Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 1 What's your hobby -Section A-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:1141f).zip

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Topic 1 Whats your hobby ? Free Talk Interest is the best teacher.(兴趣是最好的老师) I like listening to music in my free time. It can help me relax. What do you often do in your free time? I often _ . Different people have different hobbies. In this lesson, lets talk about hobbies. Lets learn new words(单词)and phrases(词组). hobby hb n.业余爱好;嗜好,兴趣 复数:hobbies hobby hobby Whats your hobby? recite rsat v背诵,朗诵,吟诵 recite recite poem pm n.诗;韵文 poem poem I like reciting poem. pet pet n.宠物;宠儿 pet pet walk a pet dog Wu Weiliang loves walking a pet dog. collect klektv.收集,搜集 collet collet collet stamps Xu Qiqi prefers colleting stamps. plant pl:nt n.植物 v.种植,播种 plant plant plant flowers Wu Yilin enjoys planting flowers. fond fnd adj.喜欢的;爱好的 fond fond be fond of 喜欢 Wu Linhai is fond of reading stories. be interested in ntrstd对感兴趣 interested interested be interested in Liang Binjie is interested in watching DVDs at home. maybemebi adv.也许;可能;或许 maybe maybe Maybe I need a change(改变). What does he like doing? He likes playing basketball. What s your /his/her hobby? What are their hobbies? I /They like He/She likes walk a pet dog listen to music climb mountainscollect stamps fly kites go swimming go traveling plant flowers What s your hobby? I /They like He/She likes Look ,who are they ?They are . What are they talking about? Wen Wei and Helen. Wen WeiHelen Listen to 1a and choose the correct answer. What are Helen and Wen Wei talking about ? A. Going to the movie theater. B. Their hobbies. C. Outdoor activities. 录音 1a-P55 What are Wen Weis and Helens hobbies? Listen to1a again. Write H for Helens hobbies and W for Wen Weis . Then write a phrase for each picture. go fishing enjoy reading stories go to the movie theater love reciting poems enjoy listening to music watch DVDs at home W W W H H H 视频1a-P55 Tasks 1.Read 1a. 2.Please practice 1a in groups. 3.Act out 1a with your partner. Read 1a and fill in the blanks. Helen and Wen Wei are talking about their hobbies. Wen Wei enjoys _, reading stories and _ to music. He gets great _ from these activities. Helen enjoys _ poems and _ movies. She goes to the movie _ a lot and also _ DVDs and watches them at home. fishing listening fun recitingwatching theater rents 1a P55 Helen :What do you often do in your free time? Wen Wei :I often go fishing.Its my favorite hobby.And I also enjoy reading stories and listening to music.Its great fun.Well,whats your hobby? Helen :I love reciting poems.And Im a movie fan,too.I go to the movie theater a lot.I also rent DVDs and watch them at home. Wen Wei :Why not go out and do some outdoor activities? Helen :Sounds good!Maybe I need a change. Find key points 1. What do you often do in your free time ? 在你的空闲时间你经常干什么? in ones free/spare time 在某人的空余时间 Eg: 我爸爸在空闲时间去打篮球。 My father goes to play basketball _ . in his free time/in his spare time 2. And I enjoy reading stories and listening to music. I love reciting poems. enjoy / love doing sth. 喜欢做某事 Eg: 我喜欢唱歌,我妹妹喜欢跳舞。 