Unit 3 Getting Together-Topic 1 Does he speak Chinese -Section A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:30c77).zip

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Unit 3 getting Together Warm up vShake shake up, Shake shake down. vShake shake shake,Lets turn around . vShake shake up ,Shake shake down. vShake shake shake, v lets touch the ground! New words v could /kd/ 可以,能 v tell /tel/ 告诉 v sure / 当然,确信的 v some /sm/ 一些 v with /w/ 和,具有 v problem /prblm/ 问题 v well /wel/ 很好的,健康的 Listen to 1a and mark T or F v1.Jane likes Chinese. ( T ) v2.Li Xiangs pen pal is from America, v too.( F ) v3. Li Xiangs pen pal can speak Chinese very v well.( F ) v4. Li Xiang will help Jane with her Chinese. v ( T ) New sentences: vCould you please tell me your name? v Sure. vDo you like Chinese? vYes, I do . I like it very much. Useful expression: v Could you please tell me your name? vCould you please+动词原形? v 你能.吗? v Sure. / Of course. / No problem. v 好的,没有问题。 v Sorry.不好意思,不行。 vhelp sb. with sth./(to) do sth. v帮助某人做某事 ve.g. vI often help Jane with her Chinese. vI often help Jane study Chinese. v我经常帮助Jane学习汉语。 Exercise: v( C )1. We are from England. We _ English. v A. tell B. say C.speak v( B )2. Do you have any friends here? v _ v A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I have. v( C )3. _ you like English? v Yes, I do. v A. Does B. do C. Do v( A )4. Marys Chinese is not good. We can help her _ it. v A. with B. and C. to v( B )5. Do you come from the USA? v No, I _ from Canada. v A. comes B. am C. be Warm up Shake shake up, Shake shake down. Shake shake shake,Lets turn around . Shake shake up ,Shake shake down. Shake shake shake, lets touch the ground! New words could /kd/ 可以,能 tell /tel/ 告诉 sure / 当然,确信的 some /sm/ 一些 with /w/ 和,具有 problem /prblm/ 问题 well /wel/ 很好的,健康的 Listen to 1a and mark T (True) or F (False). ( ) 1.Jane likes Chinese. ( ) 2. Li Xiangs pen pal is from America, too. ( ) 3.Li Xiangs pen pal can speak Chinese very well. ( ) 4.Li Xiang will help Jane with her Chinese. T T F F (视频P55-1a) New sentences: Could you please tell me your name? Sure./No problem! Do you like Chinese? Yes, I do . I like it very much. Could you help me with my chinese? No problem! Useful expressions. Could you please tell me your name? Could you please+动词原形? 你能.吗? Sure. / Of course. / No problem. 好的,没有问题。 Sorry.不好意思,不行。 Useful expressions. help sb. with sth./(to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 e.g. I often help Jane with her Chinese. I often help Jane study Chinese. 我经常帮助Jane学习汉语。 1. Could you please+动词原形? 你能吗? Sure. / Of course. / No problem. 能。 Sorry. 2. tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事 3. come from=be from 4. help sb. with sth. / help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 5. No problem. = Sure. Exercise. ( )1. We are from England. We _ English. A. tell B. say C.speak ( )2. Do you have any friends here? _ A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I have. ( )3. _ you like English? Yes, I do. A. Does B. do C. Do ( )4. Marys Chinese is not good. We can help her _ it. A. with B. and C. to ( )5. Do you come from the USA? No, I _ from Canada. A. comes B. am C. be C B C A B 1. Sum up the new words. 2. If you have a pen pal, write something about him/her. Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 1 Does he speak Chinese? Section A . Material analysis 本节课是第三单元的第一课时,主要活动是 1a 和 3a。通过 Li Xiang 和 Jane 的对话,学习“谈论喜好” 、 “询问、请求” 、 “结交朋友”等语言功能,同时也 抛出实义动词“like”,“want”,“speak”的一般现在时第一人称、第二人称的 用法以及人称代词主格和宾格的用法。语音板块初步掌握元音音素/:/和/, 辅音音素/H/,/E/ ,/C/ 和/_/的发音及发音规律,初步学习连读并了解其规律, 并能在歌谣中进行连读和重音的训练。 . Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并运用于情景对话 中:could, tell, sure, pen pal, some, with, problem, well, often; 能够在教师的帮助和指导下,在单词中朗读和辨别字母和字母组合 ir, er, sh, s, ch, ge 的发音:/:/,/,/H/,/E/ ,/C/ 和/_/并总结其发音规律; 能在教师的指引下,了解句子连读及重音,并能够准确地朗读; 能结合谈论喜好、提出请求、结交朋友的表达方式,正确使用实义动词 like/speak/want 一般现在时第一、第二人称单数的陈述句、一般疑问句及其肯 定和否定回答; 能正确使用人称代词的主格和宾格形式,如: I like it very much. Could you help me with it? 能在真实的语言环境中,运用表达询问、请求和谈论喜好等交际功能的用 法,与他人进行真实交流,如: Could you tell me your name? Could you help me with it? Do you like Chinese? I want to find a pen pal. 2. Skill aims 能听懂有关表达询问、请求、谈论喜好的简单对话或叙述; 能就表达询问、请求、谈论喜好等的话题进行交流; 能正确地朗读对话,注意重音和连读; 能写出表达询问、请求和谈论喜好的简单句子或小短文。 3. Emotional aims 通过对 Section A 的学习,学生能增进对彼此喜好的了解,能乐意帮助别 人,并善于与他人结交朋友。 . The key points and difficult points 1.能够在话题谈论中,学会在句型中使用实义动词 like/speak/want 的第一 人称、第二人称的一般现在时的用法。 2.能够朗读和辨别字母和字母组合 ir, er, sh, s, ch, ge 的发音: /:/,/,/H/,/E/ ,/C/ 和/_/,发现语音发音规律,并能根据发音规律正确 拼读单词。 . Learning strategies 1.学生能够清楚、大声地朗读课文对话。 2.在学习过程中向老师和同学寻求帮助。 3.在朗读过程中,能够使用连读。 . Teaching aids 录音机、教学挂图、多媒体和黑板。 . Teaching procedures StepInteraction pattern Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (10 minutes) 1.The whole class work. 2.Group work. 1.Focus their attention on the teacher. “Good morning,teacher!” 2.The students talk about one of their classmates in groups. Write down the description sentences. Then one student reports it in front of the whole class. 3.The whole class answer the teachers questions 1.Greet students ready for learning.“Good morning,class!” 2.Help the students to revise the expressions in Unit 2. e.g. He has a big mouth and small eyes. His hair is short. 3.The whole class work. and guess who the student is mentioned. e.g. T: What does he/she look like? Ss: He/She has. T: Could you please tell me his name now? Ss: Sure. He is. T: Does he like English? Ss: Yes, he does. T: Can he speak English? Ss: Yes, he can, but only a little./ No, he cannot. T: Can you help him with it?(if his English is not good.) Ss: Sure!/No problem. 3.Ask some questions according to the description reported by the students. Help the students learn some new words in the conversations, and also learn how to express likes and dislikes. Make the students pay attention to the Personal Pronouns, the Subject Pronouns and the Object Pronouns. Presentation (10 minutes) 1. The whole class work. 1. Listen to the teacher carefully and try to guess the meanings of the new words in the context. 1.Take out a toy to pretend to be the teachers pen pal. Then tell the students something about the “pen pal”. The teacher will present the new words 2. The whole class work and pair work. 2. Answer the teachers questions. Try to learn the new expressions in the dialogues. Then practice in pairs. e.g. A:Could you please tell me your name? B:Sure! A:Do you like English? B:Yes, I do. A:Can you speak English? B:Yes, I can./Sorry, I cant. A:Could you help me with my English?(提问 学习好的同学) B:No problem. 3. Read the statements in 1b. Look at the here and new expressions as well. 2. Ask students some questions and present new expressions about making requests and expressing likes and dislikes through demonstration. Then let the students practice the dialogue in pairs. 3. Play the tape of 1a without stopping. Then make students do 1b. 3. Individual work. 4.The whole class work. teaching pictures and know some backgrounds in 1a. Guess the listening material in 1a. Then listen to the tape and mark true or false with 1a covered. 4. Listen to the tape and read after it. Repeat the important sentences in 1a. Know how to make requests and express likes and dislikes. Check the answers. 