2022年高考英语一轮复习:七选五 专项突破练习题汇编(含答案解析).docx

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1、第 1 页 共 21 页2022 年高考英语一轮复习:七选五 专项突破练习题汇编阅读七选五(一)A(2021山西朔州市高三一模)iPad vs TextbooksWhat if you could have your whole backpack at the touch of your fingertips?In the firstmonth of the Apple iPads release, 25 million were sold! People all over the world use iPads for allsorts of different things, but on

2、e of their finest qualities is the ability to be a textbook._1_To begin with, iPads are less expensive.Textbooks become outdated and schools have to buynew books, but with an iPad, schools can update them for free._2_ Schools dont have to spend$500 every year for iPads because they last a while and

3、can be updated._3_ Students usually have multiple classes, which results in multiple textbooks.Heavybackpacks filled with books can cause back problem.A solution to that is an iPad, which onlyweighs 1.33 pounds and can hold all of a students textbooks.Thirdly, schools should get rid of their textboo

4、ks and get iPads because they have morecapabilities.Some might think all of the apps are distracting, but the apps actually make iPadsmore efficient._4_ Textbooks cannot do those tasks, but iPads can easily do them with just a tapof the fingertip.Lastly, iPads are a better choice for schools instead

5、 of textbooks because these devices allowstudents to access their learning anywhere at any time._5_ With iPads, they find it easier to gettheir homework done.In conclusion, schools should get rid of their clumsy textbooks and switch to iPads.iPadshave allowed this generation to have their entire bac

6、kpack in the palm of their hands.AiPads absorb the need to buy calculators, dictionaries, and other items that are foundwithin the device.BSchools have every reason to do away with their school books and switch to iPads.CMoreover, in high school, textbooks have an average of 4.8 pounds each.DiPads h

7、ave already replaced textbooks in over 600American counties.ETherefore, they can use the saved money for other programs.FSecondly, iPads cost less and are more popular.GiPads are perfect for busy students.B(2021山西高三一模)Give Your Bedroom the Deep-Clean It NeedsA messy bedroom can add to everyday stres

8、s, cause anxiety, and even affect your sleep.Aclean, organized sleeping space, on the other hand, helps encourage relaxation and restfulness第 2 页 共 21 页when you hit the sheets at night._6_Take out trash.Begin by taking care of simple, everyday messes._7_ Whether its fromtearing tags off clothing or

9、late-night snacking, small trash can build up easily.Throw away anytrash around the room first, then empty the wastebasket.Clear surface clutter(杂物)Nightstands, dressers, and desks often become drop zones forsmall daily objects._8_ If you notice a daily habit, such as commonly picking up keys or put

10、tingon glasses, consider creating an organization system for these frequently-used items.Wipe down windows and mirrors.Let the light shine through your windows without any dirtymarks disrupting your view.Wipe down all the windows and mirrors in your bedroom._9_ Theirtiny fingerprints are probably at

11、 the bottom of the mirrors._10_ A bedroom thats spotless from top to bottom isnt possible without cleaning thefloors.If you have hardwood floors, remove and vacuum(真空吸尘)any rugs before sweeping theentire floor.For carpeted bedrooms, clear out the dust with a vacuum.For either method, reach asfar und

12、er the bed and heavy furniture as you can.If you have a lightweight side table or chair thatcan be moved easily, put it in the hallway as you clean your floors.AVacuum or sweep.BWipe surfaces clean.CYour sheets need to be washed and changed regularly.DIf you have young kids in the house, be sure to

13、wipe down low.ETake a few minutes to put these items back in their rightful homes.FIf you dont already have a small wastebasket in your room, get one.GA few simple housekeeping tasks can create a more inviting bedroom.C(2021福建省厦门市高三毕业班第三次质量检测)If youre an un-decider, even the simplest decisions can m

14、ake your pulse race._11_.Hereare some strategies for spending less time worrying about decisions.Go for good enoughSince perfectionism and indecision often go hand in hand, you should be moving from amind-set that “only the best will do” to “good enough is good enough”It helps to reflect on yourorig

15、inal goal.Did you begin the exhausting online shopping to find a toaster that could clean itself,roast carrots and also charge your cellphone?Or were you just looking for something that wouldbrown your bread?_12_.Outsource(外包) decisionsResearch has shown that choices weaken the willpower and lead to

16、 decision fatigue( 疲劳)Thats why indecisive people are advised to pick their “battles”_13_.When it comes towine, for example, all I want is a good glass with dinner.So rather than studying which to choose, I第 3 页 共 21 页leave the decision to my local wine store, asking it to send me a case of surprise

