(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures(第1课时)教案.docx

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1、Unit 3 DIVERSE CULTURESReading and Thinking:San Francisco A City of Diversity第 1 课时一、教学内容本课重点在于理清旅行日记的文体特征; 以时间轴和空间轴为基础, 梳理文本的浅层信息,即旧金山多元文化的体现和历史成因,初步了解旧金山的多元文化。二、课时目标1.通过快速阅读全文,注意到旅行日记的独特格式,明确旅行日记的文本特征。2.通过检索时间空间关键词、完成笔记摘抄,理清文章结构。3.通过在教会区探寻饮食艺术文化、在博物馆追溯城市文化的历史成因、在唐人街体验祖国文化,初步了解旧金山的多元文化。三、教学过程Activi

2、ty 1: Activating the background knowledge related to the topic“diverse cultures”本活动旨在为落实目标 1 作铺垫。1.Talk about cultureAsk students to work in pairs about the following two questions:Q1: Can you find one thing that represents Chinese culture in our classroom?Q2: Can you find one thing that represents

3、western cultures in our classroom?【设计意图】 学生两人一组找寻教室内可代表中国文化和西方文化的物品,并用英语表达,以此引出文化这个话题,同时激活相关话题语言。2.Talk about diverse culturesAsk students to work in pairs about the following two questions:Q1: Can you find one thing that can represent both Chinese culture andwestern cultures in your daily life?Q2:

4、Do you know any place where diverse cultures are mixed?【设计意图】从学生两人一组找寻可分别代表中国文化和西方文化的物品,过渡到找寻一个兼具中国文化元素和西方文化元素的物品, 引出文化融合的概念, 自然引出单元话题 “多元文化”。此后引导学生思考某个具有多元文化的地方,自然引出文章主题“一座多元文化之城”。整个过程既是话题的步步接近,又是话题词汇的逐步铺垫。3.Identify the city with diverse cultures mentioned in the passageAsk students to look at the

5、 map, the two pictures and the first sentence of thepassage and identify what city is mentioned in this passage.Q: What city is talked about in this passage?【设计意图】 通过浏览地图、 两幅图片和文章第一句话, 确定文章的聚焦对象为旧金山,为阅读做好准备。Activity 2: Reading for the general information of the travel journal本活动旨在落实目标 1 和目标 2。1.Get

6、familiar with the format of a travel journalAsk students to look at the layout of the passage and answer the following twoquestions.Q1: What is the writing style of the passage? How do you know?Q2: Who wrote it?【设计意图】学生通过观察,发现该文本在布局上与其它文本的两大不同之处:一是整个文本被放在活页笔记本上; 二是文本右上方出现了日期。 细心的学生还能发现该文本用第一人称撰写。根据这

7、些特点,学生可以判断此文本为旅行日志。在此基础上引导学生快速找出作者为中国游客李兰。 至此, 学生脑海中大致可以推断该文是李兰写的多元文化之城旧金山之旅。2.Find out the timeline and the places visited by Li LanAsk students to find out the time and the places mentioned and take noteswith the help of the following table.【设计意图】快速阅读的过程中,检索该旅行日志中的时间线索词和空间线索词并做笔记, 以此明了旅行日志一般按照时间顺序

8、和空间转移顺序展开叙述, 并梳理了该文本的基本写作框架。3.Use one sentence to summarize Li Lans traveling route in San FranciscoAsk students to work in pairs and use one sentence to summarize Li Lanstraveling route.Suggested answer: Li Lan visited the Mission District, a local museum andChinatown in San Francisco within one da

9、y.【设计意图】 学生两人一组,用一句话初步描述李兰一天之内参观的三个点,为后续的深入阅读和深入阅读后的进一步概括做好铺垫,以此引导学生逐步了解旧金山。Activity 3: Reading for the detailed information of San Francisco本活动旨在落实目标 3。1.Read for detailed information of the Mission DistrictAsk students to read Paragraph 2 carefully and answer the following threequestions.Q1: Which

10、 expression in Paragraph 2 can best show the diverse cultures of theMission District?Suggested answer: a real mix of cultures.Q2: What examples are listed?Suggested answer: Many of the people living here are from Mexico or CentralAmerica; graffiti and comic; Mexican-Chinese noodles.Q3: So what cultu