4. Play the tape sentence by sentence. Help the students to read fluently and correctly. Consolidation (5 minutes) 1.Individual work and pair work. 2.Group work and pair 1.Do 1d. Put the following sentences in the correct order. Then practice with your partner. 2. Do 1c. The girls and the boys practice the conversation in 1a. 1.Help the students to consolidate the sentence patterns in 1a about making requests. 2.Correct students pronunciation and work.Then make up a new one and practice it in pairs. intonation while they are practicing the conversations. Practice (10 minutes) 1. Individual work. 2. Group work and the whole class work. 1.Do 2. Before listening, try to fill in the blanks in 2 by themselves. Then listen to the passage and check the answers. Know how to make friends with others. 2.Do 3a. Divide the class into six groups. Every group tries to read one group of words. Discuss in groups and find the rules of sounds about ir, er, sh, s, ch, ge by themselves. Choose one student in each group to read out every word and tell the other students the sounds of each group. Then the whole class 1. Play the tape. Check the answers after listening. Help the students know how to make friends with others. 2. Help the students check the sounds. Correct their sounds when the students present the sound they summarized. 3. Individual work, the whole class work and pair work. listen to the tape and check the sounds. Read the sounds and words aloud after the tape. 3.Do 3b. Listen to the teachers examples, “tell us” and “tell him”. Identify which one is liaison. Then try to read the liaison in 3b in pairs and check with each other. Then some students read the liaison and the others check. Find the rules of liaison together. Then read after the tape. 4.Do 4. Chant together after the tape. Pay attention to the stress and liaison. Then the boys and the girls chant separately. Then some students act out the chant individually. 3. Give students some examples of liaison and let them try to read the sentences in 3b. Play the tape. Make sure the students know how to read the liaison. Help them to check each other. 4.Play the tape of 4. Check their pronunciation, the 4.The whole class work, group work and individual work. stress and liaison if necessary. Production (10 minutes) 1. Group work. 1. Sit in groups of four. Write a short passage of themselves, including their likes, dislikes, the language they can or cant speak. Choose one of their group members (take turns) and make up a conversation with him/her: e.g. A:Could you please tell ? B: A:Do you like? B: A:Could you please 1. Ask the students to use the sentence patterns they learn in Section A to write passages about themselves and make up their new conversations. help? B: The students decide who can help them or they will help. 2. Assign homework: Review the words and practice the conversations in Section A with your partner; Make up a new conversation similar to 1a with your partner, talking about your likes and dislikes, making requests and making friends. Then report it to the class the next day; Preview Section B. Teaching reflection: 在本节课中,学生学会了如何表达喜好、询问请求以及结交朋友。学生在 助动词 do/does 的使用以及主谓一致中容易出现学习的困难和障碍。因此,我 们教师应尽量在课程上创设语境,使学生在真实的话题语境中体验语言的功能 和用法,从而正确的使用助动词 do 和 does 来流利地表达喜好以及学会结交朋 友。 VII. Blackboard design Does he speak Chinese? Section A Sounds: 1. Could you please tell me your name? pen pal /:/ Sure! help.with. / 2. Do you like Chinese? /H/ 3. Could you help me with it? /E/ No problem. /C/ 4. Can you speak English? /_/ 5. I want to find a pen pal.
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