17、s once in a while.The 90 percent RuleWhen a yes-or-no decision has many pros and cons, try the “90 percent rule”This involvesevaluating an opportunity on a scale from 0 to 100If your interest falls anywhere below 90percent, reduce its score to zero and reject it._14_.Why would you deliberately choos

18、e to feelthat way about an important choice in your life?_15_If youre deciding whether to move across the country, imagine youve asked your best friendto choose for you.On the big day, she hands you an envelope;inside, it announces youre leavingnext month.Do you feel excited ? Or disappointed ? Usin

19、g thought experiments to separateimportant variables can help you cut through the fog to see clarity.ACut through the fogBTurn to friends for helpCYou could rely on habits and routinesDIn other words, be choosy about choosingERemembering your purpose can simplify the processFThink about how youd fee

20、l if you scored a 65 on some testGAnd big, life-changing choices can cause a state of breaking downD(2021贵州省毕节市高三年级诊断性考试(三)Pictures are a great way to keep a memory of many events that happen in our lives._16_Here are some tips that can help you look more beautiful in pictures.To look more beautiful

21、 in pictures, you must take some factors into consideration, one ofwhich is your posture.Keep your back straight and your head up._17_ Try to keep yourshoulders relaxed, or else the picture wont seem natural._18_ Stand in front of a mirror and try different smiles until you find one that suitsyou.On

22、ce youve figured out your perfect look, keep practising until your smile becomes naturalas well.Besides, you should use the light source properly.You should always be aware of where thelight source is when taking a picture and learn to use it to your advantage.Good photographers willplace lights beh

23、ind the area where you are to have your pictures done._19_If youre unsure of yourself when the pictures are being taken, your lack of confidence willshow in the picture._20_ The more relaxed and confident you are, the better youll show in thepicture.AThis will help you appear thinner.BSo try to rela

24、x and just enjoy the occasion youre in.第 4 页 共 21 页CSmile is also one of the most important parts of a picture.DIn these cases, you will just have to use the other techniques instead.EBy doing this, itll create a shadow over you to make you look thinner.FAnd pictures can be retaken if they dont come

25、 out right the first time.GThere is no doubt that everyone wants to look beautiful in the pictures.阅读七选五(二)A(2021江西重点中学盟校高三第一次联考)Field Guide:How to Take Great Hunting Videos?Whether its just for family and friends, social media or YouTube, more and more hunters arerecording videos of their hunts._1_

26、 But if you follow these tips, you will soon be well on yourway to filming like a professional.StructureFor YouTube, shorter is better (one to ten minutes) Include an introduction, but keep it short,make it interesting and highlight the who, what, where, when and why._2_ Be creative andleave viewers

27、 wanting more additional videos.StorytellingTo hold a viewers attention, you need plenty of short and complete elements to improve thestoryline.Examples include a sunrise, sunset or sitting silently._3_ Note that clips longer than 20seconds can become boring to watch, so try to keep them to less tha

28、n eight seconds.Equipment_4_ The purpose is to make every clip clean and well lit.Sometimes, the manual focus issuperior to autofocus.Most of todays cameras have an image-stabilizing function, but it isntenoughfew people can shoot steady, handheld videos.Use some tools to help hold the camerastill.M

29、essageWhat you want to express in your video is of great significance.Some of todays hunting TVshows often lose sight of the reasons why we hunt.Even when making home videos, we only focuson the trophy(战利品)_5_ALearn to properly use your recording device.BTo get it right, its tougher than it looks.CI

30、nstead, be unique, attractive and authentic.DTherefore, lack of skills will affect the experience.EAlso include a summary, such as a thank you to viewers.FThey are essential when youre putting them together to create a storyline.GHowever, the appreciation for the experience of hunting should also be

31、 conveyed.第 5 页 共 21 页B(2021黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市高三下学期第三次模拟)If you only had one minute, or even just 20 seconds, to establish a good relationship withsomeone youve never met before, how would you do it?Here are three As that you may findhelpful.AwarenessGetting along with others requires an awareness of three t

32、hingsthe environment, time, andthe person you are meeting._6_ The setting (e.g., a church versus a gym) decides how youcommunicate and even what you should wear.Time is also important.Do you have hours, minutes,or just seconds?The less you have, the more you need to think about what you will say and

33、 howyou will say it.While an awareness of the setting and time is important, so is our awareness of others.Ourimmediate assessment of others, their mood and emotional state, contributes to gettingalong.Approaching someone when they are stressed may not be the best thing to do._7_AcceptanceSince anci

34、ent times, the wise have said, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” This isespecially true in foreign countries._8_ Change how you do things, how you dress, how yougreet, how you talk, so that you will fit in.Dont resist and dont insist that you have things yourway, or that you know better.It is, on

