(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 2 短语过关 学案含答案.docx

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1、人教版必修第三册人教版必修第三册 unit2 短语过关短语过关1.说出与 entrust 有关的短语(1)_ 把 A 委托给 B(2)_把 B 委托/交付给 A1.entrustA to B2.entrustAwith B2.说出与 carry 有关的短语(1)_帮助某人渡过难关(2)_继续做(3)_执行1.carry sb.through2.carry on doing/with.3.carry out3.说出与 majority 有关的短语(1)_大多数(2)_占大部分/大多数1.a/the majority of.2.be in the/a majority4.说出与 respond 有

2、关的短语(1)_对做出回应或反应(2)_响应;答复(3)_回答,对做出回应1.respond to2.in response to3.make (a) response to5.说出与 appoint 有关的短语(1)_任命某人为(2)_委派某人做某事(3)_与某人约会/预约1.appoint sb.as/to be.2.appoint sb.to do sth.3.make/have an appointment with sb.6.说出与 tend 有关的短语(1)_.容易/易于/趋向(2)_照顾/护理/看护(3)_倾向于做;喜欢做1.tend to do/be2.tend (to) sb

3、./sth.3.have a tendency to do sth.7.说出与 replace 有关的短语(1)_ 以 B 代替/替换 A(2)_代替1.replace Awith/by B 2.replace sth.take the place of sth.8.说出与 whisper 有关的短语(1)_与某人耳语(2)_耳语地;低声地(3)_在某人耳旁小声说某事1.whisper to sb.2.in a whisperin whispers 3.whisper sth.in ones ear9.说出与 assist 有关的短语(1)_在某方面帮助某人(2)_帮助(某人)做某事(3)_在

4、的帮助下1.assist sb.in/with sth. 2.assist (sb.) to do/in doing sth.3.with the assistance of.10.说出与 disguise 有关的短语(1)_把装扮成(2)_伪装;化装1.disguise.as. 2.in disguise11.说出与 despair 有关的短语(1)_陷入绝望(2)_逼得某人走投无路(3)_对做某事不抱希望1.in despair 2.drive sb.to despair 3.despair of doing sth.12.说出与 pass 有关的短语(1)_去世(2)_把传给后世(3)_

5、把传递给(4)_走过;经过1.pass away2.pass sth.down 3.pass.on to. 4.pass by13.说出与 harm 有关的短语(1)_对某人有害(2)_做某事无害处。(3)_-对有害1.do harm to sb./do sb.harm2.There is no harm (in) doing sth. 3.be harmful to单句语法填空1He replaced the pudding _ mashed potatoes.2In spite of the difficulty,I will carry _ my plan.3Typically,peop

6、le tend _(make) mistakes when tired.4She majors in history while the _(major) of her friends major in science.5China is starting research into 6G,_(make) it one of the first countries to do so.6My colleague,Sam,_(appoint) as manager of the engineering department to replaceGeorge last week.7 While we

7、 cant control how a person will respond_our views, we must learn to disagreewith our friends in love.1.with2. out 3. to make 4. majority5.making 6. was appointed 7. to.单句写作16他不顾生病坚持工作。(in spite of)_17我们已经养成了每天晚饭后散步的习惯。(it 作形式宾语)_18无论谁违背规则,都要受到惩罚。(让步状语从句)_19这种新药的发现对心脏病患者来说意义重大。(significance)_20有很多事情要

8、处理,我不能去农场收庄稼了。(with 复合结构)_21.在我看来,没有什么比健康在生活中更重要的了。_22.在得出结论之前,我们应该进行更多的研究。_23.我们很高兴听到你已经被任命为你的学校足球队的队长。_16.He keeps working in spite of his illness.17.We have made it a habit to walk after supper every day.18.No matter who/Whoever breaks the rules will be punished.19.The discovery of the new drug i

9、s of great significance for/to people suffering from heartproblems.20.With a lot of things to deal with,I cant go to the farm to harvest the crops.21In my opinion,nothing is more important than health in life.22Before drawing a conclusion,we should carry out more research23We are glad to hear that you have been appointed as captain of your school football team.


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