(2019版)人教版选择性必修第一册英语Unit 2 Looking Into the FutureWords and Expressions 学案(无答案) .docx

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1、课题UNIT 2Looking Into the FutureWords and Expressions 制作人审核人课型新授课 学习目标 1. Learn the usages of some words and expressions 2. Use the words and expressions flexibly according to the situation 学习重点Learn the usages of some words and expressions 学习难点Use the words and expressions flexibly according to the

2、situation 学习过程 根据 Unit 2 的课文和单词表,完成学案 (答案见课件) Part 1 Words 1. persuadepswedvt. _ 教材原句:For example, the phrase in my opinion tells us that the passage is likely meant to persuade.比如, in my opinion 这个短语告诉我们, 这篇文章可能意在说服。 根据下面例句,总结 persuade 的用法 1) In the end I persuaded him of its truth.最终,我使他相信这是真的。 2)

3、It was hard to persuade him to give up/into giving up smoking.说服他戒烟很难。 3)He persuaded me out of going to the party.他说服我不去参加聚会。 用法小结: _ 使某人相信某人 _=_说服某人做某事 _=_说服某人不做某事 【温馨提示】persuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某事,强调劝服的结果;而 advise / try to persuade sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事,强调劝说的动作。 我极力劝他学日语,但他觉得这不是个好主意。 I _learn Ja

4、panese,but he didnt think it a good idea. =I_learn Japanese,but he didnt think it a good idea. 练一练: 1) We _him _(take) the job. 我们说服了他接受这份工作。 2) My mother finally _ me _ (go) to the party. 妈妈最终说服我不参加这次聚会。 3) How can I _you _my sincerity? 我如何能让你相信我是真诚的? 2.switch _(音标) vt. 转换; 交换; (使)改变; 转变n.开关; 转换器;

5、改变 教材原句:Or, have you ever forgotten to switch off the TV or computer? 翻译:_ 根据下面例句,总结 switch 的用法 1) If you press a button or switch, you will make the machine work. _就会让机器工作起来。 2) We had to make a switch in our arrangements. 我们不得不对我们的安排做些改变。 3) She successfully switched from a singer to a film star.

6、她成功地_。 4) Please switch on the lights. _ 5) Weve switched over to telephone banking. 我们已经改用电话银行服务了。 6) I switched these books with my sister._ 用法小结:_ 在方面做出转变 _ 由转变为 switch/turn on/off_(电器等) _转变;换频道,转换到 _和某人交某物 练一练: 1) Ladies and gentlemen, please_( 关 闭 手 机 )! The meeting is about to begin. 练一练: 1) Y

7、ou prefer healthy food _ fast food. 2) Unlike fast food places, fine dining shops prefer customers _(stay) longer and spend more. 3) We give _(prefer) to those who have worked with us for a long time. 4) I have a strong_(prefer) for sweet food over spicy. 5) Lucy _sweets as her snacks while Lily has

8、 a _ for nuts. (prefer) 6) Which is your _, tea or coffee?(prefer) 4. instant_(音标)n. 瞬间; 片刻 adj. 立即的; 速食的; 速溶的 _ adv. 立刻; 马上 教材原句: Your lights will come on the instant you enter the door along with your favorite music or TV programs. 当你一进门,灯光就会随着你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目一起亮起来。 用法小结: the instant = instantly/ as s

9、oon as/the moment/ minute/ immediately/ directly_ in an instant_for an instant_ instant coffee_instant noodles_ 练一练: 1) Your mother will be back _. 你妈妈马上回来。 2) I couldnt answer _.我一时答不上来。 3)I want to have a cup of_coffee.我想要杯速溶咖啡。 4)I woke up _ the phone rang. 电话一响我就醒了。 5. commandkmndn. _vt. _ 教材原句:

10、All controls will respond to voice commands, so if you want to change your routine, you just say aloud what you want and the home system will obey. 所有的控制系统都会对语音指令做出反应,所以如果你想改变你的日常生活,只要 大声说出你想要什么,家庭系统就会服从 2)The wind _ (由北转向了南) in the evening. 3)He first majored in history but then _ (转为) art. 4)She _

11、(做出改变) in our plan to go swimming when it started to rain. 5) Where are the _ (switch) in this room on this machine? 3.preferenceprefrnsn. _ _ prfv. (更) 喜欢;愿意;宁愿 教材原句: Your home will also learn your daily routine and preferences,so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening. 你的家

12、也会了解你的日常习惯和喜 好,所以每天晚上你回家时,一切都会为你准备就绪。 根据下面例句,总结 preference 的用法 1) I have a preference for sweet food.我更喜欢甜食。 2) We give preference to those who have a good knowledge of first aid. 我们优先考虑那些掌握急救知识的人。 用法小结: have a preference for. express/show preference for._ _ 给.以优惠/优待; 优先考虑 【想一想】prefer 用法: prefer (do

13、ing) sth. _ prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth._ prefer to do sth._ prefer sb. to do sth._ prefer to do sth. rather than do sth._ 【语境应用】完成句子。 孩子们宁可骑自行车到乡下去,也不愿整天待在家里。 1) The children preferred _ (cycle) to the countryside to _ indoors all day. 2) The children preferred _ to the countryside rather th