35、ce more, not about you.It is about two thingsthe setting andfitting in with others.Respect the beliefs, norms, customs, and practices of those you wish toengage.Mirror those around you.Its the secret that wise men have used since ancient times._9_Approachable_10_ Smiling works to a point, but you mu

36、st make welcoming eye contact.Your bodylanguage should say, “I am friendly and approachable.”AIt is no different today.BYou need to respond with a smile.CAnd it also applies in the other settings.DAn awareness of the environment gives you a head start.EInstead, waiting just a half-hour can make all

37、the difference.FIf you want to be liked or fit in, you must be both accessible and friendly.GBut we cant expect others to do for us what we should be doing for ourselves.C(2021山东省潍坊市高三二模 4 月)Your preschooler is painting with fingers.Trying to be encouraging, you ask her, “What areyou making with thi

38、s mix of colors?” and she shrugs (耸肩) Until you mentioned it, she hadntgiven it any though._11_ They love the way it feels when they pour paint on paper, how it lookswhen they wildly drop glitter, and even the soft sound a brush makes as it crosses the page.第 6 页 共 21 页Most preschoolers arent self-c

39、onscious about what theyre doing or focused on creating afinished product._12_ But letting goand allowing kids to enjoy the process of creationcanharvest big rewards.Children will be better off in the long run if theyre allowed just to be in themoment and express themselves.Fostering (培养) creativity

40、 wont just increase your childs chances of becoming the nextPicasso._13_ As kids use a paintbrush, their fine motor skills improve.By counting pieces andcolors, they learn the basics of math.When children experiment with materials, they dive inscience.Most important perhaps, when kids feel good whil

41、e they are creating, art helps boostself-confidence._14_ Set up an art space where your kid can be free to experiment.Throw a drop cloth or anewspaper on top of your kitchen table or in the garage.If weather permits, let kids paintoutside.Avoid giving directions.Dont tell your kid what to make or ho

42、w to make it.Instead ofsaying, “Paint a rainbow,” encourage her to “experiment with mixing colors using differenttypes of brushes and paper.” When a child finishes a piece, dont suggest additions orchanges._15_ASo just prepare for a mess.BPreschoolers like to be alone.CLittle kids are masters of the

43、 moment.DThat can be hard for parents to accept.ERemember to warn them against their careless mistakes.FYoure also helping him develop mentally, socially, and emotionally.GLet your child feel her creation is enougheven if its just a dot on the page.D(2021黑龙江哈尔滨市三中高三一模)If youre looking for natural, c

44、hemical-free ways to clean your home, look no further than thefruit bowl on your kitchen counter._16_ Here are ways a lemon can help you to clean yourentire house.A common use of lemon is cleaning your cutting boards.Because its the place where youprepare your familys dinner, you probably dont want

45、to wash a cutting board with anything otherthan the most natural materials._17_ To remove stains from wood or plastic cutting boards cut alemon in half and squeeze the juice onto the board.Rub the juice in with the lemon half, and thenlet it sit for 20 minutes._18_Lemon can also help clean stained f

46、ood containers.If you have a cupboard full of discoloredplastic containers, let a lemon work its stain-fighting magic.Squeeze lemon juice onto the stainedplastic and rub with the cut side of the lemon._19_ Stubborn sauce stains will disappear.Lemon can be used as a degreaser( 除 油 器 ) on almost any h

47、ard surface besideswood.Combine the mixture of fresh lemon juice and baking soda in a spray bottle and shake第 7 页 共 21 页well.The lemon fights stain, and destroys bacteria, while the soda acts as a gently rubbing agent._20_ Add stained clothing to a pot of water with a few lemon slices, and then boil

48、 for afew minutes.In this way you can freshen up the appearance of white clothes and towels.AYou may just add a little more lemon juice.BLemons have a surprising amount of cleaning power.CAnother use of lemon is getting white clothes brighter.DThen, let the containers dry in the sun and wash normall

49、y.ESeize a lemon and then reach for the chemical-filled cleaning sprays.FLuckily, that lemon you use in the recipe can double as a board cleaner.GThe lemon acid will work on the stains, exposing a fresh, clean cutting board.第 8 页 共 21 页参考答案与试题解析阅读七选五(一)A(2021山西朔州市高三一模)iPad vs TextbooksWhat if you co

50、uld have your whole backpack at the touch of your fingertips?In the firstmonth of the Apple iPads release, 25 million were sold! People all over the world use iPads for allsorts of different things, but one of their finest qualities is the ability to be a textbook._1_To begin with, iPads are less ex


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