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1、第 1 页 共 34 页2022 年高考英语专题复习:30 种最新热门题材作文范文汇编例题一: (学习类)假定你是李华。你校开设了英语选修课英语电影赏析(EnglishFilm Appreciation) ,现英语组针对这门选修课向同学们征集意见。请你根据以下内容用英语给你校英语教研组写一封信。内容主要包括:1.说明你对该课的喜爱;2.赞赏该课的优点;3.对该课的内容或授课方式提出两点建议。Dear Sir or Madam,I m Li Hua, one of the students who attended the course English FilmAppreciation last

2、 term. I like it very much mainly for the following two reasons.First, in the class, we are exposed to (接触) different kinds ofEnglish films. It helps us improve both our English listening and speaking skills.Apart from that, it is the amazing stories of the heroes that attract me most,because they s

3、how us that a person can work hard to make a difference (产生影响).As a young student, I suggest that the teacher choose some more films thatappeal to us teenagers, thus making the course more interesting. Besides, moreactivities should be included so that we can have more chances to practice ourEnglish

4、.第 2 页 共 34 页Id appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration. I hopethat the course will gain wide popularity (大受欢迎) among the students in ourschool.Sincerely yours,Li Hua例题二:(思考见解类) 有人说成功靠的是努力; 有的人说成功靠的是机会; 你觉得呢?请以“Hard Work Or Opportunity”为题,写一篇短文。Hard Work or OpportunitySomet

5、imes, a lucky person may achieve great success without corresponding(相应的) efforts because of a good opportunity, while other people may have towork very hard before accomplishing a tiny achievement. However, I firmlybelieve opportunity favors those who are well prepared by working hard (机会总是留给那些努力而且

6、最好准备的人).As we all know, it is hard work that is fundamental to any achievement. If wedo not have proper opportunity in a certain period of time, we may nourish (培养)one by working hard sooner or later. However, if you do have an opportunity outof luck, you may be not well prepared to grasp that oppor

7、tunity to achieveanything and facing the opportunity, you may simply be at a loss (不知所措) whatto do.第 3 页 共 34 页To sum up, working hard is more essential than opportunity to success.例题三: (校园活动)假如你是校学生会主席李华,学校安排你下周末作为导游带领外籍教师 Mr. Smith 进行一次近郊游。请你用英语给 Mr. Smith 写一封电子邮件,包括以下内容:1.自我介绍;2.出游的时间、目的地等信息;3.需要

8、提前做的准备工作。Dear Mr. Smith,Im Li Hua, Chairman of the Student Union of our school. Its my honor to beyour tour guide next weekend.The arrangements for the trip are as follows.Well take a wonderful trip to the suburbs, where there is a famous scenicspot. Since you are new here, you will be amazed at the

9、 beautiful scenery andsurroundings there. In terms of the meeting time, 8 oclock on next Saturdaymorning will be fine (8 点钟就可以). And at that time, I will be waiting for you atthe school gate and we will take a taxi to go there. You dont have to take toomany things with you, just a bottle of water, s

10、ome pieces of bread or other kindsof food, and a cap or a pair of sunglasses. Also, wearing a pair of sports shoes第 4 页 共 34 页would be better. Hopefully, we will be back before 7 pm (我们有望在 7 点之前回来).Looking forward to seeing you. I believe well have a good day.Yours sincerely,Li Hua例题四: (心理建设)假如你是学生会

11、主席李华,为促进学生们拥有一种健康的生活方式和积极的生活态度,你校将举办一场心理辅导讲座,请在校宣传栏的“英语天地”写一则通知,内容包括:1.讲座的内容和目的;2.讲座的时间和地点;3.参加讲座的注意事项。NoticeTo help all students lead a healthier life and have a more positive attitudetowards life, our school has planned to invite an outstanding psychologist togive us a related lecture. The psychol

12、ogist will give us valuable guidance on howto strengthen personal communication skills, how to form good habits, etc.These recommendations can have a long-lasting influence on a person s life and第 5 页 共 34 页its suggested that everyone cometo the lecture (这些建议能对我们有着长远的影响, 因此建议每个人都要参加). It will beheld

13、 in our school hallfrom 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. next Monday. When attending the lecture, you re expectedto arrive five minutes earlier, keep quiet and take notes if necessary.The Student Union例题五: (消防安全)假设你是国际学校学生会主席李华,你校决定本周五在教学楼举行一次紧急疏散演练(emergencyevacuation drill),请用英语写一则书面通知,内容包括:1.演练目的;2.具体安排;3.注意事项。N

