(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 3 Reading and Thinking Living legends 教案.doc

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1、1Living legends教学设计教学设计学科学科: :英语英语年级:高一年级:高一姓名:姓名:【课标要求】【课标要求】普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版 2020 年修订)普通高中英语课程语篇知识内容要求:记叙文和说明文语篇的主要写作目的(如:再现经历、传递信息、说明事实、想象创作)以及这类语篇的主要语篇结构特征(如:该类语篇的必要组成部分和可选组成部分、各组成部分的顺序等);语篇中段首句、主题句、过渡句的作用、位置及行文特征;语境在语篇理解和语篇产出过程中的作用;语境与语篇结构、语篇内容的关系,比如,通过语境预测语篇内容,通过语篇的內容推测语篇发生的语境。【教材分析】【教材分析】从体

2、裁上来看,该文本属杂志文章杂志文章,从语类来分析属于人物类记叙文人物类记叙文,有明显的标题特征、结构特征和语言特征。这篇文章由标题(title)、摘要( summary)或引领段( lead paragraph)和正文(body)组成,正文又由小标题引出两个语篇,描述两位体育明星。插图和最后一段的补充信息也是杂志文章的一般特点。第一个语篇采用了举例子、摆事实的写法,在开头用了排比结构“ As aplayer, As a coach, As a person,”全面概括人物的成就和影响,增强感染力。第二个语篇使用了一些形象而生动的语言描述,例如: “Timeseemed to stand sti

3、ll”另外还使用了直接引语,以增强读者的亲身体验感。从选材内容来看,该文本选择了两位著名运动员:郎平和迈克尔乔丹。这一中一外、一男女两位运动员,不仅在体育方面取得了令人瞩目的成就,而且还具备很多闪光的个人特质与魅力,这也是我们鼓励学生向他们学习的优秀品质。【学情分析】【学情分析】本节课面对是普通班的学生, 学生个体差异比较大。 大部分学生对阅读方法、阅读技巧几乎一无所知,文章主旨大意,段落大意的概括和理解对学生是一件比较困难的事情。因此,本节课的主要目地就是教会学生常见的分析文章、理解文章的方法和技巧,尤其是语篇结构的理解和要点的提取。更重要的是让学生学习优秀运动员身上优秀的品格和精神。【教学

4、教学目标】目标】1. To read about famous athletes at home and abroad.2. Teach students some reading skills.3. To talk about the“Living Legends of Sports”and learn their good qualities.【教学教学重难点】重难点】教学重点:Teach students some reading skills.2教学难点: To talk about the “Living Legends of Sports” and learntheir good

5、qualities.【教学方法】【教学方法】Fast reading,careful reading,discussion,free talk【教学过程】【教学过程】一、创设情境,导入新课:一、创设情境,导入新课:Show students some pictures of great athletes and ask them to talk aboutthem.设计意图:图片导入一些优秀体育名星,引导学生谈论他们,为接下来阅读的学习做好准备。二、推进新课二、推进新课(一)自主学习(一)自主学习1、学生活动:、学生活动:1)听写下列单词及短语的意思relate v 使有联系mastern 主

6、人,高手 vt 精通,掌握legend n 传奇故事/人物,传说medal n 奖章,勋章captainn 队长,船长,机长championn 冠军,优胜者strength n 力量,体力,长项failuren 失败,失败的人Set good examples for/to 树立榜样 relate.to.使.与.相关/有关联fall apart破裂,崩溃,破碎stand still静止Air Jordan飞人乔丹mental strength精神力量give up放弃share.with.与.分享设计意图:检查学生对词汇的识记和掌握情况,提高理解阅读文章的速度。2)预习文章并完成以下练习看文章

7、标题、图片及首尾段,猜测文章出处。I think the passage is a magazine article.写出文章主旨大意及段落大意The article refers to two great athletes:Lang Ping-thecoachof the China womens volleyball team.Michael Jordan-thebasketballplayer.ParagraphMain idea(one or two words)EvidenceLeadparagraphdefinition/requirementsHelp us choose, th

8、ey must beSend.Lang PingsuccessThree “as”determination-achievementsWorld champion in 2015 world cupOlympic gold in 2016MichaelJordanimpressive skillsChanged basketball with.Skills were impressiveMental strengthMental strength made him unique.Sharing successThe boys and girls club3设计意图: 引导学生先从整体上把握和理

9、解文章, 掌握常见的阅读技巧和方法,熟悉判断和提取文章主旨大意的方法。 为学生做题和阅读文章提供方法。更好帮助学生理解文章,提高阅读速度,提高解题速度和准确率。2、教师活动:检查自主学习情况、教师活动:检查自主学习情况1)Ask one or two students to present their answers and the others checkwhich one is right.2)Students or the teacher do some explanation if necessary.3)Students read these words, phrases and s

10、entences aloud together.(二)课堂探究(二)课堂探究教师活动:教师活动:Ask students to finish the following exercises of the book on page 39.1).根据文章内容判断下列句子,文中提到的【S】从文中推断出的【I】根据自己的经验判断出的【E】ILang Ping won several championships before she became a coach.SLang Ping believed that her young players could win.IMany people in Ch

