Unit 4 Having Fun-Topic 1 What can I do for you -Section A-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:80c94).zip

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one two three four five six seven eight nine ten +teen= eleven fourteen fifteen twelve thirteen eighteen nineteen sixteen twenty seventeen+teen= +teen= +teen= 21 twenty-one 20 twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three Learnthenumbers21-29. twenty-six twenty-four twenty-five Learnthenumbers21-29. twenty-nine twenty-seven twenty-eight Learnthenumbers21-29. 30 thirty 40 forty 90ninety twenty20 50 60 70 80 fifty sixty seventy eighty ty ty ty tyty ty ty ty Lookandlearn. 100 one hundred 101 one hundred and one 151 one hundred (and) fifty-one 362 three hundred (and) sixty-two 巧记巧记100以内的基数词以内的基数词 二十至九十加二十至九十加-ty, twentythirty,forty,fifty和和eighty很奇怪。很奇怪。 十位个位之间连字符号莫丢弃十位个位之间连字符号莫丢弃。 要表要表“几百几十几几百几十几”,and长把百十系长把百十系 基数词基数词 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 twenty-one twenty-three twenty-four twenty-six twenty-eight 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 thirty - - sixty seventy - - onehundred/ahundred ninehundred(and)ninety-nine 100 101 185 315 999 Listen and match the clothes with the prices. capskirtT-shirt pants 2.¥16.00 ¥60.00 1.¥18.00 ¥80.00 3.¥17.00 ¥70.00 4.¥15.00 ¥50.00 A:Iwanttobuy.formy. Howmuchis.? ¥35 B:Its.yuan. ¥80 ¥15 ¥70 A:Howmuchare.? B:Theyare.yuan. Listen,lookandsay. Q:Howmuchisthecoat? Readandunderstand 1.WhatcanIdoforyou?(同义句) 2.Iwanttobuysomeclothesformydaughter.(同义句) 3.Itlooksveryniceonyou.(译成汉语) 4.Notatall.(同义句) 5.Illtakeit.(同义句并翻译) 6.CanItrythecoaton?(同义句) 7.Howmuchisthecoat?(同义句) CanIhelpyou? Iwanttobuymydaughtersomeclothes. buysth.forsb./buysb.sth. CanItryonthecoat? Illget/have/buyit. Whatisthepriceofthecoat? 你穿上它看起来很漂亮。 Youarewelcome./ Thatsallright./ThatsOk. Key points: 2.CanItryiton? 我可以试穿一下吗?我可以试穿一下吗? tryon试穿试穿(代词放中间(代词放中间,名词放两边)名词放两边) 如:如:Theshoesarenice.Pleasetrythemon. tryon试穿试穿(衣服)(衣服)当宾语为名词时,可放在此当宾语为名词时,可放在此 短语后面,也可放在中间短语后面,也可放在中间。但是当宾语为代词时。但是当宾语为代词时 ,则必须放在这个短语中间。,则必须放在这个短语中间。 Eg:Theshoeslookverynice. CanI_? CanI_? CanI_? 3.Howmuchisit?多少钱?多少钱? howmuchis/are?询问价格询问价格 如:如:Howmucharetheshoes? Theyre165yuan. -Howmuch_(be)the chicken? -_100yuan. -How much _ (be)the shoes? -_ 200 yuan Salesman:_ Mother:Yes,please.IwantaT-shirtformyson. Salesman:_ Mother:White. Salesman:Whataboutthisone? Mother:Allright._ Salesman:Twentyyuan. Mother:OK._ Can/MayIhelpyou? Whatcolordoyouwant?/ Whatshisfavoritecolor? Howmuchisit? Illtakeit. A;Whatcan/doforyou?/ CanIhelpyou? B:Iwouldlike/Iwantto buy. A:Hereyouare B:Thanks.CanItry.on? A:Sure. B:looks/lookveryniceonme. Howmuchis/are.? A: B:Thatsfine.Illtakeit/them. Makeadialog ()1._? -Iwantapen. A.WhatdoyoulikeB.WhatcanIdoforyou C.Whatwouldyouwant ()2.I_likeadress. A.hadB.wantC.would ()3.Mariasmother_tobuysomeclothes _her. A.wants;toB.want;toC.wants;for ()4.-Thecoatisonly40yuan. -Thatsfine.Ill_it. A.likeB.thinkC.take ()5.-_thegreenone? -Allright. A.HowmuchB.HowC.Howabout 1.-Whatcanidoforyou,m_? -Iwanttobuyaskirtformyself. 2.-IlikethisT-shirtverymuch.CanIt_it on? -Sure 3.-Wheredoyougotobuyskirts? -Igotomycousinsclothess_. 