14、OTICEIn order to get better prepared in face of danger, the Student Union intendsto organize an emergency evacuation drill at 3 p.m. this Friday in our teachingbuilding.We will arrange many practical activities for the participants. Not only canyou learn about the evacuation routes in case of fire a

15、nd other emergencies, but第 6 页 共 34 页also you can get trained in first aid. Positive attitude, clear mind and survivalskills will save your life and we promise you will not feel disappointed. (积极的态度,清晰的头脑,以及生存的技能是能救命的,这次活动一定不会让你失望) Please joinus.Dont miss the chance and be sure to be punctual for ou

16、r drill.Student Union例题六: (学习类)高中英语教学改革已经成为社会热点话题。最近,你校同学进行了主题为“高考英语测试中的听力部分该不该取消”的讨论。其中,大部分的同学认为听力部分不该取消,另外一小部分同学认为应该取消。请你根据下表提示用英语写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况并谈谈你的观点。不应该取消的理由应该取消的理由1.听力是语言学习的四项基本技能之一, 不能忽视;2.听是获取信息的重要途径之一;3.国际合作日益增多,听、说能力应加强。1.考试中各地收听效果好坏不一,对一些学生不公平;2.英语老师和语音设备城乡差异过大;3.今后并非人人都要与外国人进行口头交流。Recentl

17、y, we have had a discussion about whether the listening test in theCollege Entrance Examinations should be kept or not. We have different第 7 页 共 34 页opinions on this issue.Most of the students believe that the listening test should not be canceled.They insist listening is among the four basic skills

18、 of mastering a language. Besides,listening is one of the important channels (渠道) for us to get information. It shouldbe strengthened today when international cooperation is becoming much closer.But others have different opinions. They think not everyone has to communicatewith foreigners in the futu

19、re.Moreover, the listening test is unfair to the students in areas where radio signalscannot be picked up effectively. And for certain reasons, there is a big differencein teachers and equipment between the countryside and the city.As far as I am concerned, the listening test shouldnt be canceled, b

20、ut we canseek for better means tosolve the differences in resource and equipment. (我们可以寻求更好的方式去解决资源和设备的问题)例题七: (冬奥会) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。 北京冬奥组委会正在招募志愿者,其职责为接待各国运动员及宣传中国文化,组委会要求志愿者能够熟练运用英语,请你用英文写一封申请信。内容包括:1.申请原因;2.你的优势;第 8 页 共 34 页3.相关经历。Dear Sir/Madame,I have learned that volunteers for Beijing Winter

21、Olympic Games are needed.Im writing to apply for this position.As a Beijinger, I think it is a privilege and duty for me to offer the best voluntaryservice to our foreignguests and meanwhile promote Chinese culture. (我既荣幸又感到这是我的责任去为外国友人提供最好的志愿服务,同时宣传我们的中国文化)I believe Im qualified for the job. I have

22、 a good command of English and Im confident in giving players guidance and help as required. Whats more, Ihave an extensive knowledge of (对有广泛的了解) winter sports, which willprove helpful in communicating with players. In addition, I have been involved inseveral international exchange programs, and en

23、joyed spreading our culture toforeigners.I would appreciate it if you could offer me the opportunity. Thank you foryour time and consideration.Yours sincerely,Li Hua第 9 页 共 34 页例题八: (天问一号)中国首个火星探测器(Mars Probe) “天问一号” (Tian Wen 1)于 2020 年 7 月 23 日成功发射; 2021 年 5 月,“天问一号” 抵达火星。 请你以 “China sends up firs

24、t Mars Probe”为题为校报英文版写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:1.“天问一号”成功发射;2.发射的影响;3.你的感想。Hello everyone!Hearing that the first Chinese Mars Probe Tian Wen 1 launched on July 23th,2020 has successfully landed on Mars in May, 2021, its a great honor for me tobe here to congratulate beforehand on the success. Without doubt, had i

25、t notbeenforthehardwork,weChinesecouldnthavegainedsuchgreatachievements(要不是艰苦的努力,我们是无法取得这样大的成就的). As a student ofmy generation, I firmlybelieve it is a time with both challenges and opportunities, when we couldachieve whatever we fight for if we spare no effort to attain the goal. At the sametime, t