11、ina and the US love Coach Lang.EMichael Jordan is loved by basketball fans around the world.IBefore people saw Michael Jordan play, they did not know thatbasketball could be played that way.IMichael Jordan believes that it is important to help others.2) 阅读文章回答下列问题1. What problems did Lang Pings meet

12、 befor the 2015 World Cup?The team lost two important players.2. What examples does the writer use to describe Lang Ping?The writer uses examples of Lang Ping determination to describe her. Whenher team had problems at the World Cup, she still managed to lead them tobecome world champions(2015 world

13、 cup,2016 olympic).3. What does the first sentence in the paragraph introducing MichaelJordan mean?It means when Michael Jordan jumped in the air, it felt like time had sloweddown, because his amazing skills were almost like magic.(stand still 静止不动,静止不动,personifcation 拟人修辞拟人修辞)4. Why does the writer

14、 mention “the final seconds of a game”?Because in basketball this is an important time where one team could winwith a few points at the last moment.扭转局面:扭转局面:turn the scale, turn the tables3) DiscussionWhat other living legends can you think of ?Can you find out information abut Yao Ming, Liu Xiang

15、and Li Ning?4 What good qualities do successful athletes have?(adjectives 形容词) Adjectives to show ones attitude and confidencedetermined, confident, positive, active, careful, optimistic,ambitious.# #Interest is the best teacher!# Believe in yourself!#Attitude is everyting!# Nothing is impossible fo

16、r a willing heart!adjectives about action and personalityhard-woring, persistent(坚持不懈的坚持不懈的),skillful, capable,cooperative,creative, energetic,generous, independent, considerate, helpful.#Actions speak louder than words!#Helping others is helping ourselves!#God helps those who help themselves!设计意图:引

17、导学生快速提取和掌握文章重要信息,加深理解。培养学生团队协作意识。引导学生向优秀运动员学习,学习他们身上的优秀品质,从而树立远大目标理想,建立自信,付诸行动,吃苦耐劳,坚持不懈,追求卓越。学生活动:学生活动:1)Read the two exercises and find the answers from the article on theirown or in groups.2)Tell their answer as well as reasons.【本课小结】【本课小结】ParagraphMain idea(one or two words)EvidenceLead paraLang

18、 PingMichaelJordan设计意图:鼓励学生反思总结,掌握重点信息。引导学生对重点知识检查反复,5从而更好理解和掌握。培养学生的阅读思维和意识,从而熟能生巧,更好的学以致用。【课堂练习】【课堂练习】NameInformationNameInformationLangPingLP is successful.1.As a player, she boughtandto her country.2.As a coach, she led the chinawomens volleyball team to_at worldand theOlympics.3.As a person, sh

19、e isby fans at home andLPs determination4.Facing difficulties, shedidnt.5.She encouraged her youngplayer toas a team.6.She led her team to Olympicin Brazil in 2016.MichaelJordanImpressive skills7.He became known asand changed basketball with hisgraceful moves and jumps.His mental strength8.The secre

20、t to his success islearning from his9 9.Losing games taught his topractiseand never.1Sharing his success with others110.He founded the Boys and Girlsclub toyoung people in1996.设计意图:帮助学生熟练掌握文章重要内容,学会总结概括。通过对文章重要信息的反复让学生有更多练习口语表达、训练逻辑思维、建立自信的机会。【课后作业】【课后作业】Make an information card of your favorite “li

21、ving legend” and write down hisor her story with what you have learned.设计意图:拓展课外阅读,提高学生兴趣,引导积累写作素材,运用所学知识更好地实践,为后面的写作铺垫。【补充阅读材料】【补充阅读材料】Yao MingYao Ming, born in september in 1980 in Shang Hai, became a main member of thenational basketball team(CBA) at 18. In 2002, he went to America and joined the

22、 Hustonin the USA. On July 20th, he retired.Yao is the Chinese basketball landmark(里程碑,地标) in the history of man, inspiringChinese teenagers to pursue their dreams and proving that playing basketball can besuccessful. He was included in “THE WORLDS MOST INFLUNTIAL 100 PEOPLE” byTime Magazine and the

23、 full star in NBA seven times. Yao is a great person, who influencesboth China and the world-His value lies in beyond basketball,beyond borders.6He cares for wildlife and charity. As he once said”NO BUYING, NO KILLING !”【板书设计】【板书设计】Living legendsMain ideas:The magazine article refers to two great at

24、hletes:Lang Ping-the coachof the China womens volleyball team.Michael Jordan-the basketball player.She is successful.Three“As.”Lang PingHer determination/achievements(led her team to medals and even championat world championships and the Olympics.)His impressive skills(Air Jordan, changed.with.)MichaelJordanHis mental strength(made him unique.)Sharing his success.(The Boys and Girls Club)7课后反思:学生英语阅读思维及方法的培养和提高是一个漫长的过程,提高学生学习兴趣、提高课堂教学效率是我们教学的重点。我们要相信学生,多给他们表达甚至犯错的机会,让学生更多地参与到课堂,鼓励他们良性竞争,团队协作。合作学习可以让孩子们更好的认识自我,取长补短,优势互补,提高学习效率。8


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