(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Discovering Useful Structures 同步一练(含答案).doc

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1、第 1页(共 11页)Unit2 Wildlife protectionSection B Discovering Useful Structures一、单词拼写1The program i_ to help the homeless was set up.2I cant make a promise that you will make a p_.3Some people think that students should be trained todefend themselves against some a_(攻击)4Id prefer to _(保留) my thoughts un

2、til I findall the evidence.5The number of people infected with HIV may reach 50million by 2020 unless _(有效的) measures are taken toprevent the spread of the disease.6David t_ to report his neighbor to the police ifthe damages were not paid.7Rules of online voting should be worked out and strictly_(遵守

3、)8Unfortunately,he was _(射死) dead.9With my special care,my mother _(康复) quickly.10 In this heavenly world , people live in perfect_(和谐) with nature.二、单句语法填空1This photo album serves as a _(remind) of the mostimportant moment of my life.2The children wonder when and how the universe came into第 2页(共 11

4、页)_(exist)3There must have been an angel watching _ me thatday.4Who do you think is the poster intended _?5The green development means the development of theeconomy should be _ harmony with the protection of theenvironment.6God loves you at each stage of _(recover) andgrowth.7Good afternoon! Have yo

5、u made a _(reserve) forthe room?8 Icouldnotbelievemyeyes.Shewasfarmore_(beauty) than I had imagined.9Most problems dont directly _(threat) peace andsecurity and rarely contribute to conflict.10Illegally parked vehicles will be _(remove)三、阅读理解AWhen I took Amy home from the animal shelter,she wasscare

6、d.I believed she had been abused(虐待) because she wasafraid of anything my husband,Bill,or I held in our hands.Witha lot of care and attention,she became a great dog thatsurprised us every day.About three years ago,Amy and I joined a volunteer project第 3页(共 11页)called Canines with Class.At our first

7、school visit,OfficerLisa called Amy and asked her to show how to shake hands andgive a high five.The students clapped(拍手) in joy and Amyreceived a reward.Then the students got to touch the dog.Oneby one they came up to meet Amy.Some of them started talkingto me about their own pets.I didnt feel worr

8、ied any more.Ithought the children liked staying with us.On our next school visit,I put a big chain(链条) on Amysneck and walked away from her.You could see that Amy was nothappy.When I took the chain off her neck,Amy shook her tailhappily and wouldnt stop licking(舔) my face.That was when wetalked abo

9、ut“breaking the chain” On our third school trip,Amy started acting poorly whenit was time to show off a few tricks.The students watched tosee how I would correct her mistakes.It was a good chance toexplain that if your dog doesnt do exactly what you ask,youdont have to shout at her or hit her to mak

10、e it right.I thinkthe children have learned a lot about respect and patience.Amy loves the program and has come so far since I found hera few years ago.Amy has broken the chain,and the love she givesto those children will help them become good pet owners.1During the first school visit,the author was

11、 mostprobably_AnervousBencouragedCcalmDupset第 4页(共 11页)2What was the purpose of the second school visit?ATo show how dogs get happy.BTo encourage children to be free.CTo encourage children to save dogs.DTo show why we should stop using dog chains.3What did the children learn from the third school tr

12、ip?ADogs are stupid at times.BEveryone makes mistakes.CDog owners should be patient.DPeople should respect each other.BMy elephant adventures began in 1984 when,with our oneyearold daughter, my husband and I crossed the jungle in a jeep,sticking behind a lorry for comfort and company.The elephantsst

13、anding like watchers on either side of the forest highway hadus praying for our safety.One elephant made loud noise andangrily pawed (抓) the ground,warning us off.We raced awaybefore they could attack.It was wise to keep elephants at a distance.We heard storiesof tourists whose jeeps were overturned

14、,and a couple ofphotographerswerekilledbecausetheymovedtooclose.Elephants are misleading animals.They give people animpression of being quiet and kind,so tourists think its safeto picnic in the jungle.Yet angry elephants have knocked themdown in seconds before they could take off.第 5页(共 11页)Elephant

15、smightmakelifeunpredictableanddangerous.Its difficult for inexperienced environmentaliststo even begin to grasp this reality.Ive heard city people say“We humans are encroaching (侵害) on their forests.” Butwhats the solution?When a poor farmer borrows heavily to plant a crop,helldo anything to protect

16、 it.His life depends on it.Elephantsruining an abouttobeharvested corn field cannot expect tobe welcomed like special guests.The battle between beast andfarmer is violent.Expertsareworkingonsolutionstohuman elephantconflicts (冲突)Some are sure to fail to like the plan to buildelectric fences around h

17、uman settlements. Elephants rapidlyfigure them out and come in,around and over them.There are more questions than answers,for sure.But as myhusband said, “More people die in car accidents every singleday,in every city on the earth.But they wont take cars offthe roads,will they?” So we need to seek p