4.Howmuchisthedres? -Its_(90)yuan. 5.LiMingsgrandparentsareoneh_years old. 根据根据句意及首字母提示补全单词句意及首字母提示补全单词 adam ry hop ninety undred 1.Numbers: 1-999 2.Usefulexpressions: WhatcanIdoforyou?/MayIhelp you? Iwant/Idlike CanItryit/themon? Sure. Itlooksveryniceonyou. Howmuchisit/arethey? Welltakeit. 1.Reviewthenumbers 21999. 2.Recite1a. 3.PreviewSectionB. 汉译英汉译英 在商店在商店_ 70元元_ 试试穿穿_ 不客气不客气._ 你想买什么?你想买什么?_ 它多少钱它多少钱?_ 我们就买它了。我们就买它了。_ 你穿它看起来很漂亮!你穿它看起来很漂亮! _ Self-check 用英语写出下列数字 209,582,950,433,144 教材 分析 本课是第四单元第一个话题的第一课,主要活动是 1a, 2a 和 3a。主要学习 与购物相关的表达,包括提供购物帮助的表达“What can I do for you?” , “May/Can I help you?” ;询问价格的表达“How much.?” ,同时还学习了 1000 以内的基数词的英语表达法。此外,学生还将通过小组活动学习和总 结辅音字母 c 和字母组合 al, au, ck 等的发音规律,能根据所学音标进行单词 的拼读和拼写,并在读句子中学会使用句子的重音。 课标 要求 单词: shop, madam, try on, seventy, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, eighty, ninety, hundred 句型:能就购物、询问价钱等进行交流与对话操练并掌握以下表达法: (1)提供和请求帮助,如: What can I do for you? May I help you? (2)表示购物愿望和需求的表达法,如: I want to buy. (3)询问价格,如: How much is it? Well take it. 学情 分析 本学期第一次出公开课,学生可能会紧张。能听懂教师的基本指令。本课 的数字,学生在小学已经学习过,但是语法规律可能不会总结,对数字的 听力方面有可能会出现问题,个别同学对于 ty 和 teen 的发音不够清晰。学 生在平时的朗读过程中,往往忽视了句子的重音,因此在本课中,教师应 引导学生正确使用句子的重音,并在今后的朗读中注意句子的重音。 教学 目标 能听懂表示愿望、建议的表达和提供帮助、询问价格等购物交际用语; 能清楚地为他人提供购物帮助、表达自己的购物愿望、征询意见以及询问 价格; 教学重点 能在情景中用“购物”这个话题进行对话练习与交流。 能初步了解数词的表达法。 教学难点 1.能够根据已学知识进行基数词的学习。 2.能够从同伴处获取反馈,修改自己编写的购物对话。 教法 学法 教法:演示法,链式练习法,直观教学法,游戏教学 学法:小组合作学习法,竞赛学习 教具多媒体 教学过程设计意图 Step 1 Review Do duty report. Prepare some conversations about ordering and having meals in the restaurant .Then some groups act out the conversations. 导入活动,吸引学生注意力, 创设英语语言环境,为本节课 学习做准备。 Step 2 Presentation 1.Do 2a. Revise the words of numbers from 1 to 19, which the students have learned before. 2.Group work Practise the numbers. 3. Look at the pictures in 2b. Guess the price of the different clothes. Then listen to the tape and check the answers. 4. Play a game like this: e.g. “I want to buy. for .” Look at the pictures about clothes with price on it. 在已学过数字基础上,学习表达愿 望、询问和陈述价格的表达,为本 节课学生进入对话做铺垫。 训练学生辨别近似音的能力并复习 所询问价格和陈述价格的表达。 Step3 Production 1.Read the sentences in 1b. Listen to the tape and check the answers. 2. Read after the tape. 3. Read 1a fluently and practice it with your partner; 4. Translate the words, expressions and sounds in this section; Step4 Practice 1. Try to act out the conversation in groups. 2.Sit in groups. Suppose you are shopping now. Make new 通过对话练习,帮助学生积累提供 帮助、为他人购买物品的愿望、谈 论服饰、询问和陈述价格的表达法。 巩固 1a 所学提供帮助、购买物品、 询问价格的表达法,让学生学以致 conversations about shopping in groups and practice the conversations. SUM: Read the words and sentences. 用。 Homework: 1.Read 1a fluently and practice it with your partner;Recite it. 2.Translate the words, expressions and sounds in this section; 用英语写出下列数字 209,582,950,433,144 汉译英汉译英 在商店在商店 _ 70 元元 _ 试试 穿穿 _ 不客气不客气. _ 你想买什么?你想买什么?_ 它多少钱它多少钱 ?_ 我们就买它了。我们就买它了。_ 你穿它看起来很漂亮!你穿它看起来很漂亮! _ 3.Preview Section B-new words. 巩固本节课所学知识并布置家庭作 业。 板 书 设 计 Unit 4 Having fun Topic 1 What can I do for you? Section A 1. What can I do for you, madam? 3. Can I try it on? I want to buy . for . Sure. 2. May I help you? 4. How much is it? Yes, please. Its seventy yuan, madam.
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