26、he more I know about my country, the deeper love I have for her. I wish Icould become one of the heroes who can inscribe their names in the history ofChina(我希望自己有朝一日也能成为铭刻在中国历史的一员).Thats all. Thanks for your listening.例题九: (心理建设)虽然人们不停的说给孩子减负 ,但是大部分学生的学习压力仍第 10 页 共 34 页然很大,有些青少年尤其是高三的学生出现了心理问题,焦虑,不愿

27、意与人交往等。就这种现象,你们班要举行一次班会,作为班长,写一篇发言稿。内容包括:1.健康的心理很重要;2.给同学提些建议:如了解自己, 树立信心;与人相处;热爱生活。Dear classmates,Mental health is something that decides whether we can live a happy life ornot. However, mental health is easy to be overlooked, which can result in seriousmental diseases. Here is some advice on keep

28、ing mental health.First, know your own potential and accept yourself. Instead of having impracticaland high expectations(不切实际的过高期待) and demands for yourself, you should make practical goalsfor your life.Second, be sociable (要多社交) and make as many friends as possible. Try tobe a person easy to get al

29、ong with. When you are discouraged(泄气), you canshare your trouble with your friends, whose comfort and help can greatly relieveyour sufferings and help you out.Third, love your life and work. Try to display your talent in your work and youcan get pleasure and satisfaction from your achievements, whi

30、ch can help youkeep a good mood.第 11 页 共 34 页That is my idea. Thank you for listening.例题十: (城市交通)假定你是李华,你的英国网友 Chris 居住的城市交通堵塞很严重,为此他很烦恼,来信询问你所在地的交通状况。请你给他回复一封电子邮件,内容包括:1. 之前拥堵,现在正在改善;2. 措施(发展公共交通,共享自行车等)。Dear Chris,Glad to hear from you. Knowing that you are annoyed by the heavy traffic inyour city

31、, I feel sorry for that and I want to tell you something about the trafficsituations here in my city.Similar to yours, the transportation pressure here was considerably huge (极大)in the past five years since each household now basically owns a private car.Later the citizens filed the issue to (把问题向提出

32、) the provincial officials and theprovincial government is taking effective measures to deal with the problem andthe overall situation is getting better now. For example, to ease the traffic jam,the government invests a lot to the public transportation sector ( 部 分 ) andmeanwhile encourages people t

33、o take public vehicles when going outside.Another forceful (有力的) measure that has been taken is that a large number ofshare bicycles have been and will further be produced and put on the market.第 12 页 共 34 页This endeavor ( 努 力 ) brings great convenience to peoples lives and mostimportantly, it is en

34、vironmentally friendly. Now you can hardly see trafficcongestion (交通拥堵) in our city.Welcome to visit our place and I am looking forward to seeing you in this favorablecity.例题十一: (最美劳动者)你校正在举办主题为“最美劳动者”的英语作文比赛,请以The Most Beautiful _为题目写一篇短文,描写生活中让你印象深刻的辛勤劳动者(们) ,内容包括:1.他/她(们)的基本情况;2.印象深刻的事迹或原因;3.对你的启

35、示。The Most Beautiful ShoemakerThere is no doubt that everyone has met many impressive people in life. Themost beautiful one in my mind has something to do with a man, who repairsshoes around the corner of the old street.He is about 50 years old, with his dark skin and bright eyes. He often wears ash

36、ort dark down jacket with a slightly worn color. It is his high concentration and第 13 页 共 34 页careful attitude that make him differ from others(正是他高度的专注和认真的态度让他和别人与众不同). Every time he finishes the repair,he will pick up a pieceof dry cloth to wipe away any superglue left on the leather. Although he

37、workson a job that seems like a small and insignificant (微不足道的) job, he conveys asimple spirit and silently pays for the people (传递着一个简单的精神,并默默地为他人做出贡献).例题十二: (运动类) 假定你是李华, 是校乒乓球社团负责人。 你校英国交换生 Peter打算学习乒乓球,来信询问你们社团暑期的乒乓球公益培训项目情况。请给他回信,内容包括:1.培训时间和地点;2.培训内容,如接(receive)发(serve)球,对抗训练等;3.报名方式。Dear Pete

