clause)。 非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句 用逗号逗号和主句隔开; 是对先行词的补充说明补充说明,删除后句子意思仍完 整; 通常翻译成主句的并列句并列句; 关系词不可省, 不用 that, 不用 who 代替 whom, why 要换成 for which.

4、比较: I lost all the money you lent me yesterday.定语 从句。 我把你昨天借给我的钱都弄丢了。 I lost all the money, without which I had to walk home. 非限制性定语从句。 我把钱都弄丢了;没有这些钱,我只能步行回家。 今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了屠呦 呦(共同获奖者),她的研究促使了青蒿素青蒿素的 发现。这是一种至关重要的至关重要的治疗疟疾疟疾的新 疗法。 【练习】注意观察 例 : The book tells us about Alexamder Fleming. He

5、 discovered penicillin. The book tells us about Alexamder Fleming, who discovered penicillin. 1. We were impressed by the old man. He was not willing to acknowledge defeat. _ _ 2Afterwards, Einstein had to flee Germany. Hitler was in power there. _ _ 3.There is nothing we can do to help Linda. Her c

6、ircumstances are beyond our control. _ _ Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600, 000 die from it. 全世界每年有超过 2 亿人罹患疟疾疟疾,约 60 万人死于疟疾。 5. vital/vatl/ adj. 必不可少的必不可少的; 极其重要的极其重要的;充充 满生机的满生机的 【扩展】【扩展】play a vital role 起着不可或缺的作用 of vital importance 至关重要的 vital 【翻译】阅读在

7、语言学习中至关重要。 _ Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria. 青蒿素已成为治疗疟疾的重要组成部分。 6. committed/kmtd/ adj. 尽心尽力的尽心尽力的; 坚定坚定 的的; 坚信的坚信的 committed 2 / 13 Tu Youyou, a committed and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo, China, on 30 December 1930. 屠呦呦是一位坚定坚定而耐心的科学家,1930 年 12 月 30 日出生于中国

8、宁波。 7. commit /kmt/ v. 承诺承诺; 保证保证(某个人某个人、 机构等机构等) vi. 忠于忠于; 全心全意投入全心全意投入(工作、活动等工作、活动等) 【扩展】【扩展】 commitment /kmtmnt/ n. 承诺,许诺 committee /kmt/n. 委员会 promise /prms/v. 许诺; 保证; 答应 devoteto 名/代/doing 专心于; 献身于 be devoted to 名词/doing致力于; 专心于 commit commit a crime 犯罪 commit suicide 自杀 commit to memory 牢记 【填空

9、】 A talented scientist well known for his _ to his country, Huang Danian committed himself to his research in geophysics 地球物理学. 8. commit oneself to doing .承诺;保证(做某事、遵 守协议或安排等) be committed to (doing) something. 承诺/保证(做) 什么 【填空】 Both sides _(commit) _ to settle the problems in the future. The local

10、government is _(commit) to _(protect) all the wild animals in the area. 9. academy /kdmi/ n. (艺术艺术、文学文学、科学等的科学等的) 研究院研究院; 学会学会; 专科院校专科院校 【扩展】【扩展】 universityn. (综合性)大学 collegen. (英国)学院; (美国)大学; 高等专科学校 schooln. 学院; 大学 (美国) law school 法学院 institute /nsttjut/n. 学院 academy; the China Academy 中国科学院 the Ro

11、yal Academy of Music 皇家音乐学院 a police/military academy 警官 / 军官学校 Aftershegraduated,sheworkedattheChina Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. 毕业后,她在北京的中国中医研究院研究院工作。 10. academic /kdemk/ adj. 学业的学业的; 学术的学术的academic;the new academic year 新的学年 11. objective /bdektv/ n.目标目标; 目的目的 adj. 客观的客观的

12、 【扩展】【扩展】 subjective /sbdektv/adj. 主观的 purpose /pps/n. 目的 target /tt/n. 目标; 靶子 objective achieve an objective 实现目标 take an objective view of the situation 客观地看 待形势 【填空】 In 1904, he went to Japan and became a medical student, with the _ of improving peoples health and saving lives. In 1967, the Chine