14、an _ indoors all day. 练一练: 1). Mr. Smith _ the meeting on Thursday. 史密斯先生没有时间参加星期四的会议。 2). _ this afternoon? 今天下午她有空吗? 3). Im afraid_ help with the show on the 19th. 恐怕 19 号的演出我没空帮忙。 4)._, because it is being repaired. 我的自行车现在不能用,因为它正在修理。 7. advocate _(音标) v. 提倡; 支持; 拥护n. 提倡者; 支持者; 拥护者 教材原句:They adv

15、ocate a simple life with an emphasis on hard work, family, and community. 他们提倡简单的生活,强调努力工作、家庭和社区。 根据下面例句,总结 advocate 的用法 1)We do not advocate the use of violence(暴力).我们不提倡使用暴力 2)Many teachers advocate praising your child for his good behaviour. 许多老师提倡表扬孩子的良好行为。 3)The report advocated that all buildi

16、ngs be fitted with smoke detectors. 报告主张所有的建筑物都应安装烟火探测器。 用法小结:_提倡/支持/拥护做. _提倡 . 练一练: 1) In fact, many experts advocate only _ (show) two or three times a week. 事实上,许多专家提倡一周只洗两到三次澡。 2) It is advocated thatthe government _(set up) a special organization to protect these migrating birds. 有人主张成立一个专门的组织来

17、保护这些候鸟。 3) We should _. 我们应该提倡平等的教育 翻译下面例句,总结 command 的用法 1).My mother has a good command of several languages, such as English, French, Danish. 我妈妈_,比如英语、法语和丹麦语。 2).The officer commanded his soldiers to fire._ 3). The army is under the kings command. 这支军队由国王的控制。 4). He commanded that the students (

18、should) cross the river._ 用法小结: _精通某事 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 be under the command of=_ 由某人指挥/控制 command + that 从句(从句 should +V 原,should 可省)_ 练一练: 1) Hes studied in the US and _ (精通英语). 2) You must obey _ (老师的命令). 3) I command _ (你立即动身). 4) The headmaster has 400 teachers _ 校长手下有 400 名教师。 6.

19、availablevelbladj._ 教材原句:Many of these new innovations are already available and being used in some homes.许多这些新发明已经可以购买,并在一些家庭中使用。 根据下面例句,总结 available 的用法 1). The documents are available for inspection. 这些文件可供查看。 2). Not enough data is available to scientists. 科学家没有足够的数据。 3). Im afraid I m notavaila

20、ble to help with your homework. 恐怕我没有时间帮你做作业了。 用法小结:_ 对.有用 _.可获得;可被.利用 _有空做某事 练一练: 1)Can you _ this poem?你能明白这首诗的含义吗? 2)She has a strong _.她特别有幽默感。 3)_, children and adults have equal rights. 从这种意义上说,儿童和大人享有同样的权利。 4)What you say is true _. 你所说的在某种意义上是真实的。 5)His conclusion doesnt _. 他的结论讲不通。 6)_ will

21、 we announce the news to the public, or people will get into a panic. 我们绝不会把这个消息公之于众,否则人们会陷入恐慌。 7) _ (argue) with her.与她争论毫无道理 3. keep in touch (with.)_ 教材原句:Moreover, the Internet has made it possible for friends and family to keep in touch easily even if they are on opposite sides of the world. 此外

22、,互联网使朋友和家人可以很容易地保持联系,即使他们在世界的两端。 思维拓展: stay in touch (with.) _be in touch (with.) _ be out of touch (with.) _lose touch (with.)_ get in touch (with) _ 练一练: 1) We must _each other. 大家要经常通气。 2) To be frank with you, I_ with most of my old friends. 实话告诉你,我和大部份的老朋友都失去联系了。 3) To make it easier to _ us, y

23、oud better keep this card at hand. 为了更容易地与我们取得联系,你最好将这张卡放在手边。 Part 2Phrases 1. catch fire_ 教材原句:This way,you will be able to fix the problem before your home becomes flodded or catches fire. 这样,你就能在你的房子被水淹没或着火之前解决问题。 思维拓展: catch fire着火, (动作,不与段时间连用)be on fire_(状态) set fire to = set . on fire _make a

24、 fire_ fight a fire _play with fire _ put out a fire _light a fire _ There is no smoke without fire. _ 练一练: 1) Larry told Lucy that he had already_ . 拉里告诉露西他已经把火扑灭了。 2) When wood is wet, it wont _.木头湿了就不会着火。 3) Things in this room _ easily.这房间里的东西容易着火 4) When the firefighter arrived, the building _

25、for about twenty minutes. 当消防队员到达时,大楼已经燃烧了大约 20 分钟。 2. in this sense_ 教材原句:In this sense, the home of tomorrow is already the home of today. 从这种意义上说,明天的家已经是今天的了。 思维拓展: in this sense (insense) _in a/one sense_ in no sense _(位于句首时用部分倒装) make sense_ make sense of _make no sense_ common sense_sense of humor_ There is no sense (in) doing sth. 做某事没道理


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