18、ractical ways ofpreventing elephant accidents.4What is the writers purpose in writing Paragraph 1?ATo tell readers her familys experience of elephantadventures.BTo show readers elephants are angry and dangerous.CTo introduce the topic of the whole passage.DTo describe how her family keep away from e

19、lephants.第 6页(共 11页)5Why do tourists think it is safe to picnic in the jungle?AThey think elephants are quiet and kind.BThey havent heard the stories of elephant killingpeople.CThey like elephants too much.DThey think they can race away in seconds.6What does a poor farmer do to protect his crops?AWe

20、lcome elephants like special guests.BFight with elephants for his harvest.CStop planting crops.DDepend on elephants for his life.7What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?AIt is a good idea to build electric fences around humansettlements.BIt is impossible to find a solution to settle humanele

21、phant conflicts.CWe should first reduce car accidents to prevent elephantaccidents.DIt is our duty to protect elephants rather than kill them.四、概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。Work is a very important part of life in the UnitedStates.When the early immigrants came to this country,theybrought the ide

22、a that work was the way to God and heaven.Thisattitude still influences America today.Work is not only第 7页(共 11页)important for the salary,but also for social and psychologicalworking, being productive.For most Americans, they are what theydo.What happens,then,when a person retires at the age of sixt

23、yfive or seventy? Its easy to imagine that retirement is noeasy thing.Retirees often feel they are unproductive and nolonger needed by others.Once people retire,they may also get into financialtrouble.Many people rely on Social Security checks everymonth.During their working years , employees contri

24、bute acertain percentage of their salaries to the government.Whenpeople retire,they receive this money as income.These checksdo not provide enough money to live on,however,because pricesare increasing very rapidly.After retirement,they have tochange their lifestyles.They have to spend carefully to b

25、e surethat they can afford to buy food,fuel,and other necessities.Of course,not all senior citizens feel sad when they arein face of retirement.Working for so many years, they eventuallyhave time to spend with their families or to enjoy their hobbiessuch as reading,traveling or joining some senior c

26、itizenclubs.Some continue to work part time; others choose to dovolunteer work like helping young people to get started in newbusiness.American government is taking steps to ease the problemsof retired people.They are building new housing,offeringdiscounts in stores and museums and on buses,and prov

27、iding第 8页(共 11页)other services,such as free courses,food service,and helpwith housework.It is wise to do so.Retired citizens are animportant part of the population and their special needs mustbe concerned about.After all,everyone will be a senior citizensomeday._第 9页(共 11页)一、单词拼写1.intended2.profit3.

28、attack4.reserve5effective6.threatened7.observed8.shot9recovered10.harmony二、单句语法填空1.reminder2.existence3.over4for5.in6.recovery7.reservation8beautiful9.threaten10.removed三、阅读理解1.B推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 的 “ Someofthemstarted.staying with us.”可推断,刚开始作者也很担心,但是和孩子们交流之后发现,孩子们也喜欢他们来学校,因此作者深受鼓舞。2.D细节理解题。 根据第

29、三段的 “That was when we talked aboutbreaking the chain ”可知,第二次去学校交流的目的是为了告诉孩子们狗不喜欢被链子拴住,我们应该停止使用狗链。3.C推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 的 “ Itwasagoodchance.respect and patience.”可推断,孩子们学会了对宠物要有耐心。4.C推理判断题。根据第一段中的“My elephant adventuresbegan in 1984”(1984 年,我的大象探险活动开始了)可知,第一段是为了介绍整篇文章的主题,故选 C。5.A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The

30、y give people animpression of being quiet and kind.in the jungle.”他们给人们安静和蔼的印象,所以游客们认为在丛林里野餐是安全的,故选第 10页(共 11页)A。6.B细节理解题。根据第四段中的“His life depends onit.Elephants ruining an abouttobeharvested corn filedcannot expect to be welcomed like special guest.is violent.”他的生活就靠它了。大象毁坏了即将收成的庄稼地,就不能指望像特殊客人一样受到欢

31、迎。野兽和农夫之间的战斗是激烈的。可知选 B。7.D推理判断题。根据最后两段可知,尤其是最后一段中的“Sowe need to seek practicalwaysofpreventingelephantaccidents.(我们需要寻找可行的方法来预防大象事故。)”可知,我们应该保护大象,而不是杀死它们。故选 D。四、概要写作Work plays an extremely important role in American culture,so people find retirement difficult as they may feel uselesswithout jobs(要点

32、1)Retirement can also bring financialproblems as Social Security checksdontprovide enoughmoney(要点 2)However, some senior citizens feel happy aboutretirement as they finally get time to do what they reallywant(要点 3). American government is solving retired citizensproblems and concerning their special needs, which is wise andnecessary, because everyone will get old(要点 4)第 11页(共 11页)


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