13、se government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen. 1967年,中国政府组建了一支以探索治疗疟疾 新方法为目的目的的科学家队伍,屠呦呦是其中首 批入选的研究人员。 12. botanical/btnkl/adj. 植物学的植物学的 【扩展】【扩展】 botany / btni/ n. 植物学 biology /bald/n. 生物学

14、; 生态学 plant /plnt/n. 植物; 幼苗 botanical 【填空】 Several new _(botany) species have be en discovered in the last three years. In 1969, she became the head of the project in Beijing, and decided to review ancient Chinese medical texts 1969 年,她成为北京项目的负责人,并决 定复阅中国古代医药文献,寻找这种疾病 3 / 13 to find traditional bota

15、nical treatments for the disease.的传统植物疗法。 13. evaluate /vljuet/vt. 评价评价; 评估评估 【扩展】【扩展】 evaluation /vljuen/ n. 评价,定值,估计 assess /ses/v. 评价; 估算 evaluate 14. property /prpti/n. 性质性质; 特征特征; 财产财产 【扩展】【扩展】 proper /prp/adj. 合适的; 恰当的 property personal property 私人财产 a family property 一处家族房产 magnetic propertie

16、s 磁性 Her team examined over 2, 000 old medical texts, and evaluated280,000plantsfortheirmedical properties. 她的团队查阅了 2000 多本古老的医药文 献, 并对 280 000 种植物的药用价值价值进行了 评估评估。 15. distinct/dstkt/ adj. 清晰的清晰的; 清楚的清楚的; 有区有区 别的别的 【扩展】【扩展】 distinction / dstkn/ n. 区别,差别 clearadj. 清楚的; 显然的; 明显的 differentadj. 不同的 vari

17、ous /vers/adj. 不同的; 各种各样的 extinct /kstkt/adj. 已灭绝的 distinct be distinct/different from. 与不同 【填空】 The two concepts are _(有区别的,不同 的) from each other. The two flowers are quite distinct from each other, it is easy to make a _ between them. From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct an

18、cient Chinese medical treatmentsthat showed promise in the fight against malaria. 【 解 析 】that showed promise in the fight against malaria 用来修饰前面的名词 treatments, 叫限制性 定语从句(ristrictive relative clause)。that 是关系 词,1. 连接主句和从句; 2. 指代先行词 treatments; 3. 这句话可还原为 The treatments showed promise in the fight aga

19、inst malaria.因此 that 在从句中作主 语。 关系代词关系代词, 指人时用 who 或 that; 当作宾语时, 用 whom 例:Do you know the boy who/that is my desk mate? He asked me with whom I had discussed it. 指物时用 which 或 that; 例:How do you like the film which/that was shown last Sunday? whose 既可指人也可指物; 例:The tree whose leaves are red was plante

20、d last year. what 不能作定语从句的关系词不能作定语从句的关系词。what 只能作 名词性从句的关系词,通常出现在主语、宾语 和表语位置。(参见 Unit 5 讲义) 比较: I understand what you said. what 前 是 动 词 understand,因此 what 是宾语从句的关系词。 在他们的研究中,他们发现并测试了 380 种不不 同的同的中国古代疗法,这些方法为抗击疟疾带来 了希望。 【 填 空 】 that, which, who, whom, whose, /, where, when, why (最多三种) 1.Is this the

21、reason _ he was so careless in his work? 2.Is this the reason _ he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? 3.I met the woman _ baby had just died. 4.He apologized to the people _ been affected. 5.The next day, my brother and I went to the beach _ we watched some people play volley

22、ball. 6.Is this the factory in _ color TV sets are produced? 7.He lives in a village _ is not far from the city. 8.Im looking forward to the day _ my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her. 9.People should not do things _ will disturb their neighbors unnecessarily. 10. The exact ye

23、ar _ Angela and her 4 / 13 I understand all that you said. that 前是代名词 all,因此 that 是定语从句的关系词。 【改错】 I understand all what you said. _(超过一种解法) 关系代词作宾语时作宾语时可以省略。 I like the meal that/which/( ) we had last night. 关系副词只能在从句中作状语, when 指时间, where 指地点,why 指原因,how 不作关系词不作关系词 例:We will put off the picnic until

