Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 3 Whose cap is it -Section C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:20215).zip

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擢英中学七年级上擢英中学七年级上 Unit 2 Topic3 Section C 课堂导学提纲课堂导学提纲 【学习目标学习目标】 1. To learn some new words&phrases: new, classmate, clothes, look the same, in different clothes 2. To learn to describe a persons look and clothes. 【重点难点重点难点】 1. To get the some reading strategies like skimming, careful reading. 2. To improve the writing ability through reading. 3. To learn how to describe a person 【导学流程导学流程】 一、基础感知一、基础感知 I. Skimming Listen to 1a and underline the childrens clothes and circle the colors. Im Kangkang. I have a new classmate. He is from Japan. He has black hair and black eyes. We look the same, but we are in different clothes. He is in a purple T- shirt and my T-shirt is red. His pants are blue and mine are white. My shoes are blue and his are brown. Guess! Who is he? II. Careful reading Read the passage carefully and write down difficult points. _ _ _ _ 二、深入学习二、深入学习 Complete the passage to learn more about how to describe a person. My father My father is a handsome(帅)man. He is tall. _ (他有棕色的大眼睛和黑色的短发). He is 45 years old, _(但是他看起来很年轻). My father is an English teacher. He is nice to his students. He likes reading books and playing basketball. Today, _ (他穿着一件蓝色 T 恤衫和一条白色的裤子). His shoes are black. Isnt he cool? My father is my hero(英雄). I love him. Clothes make the man. (人靠衣装) - Mark Twain 三、迁移运用三、迁移运用 Try to describe the people around you. _ _ _ _ _ _ Homework 1. Read 1a loudly and recite it. 2. Write a letter back to Kangkang. Introduce our two new classmates Tom and Dick to him. (P47 2) Dear Kangkang, _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours, Ms. Ke 自我评价表 班级:_ 姓名:_ 课名:_ 时间:_ 个人 评价 同学 互评 完全听懂别 人的发言,老师 的指令,获取信 息,并及时作出 反馈 大多数时候 能够听懂别人的 发言,对老师的 指令基本可以作 出反应 基本无法听 懂别人的发言及 老师的指令,无 法作出反应 能熟练地运 用所学知识与老 师、同学进行问 答,语音清晰, 回答正确 基本能回答 老师所提出的问 题,与同学就所 学的句型进行问 答,偶尔犯错 仅能模仿句 型造句,对老师 所提问题基本无 法回答 熟练朗对话 或文章,发音准 确、清晰,语言 流畅 能大声朗读 对话或者文章, 较为流畅 发音不准确、 不流畅,基本无 法读完对话或文 章 格式正确, 书写流畅,页面 整洁,能熟练对 对话或文章仿写 书写较为工 整端正,页面较 为工整,个别拼 写、语法错误 字迹潦草, 页面涂改较多, 仅个别句子正确, 较多拼写、语法 错误 课堂积极发 言,认真思考, 参加小组活动, 笔记认真工整 偶尔发言, 有思考,不敢积 极参加小组活动, 笔记较好 上课基本不 发言,注意力不 够集中,笔记混 乱 课后可以自 主认真完成作业, 正确率高 课后基本可 以完成作业,个 别错误 课后无法自 觉完成作业,错 误多,偶尔未完 成 注: 17 颗星以上表明你积极端正的学习态度、有非常好的学习习惯,你的英语一定会越来越 棒! 12-16 颗星表明你的英语学习态度较好,但学习习惯还需改善,加油! 12 颗星以下表明你急需端正学习态度,培养良好的学习习惯,你才能追上他人的脚步! Unit2Topic3 SectionC 擢英中学擢英中学 -柯丽清柯丽清 学习目标学习目标 1.Tolearnnewwordsred 2.pants;in;Yukio 3.look;same;friend His/KangkangsT-shirtisred. He/KangkangisinaredT-shirt. Yukioisinbluepants. TheboyinbluepantsisYukio. Theydontlookthesame,but theyaregoodfriends. Fillintheblanksaccordingto1a. Kangkanghasanew_ klsmet.His_isYukio.He isfromJapan.He_(have)blackhair andblackeyes.Theyhavethesamelook, buttheyarein_clothes. KangkangisinaredT-shirtandYukios is_pp()l.Yukiospants _(be)blueandKangkangisinwhite ones.Kangkangs_uzare blueandYukiosarebrown.(5分)分) classmate name has different purpleare shoes 1. 整体设计思路、指导依据说明整体设计思路、指导依据说明 According to the New Curriculum Standards, the main object of English is to foster the Ss integrate abilities of using English. The New Curriculum Standards propose that the Ss should participate in and accomplish some real tasks and enjoy themselves in learning. According to this, I choose task- based teaching methods to lead the Ss to learn in an interesting and open linguist environment. Ill also adopt situational teaching method to create a real environment to help the Ss to learn and use English. 2. 教学背景分析教学背景分析 教学内容分析: This lesson is the third lesson of this topic. In this lesson, the Ss will learn how to describe a persons look and clothes. They will also get the some reading strategies like skimming, careful reading and improve the writing ability through reading. After this lesson, the Ss will have the ability of using English to introduce people like their favorite stars, their friends, teachers and so on to others. 