11、re forms are mixed in this place?Suggested answer: races, arts and food.【设计意图】 学生细读本段并找出可以提炼教会区多元文化的表达:a real mix ofcultures。而后,学生两人一组找寻多元文化的体现。在此基础上,提炼教会区多元文化体现于种族多样化、艺术表现形式多样化和食物多样化。这是一个先用文中表达概括,再用文中具体信息支撑, 最后用自己语言概括文化多样性表现形式的过程, 是信息的提炼与再加工的过程。2.Read for detailed information of the local museumAsk

12、 students to read Paragraph 3 carefully and explore the following fourquestions.Q1: Why did Li Lan choose the local museum as her next stop?Suggested answer: It is a place that showed the historical changes in California.Q2: What are the historical changes?Suggested answer: America got California fr

13、om Mexico; the gold discoverynear San Francisco led to people from all over the world going there, includingmany Chinese; immigrants earned a living by doing various jobs; they built theirhomes there.Q3: Did the historical changes lead to diverse cultures of San Francisco? How?Suggested answer: Yes.

14、 People around the world went to San Francisco to seektheir fortune and many stayed there from then on, thus contributing to the diversecultures there.Q3: What did the Chinese do there to earn a living?Suggested answer: Some opened up shops and restaurants; some found jobson farms, joined the gold r

15、ush, or went to build the railway.【设计意图】 从探究“李兰为何选择博物馆作为她游览的第二站”这个问题开始,引导学生逐步明白旧金山的多元文化并非一朝一夕之内形成, 而是有其历史背景及原因。 如果说在教会区李兰体会到的是横向的多元文化, 那么她的博物馆之旅则是纵向的文化感知与体验。本段的设计重点在于通过问题链,引导学生了解旧金山多元文化的历史成因及意义,同时初步感受中国移民们在淘金热时期生活之艰难。3.Read for detailed information of ChinatownAsk students to read Paragraph 4 carefu

16、lly and answer the following twoquestions.Q1: What did Li Lan find in Chinatown?Q2: Compared with the life during the gold rush, what kind of life do theChinese live in San Francisco now?Suggested answer: During the gold rush, the Chinese people struggled tomake a living while now they may live a be

17、tter life and can even spread Chineseculture there.【设计意图】细读本段并找出李兰在唐人街的所见,在此基础上推测中国移民现在在旧金山的生活与淘金热时期生活的差异,感知移民们从 struggle to survive 到 struggle tothrive 的转变。Activity 4: Summarizing the cultural trip in San Francisco本活动旨在为落实目标 3。1.Work in groups of four and summarize the cultural trip in three differ

18、entplaces in San FranciscoAsk the students to work in groups of four and summarize the whole journeyagain by adding some detailed information of the three places.Suggested answer: First, she visited the Mission District, where she experienceda real mix of cultures. Then, she visited a local museum,

19、which was a window for thehistorical changes of the city. Here, Li Lan had a deeper understanding of thediverse cultures in this city from the historical perspective. Chinatown was the lastplace she visited that day. It is a place where Chinese culture is displayed.【设计意图】 学生四人一组,进一步归纳李兰的旧金山多元文化体验之旅。

20、引导学生按照时间顺序表达清楚一天的旅程, 同时概括清楚三个地点的文化多样性的体现, 是对初读文章后一句话概括的进一步深化,同时为本节课的作业做好铺垫。AssignmentPolish the summary which has been discussed at the end of the class.【设计意图】一方面帮助学生巩固旅行日志中提到的不同地方,强化主题语言;另一方面引导学生对多元文化的体现有更深的记忆和理解。同时本作业也将成为第二课时的导入。A possible version:Within one day, Li Lan experienced the diverse cul

21、tures in San Francisco. First,she visited the Mission District, where she experienced a real mix of cultures. Then,she visited a local museum, which was a window for the historical changes of thecity. Here, Li Lan had a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures in this city fromthe historical perspective. Chinatown was the last place she visited that day. It is aplace where Chinese culture is displayed. It is really a cultural trip!


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