Unit 2 Saving the Earth-Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.-Section D-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-部级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(编号:44419).zip

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  • 全部
    • Daily Report.doc--点击预览
    • Heal the World.mp3
    • Writing Saving the Earth.ppt--点击预览
    • 天鹅与大象.qlv
    • 学习任务单.doc--点击预览
    • 教案44419.doc--点击预览


Every morning I get up from my bed and look out of the window, I find the air is so dirty that I can seldom look clearly. However, when I go to bed at night, the lights outside make the sky shine as brightly as it does in the daytime. And the noise from the roads often makes me hard to sleep. In the holiday, I went to the seaside with my parents, and I found that there was a lot of litter on the beach. Sometimes I help my mom with housework at home. She always asks me to wash the vegetables carefully because the soil is damaged by chemicals. In my spare time, I usually take a walk by Shaxi River, and I often see rubbish in it. I think its the time for us to save the earth. LOREM IPSUM DOLOR Saving the Earth air pollution light pollution soil pollutionnoise pollution How many kinds of pollution in the pictures? water pollution Task 1 Brainstorm 词语接龙,根据提示,快速词语接龙,根据提示,快速说说出相应单词或词组!出相应单词或词组! air pollution sore eyes a pain in the eyes chemical factory noise pollution go deaf make/produce too much noise have hearing loss lose ones hearing cant sleep well at night high blood pressure water pollution waste water pour.into soil pollution throw litter around plastic bags 把把倒入倒入 _ 废水废水 _ 眼睛疼眼睛疼 _ 晚上睡不好晚上睡不好 _ 变聋变聋 _ 丧失听力丧失听力 _ 高血压高血压 _ 化工厂化工厂 _ 制造大量噪音制造大量噪音 _ 乱丢垃圾乱丢垃圾 _ 塑料袋塑料袋_ pour into sore eyes / a pain in the eyes cant sleep well at night go deaf lose ones hearing / have hearing loss chemical factory high blood pressure waste water make/produce much noise throw litter around plastic bags air pollution _ may cause _ pollution. Pouring waste gas into the air air _ does harm to / is harmful to _. It can make _. Air pollution sore eyes / us hard to breathe our health soil pollutionnoise pollution light pollutionwater pollution Task 2 Speaking 六六人为一小组进行讨论,对抽中的人为一小组进行讨论,对抽中的 污染提出解决的建议,再将讨论的结污染提出解决的建议,再将讨论的结 果填入表格中。时间到后小组长回答果填入表格中。时间到后小组长回答 讨论结果。讨论结果。 air & noise pollution soil & water pollution noise & soil pollutionair & light pollution Discuss in group, and then report your ideas. Discuss in group, and then report your ideas. What can we do to save the earth? 12 TIME2 minutes 34 What should or shouldnt we do to protect the environment? should / must / had better / can / ought to do 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . . . . shouldnt / mustnt / had better not / cant / ought not to / dont do 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . . . . Lets be greener people! Task 3 Writing 地球是人类的家园,但我们的环境正遭受严重破地球是人类的家园,但我们的环境正遭受严重破 坏。因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园。请发挥坏。因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园。请发挥 你的想象,并结合所学知识,以你的想象,并结合所学知识,以“Saving the Earth” 为题写一篇为题写一篇80词左右的英文短文(短文开头已给出,词左右的英文短文(短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。不计入总词数)。 Saving the Earth The earth is our only home. However, the environment around us is becoming worse and worse. _ _ _ _ _ Read the instructions carefully Use the right tense Make an outline Before writing 地球是人类的家园,但我们的环境正遭受严重破地球是人类的家园,但我们的环境正遭受严重破 坏。因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园。请发挥坏。因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园。请发挥 你的想象,并结合所学知识,以你的想象,并结合所学知识,以“Saving the Earth” 为题写一篇为题写一篇80词左右的英文短文(短文开头已给出,词左右的英文短文(短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。不计入总词数)。 体裁:体裁:_ 人称:人称:_ 时态:时态: _ 说明文说明文&议论文议论文 we 一般现在时、现在完成时、将来时一般现在时、现在完成时、将来时 地球是人类的家园,但我们的环境正遭受严重破地球是人类的家园,但我们的环境正遭受严重破 坏。因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园。请发挥坏。因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园。请发挥 你的想象,并结合所学知识,以你的想象,并结合所学知识,以“Saving the Earth” 为题写一篇为题写一篇80词左右的英文短文(短文开头已给出,词左右的英文短文(短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。不计入总词数)。 内容可包括:内容可包括: 1. 几种污染现象产生的原因及导致的问题。几种污染现象产生的原因及导致的问题。 2. 减少污染的措施(至少减少污染的措施(至少3个)。个)。 3. 呼吁大家保护环境。呼吁大家保护环境。 Hamburger writing Beginning The causes and harms of pollution Body Measures to reduce pollution Ending Ask people to protect the environment As we all know, . We know that . / Its known to us that . Its important for us to know . Beginning Useful expressions: First, Second, Third, ., Finally / Last but not least, On one hand, On the other hand, Besides / Whats more / also / especially /. as well / . For example, / such as . We should / had better / must (not) . Body While writing Useful expressions: Ending In a word, . / In short, . Lets . / If we I believe , try ones best, more and more beautiful While writing 地球是人类的家园,但我们的环境正遭受严重破地球是人类的家园,但我们的环境正遭受严重破 坏。因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园。请发挥坏。因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园。请发挥 你的想象,并结合所学知识,以你的想象,并结合所学知识,以“Saving the Earth” 为题写一篇为题写一篇80词左右的英文短文(短文开头已给出,词左右的英文短文(短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。不计入总词数)。 