Unit 3 Getting Together-Topic 2 What does your mother do -Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:120cc).zip

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Actor actor , wu la la Driver driver, di ba ba Worker worker, dong dong dong Farmer farmer, hei shu shu Doctor doctor, a, a, a Teacher teacher a, b, c Student student e, f, g Nurse nurse, chi chi chi Cook cook , chua chua chua Policeman policeman, one two three lets chant Jobs: we t(r) waiter 服务员, pst mn postman 邮递员 selz kl:k salesclerk售货员 bz ns mn businessman商人 Workplaces(工作地点): farm 农场 office 办公室 rest rnt restaurant 饭店 hs ptl hospital 医院 doctor nurse cook farmer in a hospital in a restaurant on a farm in an office What does mother/father do? Where does she/he work? Whose parents are they? Whose parents are they? They are Marias parents. (Maria shows a photo of her family to Kangkang.) show sth to sb把某物展示给某人(看) =show sb sth a photo of family 全家福 Maria shows kangkang a photo of her family. sbsth Read following the tape. (Maria shows a photo of her family to Kangkang.) K:Maria, what does your mother do? M:She is a nurse. K:Where does she work? M:She works in a hospital. K:And what does your father do? M:He is a cook. K:Where does he work? M:He works in a restaurant. doctor nurse cook farmer in a hospital in a restaurant on a farm in an office What does mother/father do? Where does she/he work? Whose parents are they? A:What does he/she do? A:Where does he work? B:He works . B:He is. a cook/ in a restaurant a teacher/ in a school a nurse/ in a hospital farmers/on a farm office workers/ in an office He is a driver. He drives a car. He is an actor He acts in a TV. drive drav 动词 driver dra v(r) act kt 动词 actor k t(r) 构词法:在部分动词后面加er 或者or, 可以变成与之相关的职业名词。 eg:drive-driver act-actor Eg:My father work on a farm. He is a farmer. 1.She teaches English in a school. She is a _. 2.The boy acts in Harry Potter. He is an _. 3.He drives a bus. He is a _. 4.Her mother works in an office. She is an office _. teacher actor driver worker teach drive work farm +er teacher driver worker farmer act+oractor cook v.cook n. n.农场 Person What does he/she do? Where does he/she work? Lucys father a driver drives a car Lucys mother a teacherteaches in a school In our group, Lucys father is a _. He _in_. And her mother is a _.She _in_. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.She _ (worker) in an office. 2.My parents work on a _ (farm).They are _(farm). 3.His favorite _(act) in the movie is the tall man. 4.The Chinese _(teach) likes to wear shirts. 5.The old man in a blue shirt _(driver) well. works farmers actor teacher drives farm Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section B I. Material analysis 该部分是第二个话题的第二课时。主要活动是 1a 和 2。通过 Kangkang 和 Maria 的对话,呈现了表达工作场所的新句型:“Where does he/she work? He/She works in .”,同时复习巩固有关职业的表达“What does he/she do? He/She is a .” 。此外,本课还将学习构词法,了解动词变相应名词的基本规则, 扩大学生词汇量,降低词汇学习的难度。学生在 Section A 中已经学习了有关询 问职业的表达法,因此,在 Section B 中进一步学习关于询问工作场所的表达法 应该难度不大,但是有一些工作场所的英语单词表达,可能学生还不是很熟悉, 因此教师应该在对话操练中给予学生适时的帮助,帮助他们顺利完成对话操练。 同时在学生总结动词变名词的构词法时,应给予适当的指引和补充,帮助学生 更好地了解构词法。 II. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操 练中加以应用:show, work, hospital, restaurant, on, farm, teach, act, drive; 能根据已学单词,了解动词变相应名词的基本规则,并借助构词法,扩大 词汇量,降低词汇学习的难度,如:teachteacher, workworker, farmfarmer, drivedriver, actactor; 能在对话操练中,正确运用实义动词第三人称单数的特殊疑问句及其回答; 在教师的帮助与指引下,能就有关询问工作场所、询问工作等信息的表达 方式进行交流。 2. Skill aims 能听懂有关询问工作场所的简单对话或叙述并完成相应的任务; 能根据图文就询问职业以及询问工作场所的话题进行交流; 能正确朗读对话,注意语音语调; 能写出职业及工作场所的单词或词组; 能借助构词法,写出动词相应的名词。 3. Emotional aims 在学习过程中,通过谈论家庭成员及工作情况,学会热爱生活的关心他人; 采用小对话、小表演等灵活多样的授课方式,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲, 培养学生学习英语的兴趣和积极主动的学习精神。 III. The key points and difficult points 1.能就询问职业和询问工作场所等信息进行对话操练和小组调查活动。 2.结合构词法,写出动词相应的名词。 IV. Learning strategies 1.以自行总结和发现规律代替机械记忆。 2.能够使用构词法帮助学习英语词汇。 3.能够借助图片预测对话大意。 V. Teaching aids 多媒体和黑板。 VI. Teaching procedures Stage 1 Warming up Step1:Greet the students and talk about what their parents do T: What does your father/mother do? S:My father/mother is a Step2:Review Chant about the jobs Stage 2:Pre-listening. Do part 3 :listen and match the peoples names with the cities.Then listen again and write down their jobs. Teacher checks the answers and ask the questions like this: T: What does David do? S:He is a cook. T: Where does he work? S: He works in Beijing. So I lead in the target structure “Where does he/she work?” Stage 3:While-listening 1.Listen to part 1a, finish 1b part, then teacher asks questions like this: Q1:Whose is this photo of family? Q2:What does the mother do? Q3:Where does the mother work? Q4:What does the father do? Q5:Where does the father work? 2.Then Introduce the new words: show, a photo of family, hospital, restaurant,office, farm 3.Listen to the tape again, ss will imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Stage3: consolidation Stage4:Post-listening Do part 1c: work in pairs. Read 1a and practice the conversation, then make up new ones according to the pictures I will show. Stage5:By a game:”Guess”,呈现构词法。动词+er/or 变成相应的名词 Show the sentences like this: She teaches English in a school. She is a teacher. But : He cooks in a restaurant. He is a cook. Stage6: Task Group work: Make a survey about your classmates parents jobs and workplaces. Then read your reports . Stage7: Practice 根据括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.She _(worker) in an office. 2. My parents work on a _ as _(farm.) 3.His favorite _(act) in the movie is the tall man. 4.The English _(teach) likes to read books. 5.My father is a _(cook). He _(cook) in a restaurant of Beijing. 6.The old man in a blue shirt _(driver) well. Stage8:Blackboard design What does your mother do? Section B A:What does your mother do? B:She is a/an A:Where does she work? show teach-teacher B:She works in/on . work farm-farmer hospital act-actor restaurant drive-driver on work-worker farm teach act drive
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