24、 next week when the weather may be better. He has reached the point where a change is needed. That is no reason why you should leave. 【改错】 This is the way how I did it. _ 定语从句翻译成中文时,通常处理成“的的”,放放 在被修饰词前在被修饰词前,如 the girl that helped me yesterday 昨天帮我的那个女孩 family spent together in China was 2008. 11. I

25、d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River _ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings. 【翻译】 我永远不会忘记我们在一起度过的日子。 _ _ 我认为学生应当参加社区活动,在活动中他们 可以为成长获得经验。 (involve oneself in , community activities, gain experience) _ _

26、 _ 16. extract /ekstrkt /n. 提取物提取物; 摘录摘录 /kstrkt/vt. 提取提取; 提炼提炼; 摘录摘录; (用力用力)拔出拔出 【扩展【扩展】 extra/ekstr/额外的/地; 特别的/地; 外加的 extract 17. wormwood /wmwd/n. 蒿蒿; 洋艾洋艾wormwood;sweet wormwood 青蒿 One medical text from the fourth century suggested using the extract from sweet wormwood to treat a fever. 一本四世纪的医药

27、文献推荐使用青蒿提取 物来治疗发烧。 18. boil/bl/vt./vi. (使使)沸腾沸腾; 煮开煮开; 烧开烧开 n. 沸沸 腾腾; 沸点沸点 【扩展】【扩展】 cook /kk/v. 煮; 烹饪; 烹调 n. 厨师; 炊事员 the boiling point of water 水的沸点 make sbs blood boil 使某人怒不可遏 a watched pot never boils 心急水不开(越心急,时间过得越慢) boil down to 重点是;将归结为 19. liquid /lkwd/n. 液体液体 adj. 液体的液体的; 液态的液态的 【扩展】【扩展】 flu

28、id n. 液体; 流体(指流动的或具有流动性的物 体,可以是液态的,也可以是气态的) solid /sld/n.固体 gas /s/ n. 气体; 毒气; 煤气; 汽油 = gasoline/petrol liquid liquid soap 肥皂液 20. obtain/bten/ vt. (尤指经努力尤指经努力)获得获得; 贏贏得得 vi.(规章、习俗等规章、习俗等)存在存在; 流行流行 【扩展】【扩展】 get (got;got/gotten) v.获得; 赚; 收到; 得到; 挣得 win(won) /wn/v. 赢得; 获得; 挣得; 取得; 获胜 obtain 【填空】 When

29、hereturnedtoChinain1908,he _(获得) a teaching job. They then tried boiling fresh wormwood, and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria, but this did not work either. 他们试着把新鲜的青蒿煮沸煮沸,并用从中提提 取取的液体液体来治疗疟疾,但这也不起作用。 21. acknowledge /knld/vt. 承认承认(属实属实、 权威权威 等等);(公开公开)感谢感谢 acknowledge 【翻译】 5 / 1

30、3 【扩展】【扩展】 know v. knowledge /nld/ n. 知识; 学问; 知 道; 知晓 admit /dmt/v. 承认; 招供; 准许进入 appreciate /priet/ v. 欣赏; 感激 thank /k/n./v. 谢谢; 感谢 他被公认为世界上最优秀的球员。 _ 【填空】 Lu Xun, _ as one of the greatest modern writers in China, was born in Shaoxin, Zhejiang Province in 1881. 22. defeat /dfit/n. 失败失败; 挫败挫败 vt. 击败击败

31、; 战胜战胜 【扩展】【扩展】 beat v. 打败; 战胜(常与 defeat 换用) win (lose) the race /match /game /battle /war /contest /victory / prize 赢得/输掉比赛/战争/竞赛/胜利/奖励 defeat beat/defeat sb. at . 在某方面打败某人/某事物 However, Tu Youyou would not acknowledge defeat.然而,屠呦呦并不承认失败承认失败。 23. analyse /nlaz/v. 分析分析 【扩展】【扩展】 analysis(复数: analyses

32、) /nlss/n. 分析 analyse 【填空】 She spends a lot of time _ her patients dreams. This analysis is very helpful, explaining their daily behaviour very well. She analysed the medical texts again, and by chance, she found one sentence suggesting a different way to treat the wormwood. 她再次分析分析了一遍医药文献,偶然间,她 发现了