Saving the Earth The earth is our only home. However, the environment around us is becoming worse and worse. _ _ _ _ _ Read the instructions carefully Use proper words and good sentences Use the right tense Make an outline Enough words Dont miss any information Good handwriting Good writing After writing 1. Work in groups of six, and correct each others passages. Choose the good expressions to recompose(重组)(重组)a new passage on how to protect the environment.(必做)(必做) 2. Search the Internet for the information about measures to protect the environment taken by other countries.(选做)(选做) Homework Heal the world. Make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race. Examples of your writing A Examples of your writing B Task List Saving the Earth Group work Which pollution are you going to discuss? Time to write 地球是人类的家园,但我们的环境正遭受严重破坏。因此保护环境就是保护我们共同 的家园。请发挥你的想象,并结合所学知识,以“Saving the Earth”为题写一篇 80 词左右 的英文短文(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数) 。 Saving the Earth The earth is our only home. However, the environment around us is becoming worse and worse. What should we do or shouldnt we do to protect the environment? should / must / had better / can / ought to do 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . . . shouldnt / mustnt / had better not / cant / ought not to / dont / do 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . . . 1 (1)Words and expressions: pollution, pour into, waste water, sore eyes / a pain in the eyes, cant sleep well at night, go deaf, lose ones hearing / have hearing loss, high blood pressure, chemical factory, make/produce much noise, throw litter around, plastic bags (2) may cause pollution. does harm to / is harmful to . It can make . (3)Structures for giving suggestions: should/shouldnt, must/mustnt, had better / had better not, can/cant, ought to / oughtnt to . (4)Useful expressions for the beginning, body, and ending parts of a passage. 1. Ability aims: (1) Students will improve the writing skills by using mind maps. (2) Students will also improve the skills of speaking by talking about the causes and harms, as well as how to prevent different kinds of pollution. 2. Emotional aims: (1)Students will learn that the environment around us is becoming worse and worse, and its our duty to save the earth, our only home. (2)Students will also learn to solve problems by cooperating with others. . Teaching important and difficult points: 1. Important points: Review of the expressions related to environmental protection. 2. Difficult points: How to write a passage about environmental protection with the help of a mind map. . Teaching aids: multi-media, a mind map, task lists, the blackboard and some chalk . Teaching procedures: StepsContentsMy design Step 1. Getting ready for learning 1. Greetings. 2. Enjoy a clip of video about a swan and an elephant trying to clean the rubbish that we humans threw about, and lead out toadys lesson. 3. Daily report: a student report the common pollution in our daily life to the whole class, and then ask the other students how many kinds of pollution were mentioned. 1. 通过课前问候增进师生 情感,并调整学生学习状态。 2. 通过欣赏天鹅与大象清 理垃圾的短片,使学生意识到 环境问题的严重性,并导出今 天的课题:拯救地球。 3. 通过一名同学关于污染 的“每日报告” ,使学生意识到 污染问题就在我们身边,与每 个人都息息相关。 Step 2. Review 1.Review the phrases related to different kinds of pollution. 2.Talk about the causes and harms of the pollution. 3.Group work: work in groups of six to discuss how to prevent the pollution, and write them on the task 1.通过复习与污染有关的词 组,各种污染的起因及危 害,既锻炼了学生说的能 力,又为后面的写作做好 铺垫。 2.通过小组协作就抽中的污 染问题讨论解决措施,并 写在学习任务单上, 时间 2 list. Then ask the group leaders to present their ideas to the whole class by using as many structures as possible. 到后由小组长向全班同学 汇报小组意见,加强了学 生的合作意识。 Step 3. Pre- writing 1. Show todays writing about how to protect the environment on the screen, and guide the students what to do before writing: read the instructions carefully; determine the styles and tenses of the writing; make an outline. 2. Use a mind map to generalize the beginning, body, and ending parts of the writing. 3. Ask students to brainstorm the useful expressions for different parts of the writing, and show them on the screen. 4. Remind the students of their handwriting. 1.在大屏幕上展现本节课要 完成的环保主题的作 文,并指导学生“写 前三部曲”:审、定、 列。 2.使用思维导图使学生清晰 作文的结构,以及每 个部分该包括的内容。 3.头脑风暴本篇作文开头、 主干、结尾部分分别 可用的表达,使得文 章承接自然。 4.提醒学生写作时要注意书 写规范,使得文章锦 上添花。 Step 4. While- writing Ask students to write the passage on the task list by themselves. 学生独立完成写作,锻炼他们 的写作能力。 Step 5. Post- writing 1. Ask some students to present their passages to the whole class, and guide the others to make comments. 2. Sum up how to write well. 1. 邀请一些同学展示他们的作 文,并做出评价,其他同学可 对照着找出自己作文中的不足 之处。 2. 总结如何写好一篇英语作文。 Step 6. Homework 1.Work in groups of six, and correct each others passages. Choose the good expressions to recompose(重组)a new passage on how to protect the environment.(必做) 2.Search the Internet for the information about measures to protect the environment taken by other countries.(选做) 1. 小组协作,互改作文,并从 中挑选出好词好句重组为另一 篇作文,这不仅进一步加强了 学生的合作意识,而且能让他 们明白“三人行,必有我师焉; 择其善者而从之,其不善者而 改之”的道理。 2. 作业分为选做与必做,满足 不同程度学生的需要。 Blackboard design: Writing Saving the Earth 3 教后反思:教后反思: causes harms measures pollution Mind Map
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