I _ and my sister _ . enjoy singing loves dancing 3.Why not go out and do some outdoor activities? do some outdoor activities Why not do sth. =Why dont you do sth. 为什么不 做些户外活动 4. Maybe I need a change . 也许我需要改变一下。 change (名词)改变 ;零钱 eg: Here s your change. 给你的零钱。 恩平发生了很大的变化。(take place) Great changes took place in Enping. 2Look at the picture. Then listen and complete the sentences. 1.I love _and playing the guitar. singing 2. I am interested in _.playing basketball 3. I enjoy _ to music. dancing 4. I like _.sleeping 6. I am fond of_.acting7. I _ playing soccer. prefer 录音2-P56 Collecting different expressions with similar meanings will help you in your talking and writing.5. I like _ poems. reciting 3a Match the pictures with the phrases. Then listen to the sentences and number the pictures. E1 A. walk a pet dog B. listen to music C. collect stamps D. plant flowers E. climb mountains F. fly kites G. go traveling H. go swimming ABC DGHF 735 2864 录音3a-P56 Whats your hobby? I love/enjoy/like/prefer/am interested in/am fond of Talk about your hobbies in pairs with the following sentence patterns. I like _. I am fond of _. laughing playing basketball Whats your hobby? I enjoy _very much. I prefer _ songs. dancing singing What s your hobby? I like _ best. I am interested in_ delicious food. eating/having sleeping What s your hobby? What s Li Simings hobby? He is fond of singing songs. Li Siming What s Wu Junqis hobby? He is interested in playing soccer . Wu Junqi What are their hobbies? They loves_ . playing basketball What are their hobbies? They loves _. acting 表 演 Choose the best answer. 1. Zhao Yang is _ in playing soccer. He thinks it is _. A. interested ; interested B. interested ; interesting C. interesting ; interesting D. interesting ; interested 2. She is fond of _ . She cooks for her family every day. A. cook B. cooking C. to cook D. cooks 完成句子。 1. 在空余时间,康康喜欢听音乐。 Kangkang in his spare time. 2.我的弟弟喜欢读故事书。 My brother reading stories. 3.姚明对打篮球感兴趣,当他还是一个小男孩时。 Yao ing playing basketball when he was a little boy. 4.为什么不出去做些户外运动呢? go out and do some outdoor activities. 5.或许我需要改变。 I need a . loves listening to music is fond of was interested in Why not Maybe change I can use: love doing like doing enjoy doing prefer doing be fond of doing be interested in doing 喜欢做 I can say: Why not go out and do some outdoor activities? Maybe I need a change. I can understand : hobby, in ones spare time 1.背诵1a。 2.调查采访朋友或家人的爱好,写篇小短文,介 绍你和朋友,家人的爱好。 八年级上册教学设计八年级上册教学设计 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 Whats your hobby? Section A 一教材分析一教材分析: (一)教材的地位与作用(一)教材的地位与作用 仁爱版八年级英语上册第三单元的主题为 Our Hobbies,教学内 容主要是围绕谈论个人的兴趣爱好,了解音乐知识和谈论过去某一 时间段活动展开的。我说课的内容是第一话题,主要学习关于各种 常见兴趣爱好的表达法,喜欢和不喜欢的表达法,以及主要语法点 used to,将个人的兴趣爱好作为语言材料进而培养学生关于该话题 在听说读写四个方面的技能,同时培养学生广泛的兴趣爱好及积极 乐观的生活态度。而 Section A 作为话题的第一课,主要谈论个人的 兴趣爱好为后面的教学内容提供话题和语境,为进一步学习打好基 础,起承上启下的重要的作用。 (二)教材的处理(二)教材的处理 本课课型为听说课,侧重培养学生的口头表达能力,用时一个课 时。 (三)教学目标(三)教学目标 根据英语课程标准的要求及本话题的任务,结合学生的认知特点, 我确定了本课的教学目标。 1.知识目标:知识目标: (1) 能正确地用英语表达自己的喜好,如: go traveling,collect stamps,walk a pet dog, listen to music 等。 (2) 能正确地运用不同的方式,如: like/love/enjoy/prefer/be fond of /be interested in +doing 结构,来表达兴趣爱好。 (3) 能运用本课所学语言,就自己和他人的喜好用英语交流。 2.技能目标:技能目标: (1) 能听懂有关喜好的话题;(2) 能正确地谈论爱好; (3) 能正确朗读课本的文本材料;(4)能正确地写出自己和他人 的兴趣爱好。 3.情感目标:情感目标:培养学生有益于学习和身体健康的兴趣爱好。 (四)教学重难点(四)教学重难点 重点:重点:熟练掌握兴趣爱好的表达以及准确地谈论自己和他人的爱好。 难点难点:能运用本课所学语言,就自己和他人的喜好进行英语交流及 书面表达。 二学情分析二学情分析 这班学生,从七年级原班跟上八年级,学生与学生以及学生和 教师之间,彼此很熟悉,具有一定的默契,课堂上学生表现比较活 跃,大部分学生能够参与活动,但有个别学生较内向,需要老师的 鼓励。 “兴趣爱好”这个话题和学生们的生活紧密相联,容易激发学生 的学习兴趣。因此在教学中,我精心设计教学过程,全方位调动学 生学习英语的积极性,让学生主动学习,培养他们的综合语言运用 能力。 三教法学法分析三教法学法分析 教法:本着英语课程标准倡导的任务型教学模式和学生的感知, 参与,合作等学习方式,我主要选择了五指教学法作为基本的 上课脉络,同时采用任务型教学法、直观教学法、交际教学法, 以学生为主体,强调学生自主学习,鼓励学生大胆尝试,运用 语言,并在语言使用过程中,学习新知识。在词汇教学方面, 以图片呈现日常行为动词短语,达到直观联想的效果,对单词 的记忆产生良好的作用。在句型教学方面,通过交际教学、小 组活动等方式,反复练习使用,达到熟练使用新句型。 学法:在教学过程中,我采用不同的教学方法,引导学生自主 学习,将“培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立自信心,培养良好 学习习惯和有效策略,发展自主学习和合作精神”放在了首位。 整堂课力求体现“以学生为主体,以任务为主线,以教师为主 导,以综合能力培养为重点”。 四教学手段分析四教学手段分析 在信息采集上,我在网上和班级里收集到大量与教学相关的 图片,做成精美的幻灯片,为教学服务。 五教学过程设计五教学过程设计 为达到教学目标,充分体现以学生为主体,不断激发学生积极、 主动、自觉的学习,我设计了以下的步骤来训练学生的听、说、读、 写能力。 第一步第一步 导入导入 1.进行 Free Talk 活动,通过师生交谈,自然导入新课。 Interest is the best teacher.(兴趣是最好的老师)兴趣是最好的老师) I like listening to music in my free time. It can help me relax. What do you often do in your free time?(提问) I often _ . (学生回答) Different people have different hobbies. In this lesson, lets talk about hobbies. 2.展示学习目标,让学生清楚本节课要掌握的单词、词组、句型和 相关的表达。 3.单词、词组的学习,我把单词串成吟诵的形式,通过词组、句型 掌握新单词,增进学生学习的趣味性和增强单词的记忆 第二步第二步 呈现呈现 1.通过图片导入本课,引起学生的兴趣。 2.通过图片导入本课重点的词组和句型,讨论兴趣爱好。 3.通过设计情景引入 1b 的听力练习. 4.听录音 1a,选择正确答案,初步了解对话中关于谈论爱好的内容。 5.通过提出问题引入 1c,让学生思考问题,开发学生的思维能力 6.观看 1a 视频,完成 1c,让学生加深对 1a 对话内容的理解。 7.小组合作完成老师布置的任务,让学生有效的掌握所学知识,增 强同学之间的合作,增进同学之间的感情。 8.阅读 1a,完成 1d, 加深对 1a 的理解。 9.学习课文 1a 的知识点,讲练结合,帮助学生巩固知识点。 第三步第三步 巩固巩固 1.听录音 2。学习喜欢的不同表达。 2.听录音 3a,巩固所学的短语。 3.利用图片,进行对话练习,让学生掌握对表达喜爱程度的句型。 设计意图:通过用多媒体展示图片,激发学生的学习兴趣,轻松掌 握新知识,通过结对活动,操练句型。 第四步第四步 练习练习 1.通过语言语法练习,让学生掌握本节课的语言语法知识点。 Choose the best answer. 1. Zhao Yang is _ in playing soccer. He thinks it is _. A. interested ; interested B. interested ; interesting C. interesting ; interesting D. interesting ; interested 2. She is fond of _ . She cooks for her family every day. A. cook B. cooking C. to cook D. cooks 2.通过完成句子的练习,掌握句型和知识点 1. 在空余时间,康康喜欢听音乐。 Kangkang in his spare time. 2.我的弟弟喜欢读故事书。 My brother reading stories. 3.姚明对打篮球感兴趣,当他还是一个小男孩时。 Yao ing playing basketball when he was a little boy. 4.为什么不出去做些户外运动呢? go out and do some outdoor activities. 5.或许我需要改变。 I need a . 第五步第五步 小结小结 总结本课重点语言点: 喜欢做某事的表达:love doing,like doing,enjoy doing,be fond of doing,be interested in doing 功能句:Why not go out and do some outdoor activities? Maybe I need a change. 第六步:作业第六步:作业 我设计的作业: 1.背诵 1a 2.调查采访朋友或家人的爱好 3.写篇小短文,介绍你和朋友或家人的爱好。 六、教学评价设计:六、教学评价设计: 1. 评价内容: 学生在课堂学习中的整体表现,学生在课堂中的个别发言,学生 在小组活动中的参与力度,学生在课堂中的学习状态等。 2. 评价方法: 主要采用:1. 鼓励性评价,评价语言以学生参与英语教学活动 时所表现出来的兴趣,态度和交流能力为主要依据,以 good / well done/ wonderful/ excellent 等给学生加以评价;2. 竞争性评价,以给 小组打分的形式进行评价。 七、板书设计七、板书设计 通过简洁的板书,让学生清晰地看到本课的重点。 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic1 Whats your hobby? Section A Whats your hobby? 评价 I love doing G1 I like doing G2 I enjoy doing G3 I prefer doing G4 I am fond of doing G5 I am interested in doing G6
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