1、Review of Unit 7 Will you have robots? Task description: Be able to describe your preditions about future life. (准确流利地谈论对未来生活的畅想 ) Try your best to be the best! 冲关 1: 大家来找茬 -火眼金睛 Find out the mistakes, correct them and share the reasons 0 1 minute What will the future life be like in 100 years? We h
2、ave our own ideas. First, we wont go to school. We can study at home on computers. Next, we will have robots in our homes, and they will help us do quite a few things, like housework or studying. As for our free-time activities, we will spend more time with our families and do what we like to do. Ho
3、w amazing! Whats more , I hope there will be less pollution. There wont be fewer people. The environment will become better and better. study housing free-time activities environment 冲关 2: 大家来”说说” -最佳表达 Study Word bank get good grades help with homework test Internet . Housing apartment space station sea robot other planets crowded polluted pollution fresh air tall buildings public transportation(公共交通 ) exercise spend time with take up a hobby healthier travel around take a holiday keep a pet(养宠物 ) Free-time activities Environment 冲关 3: 大家来”抢沙发” -神回复 More and better expressions