38、r,I am glad to know you want to learn table-tennis, and that you will attend thetraining class offered by our school during this summer vacation. The followingis what you are supposed to know.第 14 页 共 34 页The training class, which is held in our school hall, is free of charge, and willbegin on June

39、1st, lasting two weeks, ending on June 14th. We have invited someexperienced teachers, and they will teach you how to play table tennis, such asreceiving and serving the ball. Of course, some special skills are also included.When you are familiar with it, we will arrange some competitive games for y

40、ou aspractice, which must be very interesting and will improve your skill. The numberof the members is limited, so youd better sign up onour homepage as soon as possible. (人数有限,你最好尽快在主页上注册报名)If you need any help, dont hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to yourcoming.Yours,Li Hua例题十三: (观点见解) 假设你

41、是李华,你马上要面临大学专业的选择以及对未来的职业规划,对此你相当困惑。听说你的美国笔友 Tom 从小就学习了职业规划,请你给他写信,向他寻求一些建议。内容包括以下要点:1.职业规划的意义何在;2.询问如何进行职业规划。Dear Tom,第 15 页 共 34 页I know that you have learned about career planning from an early age. I amwriting to you to ask whether you could do me a favor and tell me somethingabout it.First and

42、foremost, as things change so quickly in this information age and thefuture is unpredictable, I wonder what makes career planning so necessary(是什么让职业规划那么的有必要). Besides, if I am to do career planning, I want to knowhow to do it effectively. Shall I give priority to (更优先考虑) my interests or thefuture j

43、ob? Are there any books or websites you want to recommend? Apartfrom that, based on what you know about me, please give me some personalsuggestions.I would appreciate it if you could kindly write to me and tell me somethingabout the above aspects. I hope to hear from you soon.Yours sincerely,Li Hua例

44、题十四: (新兴科技)假如你是新华中学学生李华,你的英国好友 Sansa 了解到中国的 5G 技术世界领先,她对此很感兴趣,给你发电子邮件,希望你给她介绍一下关于5G 技术的相关信息。现请你回复该邮件,内容应包括:1.5G 网络在中国刚起步;2.5G 会催生许多新的机遇和挑战;第 16 页 共 34 页3.政府非常支持 5G 技术,正促使硬件、软件、通信运营商大力发展。Dear Sansa,Im glad to receive your email, in which you have shown interest in Chinas5G technology. Im happy to tel

45、l you something about it.In fact, 5G has just really started in China, so cell phone manufacturers andnetwork providers are undergoing several rounds of tests to see people sreaction. To our delight, the government is prioritizing (优先) 5G s development. Policies have been drawn up and preferences gi

46、ven, in thehope that related hardware, software and network construction will developaccordingly to meet 5G standards. As far as Im concerned, there are potentialopportunities and challenges at the same time. I hope every nation in the worldcan take advantage of modern science and technology, using

47、it for the benefit ofall mankind (利用其为全人类造福).Id really like to hear 5G in the UK as well. Please do write me soon.Yours,Li Hua例题十五: (脱贫)假如你是李华,你的外国笔友 Tom 特别关注中国政府和人民在脱贫攻坚战中取得的胜利,请你以春节期间到乡下爷爷家过年的经历为例,给他写一封邮件,内容包括:第 17 页 共 34 页1.与过去的贫困对比,介绍现在农村脱贫后的情况;2.简要说明脱贫成功的原因。Dear Tom,I am highly grateful for you

48、r concern about my countrys anti-poverty, which isconsidered a wonder. I happened to spend the Spring Festival living in mygrandpas home, which is surrounded with mountains. In the past the peoplethere were so poor that it was not easy to get enough food to feed themselves,let alone beautiful clothi

49、ng and spacious (宽敞的) buildings. Some teens wereforced to drop out of school to go out working in cities.Now with the help of the government and all the people from the rich areas, allof them have gotten out of absolute poverty. Every family lives in newly-builtflats, even some of them owning cars.

50、Children can enjoy free education, and theelderly are provided with free access to free health care(享受免费医疗). I hope youcan visit our country and feel the great changes.Yours,Li Hua例题十六: (环境保护)近日,我国北部地区遭受了严重的沙尘暴(sandstorm)袭击。假定你是李华,请你就此第 18 页 共 34 页现象写一篇英语短文,呼吁大家植树造林,保护环境。内容包括:1.沙尘暴的影响;2.沙尘暴的起因(如:气候变


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