33、一句话,建议用另一种方法来处理 青蒿。 24. apparently /prntli/ adv.显而易见显而易见; 看来看来; 显然显然 【扩展】【扩展】 apparent adj.显而易见的; 明白易懂的; 表面上的 clearlyadv. 清楚地; 明显地 obviouslyadv. 明显地; 显而易见 parent /pernt/n. 父亲; 母亲; 父母 apparently 【填空】 It struck him that the other Chinese men in the photo _(明显地) did not care about what was happening to

34、 their fellow countrymen. She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties. 她得出结论,煮青蒿显然显然破坏了它的药用 价值。 25. substance /sbstns/ n. 物质物质; 物品物品; 事实根据事实根据substance【填空】 Soil consists of various chemical _(物质). Using a lower temperature to draw out the extract, she fo

35、und a substance that worked. 她用较低的温度提取提取物,发现了一种 有效的物质物质。 26. insist /nsst/vi./vt. 坚持坚持;/坚决要求坚决要求 【扩展】 suggest,recommend,order,demand,request,requir e, ask,urge(强烈要求), insist(坚决要求)等接that 宾语从句时,从句用 should do/be 结构,should 可省。 当 insist 表示坚持说;固执己见时,insist + that 从句,不用虚拟态 insist 【翻译】 家里人坚持认为我不应让步,而应该留 下来继

36、续抗争。 _ _ 【填空】He insisted that he _(be) innocent. In 1917, a friend insisted that he _(help) write for a magazine called New Youth. 27. insist on.坚決要求坚決要求【填空】【填空】 If your insist on _(leave) now, please go ahead. Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to mak

37、e sure that it 屠呦呦和她的团队成员甚至坚持坚持在自己身 上测试药物,以确保它是安全的。 6 / 13 was safe. 28. scientific /santfk/ adj. 科学科学(上上)的的; 关于科关于科 学的学的 【扩展】【扩展】science /sans/n. 科学;理科; 自然科学 scientist /santst/n. 科学家 scientific 【翻译】 他决定把余生献给科学研究。 _ It is indeed an honour for Chinas scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spr

38、ead around the world. 中国的科学科学研究和中医药走向世界,确实 是一种荣誉。 29. mostly /mstli/ adv. 主要地主要地; 一般地一般地 【扩展】【扩展】mainlyadv. 主要地; 大部分; 大多 mostly 30. wear and tear /te(r)/ (正常使用造成的正常使用造成的)磨损磨损; 损耗损耗 【填空】 Scientists need to _ how the new material stand up to wear and tear to prove how valuable it is. 经得起磨损 31. conclus

39、ion /knklun/n. 结论结论; 推论推论 【扩展【扩展】conclude /knklud/v. 推断; 断定; 结束 【填空】【填空】 A: Did you come to any conclusions? B: Yes, we _ that by drawing out the extract at a low temperature, we could find the substance that we needed to complete the experiment. conclusion draw/reach/come to a conclusion 得出结论 jump

40、to a conclusion 匆忙得出结论 in conclusion 总而言之 32. penicillin /pensln/n. 青霉素青霉素; 盘尼西林盘尼西林penicillin The book tells us about Alexander Fleming, who dis covered penicilin. 这本书告诉我们亚历山大弗莱明亚历山大弗莱明,谁发现了青青 霉素霉素。 33. flee /fli (fled,fled): v. 迅速离开迅速离开; 逃跑逃跑 【扩展】【扩展】run away (from.) 逃跑; 逃离 escape /skep/ v. 逃跑; 逃避

41、 escape from. 从.逃跑 flee to 逃跑到 flee (from)从逃跑 34. circumstance /skmstns/ n. (复数复数)条件条件; 环环 境境; 状况状况 【扩展】【扩展】conditionn. 情况; 状况; 条件 in/under no circumstances 决不 in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下;既然如此 circumstance 【翻译】在任何情况下我们都不应该对别人做 可怕的事。 (倒装句) _ _ There is nothing we can do to help Linda, whose cir

42、cumstances are beyond our control. 我们无法帮助琳达,她的情况情况我们无法控制。 35. novelist /nvlst/n. 小说家小说家 a romantic/historical novelist 言情/历史小说家 novelist【填空】 The first-person narrator is a stylistic device that has been used by many _ and poets throughout the ages. The teacher asked us to listen to a speech by his f