学生情况分析: The Ss have learned English for just two months, so They dont much basic English knowledge or master many reading or writing skills. Psychologically, the students in Grade One are teenagers who are curious, active and fond of games, competitions and various activities. They like learning in the exciting, interesting and relaxed atmosphere. So competitions and cooperation could help they to cooperate with each other and have fun in learning English at the same time. Besides, discussion can also arouse their interest in this topic. 3. 教学目标分析教学目标分析 一、Knowledge aims 1. Learn some new words & phrases: new, classmate, clothes, look the same, in different clothes 2. Learn to describe a persons look and clothes. 二、Ability aims 1. Learn some effective reading methods and strategies and improve writing ability 2. Through tasks and discussion to make the Ss to communicate and cooperate with others. 三、Moral aims 1. Provide the Ss with more chances to express their own opinions and communicate with others. 2. Cultivate the Ss sense of cooperation with others by finishing tasks. 4.4.教学重点、难点分析教学重点、难点分析 1. Help the Ss get the some reading strategies like skimming, careful reading. 2. Get the Ss to improve the writing ability through reading. 3. Let the Ss learn how to describe a person 5.5. 教学过程设计教学过程设计 步骤步骤 1: 复习复习 1. Greeting. Get the Ss to get ready for the new lesson. 2. Ask and Answer between the teacher and the Ss. T: I found a cap out of our classroom. Whose cap is it? Is it yours, S1? S1: No, its not mine. Its not my cap. T: So, this is not his cap. This cap is not his. (One student hands up) S2: This is my cap. T: Its S2s cap. This cap is S2s. 设计意图:设计意图:通过老师找到一顶丢失的帽子进行师生问答,复习形容词性物主代词及名词性物 主代词,名词所有格,为导入新课文内容作铺垫。 步骤步骤 2:导入:导入 1. Show photos of their classmate and math teacher and let the Ss talk about their looks and clothes. 设计意图:设计意图:通过呈现同学和老师的照片,并利用修图技术更换服装、改变长相,引导学生谈 论服装及相貌特征。将即将学习的知识直接融入与学生的对话中,过渡自然。 步骤步骤 3:呈现:呈现 1. Present a letter from Kangkang and get the Ss to know about Kangkangs new classmate. 2. Read Kangkangs letter and underline the childrens clothes and circle the words of colors. 3. Read the passage again and write down difficult points. 4. Explain some important points in the passage and teach the Ss how to write a passage to describe a person. 设计意图:设计意图:通过快速浏览文章,了解文章大意,设置任务,培养学生泛读和精读的能力,通 过阅读文章学习如何仿写介绍他人的文章。 步骤步骤 4:巩固:巩固 1. Play a game. Set three tasks to consolidate the passage. 设计意图:设计意图:通过游戏环节,分别设置回答问题,看图写话及短文填词,检测学生是否掌握了 本课知识,同时提高他们对知识的运用能力,为后面的练习做好准备。游戏也能激发学生的 学习兴趣和热情。 步骤步骤 5:练习:练习 1. Complete a short passage “My Father” to learn more about how to describe a person. 2. Ask some Ss to write down their answers on the blackboard. 3. Get the Ss to summarize how to describe a person from the passage. 设计意图:设计意图:通过完成短文翻译的练习巩固所学知识的同时,让学生从短文中学习如何从更多 方面介绍身边的人(如:性格,职业,爱好等) ,培养学生的观察和总结能力。 步骤步骤 6:综合探究活动:综合探究活动 1. Discussion. Ask the Ss to discuss the three photos and then try to write a short passage. 2. Show Time. Chose one member from each group to share his/her composition. 设计意图:设计意图:通过展示明星、同学、老师的照片让各小组进行讨论后并写成小文章,培养学生 综合运用语言的能力。同时小组合作有助于加强学生之间的交流与合作。 Homework: 1. Read 1a loudly and recite it. 2. Write a letter back (回信)to Kangkang. Introduce our two new classmates Tom and Dick to him.(课文 P47 2) Blackboard Design: Topic 3 Whose cap is it? Section C New words&phrases: new /nju/ personal information: name, age, job Winner classmate /klsmet/ clothes /kl()z/ look the same, in different clothes . Teaching reflection: hobby: like, love clothes: T-shirt, pants. G1 G2 G3
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