43、avou rite novelist, J. K. Rowling. 老师让我们听他最喜欢的小说家小说家 J. K. Rowling 作的一次演讲。 36. novel /nvl/n. (长篇长篇)小说小说 adj. 新颖的新颖的; 新新 的的; 与众不同的与众不同的 【扩展】【扩展】fictionn. 小说 story n. 故事; 小说; 新闻报道 novel detective/historical/romantic novels 侦探/历史/言情小说 a novel feature 新特征 37. flow /fl/ n.流流; 流动流动; 流畅流畅; 供应供应 v.流流; 流动流动g

44、o with the flow(informal) 随大溜 the ebb and flow of the seasons 四时更迭 7 / 13 38. chart /tt/n. 图表图表 v. 记录记录; 制订计划制订计划 【扩展】【扩展】record v. 记录; 记载; 录制 document /dkjumnt/ n. 文件; 公文; (计算机)文档 v. 记录; 记载 a weather chart 天气图 a sales chart 销售图表 the charts 每周流行唱片排行榜 39. flow chart流程图流程图bar chart 条形图; pie char 圆形统计图

45、;饼分图 I was asked to explain the project with the help of a flow chart, which was a big challenge for me. 我被要求用一个流程图流程图来解释这个项目,这是 一个大问题对我来说是个挑战。 40. found /fand/ vt. 创建创建; 建立建立; 把把建立在建立在 常指通过提供必要的资金创建城市、 公司、 学校等, 含打下基础之意 【扩展】【扩展】foundern. 发起人,创始人 foundation n. /fanden/ 地基,基础,基本原理, 基金会 find (found) /f

46、and/v. 找到; 发现; 感觉; 认为 establish /stbl / v. 建立;创立, 强调稳固地建成, 可指建立国家、政府、学校或商店等,也可指建立 信仰、名誉、法律、制度、关系等。 set up phr.v. 建立, 创立,侧重指开始着手创建公司、 机构、委员会等。 found-founded-founded to found a club/company 创办俱乐部 / 公司 be founded on 建立在上 be founded by 由创建 41. infer /nf(r)/ vt. 推断推断; 推定推定 【扩展【扩展】refer, infer, prefer, oc

47、cur, stir, star 等要双写 r后, 再加 ed/ing; offer, suffer不双写, 直接加 ed/ing infer(inferred, inferred, inferring) infer from sth. 从中推导出 At other times, the reason is given right after the opinion or decision, and the link can be inferred. 有时,在意见或决定之后直接给出原因,可以 推断推断出其联系。 42. politician /pltn/ n. 从政者从政者; 政治家政治家; 政

48、客政客 【扩展】【扩展】political /pltkl/adj. 政治的; 党派的 politics /pltks/n.政治 politician 43. numerous /njumrs/adj.众多的众多的; 许多的许多的 【扩展】【扩展】number /nmb/n. 数字; 数目 a number of (+ 复数名) 许多 the number of (+ 复数名) 的数字 numerous after numerous attempts 经过多次尝试 on numerous occasions 在许多场合 44. theory /ri/n. 理论理论; 学说学说theory ; i

49、n theory 理论上;按理说 put the theory into practice 将理论付诸/用于实践 45. relativity /reltvti/n. 相对论相对论; 相对性相对性 【扩展】【扩展】relativeadj. 相对的,相关的 relatev. 和有关, 联系 relativity The Theory of Relativity相对论 The General Theory of Relativity广义相对论 The Special Theory of Relativity狭义相对论 46. formula /fmjl/n. 公式公式; 方程式方程式; 配方配方f

50、ormula He made numerous contributions to the world, the mostwell-knownbeingthegeneraltheoryof relativity and the famous formula E=mc2. 他为世界做出了无数的无数的贡献,其中最著名的是 广义相对论广义相对论和著名的 E=mc2公式公式。 47. genius /dinis/n. 天才天才; 天资天资; 天赋天赋 【扩展】【扩展】gift /ft/n. 礼物; 天赋 gifted /ftd/adj. 有天赋的; 有才华的 genius have a gift/ ge


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